South African National Roads Agency Limited and National Roads Act (7/1998): Declaration Amendment of National Road R61 Section 2: Amendment of Declaration No

South African National Roads Agency Limited and National Roads Act (7/1998): Declaration Amendment of National Road R61 Section 2: Amendment of Declaration No

STAATSKOERANT, 27 MAART 2018 No. 41528 255 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT NO. 375 27 MARCH 2018 375 South African National Roads Agency Limited and National Roads Act (7/1998): Declaration Amendment of National Road R61 Section 2: Amendment of Declaration No. 546 of 2003 41528 THE SOUTH AFRICANNATIONAL ROADS AGENCY SOC LIMITED Registration No: 1998/009584/30 AMENDMENT OF DECLARATIONNo. 546 OF 2003. By virtue of section 40(1)(b)of the South African National Act 1998 (Act No. 7 of 1998), i Roads Agency Limited and theNational Roads hereby amend Declaration No.546 of 2003 by substituting the Schedule, being the descriptive paragraph (1) of declaration of the route from itsjunction with National Road N9 6 up to its junction with NationalRoad N10 Section 4, at Cradock, Section Plan No. P982/17 with the accompanying sheets1 to 30 of (National Road R61 Section 2:N9 Junction- Cradock) MINISTER 0 3[ SPORT This gazette is also available free online at 258 No. 41528 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 27 MARCH 2018 DEPARTEMENT VAN VERVOER NO. 375 27 MAART 2018 375 Suid Afrikaanse Nasionale Padagentskap Beperk en Nasionale Paaie Wet (7/1998): Verklaring Wysiging van Nasionale Pad R61 Seksie 2: Wysiging van Verklaring No. 546 van 2003 41528 DIE SUID-AFRIKAANSENASIONALE PADAGENTSKAPMSB BEPERK Registrasie No: 1998/009584/30 WYSIGING VAN VERKLARINGNo. 546 VAN 2003. Kragtens Artikel 40(1)(b)van die Suid- Afrikaanse Nasionale Padagentskap 1998 (Wet No. 7van 1998), wysig ek Beperk en NasionalePaaie Wet Skedule te vervang, hiermee Verklaring No.546 van 2003 deur synde die gedeeltevan die beskrywende paragraaf (i) van die met Nasionale Pad N9Seksie 6 tot by die verklaring van die padvanaf die aansluiting bygaande velle aansluiting met Nasionale tot 30 van Plan No.P982/17. Pad N10 Seksie 4,by Cradock, met (Nasionaie Pad R61 Seksie 2: N9 Aansluiting- Cradock) This gazette is also available free online at NIIIo A QUACHASFONTEIN 84 X +3 532Ooo R515 R616 TROMPS KRAAL 62 STAATSKOERANT, ilI REM PTN 6 ® REM+ao o0 X+35320 4 QUACHASFONTEIN 84 2018 27 MAART L14 L1L1 Li7L18 PTN 7 ` R14 R15 R16 R18 R19 R20L19 .' .---'-+-R2100 L21R22 L22 L23 L24 L25 L26L27 atino R26 R27X +3 532R28 500 1 r¡+ 1 1 Die Suid Afrikaanse Nosionale Podagentskap MSB Bpk Die figuur getoon representsstel die podreserwe the road voor reserve van 'nof gedeelteo portion SheetVel 1 vanof30 No. 41528 The South African National Roads Agency SOC Ltd The figure shown van Nasionale Roete R61 Seksie 2 Plan of Notional Route Section P982/17 259 This gazette is also available free online at 260 No. 41528 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, GAZETTE, GOVERNMENT 27 MARCH2018 DieThe Sud South Afrikaanse African NasionaleNational Roods Padagentskap Agency SOC MSB Ltd Bpk TheOie figuurfigure getoonshown vanstetofrepresents Notional Nosionoledie padre Route the serweRecte road voor reserve vanR61 'nof gedeette o SectionSeksieportion 2 This gazette is also available free online at i No o X +3 534 000 FARMREM 527 L56 STAATSKOERANT, 1 1 L831.84 II (12"u:, erIt(oto InttI 1 ettoto toit m R91 R92 PTN 12 1___t/ 1 r- ce-r"Zotre- re,- 2018 27 MAART / cEPIN.tet r 11R75R76R7 L67L68L69 g X +3 PIN534 5008 PIN 6 PIN 5 mp- orc`j1o PIN 9 TYGERFONTEREM I N 82 BLUE GUM HOUSE 526 Fri N REM Die Suid Afrikaanse Nasionale Padagentskap).1 MSB Bpk Dia figuur getoon representsstel die padreserwe the road voor reserve van 'nof gedeeltea portion SheetVel 3,vonof 30 No. 41528 The South African Notional Roads Agency SOC Ltd The figure shown van Nosionale Roete Seksie Plan of National Route R61 Section 2 P982/17 261 This gazette is also available free online at 262 No. 41528 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 27 MARCH 2018 i This gazette is also available free online at FARM 527 SCHURFTEHOEK 319 BERGS 44' STAATSKOERANT, 27 MAART 2018 27 MAART 7,t0"BLUE GUM HOUSE 526 REM L131Pllsi 6 A R130.REMfipa Die Suid Afrikaanse Nosionale Padagentskap MSB Spk Die figuur getoon stelrepresents die padreserwe the road voor reserve von 'nof gedeelte a portion SheetVel 5vanof 30 No. 41528 The figure shown van Nasionole Roete Seksie Plan The South African National Roads Agency SOC Ltd of National Route R61 Section 2 P982/17 263 This gazette is also available free online at 264 No. 41528 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 27 MARCH 2018 oC N z co (.0 Ti; >T) D r N e9. o Sy. r-- cn 0O 11 0 /15 00 {p 1 40 CC 4.. O 0 7 1 z O 5 y 0 1 w tio ô o. e T, 1 S 0 41) Z o 1 o 0911 6911 P- 9911 O- /511..... o t .-'nu' ..::::..".... -1 rr', i in .... - {., _,- ..... _. 1 I Lc, cn "C Ir cc Z Ino or -1 sr "Ei 10 w CC i.0 V V LiJ CFI - D. CO ED En 0 .2 0 w o >, x c az 1-t- 0, o ga V O 0 cr o 0. o e Ct o 01. C c - O o o Z z ' 0 C a ) C o o 4st'n0. Inif; tO z V 0 14 11.0 o.9 .4 This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 27 MAART 2018 No. 41528 265 o E£21 C ZZ 0 CV 00 2E21 cn ci 1E21 602U CC 0E21 902M z ; o F- 6221 10ZEI aL earl 90241 0.1 L215 R193 L221 S025 L214 1! L213 rota 8 :ro 0.° -1C0 a, L212 V) v) ECU cr, o L211 C L210 202M L209 0C 0> ZIT) L208 LLJ > re. L207 > v L206 O Q 1205 o o (NJ L204 CC° .5 pr) 1203 m-cmo L202 LO -o o 1201 Z C\J o.o2 c.2 c 1200 o motz.-o o z 1159 o '6ozo L198 c Z 0_ o '30 R185 _J L197 co +3 a--g L196 R184 L195 R153 C-) L194 o(/) L193 1192 1191 L190 (, CC 1189 W0) 03 L188 Pr) 1187 L186 w R181 1185 R180 LL. 1184 R179 Cr O. v o 03 L183 05.'2%1 ArS w L182 11 (-) w a cu z g. g o 0. o LI_in '5 z y +4500 Z oc oc a_F- Z CN o zO. o aE o 5 -c in CO z < 1-- z Ics CL a_ .0 2 0 C_) La, cc o i This gazette is also available free online at 1 )14 266 +3 536 500 o PAMPOENFONTE I N 252 No. 41528 PTN L235.. .... .. ....... .1236. .. 1237 .. .... .....1238 . 1239 1240 R214 R215 R216 R217 . .... .. .... .. .. R218 GAZETTE, GOVERNMENT x +3 537 o o 4.J, PIN 20 A Al® N eP- (NI REM -J -J L ANGE KLOOF 323 27 MARCH2018 PTN 23L242 N LeN CCNT ccN N Ne- PIN 27 REM PTN 1 L253254 1241R219 R220 21 R221 o CC N R228 R229 R2301252 PIN 24 I. L255L256 PTN 252 PIN 18 R231Npq PIN 25125" PAMPOENF CCN ce NR236 x 01 500 REM PTN 10 1.1.3656R234o REMPTN PTN 17 1 DieThe Suid South Afrikaanse African NosionaleNationol Roods Padogentskop Agency SOCMSB Ltd130 TheDie figuurfigure getoon shown vanofrepresentsstel National Nasionaledie padreserwe Route the Roete rood voor reserve vanR61'nof gedeelte aSectionSeksie portion 2 PlanSheetVel P982/1760 vonof .3U , This gazette is also available free online at 1 A S A 1.LP .i5 55 323 % liG110 L263 PTNr---- 25 --- ...........L264-- .. .... .. ....... 1257 L261 1262 ............. ......... -;R237 __1258. -.17---.-_._4° L259R239L260*R240-_:-.-.----... R24i.. ..... - . --...-..... .- . ....-R242 . ..:---=. ... R243;---'-' .PTN..A ...7 . '-'''''. ' . ' ...R244 R2 45 \ \ REM PTN 1 Clgl'1.......43555s°° \i- \ \t Slci \ \ 5 iv ts1)% co PTNc" 25o .L271 L272 i. PTN26 sio 8 PTN 15 STAATSKOERANT, `..'1 ni y , -- ...-- L273 L274 L275 1276 r- re m o A ovwwx7w, mILM. cc(SIVca CCNw cc041v erCC izNin Q- PTN 16 R252 R253 R254 PTN' 15R2.55 R256 A PTN ., PTN 14 \ NA$ .---4.s.00° \323 2018 27 MAART 1 \ ./r- .I.... 05 PTN15 LANGEKLOOF323 0-to fP REM PTN 8 PIN 13 p.P.- Nt-02 NP.-PT PTN 26 r L281 1282 ... 1283 L284. L285 ceIIINP..rro I.11ceCON ccNinalo. PTN R260 A IA% R264 R265 R266,_ PTN12 R268R269R270 4.56,10cio° 1r)\I R262qfpritor o pm! 8 % \ No. 41528 Die Sufd Afrikaanse Nosionale Padagentskap MSB Bpk Die figuur getoon stetrepresents die podreserwe the road voor reserve van 'nof gedeelte o portion SheetVel vanof OU , The South African National Roads Agency SOC Ltd The figure shown von Nosioncle Roete R61 Seksie 2 Pion of National Route Section P982/17 267 This gazette is also available free online at i 268 No. 41528 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 27 MARCH 2018 4 This gazette is also available free online at \ yAAq99-' \ i M"J .J ELINUS 365 PTN 12 PTN 3P./* -J JM PTN L320 L321-L322 1 f,o - PTN 14 MJ I 1 L318 L319 REM R305 R307: PIN R299 R300 41-. R301..........R302 ...'R303 .....PTN R304 PIN 2 Y.k3gAA5 STAATSKOERANT, s 1326M1.1I.-JN CO NJwcL329 iooo ñX54 PTN 2 PTN 5 / PTN 2018 27 MAART V L323 REML324 L325 1 tI 1/ PTN 3 1332 PTN 5 1333 R321 PTN 11 365R308 KAREEFQNTEINPTN 6 102 crwTN 9an R316 PTN REM PTN 1 KLIPKRAALREM PTN 1 0 \ \ No. 41528 Die Suid Afrikaanse Nasionale Podogentskop MSB Bpk Die figuur getoon steldierepresents podreserwe the rood voor reserve von 'n of gedeelte o portion SheetVel i1 of 30 The South African Notional Roads Agency SOC Ltd The figure shown von Nasionale Roete R61 Seksie Pion of National Route Section p982/17 269 This gazette is also available free online at 270 No.

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