SEESTOttY,PAGE2 FINAL EDITION Monmonth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper ,3fi PAGES NO.156 RED BANK, NJ. THUllSPAY, FEBRUARY 3,1972 TENCEWTS. DUBLIN (AP) —Gangs of warned that British troops fast. Police said the bomb was oust the British and' reunite youths muled through Dublin would break up the march. placed in front of the, saloon, the province with the repub- all night, taunting .police and One man was killed last and the people inside were lic. ••••••• •- singing in celebration of burn- night and five others were se- given no warning to get out. A The man was the 235th per- ing of the British Embassy. riously Injured when a bomb spokesman blamed the blast son killed in the communal The British ambassador, Sir blew up.a tavern in Stewart-- on the Irish Republican Army, strife that has gripped. Ulster jJohn Peck, returned from stown, 30 miles wesf of Belr fighting a guerrilla war to since August 1969. London and remarked coolly, '1 suppose we'll just have to compromise." He said he planned to see the govern- ment as soon as possible to discuss compensation for the four-story Georgian building near the center of the Irish capital. A mob estimated at 30,000 burned out the Embassy yes-' terday in retaliation for the killing last Sunday of 13 civil- ians in a clash with British troops in Londonderry, North- AP Wlreplwlo CAULOftON LIGHTED — Hldekl Takada, 16-year-old Sapporo, Japan, high school boy, ignites the ern Ireland's second largest cauldron with the Olympic flame to climax opening ceremony of the 11th Winter Olympic Games in city. • .Sapporo today. (See story, page 20.) The outnumbered police made no attempt to restrain the mob as it hurled salvos of gasoline bombs and burned . symbolic coffins straddled by effigies of British Prime Min- 1 ' ' : APWiraptato ister Edward Heath. SEEKS INTERNATIONAL PRESSURE — Potrick J, Hillery, foreign min- Report Board Opposed After seeing the Embassy ister for southern Ireland, during news conference at United Nations gutted, one group moved on to headquarters in New York yesterday/ asks for international pressure on storm the nearby British Britain to pull its troops out of Northern Ireland. Passport Office, But there the police broke up the attack To Rehirmff tm Weele with a baton charge that gave several demonstrators sore ByUNDAKtUS ' v.chiefadnflnfetrator.In'a-sec- son for the December action heads. '.'•:'' Harry Silver Dies, '" '" ' ondsesdonMcndsy'nigbtithe "a breakdown in commu- A firebomb attack had been SJHm c«nBt ;boanideric|eir«frW m the nications" between the board made on the Embassy o|vEdTication wttl,. :supeilntttftfeBt'i and the administration. Mem- Tuesday, and the 30 members ---- -1 that tj«r; :t»fe school yea*! bers of the board had voiced of the staff, had evacuated the ; ;a of giving IW and continue to voice concern building and removed ail se- s Jan 0. "•• bee new yras H that they are not told enough cret and valuable documents a^out the workings of the dis- before the attack yesterday. NEW SHREWSBURY - His father was tte late St., New Shrewsbury, on expires July 1, the Daily Reg* row margin. trict and that the jpublic like- TheTalue of thetouilding was Haiald A. •'Harry': Silver,.Sl4. charges «f attempted murder, inter hahas learned,..learned,. , s „ The board,And tbe<32-year- wise is kept in the dark about estimated at $235,000. ot W Alden Lane died yes- Surviving are Ms widow, .loldup and robbery. They were Asked for Comment last olldd administratodiitt r hhav e bbeen administrative actions and de- The Irish government apolo- .tenjay in RiVerview Hospital. Mrs. Lucille Berkdwitz Silver; • ordered held without bail in sight, a board spofcesmaji, feuding publidy and privately. cisions. gized, accepted responsibility He had been a patient there two daughters, Marcy Robin Monmouth County.Jail on ar- since the night cyan. 4 when John K. landeft, confirmed since his earliest, days in of- Dr. ter Weele has said he for the damage and offered to and Jamie Silver,; at home; raignment before Judge Law- he suffered shotgun wounds in that a. special, meeting WM fee. The.spat$ were minor feels he and his' staff have pay full compensation. his mother, Mrs. Rose Silver rence A. Carton 3rd in New an armed robbery at his li- held Monday night and as a" andfroceduralin nature until done their best to keep the of Long Branch; two brothers, Shrewsbury. quor store at 530 Shrewbury . •tesuftjof it ''a complete eval- December, at which time the public and the board informed In Northern Ireland, offi- Louis Silver of Red Bank and Ave. A third man, James Junks uattafl was Jnafle of Dr. ter board'voted to- reinstate dual about his programs and plans. cials called on the Civil Milton Silver.of Deal, and a Rights Association to cancel a Mr. Silver wasborn in Long sister, Mrs. Herman Mehcher Peiitress of 43 Cherry St., Weele's tferfbWattce and bis control, in the admutisUation Minutes of the public meet- New Shrewsbury, was also or- evaluation wfll'be shared With" of tne district's separate busi- ing of Oct. 20 indicate that Dr. parade scheduled Sunday id Branch. He livedjhere 15 of West Long Branch. Newry and avert the possi- years, formerly living in Red Worden Funeral Home, Red dered held without bail as a th'e incoming board, not with ness and educational June- ter. Weele was directed by the material witness. ' "* tions. • ' board to, set up public hear- bility of a repetition of the Bank and Long Branch. Bank, is in charge of arrange- bloodshed last Sunday. But a He was a member of Con- ments. Police Chief James A. Her- Four seats are to be filled at Under dual'control the ingsbri the; open classrooms the Feb. 8 election; in- board secretary reports di- Dr. Jan C. ter Wcelc program and unit study in the member of the association gregation Bnai Israel, Rum- "Shortly after the holdup- ring said he.will confer with cumbents are running for rectly to theboard and does high school. Dr. ter Weele re- told newsmen, "Next Sun- son; B'nai B'ritii, Rumson, shooting, police arrested two County Prosecutor Vincent P. Jhreeofthem. not channel his functions - promised the same unit con- sponds that he has had ade- day's march is definitely and" and the Veterans of Foreign suspects, Otis William John- Keuper today and expects ' irrevocably on," in defiance Wars post here. He was an son of 1005 Springwood Ave., charges against Adams.and ~ The Register has confirmed through the superintendent. trol that had been won from quate information programs Dr. ter Weele reacted vigor- the board by previous superin- for parents whose children of a ban on all such demon- Army veteran of World War Asbury Park, and Ruben Johnson will be changed to that in a private session two strations. The government II. Louis Adams of 19-A Pearl murder.' . ' weeks ago the board voted to ously againsg t this action, tendent Dr. H. Victor Crespy. are involved. recommend not rehiring their maintaininii g thathtt he hahdd bbeen The board gave as its rea- Sought Compatibility When the previous.adminis- trator, Dr. Crespy, made his surprise resignation an- nouncement in the spring of Parochial Teachers Due Back MadisonSchool Strike 1971, board, members already NEWARK (AP)—The head Catholic in Jersey City — to Kraivanger. said- the arch- knewthey wanted to imple- Kraivanger. of a teachers' union says the stay shut and hampering diocese had broken off nego- The association is seeking ment the open classroom con- l teachers will be back on the classroom activity in seven tiations Tuesday when teach- an $8,000 starting salary for .cept on the elementkry level job today following a one-day others. ers picketed Paramus Boys and'theunit study approach in teachers with'a minimum of Talks Reach Impasse "sick-out" which curtailed Some 10,000 students attend and Girls High School, where $15,700 after 12 incremental the high-school this school classes in eight of the Roman the 13 high schools in Essex, the two sides were to meet. year. When the search com- steps, while the archdiocese MADISON TOWNSHIP,N.J. The spokesman said the The key issues have been sal- Catholic Archdiocese of New- Union, Bergen and Hudson The archdiocese charged has offered $7,000 and $13,909 (AP) — Negotiations aimed at union would' adopt "a wait aries, job security and lan- mittee interviewed prospec- ark's 13 high schools. Counties. the chanting picketers with tive candidates for the post of after 15 steps, Kraivanger settling the nine-day-old Madi- and see attitude" until Sil- guage in the contract spelling But Paul Kraivanger, presi- Kraivanger said the teach- "harassment," according to said. son Township school strike ver's recommendations were out the rights of the board and chief administrator, they dent of the Law Faculty Asso- ers had not ruled out another appeared to have reached an revealed. Silver was expected of the association. were looking for someone ciation, said the teachers "sick-out." He said they were impasse early today. to put forth his plan for en- with a compatible philosophy, were not giving up their pro- also considering demonstra- A spokesman for the) New ding the strike on Sunday. someone who could take the test over the terms of a con- tions, work slowdowns and concept and turn it into a day- Surgery Set; Boy Jersey Education Association, George Koehler, president tract for the present school honor picketing. to-day plan. John Piotrowicz, said the of the school board, said the Call Official year. Msgr.
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