19950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE October 16, 2001 TRIBUTE TO LIEUTENANT Thunderbirds, the Air Ground Oper- my professional life, and, to the frus- GENERAL T. MICHAEL MOSELEY ations School, Air Warrior, 66th Rescue tration of many, has greatly impacted The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Squadron and the Predator Unmanned the life of the Nation, and that would previous order of the House, the gen- Aerial vehicle Operations. be Rush Hudson Limbaugh, III, a man tleman from Nevada (Mr. GIBBONS) is Buzz Moseley also excelled in a vari- born in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, on recognized for 5 minutes. ety of key staff assignments, including January 12, 1951. Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, I am serving as the deputy director for the He will be extolled on this floor to- honored and privileged today to come Politico-Military Affairs for Asia and night by many of my colleagues, as we to the floor to recognize one of the fin- Middle East on the Joint Staff; chief of come together during a time of great est officers in the United States Air the Air Force General Officer Matters difficulty for the Limbaugh family to Force, Lieutenant General T. Michael Office; chief of staff of the Air Force remember his contribution to the coun- ‘‘Buzz’’ Moseley. Chair and professor of Joint and Com- try. So I rise briefly tonight. For the past 2 years, General Moseley bined Warfare at the National War Col- There are many of my colleagues, served with noteworthy distinction in lege; and chief of the Tactical Fighter particularly those that were elected, the vital position of director of the Air Branch, Tactical Forces Division, Di- Mr. Speaker, in 1994, who will look to Force Office of Legislative Liaison. rectorate of Plans. this pioneer in talk radio and will cred- During his time in Washington, and es- General Moseley also serves on the it him in part for their election to the pecially with regard to his work here Council on Foreign Relations and has Congress of the United States, and that on Capitol Hill, General Moseley per- been named an Officer of the French would be true. In many ways, the Re- sonified the Air Force core values of in- National Order of Merit by the Presi- publican majority owes much of its tegrity, selfless service, and excellence dent of France. continued success to the talk radio in all things. Many Members and staff During his service to the 106th and that Rush Limbaugh reinvented in the enjoyed the opportunity to meet with the 107th Congress, General Moseley mid-1980s as a format for conversation him on a variety of Air Force issues was our liaison to the Air Force for among millions of Americans on a and came to appreciate his many tal- critical readiness and modernization daily basis. ents. issues. He was a crucial voice for the But it is a literal truth, Mr. Speaker, Today, it is my privilege to recognize Air Force in representing its many pro- to say that I am in Congress today be- some of Buzz’s many accomplishments grams on the Hill, providing clear, con- cause of Rush Limbaugh, and not be- since he entered the military 29 years cise and timely information. General cause of some tangential impact on my ago, and to commend the superb serv- Moseley’s leadership, professionalism career or his effect on the national de- ice he provided the Air Force, the Con- and expertise enabled him to foster ex- bate; but because in fact after my first gress and our Nation. Buzz Moseley en- ceptional rapport between the Air run for Congress in 1988, it was the new tered the United States Air Force Force and the House, impressing me national voice emerging in 1989 across through the Reserve Officer Training with his ability to work with the Con- the heartland of Indiana of one Rush Corps Program at Texas A&M. While gress and to address Air Force prior- Hudson Limbaugh, III, that captured an Aggie, he completed both his bach- ities. my imagination. And while I would run elor’s and master’s degrees in political We were all pleased when the Presi- for Congress again and lose, I was in- science. He earned his pilot wings in dent recently nominated General spired by those dulcet tones to seek a 1973 at Webb Air Force Base, Texas, Moseley for his third star. It is excep- career in radio and television. and was then assigned to stay on as a tionally well deserved. I offer my con- I began my career in radio in Rush- T–37 instructor pilot. gratulations to him; his wife, Jennie; ville, Indiana, in Rush County, in 1989, From 1979 to 1983, he flew the F–15 as son, Greg; and daughter, Tricia. trying to do my level best imperson- an instructor-pilot, flight lead and mis- The Congress and country applaud ation of Rush Limbaugh in those early sion commander, first at Holloman Air the selfless commitment his entire days; and it was, I am here to tell you, Force Base, New Mexico, and then family has made to the Nation in sup- bad radio when I started. porting his military career. I know I while serving overseas at Kadena Air b 2000 Base, Japan. Over his career, General speak for all of my colleagues in ex- Moseley demonstrated his skill as an pressing my heartfelt appreciation to By 1992, I began hosting a regular aviator in the T–37, T–38, and F–15 air- General Moseley. He is a credit to both radio show in Indianapolis. It was a craft, and has logged over 2,800 hours of the Air Force and the Nation. weekend conversation that became the flying time. We wish our friend the best of luck in most popular program on WNDE in the From early in his career, General his assignment of commander, Ninth weekend lineup; and it was there that I Moseley and his exceptional leadership Air Force, Air Combat Command and became emboldened, listening often- skills were always evident to both su- commander, United States Central times to the entrepreneurial spirit that periors and subordinates as he repeat- Command Air Forces, United States emanated out of the Rush Limbaugh edly proved himself in numerous select Central Command. We are confident of program to start my own syndicated command positions. He was the com- his continued success in his new posi- radio program that grew over a 7-year mander of the F–15 division of the tion. period of time to a daily audience of United States Air Force Fighter Weap- f over a quarter of a million people, 18 ons School at Nellis Air Force Base, radio stations across Indiana. I was, in Nevada, and the commander of the 33rd TRIBUTE TO RUSH HUDSON every sense, Rush Limbaugh’s warm-up Operations Group at Eglin Air Force LIMBAUGH, III act in Indiana, airing every time from Base, Florida. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a 9 a.m. to noon as his lead-in on many When stationed at Nellis Air Force previous order of the House, the gen- Hoosier stations. It was from that plat- Base a second time, he commanded the tleman from Indiana (Mr. PENCE) is form of popularity and distinction that 57th Fighter Weapons Wing, with 26 recognized for 5 minutes. I was able to accept the call in the year squadrons, consisting of A–10, B–1, B– Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, the Bible 2000 to try again, for the third time, to 52, F–15C/D, F–15E Strike Eagle, F–16C/ tells us that if you owe debts, pay run to stand in this Chamber. D, HH–60G, and the RQ–1A Predator. It debts; if honor, then honor; if respect, So I rise today in recognition of that is the Air Force’s largest, most diverse then respect; and with a little girl at fact. I rise today in appreciation of the fighter wing. home tonight sick, I am unable to join example that Rush Limbaugh has been The 57th also included the Air Force a Special Order this evening that the to me, both as an entrepreneur and as Special Weapons School, Red Flag, Air gentleman from Georgia (Mr. KING- an American. The truth is, he has been Force Aggressors, the Air Force Dem- STON) will be holding on behalf of an an inspiration to many millions of onstration Squadron known as the American who has greatly impacted Americans. 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