~ .- ---=- -- -- --------- Mrs Leo ilard 2380 T rrey Pines Road La J la, California 92038 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE Department of Psychology HANOVER, NEW HAMPSHIRE Dear Mrs Szilard I would greatly appreciate a reprint of your husband's article entitled: On the decrease of entropy in a thermmdynamic system by the 1nterventian of jnte11igent beings which appeared in Behavioral Science 1964 9 3010.310 Thank you very much. Victor E. McGee, PhD Sincerelyyours, 1 \ _ R.. ·1 c_/: /Ui\ ulc-. '(, \, ~ ~.j . pY..t. \!!~ '~" ~ ~· r7i~ ~ {I [U.:> .POSTA~ !1/.M ' J -L() c;):JjiJ ~ 9~. ~~ 1ol <).Jf !lEPRlNT REQUEST" Dear Ill~ , ~4~; ~~ ~ Would you 'Please send a repr Ln of your· iP 1 Qpesti n.g a rticle OM 'fL. tAo . s t...+..JL b ~~ '--u g ~ - . &;r~~~ ~~~~~~~ · ~ appeari g in Ab. ~c::.l. , /161, 9, (1 · ~ 1 - 31 b Thank you POST CARD The Addfl~sr. to be written on this 5ide. SEVER LLS HOSPITAL, COLCHESTER. ESSEX. Do you have a spare copy of your interesting Paper? With very many thanks. Yours sincerely, ~~. /)~ P 21/0/ .SKY ~ . DEPARTMENT OF EPIDEMIOLOGY HARVARD SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH ONE SHATTUCK STREET BOSTON, MASSAC HUSETTS 0 2 115 l would g reatly appreciate rece1vmg a reprintS of your,. article5 entitled ''()..~ ~/4r;., " · · ~~ :;!;;~~ · 1 t- ~vry~ J ~ . which appeared in . ~~ , /1&1,../fJ~ l/. (j,,S, /9!iJ (THIS Sl DE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) dJI ~ aJ -~ ~~~ c/) (.~ af~a~7d~ ~~ t!h -t:h ~ ~~/;!~~a ~ ~--- .b?J ~ ~ ~ ,:.:tz_~ 'd ~ . ~ .5c~ J Ud CJ, ~ 30/ J 17G1. ~r (07 ~~~~:/:fc.-:, n:f/~J D~heF~ u . .,;~~' D~~~ S~OI ~ f{d/ ~ ~}hud . l 5 7 r.r ~. ~7JIARD, L~o %.. •JRl) Sz · lar~ 2~80 Torrey Pines R.D._ Cr1.J i forr,j e I. ... A. 10 LL... A U •• A. Professeur G. CROUZAT- REYNES La baratoire de Physique Pharmaceutiq ue Faculte de Medeci ne et d e Pharmacie 2 bi s, Bo ulevard Tannelle TOURS (1-&-l.) FRANCE m r ns. ,,. 215 · vr i 1 I'J 67 Je vous serais Ires oblige de m'adresser un tire ii part de votre publication I should be greatly obliged if you could send me a reprint of your paper Q the. dec;r.e; ~.e of e tro1 J' 1n :, tLf rr.,ortyn· .. mj c }3y~terr by t P 1ntervent1o of 1ntel1i£" t be inn:;. Avec mes sentiments Ires reconnaissants. Yours very truly. THE UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA Depanment of Microbiology Winnipeg 19, Manitoba, Canada I should be very pleased if y ou could send me a reprint of your paper:- tf>... /L Zuc.a=ecu.Q '} ,C~7 ?&o. a z4:w.a-t;z~aMrc \faT~ ~ & /~4.~~;__ 'f '~f1r-eM: der(F. ~ "4f<:,{t'2.VCau~J J:,o-,c12 " ~/f. /Y6 ¥ Yours sincerely, G-743 Mrs L Szilard 2380 Torrey pines PUJad La Jolla, Cal. 92038 TJANSTE ILunds Universitet USA Department of Sociology Research Policy Program University of Lund Lund Sweden R ES I ~ AH C H POLI CY PllOGil AM Uni versitr of Lund Lund. Sweden l should g reatly appreciate a reprint f~ ( your articll': ___ "Qn_!fle __decr~ _ase___ of Eutropy in a therm:Xlynarnic system ______]:)y __ t:h._e .~~~ - : ..... which appea red in Behavioral Science Vo l. Pa~e / 9. Yo urs sin cere/ )·, ./) ~;c.,__ 1o ·B GRAHNS tR .. LU ND S . Dedijer (THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) Univer s i ty of Illinois College of Medicine Office o f Research in Medical Education P.O. Box 6998 Chicago,· Illinois 60680 Thank you. TA FORD U IVERSITY ~ 1!\;\JI·ORD. U \1 II·ORNIA y~ 305 DlVISION OF ENG INEERING MECIIANICS De c e mber l OJ 1965 Mrs . Le o Szilard 2380 Torre y Pines Road La J ollaJ California 92038 Dear Mrs . Szila rd : I w as v e ry pleased to see that Be ha viora l Science ha published your husband ' s epochal paper "on the Decrease of En tropy "J and would be most grateful if you cou ld spare me a copy . Wi th best wishes J Yours s ince r ely ) ichae l A . Arbib Research Associate MAA/mrh STANFORD ELECTRONICS LABORATORIES STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 29 August 1966 Mrs. Leo Szilard 2380 Torrey Pines Road La Jolla, California 92038 Dear Mrs. Szilard : Further to my l etter of D ccmber 10 , 1965, I was very pleased to see that B havioral Science has published your husband's e pochal pape r "on the Decrease of Entropy", and would b e most grateful if you could spare me a copy. With best wishes, MAA:rb VETERANS ADMINISTRATION HOSPITA L DOWNEY, ILLINOIS 60065 January 11, 1966 YOUR FILE REFERENCE : L. Szilard 180 2380 Torrey Pines Road IN REPLY REFER TO : ·LaJolla, California Dear Dr o Szilard: We would appreciate recelVlng two (2) reprints of your paper: On the Decrease of E ntropy i n a T hermodynamic System by the I ntervention of Intelligent Beings, which appeared in: NEUROLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY, Vol. 18, No. 8, Secti on VI I I , August, 1965 . Thanking you in advance. Si11cerely ypurs, ·, ,\" .. ~J 'h'. .• . """ 0. I. JAMES YO G, .Do, Ph.D. Chief, Neurolo~--~ d/~ ;:- I ;UP. WILBUR Fo RO , M Assistant Chief, Neurology Service Show veteran's full name and VA file 111tmber on all correspondence . If VA number is unknown, show service number. - ·. ATTENDING STAFF ASSOCIATION 7601 EAST IMPERIAL HIGHWAY, DOWNEY, CALIFORNIA SPruce 3-4331 • TOpaz 9-0921 September 14, 1965 Mrs. L eo Szilard 2380 Torrey Pines Road La J olla, California 92038 D ear Mrs. Szilard: I was very much interested in the translation of your husband 1 s article on 11 D ecrease of Entropy, 11 which appeared in the O ctobe r 1964 issue of Behavioral S cience . I shall appreciate your sending me a reprint of this for further study and consid erai ion. Since r e ly, WW:at Worden Waring, Ph. D. Project Director August 6, 1965 Mr. George B. Connor Nucleus Cybernetics Organization 3038 Bishop Road Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Dear Mr. Connor: This is to acknowledge your letter of July 31, 1965, in which was enclosed your check for $5.00. As I am unfortunately not able to fill your reprint order, I am returning the check, herewith~ with thanks. Veto/ truly yours, Mrs. Leo Szilard pm September 30, 1965 \)~,. Ross J. Cox Temple University School of Medicine and Hospital Broad & Ontario Streets Philadelphia ~~ Pa. Doc. MUDr. Ivan Horvai Psychiatric Clinic Charles University Prague 2, Ke Karlovu 11 Czechoslovakia Dr. Alick Elithorn Royal Free Hospital (J \v J Lawn Road Hampstead London, N.W . 3, ENGLAND D. tv'\. i=-ASTC>~ l=l.o\~IOA, ST"ATC. U\'.\\\J , OE.P\. ~ \?.\0\.-QG(I<..AL. S<-\ . \AL-LA~AS~E.E. I F'l.. 012. ' OA, 3-:z.:~o <.o \ n'3. ~ .c . -btu \Zovs ~~ , C . C:,c. th~ \) t.!J Do\l.. (:t, ~OL.O~\C. "'-\' uST~V I I s LDv e tJ 5.~~ t\. ~~ oEM' t\ \J, E.D O't>Y"~nc..ov m\e<v \ / o.- August 23, 1965 - Entropy Reprints C. M Goodall Dr. A. S. Burhan The Chicago Medical School Director of Research Division of Oncology Cleveland State Hospital 2020 W. Ogden Cleveland 5, Ohio Chicago 12, Illinois May 25, 1965 Arthur D. Karlin Jose Valencia Dr. A. S. Burhan School of Business Catedra De Biologia Director of Research Administration Universidad De Chile Cleveland State Hospital Tulane University Av. Zanartu 1042 Cleveland 5, Ohio New Orleans, La. 70118 Santiago, CHILE Dr. Watton B. Geiger Mr. Ross Scott Research Department Dr. Jerry W. Koppman No rristown State Hospital 1225 NE 6lst Street Seattle, Washington Department of Psychology Norristown, Pennsylvania San Diego State College San Diego, Calif. 92115 Dr. G. S. ~liberg Professor J. Paillard Food and Drug Directorate C.N.R.S. - I.N.P. 4 Dept. of Nat'l Health 31, Chemin Joseph-Aiguier and Welfare Marseille (9me), Tunney's Pasture FRANCE Ottawa, CANADA Dr. Frances Griffin Dr. Robert W. Hodge Ohio State Univ. Hospitals NORC, Univ. Upham Hall of Chicago 5720 Woodlawn Avenue 410 W. lOth Avenue Chicago 37, Illinois Columbus, Ohio 43210 Dr. P. S. Davison W. Perl Dr. V. Zikmund Scientific Documentation New York University Institute of Experimental Centre Ltd. Research Service Medicine of Slovak Halbeath House Goldwater Memorial Hospital Academy of Sciences Dunfermline, Fife Welfare Island, New Bratislava,Sienkiewiczova 1 UNITED KINGDOM New York, 17, New York CZECHOSLOVAKIA Dr. I. Ruttkay-Nedecky Dr. Jack W. Schweitzer Dr. Merle Moskowitz Institute of Experimental Dept. of Psychiatry & Dept. of Pathology Medicine of Slovak Neurology University of Colorado Academy of Sciences New York University School Medical Center Bratislava,Sienkiewiczova of Medicine 4200 East Ninth Avenue CZECHOSLOVAKIA 550 First Avenue Denver, Colorado 80220 New York, New York 10016 Robert T. Sherelis Dr. George W. Luhrmann Philip J. Regal State University of New Box #85 University of California York at Buffalo Ceda~ Brook, New Jersey Department of Zoology Dept. of Biophysics Los Angeles, California 14 The Circle 90024 Buffalo, New York 14214 Dr. John C. Sonne Dr. E. Vallecalle 1718 Locust Street Universidad Central de Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Venezuela Escuela de Medicina Jose Vargas Departamento de Ciencias Fisiologicas CARACAS, VENEZUELA Dr. qerhard Werner Dr. William S. Beck Richard C. Strai g ht The , John Hopkins School Hematology Research Lab. Dept. of Molecular Biol. of Medicine Massachusetts General Greenhouse Department of Physiology Hospital University of Utah Baltimore 5, Maryland Boston 14, Massachusetts Salt Lake City, Uta h8 4112 I. Blei Dr. Jack Stern Research - Melpar, Inc. 6011 Harry Hines Blvd. 3000 Arlington Boulvvard Dallas, Texas 75235 Falls Church, Virginia ~ •. ~ . s .
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