_-- -1-~ _k :3:--&#39;1. :?__4* - _-- ; _ x __-1;. -.. .. .- - J__.M__-1....~-_.H-_...;.,.&#39;;¢_92~_...; .- . M. ;.-_92-_,..;-,;_ _.&#39;-,;_»-_&#39;_; . 7- ;-~.&#39;_-2I . __ ___";..-.,.|:__.._ _ __ V 1_ .;, _.. _. -_, _,,_ . -._ _&#39; .&#39;_ _ -. yr.-.-1 .-f-.j_&#39;~ , I _ _.. , .7 . ..92__- - , _ ___ ,_.;_,., -- ..- __ . -._.-,, . L -&#39; -" &#39;13-:*;&#39;!:";$Pi&#39;¢&#39;$i£E-35;-é=i:;é§;~-&#39;3&#39;?=;._-EQ5.ie&#39;:;=~_;.¢.|Q;.-=&#39;-1-.?;l;,-IF;-A.!;.._;LZ; -4 r-1 " 2 &#39; -_92 "~&#39;-.-" 92- 0 1 - ----1 __ . ~:-1- .A¢-a 4; , _- 1;~...:-:-.--...-.....-." .-.. 92 . FEDERAL: BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION CHARLES LINDBERGH PART 3 OF 7 FILE NUMBER : 65-11449 SUB A 92 Q E b av -In A 1 _f 1_/ 92 Subject: Charles Augustus Lindbergh File NO. 65-11449 Sub A Q- E I HNBBERGH W lil_ Qllilni smv SILENI 1 Col. ONcan-nu AIR A.DA.IA/ mmdmmu n Mann Int ammmn mawmluuucm dentin! aviation lad nlhn in- iforfluun bu 9&#39;! In &#39;_lJH II DIIIIICI-llul I-III He zmdethll }l.lh¢kfN!|¢I drenlnlnnonr the Chicago Arena &#39;l1un&#39;ldlI night. Wheninued 92lm:u1&#39;uu&#39;hi|l:llertlon kihahfnemwi: 1 Hhnngivnnllhe Clan uulhctnl nl|mrll.lshW lcnoloeeuunuon I131-bolnlllly nesting. Thetnmuusier 3 ll. W Mr. RleI:ol|__,_,_]_ I7 =-#2; I42.-h_- _- -¢-?, I.~-- "13 __________ - &#39;" Quinn 1:-p_... 1 5 F i..I~lII._.....___,,_ I &#39;"-1&#39;---.--.._. 92 municlvc lb-cm l 1098!!!! KM I mmu. p 92¢92Cn V Q I -QHE LINDBERGH SPEEQH, Ameriunl i nnindod thlt Fol. Lindbergh is h mm up oge. His preoent eorrto ell the war are In Iride 4 V --. t- A-1&#39;"-"" ll bringing n &#39; 3-Ir. C306 ----&#39;-&#39;- &#39; htrltion in Wnhingto &#39; -in. hon ozhynericol wuohooun. &#39;- i g;_ ail _ @LI1ndberg&#39;hilind.iJ&#39;i.in[uilhedOil&#39;ilIlllI1.II92&#39; limilu circumnonoeg George Wuhingzon {I- lili-edthewlrhawhodhkdlyihocriedthlt it.-ii thiscotmtryhodolnonldutytolghtonthe9 P3. C5. lide ot revolutionaryFrance eninstBritain. E I1~riQ&#39;£&#39;ri&#39;1. Abraham Lincoln opponed the Mexican I&#39;ll. &#39;am-en----- us. I-lore George: life um imperiled when 5. mm -.&#39;=. &#39;2&#39;:-e=!---*&#39;*"" ¢gninnthe8oe1-wor. &#39;1hemouuruolOoi.j&#39; Lindbergh: mange and poise In lound in the loci that he does not trouble to defend hinuei! ngninn those who lrroeeking to lulu Iain. Unlike them. heoontinuee to carry on the dehnte hiionnlly. without roooune to invociive or pm- I0n.eJ ohnle. &#39; They are O01. Lindbergh pro-Hitlertho §iiso!recordti-mthinwutheiirltnuthoritntive roieewhich warned Britain Ihnoe Ind the of Bern-an preparation: for war. Ban tor hing Britain: prepu-lon would have been wen it Iequlie then it was Ind Britain: deleet in nil pi-ubobiiity imuld he on accomplished he-t today. Dal. Lindbergh hu loomed to answer ihe lineu- campaign he-came he does not want attention liistrocted tromihe :nninieIue,whiehhwhe|u um oounu-y mu amp In the an: mun l_he iilonnevuzmaorityoiuu_ i nppeo.I_i§ sop_endto common thatitwolnnhodlqltlfi III" ,def anddoootlendoonrwlr _ i iobroodwohnoaonuontolnrinvuionorg Au _ lubiugniion.hunmooonsidezntionswhichgive ° 65°//41/?~92ni==mna¢o¢¢inou:nh_l11r:roh1¢n¢wrI1&#39;I I pomp:him towlrnmm Qjllhlillltlll q.._ 7... _ _ .. __ ..._4_ _.,,,,,Y.,_-_,._._.._... _.._._...__,.._........thew-uin!ku~opo.toe&#39;thenel1i.heodnniIlI. _ .- - . ..... Q-.-<.-.-1..-.---. Iiiiheonihelideofthepowozwhiehdominotoo a_J__S__r______:_____A_{J_H_?____iZA?_*____V._ML15_L_____H__P_ >&#39;A _t _ r 5 __uii1-:___H________._H___*_____:___&#39;_____L_5_"MTM___mm_*KJ4_________w_ i _ J_T};m_:__iAis§?f%W%%HWW_é__n?FI_Ll_wvkV____" ;M _ w_V%___?___WW_@__w"W %t ____.U?H_WT__4_l.&#39;_Z______£MM__r_N%%~%H_?_gm_m_"_W_m__v*mWvM§____,___ E _1 mM%mw"MmmMMmw_mmmumwmmWW? M %__m_MU__%mmm__MnMM4WmMwWmmWM%i_M Wmyr&#39;_2_"H_§mMhWm_mmm __§m__M_%%M%h~mmm%mmMMMWmRMmW%mMw_hJ._,__»_II92_l___"_I 7 ______ __ _____ ____,q_V_?_19_,___Ll_M M ~_m_%__:FWigém% YM_~_lmm % %_£_MMMMMHMMMWMWMWMMMWWWMWwmwmwmgm uwmmmwmmmwm%WMWMWMWmmMwH ______w___V____q _ H _H__A_____4_V__"_____ru_!U7__yInM__H_wm_____mW__Mww_Eh__mm__mMmmmMMT?IYI,&#39;_.I_U__&#39;_&#39;mwwmm AM_ x mmmmmmhm&#39;__________!_If_v_h92J1},_MW :W_ ____ /0w__»Q_Ufa_P_______IV_______H____L&&#39;lWI%_______A____U__U___v__92___7_l_i_H!92___H_,______?*9214:4%:______|__"_____§92____"r___&~_!_I_J___V;|{Q92§92:_w&#39;-__,_J_.1{92____*_____in*___L___$M92w/_Mxi %I 1l_H _A&#39;____ %ve_ ___&#39;____II.J_ %_W_M__M~_HkM______ __r__ _______1!_______K _ __ q _ __1 E M __W __ - H _J P _____5__E._H_,___ luvH_P_J___@___r__ ______I_%_%n_§u___Mhm_L____!ww____7°__?&U_y4&2 2 .-a-I F ! _IodéY&#39;s. &#39; u . ~ Editorial »-BA -rt" % """"*1 ..&#39;=*¥;!-B*P"j"-1"?- 7!;* r. 1&#39;tstIlsI.____,,,,__ I&#39;r-i92.&#39;I92-i--1. E. .-vs Iv. kiwi: .-..._. =1:en .1 II. CeIlI........_ Ir. lodl.----.- n lr. ll!al:eI...,..,..,._ Ir. Ieeee ...,,..;._. _&#39;4 ,5.- Ya. Cae .,,_,__._ I-33* .._,,_ Hr Eilliii E53 Eqsdm...,.,......,.. Ii-Iv--._._..-. - hi?»- ._| L: .-.." :._-.i.. Y" .-&#39; 31? -ti ...,-,-._-F 9C 47$ . lt seemsthat Ch h never loses an opportunity to take a slap at Great Britain. On 3. 1 the other hand, there seems to be no record of the ___ some Mr. Lindbergh, in any way, shape or form, belittling or criticising Hitlerand thebrutality of the -v present Germannation--in their fourteen separate acts of aggression.- I - , - &#39;- - Naturally, it_lri-tr. l.i-her§h__desires weto =nti= British, that is his Business; however,he is rapidly K losing therespect atmore andmore loyalAmerican I citizens. &#39; *&#39; &#39; - a If Mr. Lindbergh feelsthat England committed a great sin by taking up arms in defense again Germany, wewould like to hear what he thinks f- Hitler&#39;s murderousinvasion of Poland. - > It seems that the least Mr. Lindbergh could vrouid be to condemn the hnatnlity at Nazis:--, So-&#39;=== Inunism, and Fascism, end, now that America is committed by the will at the lnaiority to aid Great Britain, to work tor a united nation in support at President Roosevelt and our national defense effort. We areglad that President Roosevelthas faith I in the ultimate victory at Great Britain over Germany. We are glad that Roosevelt recognizesthe serious- Q ness of the situation and the tact that this War is iust - -- --.....___..:-..1s-c.e,.1 ,___ l v i .- y un_¥§L;nd, -;&#39; ll is that meta;our mtnation rs unprepai to meet so armidable a foe as the German war machine, R is beaaase, daring the past twenty yeafs, We have listened to propaganda at peace put out by Germany and Russia ta the American public while at the some time these hvo nations were making the greatest possible eftart ta build what is now known to be"the greatest military machine ever operated by one na- 3% tion against another. " &#39;" " _- . :.. -_|_&#39; -r It is also because vre attempted to lollovr a policy _ ,._ r-- . of isolation without providing ourselves with the mili- tary and economic means of maintaining isaltitials in any sense except that we refused to accept out joint responsibility of maintaining the peace at the world by joining, and making effective, the League of Nations. " 1 - - &#39;" &#39; . ,. There is good reason to believe that the United States and Great Britain can ultimately defeat Ger- 13&#39; many and her allies, but we cannot afford to become so optimistic in this belief that we would neglect to promote ail at those defense efforts essential to final victory. = ~&#39; - , ~ - There are I ical reasons to believe that the if 3 Axis powers could, in their ovvn good time, extend their aggression to the Western hemisphere. If Amer- ican aid to Britain is not too late or too little, it is equally possible that the United States and Greet Britain can both isolate the flames of var to the I European continent and ultimately defeat the dictator itittions an their awn sail. "_ Q 3 l J If our English speaking nations have any lil- i , ternal taults in their social, economic or political make-up, they can be corrected in a democratic man-&#39; ner. It is a poor time now to squabble among oyst- selves with Hitler knocking at the door-.~ &#39; - Nothwithstanding what may be right and Wtatlg between labor and industry, it is entirely possible that for every man-hour at labor lost as result at strikes in defense industries, ten Americans may die in battle tor lock of the materials that should be produced at this time. - _ &#39; If it is true, as Mr. Lindbergh has told us, that would Germanybe too can greet, never it invade could equally our country. be true that that the Greatcast Britain and the United States, at ied in the greatest possible vrar effort, cannot, In our lite time, islodge the German conquerors from those fourteen hations at Europe olreadv eeeapied by German, Russian and 0 Italian military forces. bl - - ~ I if it is true that we are unprepared ta defend ourselves at this time, it can only be because, after a_ great deal of democratic debating during the past year, programwe were and slaw start to put theinto machine; effect the "to conscriptionbuild out an - sveapans ofnot merely defense, talked sunethirzlwe about! minute ldilauve tler doneand Striedirces started their bloody into-Poland. l-- WW H ---- ~- I Since _,,__M,___ we _ are actually -or inthis 0 -v.
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