Mathematics HL and Further Mathematics HL Formula Booklet

Mathematics HL and Further Mathematics HL Formula Booklet

Diploma Programme Mathematics HL and further mathematics HL formula booklet For use during the course and in the examinations First examinations 2014 Edited in 2015 (version 2) © International Baccalaureate Organization 2012 5048 Contents Prior learning 2 Core 3 Topic 1: Algebra 3 Topic 2: Functions and equations 4 Topic 3: Circular functions and trigonometry 4 Topic 4: Vectors 5 Topic 5: Statistics and probability 6 Topic 6: Calculus 8 Options 10 Topic 7: Statistics and probability 10 Further mathematics HL topic 3 Topic 8: Sets, relations and groups 11 Further mathematics HL topic 4 Topic 9: Calculus 11 Further mathematics HL topic 5 Topic 10: Discrete mathematics 12 Further mathematics HL topic 6 Formulae for distributions 13 Topics 5.6, 5.7, 7.1, further mathematics HL topic 3.1 Discrete distributions 13 Continuous distributions 13 Further mathematics 14 Topic 1: Linear algebra 14 Mathematics HL and further mathematics formula booklet 1 Formulae Prior learning Area of a parallelogram Abh= × , where b is the base, h is the height 1 Area of a triangle A=() bh × , where b is the base, h is the height 2 1 Area of a trapezium A=() a + bh, where a and b are the parallel sides, h is the height 2 Area of a circle Ar= π 2 , where r is the radius Circumference of a circle Cr=2 π , where r is the radius 1 Volume of a pyramid V = (area of base × vertical height) 3 Volume of a cuboid V=×× lwh, where l is the length, w is the width, h is the height Volume of a cylinder V= π rh2 , where r is the radius, h is the height Area of the curved surface of A=2 π rh , where r is the radius, h is the height a cylinder 4 Volume of a sphere Vr= π 3 , where r is the radius 3 1 Volume of a cone V= π rh2 , where r is the radius, h is the height 3 Distance between two 22 d=( xx12 − )( +− yy 12 ) points (,xy11 )and (,xy22 ) Coordinates of the midpoint of xxyy121++ 2 a line segment with endpoints , 22 (,xy11 )and (,xy22 ) Solutions of a quadratic −±b b2 −4 ac equation The solutions of ax2 + bx += c 0 are x = 2a Mathematics HL and further mathematics formula booklet 2 Core Topic 1: Algebra 1.1 The nth term of an uun =+−1 ( n 1) d arithmetic sequence The sum of n terms of an nn S=(2 u +− ( n 1) d) = ( uu + ) arithmetic sequence nn2211 The nth term of a n−1 un = ur1 geometric sequence The sum of n terms of a ur(nn−− 1) u (1 r ) S =11 = , r ≠1 finite geometric sequence n rr−−11 The sum of an infinite u S = 1 , r <1 geometric sequence ∞ 1− r 1.2 Exponents and logarithms x ab=⇔= xloga b, where aba>>≠0, 0, 1 a x= e xaln x loga x loga a= xa = logc a logb a = logc b 1.3 n n! Combinations = r rn!(− r )! n n! Permutations P = r (nr− )! n nnn n−−1 nr r n Binomial theorem ()ab+ = a + ab ++ ab ++ b 1 r 1.5 Complex numbers za=+=i br (cosθθ + isin ) =r eiθ = r cis θ n θ 1.7 De Moivre’s theorem [r(cosθθ+ isin )] =rn (cos n θ +== isin nr θ )nn ei rn n cis θ Mathematics HL and further mathematics formula booklet 3 Topic 2: Functions and equations 2.5 Axis of symmetry of the b f() x= ax2 + bx +⇒ c axis of symmetry x =− graph of a quadratic 2a function 2.6 Discriminant ∆=b2 −4 ac Topic 3: Circular functions and trigonometry 3.1 Length of an arc lr=θ , where θ is the angle measured in radians, r is the radius 1 Area of a sector Ar= θ 2 , where θ is the angle measured in radians, r is the 2 radius 3.2 Identities sinθ tanθ = cosθ 1 secθ = cosθ 1 cosecθ = sinθ Pythagorean identities cos22θθ+= sin 1 1+= tan22θθ sec 1+= cot22θθ csc 3.3 Compound angle identities sin (AB±= ) sin A cos B ± cos A sin B cos(AB±= ) cos A cos B sin A sin B tanAB± tan tan (AB±= ) 1 tanAB tan Double angle identities sin 2θ= 2sin θθ cos cos2θ= cos22 θθ − sin = 2cos 2 θ −=− 1 1 2sin2 θ 2tanθ tan 2θ = 1− tan 2 θ Mathematics HL and further mathematics formula booklet 4 3.7 abc222+− Cosine rule c2=+− a 22 b2 ab cos C ; cosC = 2ab abc Sine rule = = sinABC sin sin 1 Area of a triangle A= absin C 2 Topic 4: Vectors 4.1 v1 Magnitude of a vector =222 ++ = v vvv123, where v v2 v3 Distance between two 2 22 d=( xx12 − )( +− yy 1 2 )( +− zz 12 ) points (,xyz1 11 ,) and (,xyz2 22 ,) Coordinates of the xxyyzz1+++ 2 1 21 2 midpoint of a line segment , , 222 with endpoints (,xyz1 11 ,), (,xyz2 22 ,) 4.2 Scalar product vw⋅= v wcosθ , where θ is the angle between v and w v1 w1 ⋅= + + = = vw vw11 vw 2 2 vw 33, where v v2 , w w2 v3 w3 Angle between two vw11++ vw 2 2 vw 33 vectors cosθ = vw 4.3 Vector equation of a line ra=+λ b Parametric form of the x=+=+=+ x00λλ ly, y mz, z 0 λ n equation of a line Cartesian equations of a xx−−− yy zz 0= 00 = line l mn Mathematics HL and further mathematics formula booklet 5 4.5 vw23− vw 32 v1 w1 Vector product ×= − = = vwvw31 vw 13 where v v2 , w w2 vw12− vw 21 v3 w3 vw×= vwsinθ , where θ is the angle between v and w 1 Area of a triangle A =vw × where v and w form two sides of a triangle 2 4.6 Vector equation of a plane r=+ aλ b+µ c Equation of a plane rn⋅=⋅ an (using the normal vector) Cartesian equation of a ax++= by cz d plane Topic 5: Statistics and probability 5.1 k Population parameters Let nf= ∑ i i=1 k ∑ fxii Mean µ µ = i=1 n kk 2 2 ∑∑fi( x i− µ ) fxii Variance σ 2 σµ22= ii=11== − nn k 2 ∑ fxii( − µ ) Standard deviation σ σ = i=1 n 5.2 nA() Probability of an event A P(A )= nU() Complementary events P(AA )+= P(′ ) 1 5.3 Combined events P(AB∪= ) P( A ) + P( B ) − P( AB ∩ ) Mutually exclusive events P(AB∪= ) P( A ) + P( B ) Mathematics HL and further mathematics formula booklet 6 5.4 P(AB∩ ) Conditional probability P(AB )= P(B ) Independent events P(AB∩= ) P( A )P( B ) P(B ) P( AB | ) Bayes’ theorem P(BA | )= P(B ) P( AB | )+′ P( B ) P( AB |′ ) P(Bii )P( AB | ) P(BAi | )= P(B1 )P( AB | 12 )++ P( B )P( AB | 23 ) P( B )P( AB | 3 ) 5.5 Expected value of a E(X )=µ =∑ x P( Xx = ) discrete random variable X Expected value of a ∞ E(X )=µ = xf( x )d x continuous random ∫−∞ variable X 2 Variance Var(XX )= E( −=µ )22 E( X ) −[ E( X )] Variance of a discrete Var(X )=−===−∑∑ ( xµµ )2 P( Xx ) x 22 P( Xx ) random variable X Variance of a continuous ∞∞ Var(X )=−=− ( xµµ )2 fx ( )d x xfx 22 ( )d x random variable X ∫∫−∞ −∞ 5.6 n x nx− Binomial distribution X~ B ( np , )⇒==− P ( X x ) p (1 p ) , x = 0 , 1, , n x Mean E(X )= np Variance Var (X )= np (1 − p ) mxme− Poisson distribution X~ Po( m )⇒== P( Xx ) , x = 0,1,2, x! Mean E(Xm )= Variance Var (Xm ) = 5.7 Standardized normal x − µ z = variable σ Mathematics HL and further mathematics formula booklet 7 Topic 6: Calculus 6.1 dy fx(+− h ) fx () Derivative of fx() y= fx() ⇒= f′ () x = lim dxhh→0 6.2 Derivative of xn f() x=⇒= xnn f′ () x nx −1 Derivative of sin x fx( )=⇒= sin x f′ ( x ) cos x Derivative of cos x fx( )=⇒=− cos x f′ ( x ) sin x Derivative of tan x fx( )=⇒= tan x f′ ( x ) sec2 x Derivative of ex fx()=⇒= exx f′ () x e 1 Derivative of ln x fx()=⇒= ln x f′ () x x Derivative of sec x fxxfxxx()=⇒= sec′ () sectan Derivative of csc x fx()=⇒=− csc x f′ () x csccot x x Derivative of cot x fx( )=⇒=− cot x f′ ( x ) csc2 x Derivative of a x fxa()=⇒=xx fxa′ () (ln) a 1 Derivative of log x fx()= log x ⇒= f′ () x a a xaln 1 Derivative of arcsin x fx( )= arcsin x ⇒= f′ ( x ) 1− x2 1 Derivative of arccos x fx( )= arccos x ⇒=− f′ ( x ) 1− x2 1 Derivative of arctan x fx( )= arctan x ⇒= f′ ( x ) 1+ x2 dy dd yu Chain rule y= gu(), where u= fx() ⇒=× dddxux dy dd vu Product rule y=⇒= uv u + v dddxxx dduv vu− uyd Quotient rule y =⇒=ddxx vxd v2 Mathematics HL and further mathematics formula booklet 8 6.4 Standard integrals xn+1 xxn d= + C ,1 n ≠− ∫ n +1 1 dx= ln xC + ∫ x ∫sinxx d=−+ cos x C ∫cosxx d= sin x + C ∫edxxxC= e + 1 axxxd = a + C ∫ ln a 11x dxC= arctan + ∫ ax22+ a a 1 x ∫ dx= arcsin +< C , xa ax22− a 6.5 b b Area under a curve A= yxd or A= xyd ∫a ∫a Volume of revolution b b V= πd yx2 or V= πd xy2 (rotation) ∫a ∫a 6.7 ddvu Integration by parts udd x= uv − v x or udd v= uv − v u ∫∫ddxx∫∫ Mathematics HL and further mathematics formula booklet 9 Options Topic 7: Statistics and probability Further mathematics HL topic 3 7.1 Probability generating Gt( )= E( txx ) =∑ P( X = xt ) (3.1) function for a discrete x random variable X E (XG )= ′ (1) 2 Var (XG )=′′ (1) +− G ′ (1)( G ′ (1) ) 7.2 Linear combinations of two E(aX11±= aX 2 2) a 1 EE( X 1) ± a 2( X 2) (3.2) independent random 22 Var(aX11±= aX 2 2) a 1Var( X 1) + a 2 Var( X 2) variables XX12, 7.3 Sample statistics (3.3) k ∑ fxii Mean x x = i=1 n kk 22 ∑∑fi() x i− x fxii Variance s2 sx22= ii=11== − n n nn k 2 ∑ fxii()− x Standard deviation s s = i=1 n n n kk 22 Unbiased estimate of ∑∑fi() x i− x fxii 2 22nnii=11= 2 population variance s ssnn−1 = = = − x n−1 n−1 n − 1 nn −− 11 7.5 Confidence intervals (3.5) Mean, with known σ variance xz±× n Mean, with unknown sn−1 variance xt±× n 7.6 Test statistics (3.6) Mean, with known x − µ variance z = σ / n Mathematics HL and further mathematics formula booklet 10 Mean, with unknown x − µ variance t = snn−1 / 7.7 n x y− nx y (3.7) Sample product moment ∑ ii r = i=1 correlation coefficient nn 22 22 ∑∑xii−− nx y ny ii−=11 Test statistic for H0: n − 2 = ρ = 0 tr 2 1− r n Equation of regression line ∑ xii y− nx y i=1 of x on y xx−= n ()yy− 22 ∑ yi − ny i=1 n Equation of regression line ∑ xii y− nx y i=1 of y on x yy−= n ()xx− 22 ∑ xi − nx i=1 Topic 8: Sets, relations and groups Further mathematics HL topic 4 8.1 De Morgan’s laws ()AB∪=∩′′′ A B (4.1) ()AB∩=∪′′′ A B Topic 9: Calculus Further mathematics HL topic 5 Euler’s method 9.5 yn+1 = y n + h× fx(, nn y ); xnn+1 = xh + , where h is a constant (5.5) (step length) Integrating factor for Px( )d x e∫ y′ += Pxy() Qx () Mathematics HL and further mathematics formula booklet 11 9.6 x2 (5.6) Maclaurin series f( x )=++ f (0) xf′ (0) f ′′ (0) + 2! ()xa− 2 Taylor series fx()= fa () +− ( x af )′ () a + f′′ () a + ..

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