Sept. 3,1981 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-SAINT LOUIS Issue 400 UMSL feels crunch Library hour cuts cause concern Lacey Burnette the evening college students the hardest. " Budget cuts have forced Li­ This year's library budget is Library Budget Comparison brary Director Ronald Krash to 12.8 percent below last year's reduce library hours by 18.9 expenditures. The largest reduc­ percent. Last year the Thomas tion came in staffing where 1 980-81 1981-82 Difference Jefferson Library was open 87Yl S118,896.80 less was budgeted Expenditures hours a week. Under present for this year than was spent last Budget scheduling the library will be year. -$118,897 open 71 hours a week. The "We couldn't cut personnel Staff $758,628 $639,731 Education Library will also be and we did our best to retain the open only 71 hours a week. services we could," Krash said. "In order to continue to give full Materials $684,924 $ 640,000 - $44,924 "We are at the stage where services -while we are open we . we either have to cut hours or had to cut back on the hours." cut whole services out," Krash Operations $138,734 $99,237 -$39,497 Krash said that the money said. saved by reducing the hours Hardest hit by the reduction went toward adding staff to the w.ere the evening hours. Last Total $1,582,286 $1,378,968 -$203,318 day operations. "When you have year the library was open until dwindling resources, you need to 11pm, Monday-Thursday. This have full staffing," he said. year's scheduled hours call for year, circulation was up 19.1 "I expect to purchase 3000 less service reduction somewhere. " We did our best to retain the the library to close at 9:30pm. percent over the previous year books this year," he said. Last "We're just touching the tip services we could." Hours were also reducei:l by and has gone up in each of the year the library purchased of the iceberg here," he said. One example of full service opening at 8am instead of last three years. In addition, 14,000 books. "If the current "The problem we have now is a can be seen in reference desk 7:30am and eliminating the Sa­ Interlibrary Loan requests by funding trend continues, I'll long-term effect. My operations hours. Last year the reference turday hours. Last year the UMSL patrons increased 98.5 probably have to cut back on budget is down to bare essen­ desk was open for 67 hours a library was open from 10am-6pm percent in 1980-81. This year's periodicals next year," he tials and I've already made week. This year it will still be on Saturday: record enrollment is not expect­ added. reductions in materials' pur­ open for 661f2 hours a week. "After a few weeks of exper­ ed to detract from those figures, Krash said that it would cost chases." One reason, Krash felt, for ience with the new hours we will according to Krash. about S4300 to keep both librar­ "There is no fat here." the need to maintain full service be reviewing them," Krash said. But hours were not the only ies open to 11pm, and that to try Krash emphasized that the was increased circulation. Last "We realize that we're hitting reductions Krash implemented. to do that would mean a large library hours will be reviewed. Student health insurance up 540/0 Last October, Stephen Slater, duration of the term, even if the MIchele Keyes a student at UMKC, charged the term exceeds the cancellation . date of the policy (Aug. 15, The cost of the accident and university with discriminating against women in the student 1982), according to Nancy Sea­ sickness insurance offered by man at the Education Insurance the University to students this health insurance policy. He year is 54 percent higher than stated that the student health Service. A miscarriage will be paid for the plan offered last year. Last insurance plan excluded or re­ under the general guidelines of year the insurance cost S50 for stricted pregnancy-related bene­ the policy. Abortions are consid­ the entire year. This year the fits. Jesse High, director of premium is S77. The policy, Region VII of the Office of Civil ered elective surgery and there­ administered by the Education Rights, stated in a letter that fore are not covered by the Insurance Service, is in effect Title IX regulations (Section policy. from August 15, 1981 to August 106.40(b)(4» require recipients Under the general guidelines of the policy, Education insur­ 15, 1982. to treat pregnancy as any other The increase in the premium temporary disability with respect ance Service will pay for the first S300 in doctor's fees and miscel­ was caused by the inclusion of to any plan or policy offered to laneous charges, and 80 percent pregnancy-related benefits in the students. standard policy coverage and This year's plan has been of the charges thereafter. Mis­ by increasing other benefits al­ been revised to eliminate sexual cellaneous charges include: use ready offered: Last year, women discrimination. The new policy of operating rooms, anasthesia had the option to purchase covers pregnancy using the preventative medications, plaster pregnancy coverage in addition same guidelines as injury or casts and splints, x-rays, surgi­ to the regular policy. The preg­ illness. To receive coverage, a cal appliances, laboratory tests, woman cannot conceive before and an oxygen tent. The amount NO WORDS NEEDED: The shirt Frederick Spencer, an associate nancy coverage added S75 to the cost of the insurance, making the policy goes into effect (Aug. the policy will pay for the use of professor In social work, wore to the day of concern expressed his 15). Once the policy is in effect, a hospital room .was increased to opinion [photo by Cedric R. Anderson]. the total cost for women desiring pregnancy coverage S125. a pregnancy is covered for the S125 from Sl00. IIState·supported, Enrollment not state assisted" sets record inside - While official enrollment fig­ The first Organizers of last Thursday's together a very good faculty. If ures will not be established until day day of Concern at UMSL admit the current pattern of funding after classes have been in ses­ The Orst day. of college that the rally was a "media continues this is going to be sion for a month, the unofficial can be confusing for any event." In that respect it could lost," he added. headcount is the highest in I The "Current pattern of fund­ incoming freshman. Pam be considered successful: KTVI, UMSL's history. Ecsedy 'recounts her Drst KMOX, and KSDK all carried ing" Roth was referring to is the Registrar H.E. Mueller re­ lack of support .the university is day experience at UMSL ..... the event in evening newscasts, ports a record enrollment of ....................page 7 Ne·w faces and the Globe-Democrat and receiving from the state. In 11 ,852. Several hundred late Both the men's and women's Post-Dispatch ran articles about 1980-81, three percent of the registrations are expected. Last soccer teams consl.ts of seve - the rally. But it is too early to university's state appropriated year's official enrollment was aI newcomers. Check out this tell if the rally was successful in funds where withheld, and for 11,380. Greek fun year'. soccer preview for de- its purpose which was to make "We see an unusual increase 1981-82, a "standstill Dudget" Fraternities and So· taII ••••••••••••••••• page 19 the public aware of the financial in the enrollment of non-tradi­ of S170 million was cut by 10 rorltles have a lot of plight of the university. percent. According to informa­ tional students--especially in the edltorl.I•••••••••• 4-5 tion compiled by the Day of number of men returning to fun, but they "People look at the equipment Concern participants, Missouri finish their undergraduate do more than fe.ture.l.n ••••• 9,13-16 and resources we have here and already ranks in the lower one· degrees--and in the number of Just party ••••••• they laugh," Paul A. Roth, an fifth in state spending for higher transfer students from other •••.•••• page 9 center.pre.d ••••••• 10-11'· assistant professor in philosophy education. schools and colleges," Mueller and one of the organizers of the said. "Another noticeable in­ calend~r •••••••••• 12 rally, said in an interview. "This [See .. DIy," page 8J crease is in the number of school has managed to put women who have enrolled in .por••• ' •••••• 17-20 ~ graduate school. " page2CURRENT Sept.3, 1981 newsbriefs School of Education receives accreditation The doctoral and superintendent programs offered by UMSL's School of Education have been certified by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). The certifi­ cation was part of the School of Education's reaccreditation process, conducted every 10 years by NCATE. NCATE cited the School of Education for strength in three areas: the quality of the faculty, clinical and field experience activities, and the research component of the doctoral program. Associate Dean and NCATE Coordinator Doris A. Trojcak said, "Accreditation is an asset for our students. Graduation from an NCATE accredited institution is an added advantage when our students begin to seek employment." Optometry receives grant RAINED OUT: Expo'SO had been a great success, so an Expo '81 was held; more or less. This year's UMSL's School of Optometry has received a grant of $14,300 to Expo had to compete against periodic thunderstorms and didn't always come out ahead (photo by help it recruit minority students.
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