PDF hosted at the Radboud Repository of the Radboud University Nijmegen The following full text is a publisher's version. For additional information about this publication click this link. http://hdl.handle.net/2066/21830 Please be advised that this information was generated on 2021-09-27 and may be subject to change. Journal of Human Hypertension (1995) 9, 691 693 © 1995 Stockton Press, All rights reserved 0950-9240 95 $ 12.00 Do KCa channels and carbonic anhydrase play a role in thiazide-induced hyperglycaemia? P Pickkers, M Schächter, PS Sever and AD Hughes Dapartnumt of Clinical Pharmacology, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Wing, St. Mary's Hospital Medical School, Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, South Wharf Road, London W2 I NY, UK Summary: Thiazide diuretics are widely used to treat hypertension, zides may be due to their ability to open calcium-activ but their use Is associated with impaired glucose toler­ ated potassium (KCn) channels in pancreatic /i-cells. ance. We propose that the diabetogenic action of thia­ Keywords; thiazich diiuvtica; K chuiuwl; glucose; puncwutic ß~ctrfl; calcium »*•••. ,,, «. t«r • * ■ ? •» • !< M • * ► i ß « j > * ^ *A- \ t 0Û • I * • A . \ « « , * w ^ k ^ Thiazide diuretics are a widely used therapy for cific class of ATP-dopendent potassium channels hypertension. However, glucose intolerance de­ (KATP channels) and that the consequent hyper­ velops in about 3% of hypertensive patients treated polarisation impairs insulin release,*1”11 and prob­ with thiazides.1*” The mechanism of this adverse ably accounts for the diabetogenic effect of this effect is poorly understood. Glucose intolerance drug. This effect of diazoxide can be inhibited by caused by thiazide diuretics is dose-dependent and agents such as glibenclamide which block KATP usually reversible after discontinuation of treat­ channels and are used clinically as hypoglycaemic ment.1,2 It is functionally correlated with hypokal- agents. It has also been proposed that diazoxide aemia and has been proposed to be secondary to it, exerts direct vasodilator activity by activating the In some studies prevention of the decline in serum same, or a similar, KATI> channel in vascular smooth potassium prevents hyperglycaemia- and hypokal- muscle cells.12 aemia is associated with a reduced pancreatic /i-cell Recently it has been found that hydrochlorothia­ response to glucose. However, it has also been sug­ zide also reduces insulin release. This action of gested that hypokalaemia may be an aggravating hydrochlorothiazide was associated with a fall in factor rather than a primary stimulus.J Besides the glucose-stimulated **r,Ca“+ uptake in /J-cells.^ As effect of thiazides on pancreatic cells, extra-pan­ discussed above, influx of calcium is one of the creatic; mechanisms have also been proposed to most distal steps in stinnilus-secretion coupling in explain the diabetogenic action of the thiazide pancreatic /i-cells and is crucial to insulin release.7 diuretics;1,5 We wish to propose a novel hypothesis We propose that the action of hydrochlorothiazide regarding the diabetogenic effects of thiazides based on calcium influx into the pancreatic /i-cell may be on their action on a class of potassium (K) channels, by the same mechanism by which the drug inhibits which in turn may be related to their effects on calcium entry into vascular smooth muscle cells. intracellular pH (pHj) through inhibition of car­ Our group has previously shown that hydrochloro­ bonic anhydrase. thiazide relaxes vascular smooth muscle cells In the pancreas, depolarisation of the plasma through an inhibition of calcium influx.H This ef­ membrane by closure of K channels and opening of fect of hydrochlorothiazide is associated with an cation and chloride channels leads to opening of increase in *mRb efflux, a marker of K* efflux,15 voltage-dependent calcium channels and influx of indicating that hydrochlorothiazide increases mem­ calcium,r,"a The resultant increase of intracellular brane permeability to K f ions, probably by opening calcium ([Ca2+]|) is crucial to the process of insulin K channels. The effects of hydrochlorothizide on release; drugs which interfere with these mechan­ vascular tone, [Ca2+li and miRb efflux wore inhibited isms inhibit insulin release. It is known that diazox­ by charybdotoxin, a blocker of calcium-activated ide, a drug structurally related to the thiazides, potassium (KCJ channels,UATl In contrast, the KAn> hvperpolarises pancreatic /f-cells by opening a spe- channel blocker glibenclamide did not affect hydro­ «v -* . -• -• t i A ••-•J*- *. Sv*** SÎSA *• tf' ^ < ^ 1*' “ s • • • ' / V W ' ♦ chlorothiazide-induced vasorelaxation or m’Rb ef­ Oonïïspoiultîiuut: AD Hughes flux.tn This is consistent with a previous report Kcs, and carbonic anhydrase P Pickkers et al 692 showing that hydrochlorothiazide does not affect KCa channels leads to hyperpolarisation of the cell the opening of single KATP channels in the ß-cell membrane and closure of voltage-operated calcium plasma membrane.16 These data suggest that the channels, hence [Ca“*], decreases (Figure 1). In vas­ opening of calcium activated K channels (KCû) cular smooth muscle this leads to vasodilation, rather than KATP channels mediates the vasodilator whereas in pancreatic ß-cells this leads to reduced effect of thiazides. Interestingly, electrophysiolo- insulin release and impaired glucose tolerance. gical studies have shown that cicletanine, a thia­ zide-like drug containing a furopyridine group, causes membrane hyperpolarisation in isolated Acknowledgements canine femoral arteries17 probably by an action on KCa channels. KCa channels are present in pancreatic This work was supported by the British Heart ß-cells5 and by analogy with the potassium channel Foundation and the Dutch Heart Foundation. opening properties of diazoxide it is very likely that the effect of hydrochlorothiazide on KC(l channels hyperpolarises the /3-cell membrane, leading to a References reduced insulin release. This effect could explain the inhibitory action of hydrochlorothiazide on 1 Carlsen JE et al. Relation between dose of bendroflua- insulin production. zide, anti-hypertensive effect and adverse biochemical On-going studies in our department suggest that effects. 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