2003/221 Fisheries (Reporting) Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2003 Silvia Cartwright, Governor-General Order in Council At Wellington this 1st day of September 2003 Present: Her Excellency the Governor-General in Council Pursuant to section 297(l)(h) of the Fisheries Act 1996, Her Excellency the Governor-General, acting on the advice and with the consent of the Executive Council, makes the following regulations. Contents I Title Schedule 2 Commencement New Part 2 substituted in Schedule 3 of 3 Monthly harvest returns principal regulations 4 Schedule 3 amended Regulations 1 Title ( 1) These regulations are the Fisheries (Reporting) Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2003. (2) In these regulations, the Fisheries (Reporting) Regulations 2001 1 are called "the principal regulations". I SR 20011188 1499 Fisheries (Reporting) Amendment r2 Regulations (No 2) 2003 2003/221 2 Commencement These regulations come into force on the 28th day after the date of their notification in the Gazette. 3 Monthly harvest returns Regulation 7(2)(a)(i) is amended by inserting, after the expression "Q,", the expression "D,". 4 Schedule 3 amended (1) Table 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 3 is amended by inserting, in their appropriate alphabetical order, the following items: Species of class of Quota manage- Other area refer- Fishstock code to fish ment area refer­ ence number set be used ence number set out in tables 3 to (species/area) out in table 2 of 13 of ths Part this Part Kingfish I KIN I 2 KIN2 3, 5, 6 KIN3 4 KIN4 7 KIN? 8, 9 KIN8 10 KIN10 Leatherjacket I, 9 LEAl 2, 7, 8 LEA2 3,5,6 LEA3 4 LEA4 10 LEAIO Rough skate I, 2 RSKI 3,4,5,6 RSK3 7 RSK7 8, 9 RSK8 10 RSKIO Sea urchin, kina, sea lA SUR IA egg 1B SURIB 2A SUR2A 2B SUR2B 8 SUR8 9 SUR9 10 SURIO Smooth skate 1, 2 SSKI 3, 4, 5, 6 SSK3 7 SSK7 8,9 SSK8 10 SSK10 1500 Fisheries (Reporting) Amendment 2003/221 Regulations (No 2) 2003 r4 (2) Table 11 of Part 1 of Schedule 3 of the principal regulations is amended by adding to the notes at the beginning of the table the following note: 3 In this table, the quota management areas are those defined m- (a) Part III of the First Schedule of the Fisheries Act 1996; or (b) the Fisheries (Declaration of New Stocks Subject to Quota Management System) Notice (No 2) 2002. (3) Table 11 of Part 1 of Schedule 3 of the principal regulations is amended by omitting from the heading of the fourth column the words "as defined in Part III of First Schedule of Fisheries Act 1996". (4) Table I I of Part 1 of Schedule 3 of the principal regulations is amended by omitting the item relating to long-finned fresh­ water eel for the South East (Chatham Rise), and substituting the following item: Fishstock code Species of Quota man- Area refer- Quota man- For use in For usc in eel agement ence num- agement CELR, MHR area name ber area CLR, and ECLR Long-finned South East LFE17 LFE17 LFE17 freshwater (Chatham eel Rise) (5) Table II of Part 1 of Schedule 3 of the principal regulations is amended by omitting the item relating to short-finned fresh­ water eel for the South East (Chatham Rise), and substituting the following item: Fishstock code Species of Quota man- Area refer- Quota man- For use in For use in eel agement ence num- agement CELR, MHR area name ber area CLR, and ECLR Short-finned South East SFE17 SFE17 SFE17 freshwater (Chatham eel Rise) (6) Part 1 of Schedule 3 is amended by revoking Table 13. and substituting the following table: 1501 Fisheries (Reporting) Amendment r4 Regulations (No 2) 2003 2003/221 Table 13 Sea urchin, kina, and sea egg reference numbers for purposes of table 1 The areas referred to by name in this table are the quota management areas or fisheries defined,- (a) in the case ofthe Challenger (Westland) fishery and the Chal­ lenger (Nelson/Marlborough) fishery, in Schedule 5 of the Fisheries (Declaration of New Stocks Subject to Quota Man­ agement System) Notice 2001; and (b) in the case of East Northland fishery, Hauraki and Bay of Plenty fishery, East Coast fishery, and the Wairarapa and Wellington fishery, in Schedule 2 of the Fisheries (Declara­ tion of New Stocks Subject to Quota Management System) Notice (No 2) 2002. Area name Area reference number used in fishstock code East Northland lA Hauraki and Bay of Plenty IB East Coast 2A Wairarapa and Wellington 2B Challenger (Nelson/Marlborough) 7A Challenger (Westland) 7B (7) Schedule 3 is amended by revoking Part 2, and substituting the Part 2 set out in the Schedule of these regulations. (8) Part 3 of Schedule 3 of the principal regulations is amended by omitting the item relating to gilled and gutted, and substi­ tuting the following items: Sole or principal landed state Corresponding landed state code Gilled and gutted tail on GGO Gilled and gutted tail off GGT 1502 Fisheries (Reporting) Amendment 2003/221 Regulations (No 2) 2003 Schedule Schedule New Part 2 substituted in Schedule 3 of principal regulations Part 2 Species codes Common name Species code Scientific name Albacore tuna ALB Thunnus alalunga Alfonsino BYX Beryx splendens, B. decadactylus Anchovy ANC Engraulis australis Arrow squid SQU Nototodarus gouldi, N. sloanii Banded bellowsfish BBE Centriscops humerosus Banded wrasse BPF Notolabrus .fucicola Barraco uta BAR Thyrsites atun Barracudina BCA Magnisudis prionosa Basketwork eel BEE Diastobranchus capensis Basking shark BSK Cetorhinus maximus Bellowsfish BEL Centriscops spp. Bigeye tuna BIG Thunnus obesus Big-scale pomfret BSP Taractichthys longipinnis Paranotothenia Black cod BCD magellanica Black marlin BKM Makaira indica Bladder kelp KBB Macrocystis pyr!fera Blue cod BCO Parapercis colias Blue (English) mackerel EMA Scomber australasicus Blue maomao BMA Scorpis violaceus Blue marlin BEM Makaira mazara Blue moki MOK Latridopsis ciliaris Blue shark BWS Prionace glauca Bluenose BNS Hyperoglyphe antarctica Broad squid BSQ Sepioteuthis australis Broadnose sevengill shark SEV Notorynchus cepedianus Bronze whaler shark BWH Carcharhinus brachyurus Brown stargazer BRZ Xenocephalus armatus B utterfish, green bone BUT Odaxpullus Butterfly tuna BTU Gasterochisma melampus Cancer crab CAC Cancer novaezelandiae Cardinal fish CDL Epigonus telescopus Cardinal fish, white EPD Epigonus denticulatus Cardinal fish, bigeye EPL Epigonus lenimen Cardinal fish, robust EPR Epigonus robustus Carpet shark CAR Cephaloscyllium isabellum Catfish (freshwater) CAT lctalurus nebulosus Cockle coc Chione (Austrovenus) stutchburyi Common (blue) warehou WAR Seriolella brama 1503 Fisheries (Reporting) Amendment Schedule Regulations (No 2) 2003 2003/221 Part 2-continued Common name Species code Scientific name Common roughy RHY Paratrachichthys trailli Conger eel CON Conger spp. Cooks turban shell CTU Cookia sulcata Copper moki C.\10 Lntridopsis forsteri Deal fish DEA Trachipterus trachypterus Deepsea flathead FHD Hoplichthys haswelli Dolphinfish DOF Coryphaena hippurus Eagle ray EGR Myliobatis tenuicaudatus Ecklonia ECK Ecklonia spp. Electric ray ERA Torpedo fairchildi Elephant fish ELE Callorhinchus milii Emperor EMP Lethrinidae (Family) Escolar LEP Lepidocybium fiavobrunneurn Flatfish: Black flounder* BFL Rhombosolea retiaria Brill* BRI Colistiurn guntheri Greenback flounder* GFL Rhornbosolea tapi rina Lemon sole* LSO Pelotretis fiavilatus NZ sole* ESO Peltorhamphus novaezee- landiae Sand flounder* SFL Rhornbosolea plebeia Turbot* TUR Colistium nudipinnis Y ellowbelly flounder* YBF Rhornbosolea leporina Flying fish FLY Exococtidae (Family) Frostfish FRO Lepidopus caudatus Garfish GAR Hyporhamphus ihi Gemfish, southern kingfish SKI Rexea solandri Ghost shark GSH Hydrolagus novaezea- landiae Ghost shark, pale GSP Hydrolagus bernis i Giant stargazer STA Kathetostoma giganteurn Gracilaria weed GRA Gracilaria secundata Green-lipped mussel MSG Perna canaliculus Grey mullet GMU Mugil cephalus Groper: Bass* BAS Polyprion americanus Hapuku* HAP Polyprion oxygeneios Hagfish HAG Eptatretus cirrhatus Hake HAK Merluccius australis Hammerhead shark HHS Sphyrna zygaena Hoki HOK Macruronus novaezelandiae Horse mussel HOR Atrina zelandica Jack mackerel JMA Trachurus declivis, T novaezelandiae. T rnurphyi Japanese (spotted) gurnard JGU Pterygotrigla picta 1504 Fisheries (Reporting) Amendment 2003/221 Regulations (No 2) 2003 Schedule Part 2-continued Common name Species code Scientific name Javelinfish JAY Lepidorhynchus denticulatus John Dory JDO Zeus faber Kahawai KAH Arripis trutta Kelp, bull KBL Durvillea spp. Kelpfish KEL Chironemus marmora/us Kingfish (yellowtail) KIN Seriola lalandi Koheru KOH Decapterus koheru Koi carp KOI Cyprinus carpio Leafscale gulper shark CSQ Centrophorus squamosus Lcatherjacket LEA Parika scaber Lessonia LES Lesson ia spp. Ling LIN Genypterus blacodes Long-finned bom·fish LFB Zanclistius elevatus Long-finned freshwater LFE Anguilla die{fenbachii eel** Long-nosed chimaera LCH Harriotta raleighana Lookdown dory LDO Cyttus traversi Mako shark MAK lsurus oxyrinchus Marblefish GTR Aplodactylus arctidens Mirror dory MDO Zenopsis nebulosus Moonfish MOO Lampris guttatus Moray eel MOR Muraenidae (Family) Munida MUN Munida gregoria Northern bastard cod BRC Pseudophycis breviuscula Northern bluefin tuna NTU Thunnus thyruws Northern spiny dogfish NSD Squalus mitsukurii Oarfish OAR Regalecus glesne Octopus OCT Pinnoctopus cordifinmis Offal OFF Oilfish OFH Ruvel/us pretiosus Orange perch OPE Lepidoperca aurantia Orange roughy ORH Hoplostethus at/anticus Oreos: Black* BOE Allocyttus Smooth* sso Pseudocyttus maculatus Spiky* SOR Neocyttus rhomboidalis Oysters, dredge (Foveaux OYU Tiostrea chilensis Strait) Oysters, dredge (except
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