FIELD GUIDE TO FOREST DAMAGE in British Columbia 3RD REVISED EDITION Field Guide to the Pests of Managed Forests in British Columbia (1983) Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data The use of trade, firm, or corporation names in this publication is for the information and convenience of the reader. Such use does not constitute an official endorsement or approval by the Government of British Columbia of any product or service to the exclusion of any others that may also be suitable. Contents of this report are presented for discussion purposes only. Funding assistance does not imply endorsement of any statements or information contained herein by the Government of British Columbia. Uniform Resource Locators (urls), addresses, and contact information contained in this document are current at the time of printing unless otherwise noted. Print edition: ISBN 978-0-7726-6819-6 Electronic/PDF edition: ISBN 978-0-7726-6819-6 Citation Burleigh, J., T. Ebata, K.J. White, D. Rusch and H. Kope. (Eds.) 2014. Field Guide to Forest Damage in British Columbia (Joint publication, ISSN 0843-4719 ; no. 17) Authors’ affiliation Jennifer Burleigh, Tim Ebata and Harry Kope B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Resource Practices Branch, Victoria, B.C. Ken White B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Skeena Region, Smithers, B.C. David Rusch B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Cariboo Region, Williams Lake, B.C. Copies of this report may be obtained from: Crown Publications, Queen’s Printer PO Box 9452 Stn Prov Govt Victoria, BC v8w 9v7 1-800-663-6105 | www.crownpub.bc.ca For information on other publications in this series, visit www.for.gov.bc.ca/scripts/hfd/pubs/hfdcatalog/index.asp © 2014 Province of British Columbia When using information from this report, please cite fully and correctly. FIELD GUIDE TO FOREST DAMAGE in British Columbia 3rd Revised Edition Field Guide to Pests of Managed Forests in British Columbia (1983) Edited by: Jennifer Burleigh, Tim Ebata, and Harry Kope B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Resource Practices Branch, Victoria, B.C. David Rusch B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Cariboo Region, Williams Lake, B.C. Ken White B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Skeena Region, Smithers, B.C. JOINT PUBLICATION NUMBER 17 ACknOwLEDGEMEnTS The technical writers of the damage agents of conifer trees (Part 1) are: Joan Westfall, Entopath Management Ltd, Hadrian Merler, John Muir, Don Norris, Richard Reich, Alex Woods and Stefan Zeglen, of the British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. The technical writers of the damage agents of broadleaf trees (Part 2) are: Adriane Pollard, Pollard Ecological Consulting; Anne Savoie, Consultant; and Teresa White, Cedrus Consulting. Technical reviewers included: • From the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations: Paul Cortin, Phil Comeau, Peter Hall, Don Heppner, Robert Hodgkinson, Rob Martin, Hadrian Merler, John Muir, Don Norris, Al Randall, Richard Reich, Suzanne Simard, Art Stock, Keith Thomas, Ken White, Alex Woods and Stefan Zeglen. • From the Canadian Forest Service: Eric Allen, Brenda Callan, Bob Duncan, Yasu Hiratsuka, Lee Humble, and Duncan Morrison. • From Forestry Companies and Consultants: Applied Mammal Research Institute, Thomas P. Sullivan; Coast Mountain Hardwoods, Bill Blaney; Blake Dickens; Kalesnikoff Lumber Co. Ltd., Blair MacLeod; Louisiana-Pacific Canada Ltd., Mike Byle; MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., Cees van Oosten; D.R. Miller Consulting Services, Dan Miller; Oregon State University, David Hibbs; Scott Paper Ltd, Dan Carson, Gashaw Abele; and Slocan Group, Dave Cheyne; USDA FS, (retired) Malcolm Furniss Gratitude is extended to those who generously allowed the use of their line drawings and photographs, including Eric Allen, Norm Alexander, Brenda Callan, Dave Cheyne, Blake Dickens, Tim Ebata, Mark Gardinar, Don Heppner, Robert Hodgkinson, Al Johnson, Malcolm Knapp, Lorraine Maclauchlan, Dion Manastryski, Steve Mitchell, Duncan Morrison, Mike Peterson, Dave Piggin, Sylvia Pollard, Richard Reich, Tom Sullivan, Rod Turnquist, Joan Westfall, Teresa White, and the Kamloops Resource District. The Northern Forestry Centre and Pacific Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, are acknowledged for co-operation and support in supplying photographic images. A detailed list of photographic and line drawing contributors can be found in the appendices. Technical assistance was provided by: Rod Garbutt and Dave Langor, Canadian Forest Service; Syd Cannings, Conservation Data Centre; Duncan Kent and Associates; and Sylvia Pollard. ii tablE OF COnTEnTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................... ii TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................... iii INTRODUCTION ................................................................... 1 HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE................................................... 4 Part 1 DAMAGE AGENTS OF CONIFEROUS TREES IN BRITISH COLUMBIA .............. 5 INSECTS OF CONIFEROUS TREES ........................................ 7 Defoliators .......................................................................... 9 Western Spruce Budworm ..................................... 10 2-Year-Cycle Budworm........................................... 12 Eastern Spruce Budworm ...................................... 14 Western Blackheaded Budworm ........................... 16 Bud Moths .............................................................. 18 Douglas-Fir Tussock Moth ..................................... 20 Conifer Sawfly ........................................................ 22 Larch Sawfly ........................................................... 24 Pine Needle Sheathminer ...................................... 26 Larch Casebearer .................................................... 28 Western False Hemlock Looper ............................. 30 Western Hemlock Looper ...................................... 32 Green-Striped Forest Looper ................................. 34 Black Army Cutworm ............................................. 36 Trisetacus Mite ....................................................... 38 Sucking Insects ....................................................... 39 Balsam Woolly Adelgid .......................................... 40 Cooley Spruce Gall Adelgid ................................... 42 Giant Conifer Aphid .............................................. 44 Green Spruce Aphid ............................................... 46 Woody Tissue Feeders ................................................. 48 Mountain Pine Beetle ............................................ 50 Spruce Beetle ......................................................... 52 Douglas-Fir Beetle .................................................. 54 Western Balsam Bark Beetle .................................. 56 iii tablE OF COnTEnTS Western Pine Beetle ............................................... 58 LPS Beetle ........................................................ 60 Hylurgops Beetle .................................................... 62 Twig Beetle............................................................. 64 Fir Engraver Beetle ................................................ 66 Red Turpentine Beetle ........................................... 68 Lodgepole Pine Beetle ........................................... 70 Silver Fir Beetle/Fir Root Bark Beetle .................... 72 White Pine Weevil.................................................. 74 Lodgepole Pine Terminal Weevil ........................... 76 Warren’s Root Collar Weevil .................................. 78 Yosemite Bark Weevil ............................................ 80 Conifer Seedling Weevil ......................................... 82 Sequoia Pitch Moth ............................................... 84 Northern Pitch Twig Moth ..................................... 86 Gouty Pitch Midge ................................................. 88 DISEASES OF CONIFEROUS TREES...................................... 90 Root Diseases ............................................................... 91 Armillaria Root Disease ......................................... 92 Laminated Root Rot ............................................... 94 Tomentosus Root Rot ............................................. 96 Annosus Root Disease ............................................ 98 Black stain Root Disease ........................................ 100 Rhizina Root Disease ............................................. 102 Dwarf Mistletoes ......................................................... 104 Lodgepole Pine Dwarf Mistletoe .......................... 106 Hemlock Dwarf Mistletoe ...................................... 108 Larch Dwarf Mistletoe ........................................... 110 Douglas-fir Dwarf Mistletoe .................................. 112 Branch and Stem Rusts ................................................ 114 Comandra Blister Rust ........................................... 116 Stalactiform Blister Rust ........................................ 118 Western Gall Rust .................................................. 120 White Pine Blister Rust .......................................... 122 iv tablE OF COnTEnTS Branch/Stem Cankers and Diebacks ............................ 124 Atropellis Canker ..................................................
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