I:1§ffl'3fp5?^"-T''- i CAMPUS NEWS COMPLETELY COVERED BY DEPARTMENT OF JOURNALISM STUDENTS ^apptj N*'tirl?ar VOL. XXIX. TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY, FORT WORTH, TEXAS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19,^93%) NO. 13. Sigmund Spaeth ZACext Xecturer Huxley Cites Differences in Junior Favorites Style Show Will To Give Music English and American Athletics Be Given Jan. 13 Lecture Jan. 7 "At Oxford, college is a semi-inde- seem afraid to teach the inhabitants i By Horned Frog pendent institution r. ;und which a biology because it implies evolution. "There is no question about evolution. | "The Common Sense of man's social life centers," said Julian There are many direct proofs of its 17 Candidates Vie for Huxley, noted sr tiat, writer ar.d bi- existence," he said. Music" to Be ologist, in an interview before his lec- "People today are no apt to forget I 8 Selections to ture last week. "At Oxford the col- the span of time. When the millions! Discussed leges are made up of comparatively of years in which evolution has been: Be Named. small groups, that is, from 100 to 300 taking place is considered, even a cen-1 IS NOTED MUSIC CRITIC men. There th . make use of the tury is an excessively small length of j GIRLS CHOOSE ESCORTS tutorial system which differs from time," Prof. Huxle-r said. "There is the American colleges." a long road ahc-.d of UB in evolution, Leading Department Stores to Is Author of 'Words and Music,' When questioned concerning the and what is known today is not the 'Barber Shop Ballads,' difference in the athleticr In England last word on the subject by any Furnish Evening Gowns and America, Prof. Huxley said that mca..:. However, there is more pros- for Favorites. 'Jack and Jill.' the one difference that he noted par- pect of controlling evolution now than ticularly (when he was a professor ever before." Sigmund Spaeth, mimic critic lec- In discussii.g conditions in Africa, Jan. 13 will be the date of the at Rice Institute) was that there Horned Erog style show to be held turer and pianist, will lecture in the were so few men competing. He con- Prof. Huxley said that the greatest in the University, auditorium instead T. C. U. adultorium Jan. 7 on "The sidered this, a fault of the American' fault in the educati. system was of Jan. 9 as announced before, ac- y athletics. the fact that the people of Western Common Sense of Music" (painless- cording to Sterling Brown, editor of "In Oxford, half of the men in the civilization come in and attempt to the 1931 Horned Frog. Conflict with ly removing the inferiority complex college represent the teams, and there taks all of the native customs away of the average listener.) Spaeth is a conference basketball game was is much inter" t aroused when the from the people and do not leave any- given as the reason for the change. the fifth lecturer on the T. C. U. colleges play each other. Then, too, thing to take the place of the cus- public lecture series. SIGMUND SPAETH The style show will be a presenta- there is a greater variety of sports toms. "It would ! 1 * if the new tion of the 17 candidates for the Spaeth, who has his Ph.D. degree in which to participate in England," ideas were added sic y if they were eight duo-tone favorite pages in the from Princeton Universitly, has gsin- he said. all based on a founda'on made up of yearbook. Voting will be done after ed a national reputation because of Prof. Huxley, who has recently re- the customs of the pc 'e. There are the appearance of the girls accord- his ability as a pianist, according to turned from a four months' tour of really some fine customs to be found Cantata Given in t'.. i tribes, and *hey .re far better ing to classes the night of the style^ Mrs. Helen Fouls Cahoon who has Africa where he studied the condi- show. Two girls from each class appeared in joint recital with Spseth tions there, said that the pople (par- suited to the condition of the country than some of the ideas given the peo- will be selected. both in Chicago and New York. He At Fellowship ticularly the various : ligious denomi- The candidates will appear in eve- has a delfghtful personality, and he nations who have schools in Africa) ple by Western civilization." ning gowns furnished by leading de- has a way of coming down to'the partment stores of Fort Worth. Ar- level of the average listener and High School Students rangements have already been made making him enjoy classical music by Catalog Course for the gowns. explaining it to him," Mrs. Cahoon Present Christmas Barrett Elected The senior girls and their escorts ■aid. Program. Is Increased— are as follows: Miss Texora Pierce Critic* have praised Spaeth highly To Go to Detroit will be escorted by Horace Wallin; for his work as a lecturer and have Miss Frances Veale by Gordon Cope- 'Wondrou3 Story," a Christmas Since 1910 Class said of him: "He keeps his hearers land; Miss Nell Muse by Hal Wright, happy with the infallible combina- cantata by Kountz, was presented j Hutton and Leftwich and Miss Shelia Grace Whitener by Sunday night for the University Re- j The freshman of 1910 was baffled Jerry Blount. tion of music, lsughter and human by a catalog listing 226 courses. In the junior class Miss Lillian understanding. In many cases a ligious Fellowship by music students Will Also Attend of the Jennings Avenue Junior High j What to take? That was the ques- Eylers will be escorted by Foster program chairman merely turns tion. But the freshman of 1930 has Howell; Miss Elizabeth Ruff by Spaeth loose with a piano "and leaves School under the direction of Miss Convention. Katherine Pearce. a still greater problem with 388 Johnnie Vaught; Miss Marian Smith the rest to him." Spaeth, who re- courses staring him in the face. The the by A. T. Barrett, and Miss Mary cords for the Ampico records, has a Miss Pearce was assisted by Miss A. T. Barrett, president of Edith Kelsey of T.C.U., soprano, student of 1920 had 231 courses to both Louise Gilliam by Gibson Randle. favorite trick of playing a piece with deal with. student body, was elected by The sophomore candidates and their a record to a certain point in the John Coffman, reader, and Miss Mar- the freshman-sophomore and junior- EcznoeT* /ft/A* A*?/PV LovlfC OlLL'ITM garet Moriarty, accompanist. Mrs. Today T. C. U. has five separate escorts are: Miss Marian Miller will piece, then leaving the piano, he lets schools with a total of 48 depart- senior chapels to represent T. C. U. (Editor's note: This layout is the second of a series of class favorites be escorted by Jack Langdon: Miss the record complete the piece. Helen Fouts Cahoon introduced the Margaret Reeder by L. O. Dallas; leaders. ment*. These schools are: The Add- at the student-faculty convention in selected in the recent primary elections for candidates for pages in the "Milton's Knowledge of Music," Ran College of Arts and Science, The Miss Eloise Barkesdale by Bill The program was as follows: Detroit Dec. 27-31. The student body year-book. Above are the four junior ssfeVtions, who will participate in George, and Miss Mozelle Bryant by "The Common Sense of Music," "Bar- Brite College of the Bible, The the final election to be held in the form of a style show on Jan. 13. Lillian ber Shop Ballads," "Words and Mu- The Desire of Israel . Wilson is making up money for his trans- Billie Dickie. The Shepherds Kountz School of Education, The School of Eylers, Shreveport, La.; Marian Smith, Fort Worth; Elizabeth Ruff, sic," "Read 'Em and Weep: The Fine Arts, and The Graduate School. portation. Freshman girls and their escorts The Stars Are Laughing With Brownsville, and Mary Louise Gilliam, Fort Worth.) are Miss Marie Weldert and Sterling Songs You Forgot to Remember," The Add-Ran College of Arts and S. W. Hutton, chairman of the ■ad "Jack and Jill' are among the Joy Kountz Brown; Mi»s Margaret Harrison and On to Bethlehem Lighthill Science includes the following de- University Religious Fellowship, will ' hooks he has written. He is par- partments: Bible, bit logy and geol- John Martin; Miss Jean Harrell and Miss Kelsey and Chorus be sent as the faculty representative. Murder Stalks J. R. Stuart, and Miss Lucille Beas- ticularly well-known for his transla- ogy, chemistry, business administra- Dean L. L.. Leftwich will alsajto^as Dinner Is Given tions of songs from the Spanish, Into the Town of Bethlehem tion, economics, English, modern ley and Lonnie Beasley. Kountz he ts the secretary of the Commis- Cats and Dogs At the Horned Frog staff meeting •"•* French, German and Russian to Eng- languages, government, Greek, his- sion on Counciling for the conven- lish. Spaeth has also written guide Boy's Choir (Unchanged Voices) By Amon Carter Monday night the editor appointed tory, home economics, journalism, tion. books of various operas, librettos and Offering in charge of A. Preston In Youth's Job Miss Helen Jenkins and Miss Jacque mathematics, philosophy, physical . Meetings of the convention will be Lansdale to head a committee to magazine articles, and he has been Gray. training, physics, psychology, public Oh Hear, All Ye Nations Kountz held in the Book-Cadillac Hotel at De- There is an ill-fated young man in Speeches, Band Music decorate the stage.
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