WHEN WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP NEEDS A DAILY PAPER THE INDEPENDENT 22 Pages Today WILL PUBLISH DAILY Three Sections VOL. XII, No. 48 VVOODI'.IUDCK, N. .1., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY G, l!t:i PRICE THREE CENT8L Fords Minstrel Show I.inni to Meet «l Log Cabin The Linns Club will meet nn Woodbridge Police Solve iiiuip in the Middlesex Hotel. From now on the jolly meet- Draws Big Audience ings of this popular service club will be held in Gray's Egan, Jensen and Miss Genevieve Ryan Of Fords Section I,ofr Cabin, on Amboy avenue Fords Holdup In One Day Score Hit» In Two Day Show Given Monday and Tuesday near the Cloverleaf. Meetings will be held on NEW COMMODORE Band Getting $125 At Gunpoint From Hopeiawn Man Round- At Fords School By Firemen — Lady "End Men" Monday, as heretofore, with Make Crowds Laugh—Dance Numbers Applauded. ilinner being nerved at f>:30 ed Up By Woodbridge Officers — Two Arrested In Perth p. m. Amboy and Third Walk* Into Police Station and GIYM The Fords Frolic, a minstrel nhow given Monday and The change in meeting place Himself Up—All Held For Grand Jury Without Bail. was decided upon at the regu- Tuesday at the auditorium of School No. 14, by the Fords Fire i lar meeting held Monday. ( nrnpany, was an entire success. Large crowds heard both par- i I'etor Peterson, Health Officer By quick detective work on the part of Woodbridge and lurmances. of the township, was chosen to Perth Amboy police, a $125 holdup in Fords was solved Sun- act. as second vice president of day and three men put in jail. Entirely an amnteur production, the minstrel reflected the l.innR. The office has been vacant for some time. ,.,vdit on the director, Arnold Ohlson, who coached the show At 12:30 Sunday morning Thomas Balsamites, proprietor I Mark McClain is president of a hat cleaning establishment in Perth Amboy was just driv- f -„ successfully that the entire cast acted their parts perfectly nml Charles Bryne first vice' president. iriK his car in his garage at 21 Jersey avenue, Amboy Heights, com- Hopeiawn, when he heard the ominous command, "Stick 'em miUeoman, made a hit in the open- liKNKVlEVE RYAN EIGHT MEN ENTER ing number, called "Fun in a Coun- up. try Storo." He took the part of a Two men with revolvers and hand- modern high powered salesman. kerchiefs over their faces menaced RACE FOR 4 JOBS Others who drew laughs in this hit "Fast Line" Trolleys Will him. When he was slow in complying Hundreds Honor were Howard Madison as "Silas" and one hit him in the jaw with his fist. (. Albert Larson as "Ezra." Mias (owed, Balsamitefi gave up his wal- Senator Quinn; ON SCHOOL BOARD marie Aaron acted the part of Be Replaced By Buses Sunday let with $125 in it. The thugs locked 'luta" with much skill. Others in him in the garage and fled. Four New Candidates Enter Public Service Announces Change With Special Buses Running "I couldn't tell if they had a car or not," Balsamites told police here Noted Speakers Field Against Present In- From Newark to New Brunswick On The Super Highway Inter. "But one had on a light over- cumbents — Anderson Says —To Ran On Hourly Schedule With New Brunswick Trip coat and cap and the other a dark Many From Woodbridge Al- coat and cap." , tend^ Testimoniar „„..„„» l Dinner In All For Athletic Field. ' From Woodbridge Taking Twenty-Five Minutes. Daniel V. Ruih That was ail the police had to go f; ' p~"Ti """"'"" CHRISTIE STRONG ENTRY At the annual election of officers on—that androome suspicions gather- "erth Amboy. February 8 a new super Avenel street and Highwag y No. 25, held by the Sewaren Motor Boat ed from a conversation Officers Joe service bus line will begin operation WoodbridgWdbid e TownshipThi , at 49 mini - Club, Daniel V. Rush was elected Dalton and John Manton of the A number of Woodbridge men I'ctitions for candidates for the were among the hundreds who at- -chool board, election to which will between Newark, Elizabeth, Linden, [ „, , , , , commodore. The remaining officers Woodbridge force had listened in on. g ho at Rahway, Woodbridge Township, Newark will leave from the same , elected were: Vice-commodore, Wil- "Something's going to happen to- tendetddd thhe testimoniaiil dinner riven !.<• held Tuesday, February 10, were 56 minutes i.reived up to Wednesday, when Raritan Township, Highland Park liam Fowler; secretary, Morrison night," they had neard from a loung- in honor of Senator Arthur A. Quins and New Brunswick to replace the The trip between Woodbridge Town- Christie; treasurer, S. W. Jaeger er. They told Round Sergeant Fred «t the naval armory in Perth Am- M-cretary Ensign of the board ship and New Brunswick will take boy Wednesday night The gather- rinsed the lists, as it is necessary thorough trolley service now fur- William T. Ames, F. H. Turner, Abe Larsen, who reported to headquar- nished by the Newark-New Bruns- 26 minutes in either direction and Borden, Louis Neuberg and S F ters. Following this slender clue, to- ing, which was not confined to any tn allow a few days for printing of the trip between Woodbridge Town- ] Bunting were elected trustees. gether with suspicions of the two pa-one political faith, found many Re- ballots and advertising. wick "fast line," Public Service an- nounces. ship and Newark, 49 minutes in . trol men, who cover the Fords and publican and Democratic friends of Six men will make the run for the either direction. Quinn's present. thve-year term. They are the three Trolley service between Wood- The route of the new line will be While politics were referred to by present members, Prenident Melvin bndge Township and Elizabeth, and aa follows: Newark: From upper Health Board Moves some of the speakers, it was evident ('him, Roy E. Andernon and Willaid between Woodbridge Township and level Public Service Terminal, via! that those present were there to li'.inham, whose terms expire; and New Brunswick, will continue to be Mulberry street, Raymond Boule- j honor Arthur Quinn aa a senator, \lfred P. Anderson, of Woodbridge, furnished by the newly-developed vard, Broad street, Pointier street,' To Check Unsanitary labor leader and a faithful worker Milton Ashley, of Iselin, and Mor- gas-electric street cars-operating on Frelinghuysen avenue. Elizabeth: for humanity. Every section of Mid- iiMin Christie, of Sewaren. dlesex County was represented. two hour and a half schedule dur- Newark avenue, North Broad street, !| Two men will run for a one-year ing the day. At Elizabeth conven- Broad street, Rahway avenue. Lin- Practices At Iselin Former County Chairman David li-rm, due to death of n bnanl mcni- ient connections will be made for den: St. George avenue. IRahway:' T. Wilentz declared Senator Quinn I.T. They are Ernest ("'. MoflVtt, Newark, and at Port Reading Junc- St. George avenue, Grand street,; Directs Owners Of Homes To to be the "Grand Old Man of the liicsent incumbent, and William 1'. tion, for Perth Amboy. Irving street, East Milton avenue, | County' 'and said that he was a (iodson, of Colonia. Lawrence strej^. State Highway I Make Sewer Connections On credit to the citizens of Middlesex SERGEANT JACK EGAN The new super service bus line A lively contest is expected. Polls will be known aa Newark-New Route No. 25. Woodbridge: State! Benjamin Avenue Without County. Mr. Wilenta stated that the will be open from 7 to 'J p. m., or an-'r Highway Route No. 25. Raritan county, party and, city of Perth Am- W( sketch who performed creditably Firunswick, Route No. 134, and will n.iich longer BN the voters present i '''« Fred Olsi'ii, Marguerite Dun- operate through Woodbridge Town- Township: State Highway Route No. Further Delay. hoy are proud of Mr. Quinn. at !» o'clock need to cast their votes. lium, Vnldemar Lund, Augusta Dun- ship by way of State Highway No. 25, Woodbridge avenue. Highland John E. Tolan, former Prose- The candidacy of Mr. Christie will Hay .lenscn in "Cominski Com-, 2ii. Unsanitary conditions on Benja- cutor, said that when one considers "!•(• '•trongly backed by Sewarvn vot- lism and Athlnndu Jensen. The line will operate on an hourly avenue. New Brunswick: Albany min avenue, Iselin, occupied the Ihu large vote given Senator Quinn !•!>. a« he is woll known and popular plains" was another encore number, schedule throughout the day. Buses street,, Georgge street,, Somerset major part of the attention of the last year, one can realize the hold tin re. He is lighting commissioner "'"' ''"'i Miss Genevicvr Ryan and bound for New Brunswick will leave that he has on the people of the <t Sewaren,, and alsal o a trustetrutee of William O'Rirlly scored in the street. Wall street, Easton avenue.', of Health at their meeting county. Mr. Toolan said that in his | Monday night in the town hall. I IK' Sewaren Improvement Assoeiu- sketch, "It Might Happen. DOCK DONE EXCEPT FILL opinion, Senator Quinn is popular lion. FFo r thh e past nine years he AnotheAh r numbeb r whichihh please l d the ! A letter was received from F. because he possesses an intangible h:^ been employed as a mechanical inn Local Man Appointed j Robinson stating that sewer connec- mething that touches a spark that IVCIWIN was Mrs. Emily Decker and i tions had not been made for six makes us like to see idealism in our (nfineer at the Carborundum Cor- her dancing pupils. All the numbers Only the fill within the bulkhead i houses on Benjamin avenue, and poration in Krasbey.
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