Presentation of the Studsvik Group Studsvik’s mission is to supply qualified services characterized by innovation, efficiency and safety to the international nuclear power industry. STUDSVIK focuses on the international nuclear power industry and offers qualified services in waste treatment, decommissioning, engineering and services and operating efficiency. Operations are divided into five segments: Sweden, United Kingdom, Germany, USA and Global Services. Customers consist mainly of operators of nuclear power plants and other nuclear facilities. PRESENTATION OF THE STUDSVIK GROUP Our offer Studsvik offers a broad and competitive portfolio of services for nuclear facilities in operation or being decommissioned. Our offer refl ects customers’ needs and includes waste treatment, decommissioning, engineering and services, and operating effi ciency. The company has developed 11 key offerings in these areas. Processing of radioactive waste On-site waste services Studsvik offers treatment of low and inter- Waste treatment is also carried out at custo- mediate level waste at its own facilities in mers’ own sites; for example characterization, Studsvik outside Nyköping in Sweden, and sorting and packaging of waste, stabilization in Erwin and Memphis, Tennessee in the US. and solidifi cation of wet waste, compacting of Another facility is being built in Workington, dry waste and measurement of radioactivity in UK, where Studsvik is licensed to process waste before treatment and recycling. low level waste. The facilities in Sweden process dry and metallic waste, mainly from Engineering and consultancy services The Group’s 11 offerings are based on customer needs and every nuclear facilities in Europe, by incineration Engineers and consultants with experience offering covers a number of products and melting. The Erwin facility treats wet of the nuclear industry are currently in short and services. waste using the unique Studsvik-developed supply and will be for some time to come. pyrolysis process. Studsvik offers expert support in waste management and decommissioning, as well In Memphis, low level waste is reduced in as all related areas such as health physics and volume using other methods. The purpose environmental issues. We also offer engine- of waste treatment is mainly to achieve ering and advisory services covering design, volume reduction and stabilization of nuclear safety, fuels, core and materials. waste before fi nal disposal. Health physics services Personnel at nuclear facilities are at risk of ex- posure to ionizing radiation. Work in classifi ed environments always requires measurement and analysis of radiation levels, with minimi- zation of doses. Studsvik offers health physics services, including supervision and planning, and manufactures and services personal dosi- meters that register radiation doses. Transport and logistics The movement of radioactive material is subject to strict national and international re- gulatory frameworks. Studsvik transports waste and other material to and from customer facili- ties; in the US mainly using its own trucks. Decommissioning services The decommissioning process is long and com- plicated. Studsvik’s services cover everything from feasibility studies, planning and project management to practical dismantling and subsequent waste management. 4 PRESENTATION OF THE STUDSVIK GROUP Operational and outage support reduce fuel and material related operational Service and maintenance requirements disruptions, secure the service life of mate- in a nuclear power plant are substantial. rials and counteract and reduce radioactive All systems and components in classified dose loads in nuclear power plants. environments need frequent maintenance and cleaning to guarantee safe operation Nuclear fuel analysis software throughout the lifetime of the facility. Fuel is a substantial cost item for nuclear Studsvik can offer mechanical servicing, power plants. Consequently, there are con- decontamination (removal of radioactivity) siderable gains to be made from optimizing and general property maintenance at fuel consumption. Studsvik’s software for nuclear facilities. optimizing reactor operation is a world leader. The software includes applications Fuel and materials performance for in-core fuel management, core monito- Both fuel rods and other material associated ring, transient analysis, simulators and ana- with a reactor are subject to severe strain lysing spent nuclear fuel. They are used for during operation. To ensure that fuel and both the licensing and design of light water fuel cladding retain the properties required reactors and real time calculations for for secure and stable operation for as long reactor operation. as possible these properties are tested in Studsvik’s laboratories. Tests of materials to Design and build check durability in various operational situa- When customers need customized facilities tions and conditions over the full lifecycle are or equipment Studsvik can take overall also conducted in Studsvik’s own laborato- responsibility for designing and supplying a ries. Studsvik also offers tests in a reactor en- solution. We also upgrade and modernize vironment in collaboration with the Institute existing facilities. Our areas of expertise for Energy Technology IFE in Norway. include waste facilities, special equipment for dismantling, and ventilation systems. Materials integrity and water chemistry We also manufacture customer-specified Crack growth measurements and other equipment for new nuclear power plants, corrosion studies are conducted on non- for example. irradiated and irradiated material in order to 5 PRESENTATION OF THE STUDSVIK GROUP Our operations Interest in expanding nuclear power is increasing in many parts of the world. New reactor types are being developed and older facilities phased out. Power-generating reactors are being with waste and residual products. This modernized, older reactors decommissioned creates a demand for Studsvik’s processing and new reactors built and planned. At methods for radioactive waste for final the same time waste from civil and military disposal or free release and recycling. Sweden research programs must be taken care of. In United Kingdom many countries there is a shortage of space Power producers are increasingly Germany for storage and final disposal of low and developing their processes, streamline intermediate level waste and storage costs operations and optimize power extrac- USA are high. This creates a market for qualified tion from fuel. Studsvik’s software for fuel Global Services services where Studsvik is at the forefront of optimization and core monitoring, and development. services such as laboratory testing of fuel and materials, are world leaders. The need There is a demand in the nuclear power for consulting and service is increasing, and industry for responsible methods of dealing Studsvik is a strong player there too. 6 PRESENTATION OF THE STUDSVIK GROUP The moderization programs in Swedish Dry organic waste such as protective nuclear power plants continue to gene- clothing, plastic and paper are reduced in rate business for Studsvik. The German volume by incineration. and UK markets are also expected to Sweden have large amounts of waste to be Studsvik’s operation has recently been United Kingdom processed. extended and large components, such Germany as steam generators and reactor vessel Studsvik’s facilities in Sweden treat low and heads, can now be processed there. USA intermediate level waste from Europe. The Using Studsvik’s treatment methods, up to Global Services aim is to compress and stabilize the waste and 95% of the material in these components recycle metals that, after free release, can be can be reused in the industry. used again as raw materials for industry. The UK waste treatment market is growing. Metallic waste is decontaminated, segmen- In order to best meet demand, Studsvik is ted and melted. In that way the radioactivity building a treatment facility in the UK which is separated and the amount of residual will complement the facilities in Sweden. waste minimized. 7 PRESENTATION OF THE STUDSVIK GROUP Since the new Nuclear Decommissioning Demand for Studsvik’s services comes not Authority (NDA) was formed in the only from the NDA, but also from the pri- United Kingdom, extensive cleanup vate nuclear power industry in the UK and operations have been started in the from the defence industry. Sweden country’s nuclear facilities. This provides United Kingdom new opportunities for Studsvik, which Through a combination of acquisition and Gemany has established a strong base in this organic growth, Studsvik has expanded its market in a short timespan. consultant role and is currently able to offer USA specialist services in several areas. Studsvik Global Services In 2005 Studsvik established operations in is also a partner in the UK Nuclear Waste the United Kingdom and quickly became Management consortium, which has signed one of the leading actors in decommissio- a multi-year contract to operate the United ning and waste management. Most of the Kingdom’s low-level nuclear waste deposi- operations are conducted at the customers’ tory. facilities, but some waste from the UK is processed in Sweden. Studsvik is building a facility for treating metallic waste in Workington, near Sellafi eld. It will become operational in early 2009. Germany is the base for Studsvik’s Studsvik has an engineering workshop in European operations. Here the focus Germany. Several methods and systems is partly on decommissioning
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