V3 ;III~I DECEMBER/DECEMBRE 2000 - DES MATIERES SCIENTIFIC* RUBRIQUE SCIENTIFIQUE REVIEW ARTICLE * ARTICLE DE REVUE Benefits and problems with cloning animals Smith,LawrenceC.Vilceu Bordignon, Marie Babkine, Gilles Fecteau, Carol Keefer...............................................................................919 ARTICLES The use of omeprazole to alleviate stomach ulcers in swine during periods of feed withdrawal RobertM. Friendship, Sergey L. Melnichouk, Catherine E. Dewey........................................................................................ 925 Canine heartworm testing in Canada: Are we being effective? Klotins,KimC.WayneS. Martin, Brenda N. Bonnett, Andrew S. Peregrine......................................................................................... 929 CROSS-CANADA DISEASE REPORT * RAPPORT DES MALADIES DIAGNOSTIQUEES AU CANADA ONTARIO H4N6 influenza virus isolated from pigs in Ontario Alexander L Karasin, Christopher W. Olsen, Ian H. Brown, Susy Carman, Margaret Stalker, Gaylan Josephson.....................................938 PRACTITIONERS' CORNER * LE COIN DES PRATICIENS Tarsal shearing injuries in the dog Greg L.G. Harasen........................................................................................ 940 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF REVIEWERS * REMERCIEMENTS A NOS LECTEURS-EXPERTS..............................................905 INDEX OF VOLUME 41DEX* IN VOLUMEDE 41 ..................................................................... 965 FEATURES* RUBRIQUES SPECIALES EDITORIAL * EDITORIAL BOOK REVIEWS * COMPTES RENDUS DE LIVRE The meaning of being a learned professional Pain Management for the Small Animal Practitioner Les implications de l'appartenance a une Kristine Torske .924 profession savante Doug Hare ............................ 903 The Cardiorespiratory System: Integration of Normal and Pathological Structure and Function NEWS * NOUVELLES Reviewed by William H. Harris .928 Kimberley Allen-McGill, Suzanne Gasseau......................... 907 NOTICES * ANNONCES VETERINARY PRACTICE MANAGEMENTPRACTICE MANAGEMENT ~~~~~~~~CLASSIFIEDS * ANNONCES CLASSEES............................954 GESTION D'UNEVETERINARYCLINIQUE VETERINAIRE Reinventing veterinary practice/Reinventer la COMING EVENTS* EVENEMENTS A VENIR.939 pratique de la medecine veterinaire J.D. (Jim) Stowe........ 944 INDEX OF ADVERTISERS ANESTHESIA UPDATE INDEX DES ANNONCEURS................... 943 LE POINT SUR L'ANESTHESIE Local and regional anesthetic and analgesic "Instructions for authors" are available in Can Vet J techniques in the dog and cat: Part 11, infiltration 2000;41 :66-69./Les "Directives a l'intention des auteurs" and nerve blocks sont disponibles dans le Can Vet J 2000;41 :147-150. Tanya Duke...sont.dispon.b.es.dans..e.Can.Vet...........:147-150. Can Vet J Volume 41, December 2000 901 The Canadian Veterinary Journal Editorial policy: All published articles including editorials and letters reflect the La Revue v6t6rinalre canadienne opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association. 339 rue Booth Street Publication of an advertisement does not necessarily imply that the Canadian Ottawa, Ontario KIR 7K1 Veterinary Medical Association agrees with or supports the claims therein. Telephone: (613) 236-1162 Fax: (613) 236-9681 Politique de la Redaction: Tous les articles publies, y compris les editoriaux et e-mail: [email protected] les lettres, representent l'opinion de l'auteur et non pas necessairement la Web site/Site web: www.cvma-acmv.org position de l'Association canadienne des medecins veterinaires. La publication d'une annonce ne signifie pas necessairement que l'Association canadienne des medecins veterinaires est d'accord avec son contenu ou © Canadian Veterinary Medical Association 2000 qu'elle L'Association canadienne des medecins veterinaires 2000 l'appuie. The Canadian Veterinary Journal is indexed or abstracted in: Editor-in-Chief/Re'dacteur-en-chef La Revue ve'te&rinaire canadienne est indexee ou ses articles sont W.C.D. (Doug) Hare, Ottawa, Ontario resumes dans: Associate Editor/Redacteur adjoint AGRICOL, Biological Abstracts, Capsule Report, Current Contents - Andre Blouin, Saint-Hyacinthe (Quebec) Agriculture, Derwent Veterinary Drug File, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Feature Editor/Redacteur des chroniques Index Veterinarius, Index Medicus, Quarterly Index, Science Citation Index, Craig Stephen, Nanoose Bay, British Columbia Small Animal Practice, Veterinary Bulletin, Veterinary Reference Service, Assistant Editors/Redacteurs associe's Veterinary Update. David Holmberg, Guelph, Ontario Avery C. Gillick, Scarborough, Ontario Cover photo:/Photo de la couverture: Art Ortenburger, Charlottetown, P.E.I. Rhaha Park, Tanzania Alice Bouffard, Ottawa, Ontario Photo by:/Photo de: Mel Hoffer, DVM, Maple Creek, Saskatchewan Bruce Grahn, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Managing Editor/Directrice de la re'daction Typesetting! Typographie Kimberley Allen-McGill, Ottawa, Ontario Aubut & Nadeau Services Inc. Assistant Managing Editor/Directrice adjointe de la redaction Printed by/Imprime par Deborah Thiel, Ottawa, Ontario Dollco Printing, Ottawa, Ontario CirculationiTirage ISSN 0008-5286 Beverley Prieur, Ottawa, Ontario Advertising Manager/Gerante de la publicite' Laima Laffitte, Wendover, Ontario Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement 09789 Published monthly by/ Publication mensuelle de Subscriptions (2001). Annual: Canada $130 + $9.10 GST; foreign $140 US. Single issue/back issue: $15 each + $1.05 GST if applicable (postpaid if payment Canadian Veterinary Medical Association/ accompanies order). (All prices subject to change.) Missing issues will be L'Association canadienne des medecins veterinaires replaced if the Subscriptions Office is notified within 6 months (for requests President/President within Canada) and 1 year (for requests from abroad) of the issue date. The pub- Darcy Shaw, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island lisher expects to supply missing issues only when losses have been sustained in President-elect/President elu transit and when the reserve stock will permit. Telephone (613-236-1162) and Michael Baar, Antigonish, Nova Scotia fax (613-236-9681) orders accepted with a valid Visa or MasterCard number. Vice-president/Vice-president Please advise the CVMA of address changes promptly. Jeanne Lofstedt, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Abonnements (2001). Annuel Canada 130 $ + 9,10 $ TPS; pays etranger Treasurer/Tresorier 140 $ E-U. A la copie ou vieux numeros (chaque): 15 $ + 1.05 $ TPS (le cas Conrad L'tcuyer, Hull, Quebec echeant) - inclut la poste si le paiement est envoye avec la commande. Les prix sont sujets a changement sans preavis. Les numeros qui ne sont pas requs Executive Director/Directeur general seront remplaces si 1'ACMV en est informee dans les 6 mois (pour les demandes Claude Paul Boivin, Ottawa, Ontario venant du Canada) et 1 an (pour les demandes venant de l'etranger) suivant la Chairnan, CVMA Editorial Committee/ date de parution. L'editeur s'engage a remplacer les numeros manquants seule- Pr6sident du Comitd de redaction de lACMV ment lorsque les pertes on ete subies en transit et lorsque ses reserves le per- W.D.G. (Bill) Yates, Lethbridge, Alberta mettent. On peut payer son abonnement, par telephone (613-236-1162), par tele- copieur (613-236-9681) a l'aide d'une carte de credit (Visa ou MasterCard). Veuillez aviser le bureau de I'ACMV de tout changement d'adresse. The editors and staff of The Les redacteurs et le personnel de La Canadian Veterinary Journal Revue veterinaire canadienne sont are pleased to have as read- heureux de compter les etudiants en ers student veterinarians at me'decine ve'te'rinaire des colleges Canadian veterinary colleges! ve6t6rinaires au Canada au nombre de The production and distribu- leurs lecteurs. La production et la tion of student subscriptions A distribution des souscriptions d'e'tu- is made possible through the diant ont ete' rendues possible generous sponsorship of grace augenereuxsoutien d'Aliments Hill's Pet Nutrition Canada pour animaux domestiques Hill's Inc. 1.Hir CanadaInc. 902 Can Vet J Volume 41, December 2000 ACKNOWLEDGMENT REMERCIEMENTS A NOS OF REVIEWERS LECTEURS-EXPERTS -F The comments and constructive criticisms of many colleagues Les commentaires et critiques constructives de nombreux help to maintain a high standard for scientific articles published collegues contribuent au maintien du niveau d'excellence in The Canadian Veterinary Journal. Reviewers of manu- des articles scientifiques publies dans La Revue veterinaire scripts published, rejected, or expired during the period canadienne. Voici la liste des lecteurs des manuscrits qui ont November 1999 to October 2000 are listed below. The Editors ete publies ou rejetes pour la periode de novembre 1999 a octo- and Editorial Board wish to thank these colleagues for the dona- bre 2000. La Redaction et le Comite de redaction tiennent a tion of their time and the sharing of their expertise. remercier ces collegues du temps et des efforts qu'ils ont consacres a 1'examen minutieux des manuscrits. Allen, Andy Daminet, Sylvie Ihle, Sherri Radostits, Otto Danforth, H.D. Rajamahendran, R. Baird, John Daoust, Pierre-Yves Jim, G. Kee Richardson, Gavin Bateman, Ken Davidson, M.G. Johnson, Walter Riddell, Craig Bauck, Louise Davidson, T. Jeffrey Johnstone, Ian Rinkardt, N.E. Bebchuk, Trevor De Jaham, Caroline Juck, F. Rubin, Stanley I. Bergen, Alan DeLorme, Bernard Bergsten, Christer DesC8teaux, Luc Kastelic, John P. Scott,
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