Rev. 28A Table 3

Rev. 28A Table 3

Table 3: Protective Action Criteria (PAC) Rev. 28A based on applicable 60-minute AEGLs, ERPGs, or TEELs. The chemicals are listed by CASRN. February 2016 Table 3 presents a list of chemicals and associated PAC values in numerical order based on the CASRN1 for each chemical. Chemicals without an identified CASRN number are issued an identification number, preceded by the letter “z” for purposes of identification in the PAC data set. PACs are presented in either ppm or mg/m3. The columns presented in Table 3 provide the following information: Heading Definition No. The ordered numbering of the chemicals as they appear in this listing by CASRN Chemical Name The name of the chemical substance submitted to the PAC development team CASRN The Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number for this chemical PAC-1 Based on the applicable AEGL-1, ERPG-1, or TEEL-1 value PAC-2 Based on the applicable AEGL-2, ERPG-2, or TEEL-2 value PAC-3 Based on the applicable AEGL-3, ERPG-3, or TEEL-3 value Units The units of the original request (ppm or mg/m3) Chemicals for which AEGLs are available have their chemical name, CASRN, and AEGL values displayed in a bolded and larger font. Chemicals for which ERPGs are available, but no AEGLs, have their chemical name, CASRN, and ERPG values displayed in a bolded font. Chemicals for which TEELs are available, but no AEGLs or ERPGs, have their chemical name, CASRN, and values displayed using a regular font. Additional information on PAC values, TEEL values, and links to other sources of information is provided on the Subcommittee on Consequence Assessment and Protective Actions (SCAPA) webpage at 1 Information on the Chemical Abstracts Service and CASRNs is provided at home. Introduction to PAC Table 3 – PAC Rev. 28A – February 2016 February 2016 Table 3: Protective Action Criteria (PAC) Rev. 28A PAC Rev. 28A Based on applicable 60-minute AEGLs, ERPGs, or TEELs (Chemicals listed by CASRN) PACs based on AEGLs, ERPGs, or TEELs No. Chemical Name CASRN PAC-1 PAC-2 PAC-3 Units 1 Formaldehyde 50-00-0 0.90 14 56 ppm 2 Guanidine hydrochloride 50-01-1 1.4 16 94 mg/m3 3 DDT; (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) 50-29-3 3 34 210 mg/m3 4 Benzo(a)pyrene; (Coal tar pitch volatiles) 50-32-8 0.6 120 700 mg/m3 5 Piperonyl butoxide 51-03-6 6.5 72 1,200 mg/m3 6 Fluorouracil 51-21-8 1.7 19 46 mg/m3 7 Dinitrophenol, 2,4- 51-28-5 0.61 6.8 16 mg/m3 Nitrogen mustard; (Bis(b-chloroethyl)methylamine; Nitrogen 8 51-75-2 0.002 0.022 0.37 mg/m3 mustard-2) 9 Urethane; (Carbamic acid, ethyl ester; Ethyl carbamate) 51-79-6 5.4 60 360 mg/m3 10 Carbachol chloride 51-83-2 1.4 15 90 mg/m3 Trichlorohydroxyethyl dimethylphosphonate; ((2,2,2-Trichloro-1- 11 52-68-6 3 13 57 mg/m3 hydroxyethyl)dimethylphosphonate; Trichlorphon) 12 Dibenza(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 0.093 1 2.9 mg/m3 13 Acetylaminofluorene, 2- 53-96-3 1.2 14 88 mg/m3 Nicotine; (Pyridine, (S)-3-(1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinyl)-); (Includes DL-Nicotine, 22083-74- 14 54-11-5 1.5 3.5 35 mg/m3 5) 15 Sodium salicylate; (Salicylic acid, sodium salt) 54-21-7 7.1 78 470 mg/m3 16 Aminopterin; (Aminopteridine) 54-62-6 2.3 25 150 mg/m3 17 Benzamide 55-21-0 4.7 52 310 mg/m3 Compounds with unknown CASRNs are issued a “z-number” for identification purposes. Chemicals with AEGLs: large, bolded font. ERPGs (but no AEGLs): bolded font. 1 February 2016 Table 3: Protective Action Criteria (PAC) Rev. 28A PAC Rev. 28A Based on applicable 60-minute AEGLs, ERPGs, or TEELs (Chemicals listed by CASRN) PACs based on AEGLs, ERPGs, or TEELs No. Chemical Name CASRN PAC-1 PAC-2 PAC-3 Units 18 Fenthion 55-38-9 0.15 5.9 35 mg/m3 19 Nitroglycerin 55-63-0 0.1 2 75 mg/m3 20 Nitrogen mustard hydrochloride 55-86-7 0.013 0.14 0.83 mg/m3 21 Diisopropylfluorophosphate; (Phosphorofluoridic acid, bis(1-methylethyl) ester) 55-91-4 0.33 3.6 22 mg/m3 22 Diaminodipropylamine, 3,3-; (Aminobis(propylamine)) 56-18-8 0.41 4.5 27 ppm 23 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 1.2 13 340 ppm 24 Cantharidin 56-25-7 0.39 4.3 33 mg/m3 25 Tetraethylammonium chloride 56-34-8 0.45 5 30 mg/m3 26 Parathion 56-38-2 0.15 1.5 2.0 mg/m3 27 Glycine; (Aminoacetic acid) 56-40-6 33 360 1,600 mg/m3 28 Methylcholanthrene, 3- 56-49-5 0.2 2.3 29 mg/m3 29 Diethylstilbestrol; ((E)-4,4'-(1,2-Diethyl-1,2-ethenediyl)bisphenol) 56-53-1 9 99 590 mg/m3 30 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 1.2 13 79 mg/m3 31 Coumaphos 56-72-4 0.27 3 13 mg/m3 32 Chloramphenicol 56-75-7 1.5 10 500 mg/m3 33 Glycerine (mist); (Glycerol; Glycerin) 56-81-5 45 860 2,500 mg/m3 34 Glutamic acid, L-; ((S)-(+)-Glutamic acid) 56-86-0 90 990 5,900 mg/m3 Compounds with unknown CASRNs are issued a “z-number” for identification purposes. Chemicals with AEGLs: large, bolded font. ERPGs (but no AEGLs): bolded font. 2 February 2016 Table 3: Protective Action Criteria (PAC) Rev. 28A PAC Rev. 28A Based on applicable 60-minute AEGLs, ERPGs, or TEELs (Chemicals listed by CASRN) PACs based on AEGLs, ERPGs, or TEELs No. Chemical Name CASRN PAC-1 PAC-2 PAC-3 Units 35 Allyl isothiocyanate; (Mustard oil) 57-06-7 1 2.8 17 ppm 36 Ammonium, hexadecyltrimethyl-, bromide; (Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide) 57-09-0 1.2 14 81 mg/m3 37 Hexadecanoic acid; (Palmitic acid) 57-10-3 0.19 2.1 12 mg/m3 38 Octadecanoic acid, n-; (Stearic acid) 57-11-4 14 150 910 mg/m3 39 Cyanide 57-12-5 6 8.3 50 mg/m3 40 Urea 57-13-6 30 280 1,700 mg/m3 41 Dimethylhydrazine, 1,1- 57-14-7 0.27 3.0 11 ppm 42 Strychnine 57-24-9 0.45 0.5 3 mg/m3 43 Pentobarbital sodium; (Nembutal sodium) 57-33-0 0.35 3.9 23 mg/m3 44 Physostigmine 57-47-6 0.41 4.5 27 mg/m3 45 Propylene glycol; (1,2-Propanediol) 57-55-6 30 1,300 7,900 mg/m3 46 Propiolactone, b- 57-57-8 1.5 5 30 ppm 47 Physostigmine salicylate (1:1) 57-64-7 0.23 2.5 15 mg/m3 48 Chlordane 57-74-9 4.5 50 500 mg/m3 49 Oxydiphenoxarsine, 10,10’-; (Phenoxarsine oxide) 58-36-6 5 14 84 mg/m3 50 Lindane; (gamma-Benzenehexachloride) 58-89-9 9.1 100 1,000 mg/m3 51 Chloro-m-cresol, 4- 59-50-7 5.5 60 360 mg/m3 Compounds with unknown CASRNs are issued a “z-number” for identification purposes. Chemicals with AEGLs: large, bolded font. ERPGs (but no AEGLs): bolded font. 3 February 2016 Table 3: Protective Action Criteria (PAC) Rev. 28A PAC Rev. 28A Based on applicable 60-minute AEGLs, ERPGs, or TEELs (Chemicals listed by CASRN) PACs based on AEGLs, ERPGs, or TEELs No. Chemical Name CASRN PAC-1 PAC-2 PAC-3 Units 52 Nicotinic acid; (Niacin) 59-67-6 21 230 1,400 mg/m3 53 Phenylhydrazine hydrochloride 59-88-1 23 250 1,500 mg/m3 54 Nitrosomorpholine 59-89-2 0.2 2.3 4.5 mg/m3 55 Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; (EDTA) 60-00-4 4.1 45 200 mg/m3 56 Phenylazo)aniline, p-( 60-09-3 0.66 7.2 43 mg/m3 57 Dimethylaminoazobenzene, 4- 60-11-7 1.8 20 40 mg/m3 58 Mercaptoethanol, 2- 60-24-2 0.6 3.5 29 ppm 59 Ethyl ether 60-29-7 500 3,200 19,000 ppm 60 Monomethylhydrazine; (Methyl hydrazine) 60-34-4 0.082 0.9 2.7 ppm 61 Acetamide 60-35-5 21 230 1,400 mg/m3 62 Strychnine sulfate (2:1) 60-41-3 0.45 5 30 mg/m3 63 Dimethoate 60-51-5 2.7 30 170 mg/m3 64 Dieldrin 60-57-1 0.3 6.8 450 mg/m3 65 Amitrole 61-82-5 0.6 23 220 mg/m3 66 Phenylmercury acetate; (Acetoxyphenylmercury) 62-38-4 2 22 47 mg/m3 67 Phenacetin; (p-Acetophenetidide) 62-44-2 7.3 80 330 mg/m3 68 Methanesulfonic acid, ethyl ester; (Ethyl methanesulfonate) 62-50-0 2.1 23 140 mg/m3 Compounds with unknown CASRNs are issued a “z-number” for identification purposes. Chemicals with AEGLs: large, bolded font. ERPGs (but no AEGLs): bolded font. 4 February 2016 Table 3: Protective Action Criteria (PAC) Rev. 28A PAC Rev. 28A Based on applicable 60-minute AEGLs, ERPGs, or TEELs (Chemicals listed by CASRN) PACs based on AEGLs, ERPGs, or TEELs No. Chemical Name CASRN PAC-1 PAC-2 PAC-3 Units 69 Aniline 62-53-3 8 12 20 ppm 70 Calcium acetate 62-54-4 13 140 850 mg/m3 71 Thioacetamide 62-55-5 0.92 10 60 mg/m3 72 Thiourea 62-56-6 0.38 4.1 25 mg/m3 73 Dichlorovos; (Dichlorvos) 62-73-7 1.8 20 200 mg/m3 74 Fluoroacetic acid, sodium salt; (Sodium fluoroacetate) 62-74-8 0.15 0.5 5 mg/m3 75 Nitrosodimethylamine 62-75-9 0.082 0.9 10 mg/m3 76 Sodium oxalate 62-76-0 0.36 4 24 mg/m3 77 Carbaryl 63-25-2 1.5 100 600 mg/m3 78 Cytidine monophosphate; (Cytidine 5-monophosphate free acid) 63-37-6 4.3 48 290 mg/m3 79 Sulfanilamide 63-74-1 13 140 830 mg/m3 80 Cumenol methylcarbamate, m-; (3-(1-Methylethyl)phenol methylcarbamate) 64-00-6 0.095 1 6.3 mg/m3 81 Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, tetrasodiumn salt; (Tetrasodium EDTA) 64-02-8 75 830 5,000 mg/m3 82 Ethyl alcohol; (Ethanol) 64-17-5 1,800 3,300 15,000 ppm 83 Formic acid 64-18-6 3 25 250 ppm 84 Acetic acid 64-19-7 5 35 250 ppm 85 Ammonium, tetramethyl-, bromide; (Tetramethylammonium bromide) 64-20-0 0.15 1.7 9.9 mg/m3 Compounds with unknown CASRNs are issued a “z-number” for identification purposes.

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