For All—the Sundries to the Only the epicure would, In pre- By the Victory Chef garni bag. Drop it into the aauce Housewife war a mess Report times search out of pan. Then cover it well and The first strawberries to come in place By Raisin sauce, leftover from baked sweetbreads and turn them into a them one from another on the fire or in the oven at a from Louisiana have arrived in Betsy Caswell, separate and, Women’s ham, reappears to bread feast for Lucullus. One had to be and a little kitchen knife re- low heat simmer for two hours or Washington just in time for week- Nows Editor. garnish using pudding. Cauliflower leaves are a gourmet to know the suave good- move all the skin and the sinews. more until the is tender. Then end buying. They are the usual tripe production so as to meet the need shredded and used In combination ness of calves' brains cooked in Now they are ready to be braised remove the garni bag and skim off ruby-red, luscious fruits we have for large supplies of dried fruit for with other greens in salads. There’s brown butter and touched up with or broiled. any fat from the liquid. Check for learned to expect each year from the armed services, our Allies and a stock pot bubbling on every stove. capers. And to know and enjoy Let’s braise our first dish of sweet- salt and seasoning. Last of that locality. Dealers were also pepper U. S. civilians in ... 1944. It is Now that OPA has removed tripe meant that one was either breads. It is very simple. We melt all, add a tablespoonful of chopped hopeful that carloads of lower- that WAC reported mew halls prac- the expiration dates of all red and an Englishman of the lower middle a tablespoonful of butter or mar- parsley. Heat it up well and serve asparagus would reach town tice of the priced many economies that blue stamps in War Ration Book class or a Frenchman who came garine or bacon fat in a saucepan. with boiled potatoes. today or tomorrow—but civilian apparently housewives do. Left-over Pour, there’ll be no excuse for that from Caen. On this we place a layer of this mix- If you are not educated in these that will not occur before the first cereals, breakfast toast and pan- “end of the period” buying spree But wartime food conditions ture: A sliced onion, a sliced car- delicious though lesser known dishes, of next week. In the meantime the cakes go into dressings, rruit juices that reduced'both stocks and mer- which have upset many practices rot, a bay leaf, some chopped pars- please, gentle reader, do not turn up price ol the green stalks continues are used in sauces for plain cake. chants to the exhaustion point. and habits are rooting many of us ley and a few pinches of thyme. Now your nose and sniff in disdain. These high, although the is unusu- quality out of traditional prejudices and we salt and pepper the sweetbreads really are concoctions which the ally good and the bunches almost opening an entirely new vista of and place them on top of the vege- critic of fine food regards as to the delights large enough justify expendi- dishes. table mixture. Cook until the butter of the first ture. truly delightful Magnitude. Wine-Fruit is melted and the vegetables be- Among the down-to-earth Delicious Let’s start with sweetbreads. Tell items Soup come slightly browned. Now add a that to and me meal the butcher to give you as many as appeal you we find planning complications z cups Claret, Burgundy, Cab- cup of veal or chicken broth or some kale, collards, you need for the number of por- beets, snap beans, caused by shortages of ration ernet or any red table wine. left-over gravy. A sherry glass of The Versatile points tions wish to serve. Take them spinach, turnips and mushrooms. 2 cut you sherry or dry white wine adds an ex- lead an cups rhubarb, fine. Cabbage, too, is recommend- many enterprising cook into home, and if you want them for din- highly Combine corn starch and sugar. cellent flavor, but is optional. Set ed, with interesting culinary adventures! rr ner put them to soak in a dish of along cauliflower, turnip Add water and cook, stirring con- tne-frutt soups have long been favorites in Europe, the dish in the oven at about 375 Sea Bass and mustard cold water about noon, changing the greens, tomatoes, let- And American home cook books will stantly, until mixture is thickened and with degrees for about three-quarters of A natty dresser with a handsome tuce—all the fine wines now being produced in this country water several times. When ready kinds—peppers, carrots, probably be the richer for the and smooth. Add spices, lemon an hour, basting often. Place the profile, the sea bass comes to mar- and days they will appear white in color. green peas celery. There are no slices, wine and rhubarb. Cook 5 there is no reason they should not attain here. sweetbreads on a hot platter. Check ket in a becoming tweedlike suit of cucumbers to be that have tried the ingenuity of the popularity Place them in a saucepan, cover found—usually at minutes. Serve piping hot or well As the the gravy for salt and pepper. If bluish-black stripes and dot*. A this time of homemaker or an alcohol evaporates from the wine the cook• with water and bring to a boil. Cook year we get them from lead otherwise chilled, accompanied by water during too thin cook in a little butter and highly priced food fish, this white- hothouses in for two or three minutes. Drain Indiana, but due to too conservative cook to a few trackers. ing, they may be served to the whole flour rubbed together. If too thick fleshed is in try family. and return to some cold water. Now beauty again abun- wartime restrictions none are being add a little broth. recipes new to her and to her family. dance, according to latest report* grown there this season. In light A plain boiled potato and a dish of from the Fishery Council. we find and water- Wine-fruit soups are not new; supply parsley peas or string beans round out a A member of a large family, some cress, new potatoes, esca- they are old favorites in many Eu- chicory, delicious course while a green salad species of which are too small or pe, radishes from South ropean countries. They art a new Mock Baked Alaska! Carolina, Try really must follow. too rare to be of much value to •*g service to many American smilies, plant, squash, lima beans and man, the common bass makes it* shallots. Onions however. Flavorsome, colorful and So good that you’ll serve it often loaf with mayonnaise mixture. Place And now, another day, let us do are still hard to home the Atlantic Coast boast calves’ brains in brown butter or along from g6t—non-existent in many markets. fragrant, they rich food ap- during the hot weather, instead of under broiler—1 to 2 minutes until bacon Massachusetts to Florida. How- While limes are there peal. They are served either hot or fat. For each two servings, scarce, are just as an April Fool day special, is brown on top. Garnish with carrot ever, it makes no bones about the of cold as the hostess chooses. provide a set of brains. Place for plenty oranges, gi oefruit and During fact that it the this chicken concoction called: and curls. Yield: 6 half an finds the happiest hunt- lemons to be had. Good table cooking process, the alcohol irt celery servings. hour in cold running water or- ing off the coast of Long Island, anges from California the wine evaporates, so that this MOCK BAKED ALASKA. FRUIT FLOWERS. and then, using the fingers, separate are selling New Jersey, Delaware and North soup may be served to the en- into two portions. Still using the |easonably. The apple roster in- 1 loaf unsliced bread. Orange Rose: Peel orange, leav- Carolina. tire remove the There, from early spring cludes Yorks, family. Virtually any wine one continuous Section fingers membrane which Staymans, Delicious, 1 cup finely diced cooked chicken ing peel. until November, this voracious biter type may be used in one of these covers them. This is a very simple Winesaps, Ben Davises, P.omes and (or egg). orange. Arrange orange peel in hand lines delicately spice-scented and little job. Rinse well in cold water, keeps working at top Golden Delicious. con- soups rose fashion, winding it ’round and Pineapples the y2 cup celery, finely chopped. speed, though in recent years otter tinue in recipe may be varied to include ’round and to keeping each half of the set in nice, poor quality. Some ban- hi teaspoon salt, allowing layers snug- trawls and any fruit in season. whole Now heat butter in a pound nets have been anas are available and there is rhu- gle into each other. Heap orange shape. teaspoon pepper. brought into use in commercial sea As an sections in skillet. Bacon fat will do, margarine barb to be had in most markets. appetizer, they are served Shredded lettuce. center. bass is a better fishing. Just a with water as a substitute. When well year ago this week the first crisp crackers; main Mayonnaise.
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