Pennington County Courant • May 21, 2015 • 11 CCoonnggrraattuullaattiioonnss on a grEat golf season 7B Region results: Lady Eagles: placed 2nd as a team Katy Bielmaier: 6th place Caitlin Ausmann: 9th place Emma Michael: 10th place Sidney Dunker: 11th place Damion Bresee: 4th place Jade Hertel: 15th place Girls’ Team: Coach Mark Ammann, Sidney Dunker, Caitlin Ausmann, Katy Bielmaier, Emma Michael, Coach David Ermish. Jade Hertel & Damion Bresee State Qualifiers Courtesy photos PPrroouudd SSppoonnssoorrss ooff tthhee WWaallll EEaagglleess!!!! America’s Best Value Inn De’s Oil Inc./SanDee’s Two Bit Steakhouse & Saloon 279-2485 279-2168 386-2115 Badlands Automotive Econo Lodge Wall Booster Club 279-2827 279-2121 Wall, SD Badlands Saloon & Grille First Interstate Bank Wall Building Center 279-2210 279-2141 279-2158 Black Hills Federal Credit Union Golden West Telecom. Wall Dairy Queen 279-2350 279-2161 279-2655 Corner Pantry/Subway Ken’s Refrigeration & Heating Wall Drug Store 279-2355 279-2894 279-2175 Cornerstone Industries Motel 6 Wall Food Center & Construction Services 279-2133 279-2331 441-1779 Pennington County Courant West River Electric Assoc. Crown Oil Company 279-2565 279-2135 279-2245 Rush Funeral Home Ray Williams Plumbing Dakota Mill & Grain 279-2592 515-3968 279-2261 TLC Electric Days Inn 279-2622 279-2000 Public Notices Pennington County Courant • May 21, 2015 • 12 B. AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUC - MOVED by Hadcock and seconded by recorded in Highway Plat those using the lodge and dining area, End of Consent Agenda PENNINGTON TION AND MAINTENANCE OF Trautman to continue Items A, B, and C Book 9, Page 93, in the office guest registration area, and administra - REGULAR PLANNING & ZONING COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY RIGHT-OF-WAY ROADS to the May 19, 2015, Board of Commis - of the Pennington County tive offices are also permitted within the ITEMS WITHIN THE AREA KNOWN AS PE SLA sioners’ meeting. Vote: Unanimous. Register of Deeds, in a curve lodge and shall not be included in the I. FIRST READING AND PUBLIC COMMISSIONERS AND FOR PEST CONTROL, INCLUD - A. VARIANCE / VA 15-11: JMF Prop - from which the center of cur - 750 square feet of retail space; HEARING OF REZONE / RZ 15-05 AND ING BARK BEETLES, AND CONTROL erties, LLC; Jeff Howe – Agent. To re - vature bears North 48°17'34” 3. That the permitted uses allowed on COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMEND - OF INVASIVE SPECIES: MOVED by duce the minimum required lot size from West a distance of 103.00 Lot 12 be offices (which shall include MENT CA / 15-05: Krebs Partnership / MINUTES Trautman and seconded by Hadcock to 40 acres to 15.466 acres and 16.201 feet; Thence, southwesterly, guest registration), laundry, outdoor Donald Krebs. To rezone 0.65 acre from MAY 5, 2015 approve the Agreement for Construction acres in a General Agriculture District in following the easterly line of movie screen, commercial trail ride oper - Suburban Residential District to General and Maintenance of County Right-of- accordance with Sections 205 and 509 said Lot A of the NW1/4 NE1/4 ations, a shop and maintenance building Commercial District and to amend the The Pennington County Board of Way Roads Within the Area Known as of the Pennington County Zoning Ordi - of Section 32, along a curve to and a commercial kitchen and dining fa - Pennington County Comprehensive Plan Commissioners met on Tuesday, May 5, Pe Sla and for Pest Control, Including nance. the right having a radius of cility; to change the Future Land Use from 2015, in the Commission Chambers in Bark Beetles, and Control of Invasive EXISTING LEGAL: Lot 2, 103.00 feet, a central angle of 4. That the permitted uses for pro - Suburban Residential District to General the County Administration Building at 130 Species and further moved to authorize Tramway Subdivision, Section 35°53', for an arc distance of posed Lots 17-20 be for private single- Commercial District in accordance in ac - Kansas City Street, Rapid City, South the Chairperson’s signature. The motion 8, T2S, R6E, BHM, Penning - 64.51 feet to a point of tan - family residences or nightly/weekly cordance with Section 508 of the Pen - Dakota. Chairperson Lyndell Petersen carried 3-1 on a roll call vote: Ferebee – ton County, South Dakota. gency; Thence, South rentals; nington County Zoning Ordinance. called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. no, Hadcock – yes, Trautman – yes, Pe - PROPOSED LEGAL: Lot 77°35'27” West, continuing to 5. That the permitted uses on Lot 13 The South 75 feet of Lot J of with the following Commissioners pres - tersen – yes. 2A and Lot 2B of Lot 2, follow the easterly line of said include up to a twenty (20) unit lodge not E1/2SE1/4, Section 9, T1N, ent: George Ferebee, Deb Hadcock and ITEMS FROM FIRE ADMINISTRATOR Tramway Subdivision, Section Lot A of the NW1/4 NE1/4 of to exceed 21,000 square feet with a com - R8E, BHM, Pennington Nancy Trautman. Commissioner A. WILDFIRE AWARENESS MONTH 8, T2S, R6E, BHM, Penning - Section 32, a distance of 4.12 mercial kitchen and dining area be used County, South Dakota. Buskerud was not in attendance. RESOLUTION: MOVED by Ferebee ton County, South Dakota feet to a point for corner on the only by those renting the lodge, swim - MOVED by Hadcock and seconded by Recognition of Designation as Certi - and seconded by Hadcock to adopt the B. VARIANCE / VA 15-12: John and east right-of-way line of SD ming pool, meeting rooms, bike rentals, Trautman to deny, without prejudice, Re - fied Emergency Manager – Dustin Wil - Resolution declaring May Wildfire Aware - Kim Glodt. To reduce the minimum re - Highway 79, in a curve from and a maximum of twelve (12) guest sta - zone / RZ 15-05 and Comprehensive lett ness Month in Pennington County. Vote: quired front yard setback on the southern which the center of curvature bles; Plan Amendment / CA 15-05. Vote: Recognition of National Corrections Unanimous. property line from 25 feet to 0 feet in a bears South 73°13'38” West a 6. That prior to any construction work Unanimous. Week: May 3, 2015 – May 9, 2015 Suburban Residential District in accor - distance of 3920 feet; Thence, within the 100-year floodplain, a Flood - MOVED by Hadcock and seconded by APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA PENNINGTON COUNTY dance with Sections 208 and 509 of the northwesterly, along a curve to plain Development Permit be obtained; Trautman to waive submittal fees for the MOVED by Trautman and seconded COMMISSION Pennington County Zoning Ordinance. the left having a radius of 3920 7. That that if any disturbance would Conditional Use Permit and Variance ap - by Hadcock to approve the agenda as RESOLUTION Lot 1R, Laurel Heights Subdi - feet, a central angle of occur on the property that is greater than plications. Vote: Unanimous. presented. Vote: Unanimous. SUPPORTING WILDFIRE vision, Section 26, T2N, R7E, 00°29'02", for an arc length of 10,000 square feet, a Construction Per - J. VACATION OF EASEMENT / VE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AWARENESS MONTH BHM, Pennington County, 33.11 feet to point for corner mit be required. The Construction Per - 15-01: Brandon and Lindsey Noble. To The following items have been placed South Dakota. on the centerline of the align - mit will require erosion control measures vacate a sixty (60) foot Forest Service on the Consent Agenda for action to be Whereas , the Commission - C. VARIANCE / VA 15-13: Greg and ment of said Lot A of the to prevent sediment from leaving the site Access Easement on Lot 67, Block 1 of taken by a single vote of the Board of ers of Pennington County are Cynthia Andrew; Fisk Land Surveying – NW1/4 NE1/4 of Section 32; and entering into Newton Fork Creek; Canyon Springs Preserve in accordance Commissioners. Any item may be re - charged with protecting the Agent. To reduce the minimum required Thence, North 77°35'27” 8. The minimum required front setback with the Pennington County Zoning Ordi - moved from the Consent Agenda for sep - health and safety of the citi - lot size from 3 acres to 1.67 acres and East, following the centerline for Lots 1-9 shall be 20 feet and the min - nance. arate consideration. zens of Pennington County, in - 1.80 acres in a Low Density Residential of the alignment of said Lot A imum side yard setback for Lot 9 shall be Lot 67, Block 1, Canyon MOVED by Hadcock and seconded by cluding all property situated District in accordance with Sections 207 of the NW1/4 NE1/4 of Section 10 feet along the east side with the ex - Springs Preserve, Section 22, Trautman to approve Consent Agenda therein; and, and 509 of the Pennington County Zon - 32, a distance of 6.78 feet to a ception of Lot 3; T2N, R6E, BHM, Pennington Items 7-14 as presented with 15-17 re - Whereas , wildfires threaten ing Ordinance. point of curvature; Thence, 9. That the setbacks for Lot 3 be 14 County, South Dakota. moved for separate consideration. Vote: the environmental, economic, EXISTING LEGAL: Lot 6, northeasterly, continuing to fol - feet for the rear-yard and 23 feet for the MOVED by Hadcock and seconded by Unanimous. and social well-being of Pen - Block 2, Rolling Hills Estates, low the centerline of the align - side-yard for the existing deck; Trautman to approve Vacation of Ease - 7. Approve the minutes of the regular nington County residents while Section 10, T1N, R6E, BHM, ment of said Lot A of the 10. That all perimeter setbacks for Lot ment / VE 15-01 with five (5) conditions.
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