." MESSAGE THE NUBIAN 1 I Tile fllfi‘ifian-fllmerican rVoice offlortfi Carofina State University 51,7:,‘Yo'ljgiume 4, Edition 9 , Established in 1992 January 25, 1996 Yolanda King Heads Up The Martin Luther King Festivities B Fred Frazier News Editor Theatre. She is also the co—founder This was a celebration of what actively on college campuses for with Attallah Shabazz of NUCLE- would have been the 67th birthday change throughout America, but News US. NUCLEUS is a company of of Martin Luther King, Jr. At the they are small in number. And over- As a culmination of the Martin performing artists dedicated --Yolanda King Heads Up to pro- McKimmon Center the theme of the looked by the sheer abundance of Luther King, Jr. festivities this past moting positive energy through the festival, “Living the Dream: MLK Festivities apathetic students, who are either weekend, the eldest child of Dr. and arts. Empowering the Community and standing on the sideline and watch- --Changes in Guidelines Mrs. King, Yolanda King, was Involving Our Children to Make a ing or are uninformed of what’s for Resident Advisors scheduled to speak at a dinner hon- Difference,” was in full effect. going on. oring cover story her father. There were lots of children and She also discussed the need for As far as a profession goes, Ms. many people present that afternoon economic empowerment in the King wears many hats. She is an from the surrounding communities. Black community. Because of the --Course Repeat Policy actress, a producer-director, and a There were many activities going on disparity between the races econom- Revamped lecturer. She had a lot of early ini- throughout last Saturday, including ically, Blacks have to take matters -—Student Senate & Fees tiative that led to a career in the arts. an oratorical contest, a cultural hour, into their own hands and not wait to At eight years old she wrote and and many, many workshops for all be delivered from the perils of low page 2 directed a play in which were cast who came to the festival. or no income by others. her reluctant siblings. And at the In the Keynote Address, Ms. The time for apathy is over and it age of 12 she had choreographed Sports King touched on differences is now time to take action. Talking two musicals and directed several between her father’s time and today. about what needs to be done needs --N.C. State Men Fall theatrical productions. She then The fact that there were many more to end and the doing of what has Short went on to Smith College where she Karel Gaitlm/Staff young Black people who were in been talked about will begin. With received a BA. with honors in the- --N.C. State Women Yolanda King: daugher of organizations that were an impetus more active Black people, the level— atre and African—American studies. for change then as opposed to now, ing of the economic playing field Suffer Agony of Defeat the late Martin Luther King, She then went to NYU where she Jr. is also a stark difference that stands can and will become a reality in the page 3 obtained her Master of Fine Arts in out. There are students working years to come. Changes in Guidelines for Resident Advisors Reviews By Cassandra Lester were a cancellation of the" RA’s forbid all extracurricular involve- sions to apply for RA positions. -—Karenga and Kwanzaa Staff Writer room buy-out option and the mini- ment, just that which would require There were twenty-seven candidates —-University Celebrates mum GPA requirement for RAs has a majority of an RA’s time. present. Eight of that number were Martin Luther King been upgraded from a 2.25 to a 2.5. Luckadoo feels these rules are Afrikan-American. -—Getting Dewn to the The new resident advisor (RA) There were many reasons behind important because an “RA should be When asked why he aspired to be guidelines have been introduced by the cancellation of the buy-out Root ’ seen as a helper.” an RA, Daniel Squirewell, a fresh- Dr. Tim Luckadoo, director of option. Housing felt that they were Many Afrikan American students man in environmental engineering page4-7 Housing and Residence Life (HRL). losing a substantial amount of have expressed the opinion that the replied, “We don’t have enough When asked what were his rea- money by leaving two hundred beds new guidelines would leave the RA Black RAs.” Grady Lockhart, a sons for changing the guidelines, empty, two hundred being the num- position only open to white males. freshman in mechanical engineering Health Luckadoo said that his information ber of resident advisors on N. C. When asked for his thoughts on this says, “I want to be a[n] RA so I can was gathered from “phone calls from State’s campus. --Bladder Infections and View, Luckadoo said, “I would hope help show incoming Afrikan- parents who were upset because Another reason for this change it wouldn’t.” American freshmen Sexual that it is possi- Intercourse their child’s RA was never around,” was so that incoming freshmen or He also expressed the opinion that ble to be a positive role model.” page 9 as well as from exit surveys filled transfer students who are housed those people needing to work for Despite rumors that the new RA out by students and the RA critiques with RAs can get settled without more than twenty hours a week, guidelines egg harsh, they appear to Opinions that every resident had to fill out at having to worry about moving. which is approximately the number be basically the same. RAs are still some point last semester. Luckadoo stated: the two the of hours an RA works, probably given free housing, a meal plan and --Holding Our Breath Luckadoo was quick to say that rules concerning no other job and shouldn’t become RAs. a paycheck. The only difference there really haven’t been any drastic not being After Waiting to Exhale able to hold a leadership At the Information Session held now is HRL is trying to make sure changes, despite what other articles position on campus have always in Bragaw’s Activity room, it was these students are able to do their --Cultural Defiants may have stated. According to been conditions of being an RA. He obvious that the new RA guidelines see RA page 2 page 10-11 Luckadoo, thesonly changes made goes on to say that HRL does not had little affect on student’s deci— Black Repertory Theatre Blaxploitation Film Festival The Nubian Message CORRECTION: Black Repertory Theatre presents “Showtime at the Apollo” tonight, January 25th Interest meeting - Be a part of the Afrikan- THE 17TH Annual Hap’ N Tales Children’s in Stewart Theater at the University Student Blaxploitation Film Festival begins Sunday, American voice! The Nubian Message Theatre at NC State’s Thompson TheatreThe Cetner at 8:00 pm. February 4th with Melvin Van Peebles Sweet announces its Spring interest meeting new adventures of Beauty and the Beast show- Sweetback’s Baadasssss Songat 7 pm and The Monday, January 29, 1996 at 7 pm in room ing February 2 at 7:30 pm Feb. 3rd at 1] am 372 of the Afrikan American Cultural Center and 2:30 pm and on Feb. 4th at 2:30 pm. Mack staring Richard Pryor at 9 pm. Our goof... thanks for your help! .r.w'\'; ........ THE NUBlAN MESSAGE 2 january 25, 1996 NE W5 Course Repeat Policy Student Senate Makes Revamped Recommendation to Board of By Fred Frazier News Editor the fall 1995 semester and who have Trustees not used all of the course repeats allowed under the old policy will be By Fred Frazier Center was that in order to keep State. Over Christmas break, the pow- permitted to repeat without penalty News Editor operating at current levels, the The last increase proposal of the ers that be here at N. C. State, decid— those courses up to the limit allowed increase would be needed to offset evening was the bid made by ed to change the Course Repeat under the old policy. This past Wednesday, the projected increases in utility costs Athletics Director, Todd Turner. without Penalty policy to the First The repeats must be undertaken Student Senate's session ran late as and inflationary increases in goods The Intercollegiate Athletics fee Year Course Repeat Policy. For prior to fall 1996 unless the course they made decisions concerning and services. Needless to say, the increase was asking for a $15 per those students who still believe that is unavailable to the student in request for fee increases that would Student Center is an integral part of student increase going towards the their three course repeats are at their spring 1996. If the student is not affect the student body of N.C.State many student organizations and the site and facility improvements at disposal whenever they feel like enrolled in spring 1996, or if the today and 10 years from now. increase was recommended. Carter-Finley‘Stadium. using them, think again. course is not available to the For the first time the Student Then Student Health Services This increase would span 10 The change in name is an obvi— enrolled student in spring 1996, Senate would vote on the possible made their pitch. Although there years. Senator Maurer made the ous reflection in the change in the because the course is not available increases and send their decisions in were Senators who disagreed with important point that in 1992 the stu— timetable allowed for repeating a to the student or the student does not as the views of their constituents.
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