UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 1 Date 30/05/2006 Time 9:39:24 AM S-0863-0001-01-00001 Expanded Number S-0863-0001 -01 -00001 Title items-in-Peace-keeping operations - India/Pakistan - India - correspondence with the Permanent Representative of India Date Created 29/03/1971 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0863-0001: Peace-Keeping Operations Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant: India/Pakistan Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit 29 March 1971 (6:10 p.m.) S-G from Ramses: " Amb. Sen of India stated to Correspondents after his meeting with you that he had asked the S-G the following on behalf of his government: 1. S-G should take initiative to advise Pakistani Government to exercise restraint and prevent slaughter of unarmed people in East Pakistan. 2. S-G should study what kind of relief these people from East Pakistan need. 3- The S-G might study international assistance to India to help refugees already coming into India from East Pakistan. " B. Text of Statement by Prime Minister/ Mrs. Indira Gandni/ in tne Lok Sat>na/ on Marcn 27/ 1971/ on tne recent developments in tne Indian su£>-continent. Intervening in tne discussion on tne statement made by tne Minister of External Affairs on recent developments in Pakistan/ in tne Lok Sabnaf on Marcn 21, 1971/ tne Prime Minister/ Mrs. Indira Gandni said: (f- The point is tnat tnis news (regarding tne arrest of Sheikn Mujiour Ranman) nas come tnrougn Radio Pakistan and tnerefore I cannot say vmetner it is true or not. But we snould not take it as true Decause it could £>e just propaganda. Our strengtn does not lie in words. If my colleague Sardar Swaran Singn nas not spoken witn passion/ it is not Bsosai for lack of feeling eitner on nis part or on tne part of Government/ out because of tne fact tnat we are deeply conscious of tne nistoric importance of tnis movement and tne seriousness of tne situation. Sometning new nad nappened in East Bengal democratic action/ wnere tne entire people nad spoken witn almost one voice. We nad welcomed tnis not Because we wanted any interference in anotner country's affairs/ out because tnere were values as one of my nonouraole friends pointed out/ for wnicn we nave always stood and for wnicn we nave always spoken out. And we nad noped tnat tnis action would lead to new situation in our neignoouring country/ wnicn would nelp us to get closer/ wnicn would neip us to serve our own people oetter and create an entirely new situation. As our statement nas said/ tnis nas not nappened and tne wonderful opportunity for «szm strengtnening of Pakistan nas been lost and nas neen lost in a manner wnicn is tragic/ wnicn is agonising and aoout wnicn we cannot find strong enougn words to speak/ J36gssa^SS33^5i?^E8^gr33a!^^ It is not merely tne suppression of a movement/ out it is meeting unarmed people witn tanks. We are in close toucn/ as close toucn witn tne events as is possiole in sucn a situation. I am sure* nonouraole memoers will understand tnat it is not possible for tne Government to say very mucn more on tnis occasion nere. I would like to assure tne nonouraole memoers wno asked wnetner decisions would oe taken on time; obviously tnat is tne most important tning to do. There is no point in taKing a "tw^ decision when time for it is over. We are fully alive to tne A situation and we snail keep constantly in toucn witn wnat is happening and wnat we need to do. But I agree witn nim also tnat a. we must not take merely tneoretical view. At tne same time/ A we do nave to follow proper international norms. But tnere are various otner suggestions made nere aoout tne genocide and so on/ aoout wnicn we are fully conscious and wnicn we ^ve also discussed witn leaders of opposition. I tnink at tnis moment I can only say tnat we do fully snare tne emotions of tne House and tneir deep concern over tnese developments/ oecause we nave always nelieved tnat freedom is indivisible. We nave always raised our voice for tnose wno -tkfe have suffered. But in a serious moment like tnis/ less we A as a Government say/ I tnink/** nette- r it is at tnis JBeasBSSffite* "Unye . A I can assure tne House tnat we snail keep in close toucn witn tne leaders of opposition so tnat tney can continue to give us tneir suggestions and we can also give tnem wnatever v knowledge we nave. The Government of In ia cannot taut be gravely concerned at events taking place so close to our tor .ers. We can, therefore, understand the deep emotions which have been aroused in this House •fte, and in entire country, A Hon'ble Members are, I am sure, fully aware of the political developments in Pakistan since November 28, 1969 when the President of Pakistan announced his plan for evolving a democratic constitution and for the transfer of power to the elected representatives of the people. The Government and people of India have always entertained friendliest of feelings for the people of Pakistan. We had, therefore, hoped that a democratic evolution in Pakistan would follow its natural course and th- t elected representatives would a evolve constitution reflecting the urges of the vast majority of*^ke A people expressed through the elections held in December last year. However, events have taken a different and tragic turn. Instead of peaceful evolution, there is now a bloody conflict. According to reports received, the Paid. £ tan Army started taking action on midnight of 25th and 26th March against units of East Pakistan Rifles, Provincial Police and the people. Reports are that casualties have been heavy. On the morning of -flu. March 26, Radio Station at Dacca was seized by the Army. Thereafter, A Radio Station made an announcement of 15 new Martial Law Regulations banning among other things all political activities, processions, meetings, speeches and slogans. Complete censorship of all news, radio and television programmes was imposed. More than two regular Divisions of Pakistan Army are A deployed in suppressing the people of East Pakistan. Our hearts go out in sympathy to the people who are undergoing great suffering. - 2 - We naturally wish and hope that even at this late stage it would be possible to resume democratic processes leading to fte. fulfilment of the aspirations of vast majority of people there, /\ We cannot but take note of the fact that such a large segment of humanity is involved in conflict and that many people e.re suffering in the process, -ft* Recently when natural disaster overtook East Paid. t tan, fzu A Government and people of India along with other members of "flLii international community responded to bring relief to sufferings 'ffe of people there, A We are prepared to make our contribution once again in concert with members of international community or international A humanitarian organizations concerned with bringing relief to innocent victims of conflict, There is naturally great sympathy and concern for East Pakistani people among all circles in India. We are greatly shocked by the "brutality with which Pakistan army is suppressing the struggle for legitimate rights and aspirations of the majority of the people of Pskistan. They are trying suppression with tanks, strafing, artillery and mortar fire and making indiscriminate use of them. We cannot idjly stand by and watch situation without giving vent to the legitimate feelings of our people. So far we have tried to restrain lA/*/t*^ them,but increasing repression by Pakistani armed forces in East r- Pakistan we cannot keep quiet any longer. There is a threat to our own borders, there are requests for all kinds of help and there will be an unexpectedly large on-rush of refugees. Against this background we have to take immediate steps. We owe this to our own people and to people of East Pakistan as otherwise we shall be blamed for keeping silent when freedom is being suppressed and unarmed and defenceless people butchered. I should, therefore, like to convey to you with utmost sincerity and seriousness our very strong feelings in the matter and press for most urgent action. I therefore make three following formal requests:- (l) Initiative of the Secretary-General to stop the mass butchery of innocent, defenceless people of East Pakistan. (?) Arrangements for sending an International Red Cross team to East Pakistan for relief purpose. (3) Organization of relief for expected large scale refugees from there to Assam, Tripura, West Bengal, etc. tt P.fi. There is naturally great sympathy and concern for East Pakistani people among all circles in India. We are greatly shocked by the brutality with which Pakistan army is suppressing the struggle for legitimate rights and aspirations of the majority of the people of Pskistan. They are trying suppression with tanks, strafing, artillery and mortar fire and making indiscriminate use of them. '.Ye cannot id/Sly stand by ami watch situation without giving vent to the legitimate feelin'-s of our people. So f-ic v/e Iro/c tried to rer,train • ^ them nut,increasing rspieseiion lv/ Pakistani amieii forces in East Pakistan '.7e cannot keep (juiet any longer. There; is a threat to our cv/n border?;, there are requests for all kinds of help and there will 'he an unexpectedly lur~e on-rush of refugees. , Against this background we have to take- itr.medi.tte steps,, iVe owe- this to our own pooi-le and to people of East Pakistan .?,s otherwise we shall be blamed for keening silent when freedom is being 'suppressed and unarmed and defenceless people butchered.
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