E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 147 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 2001 No. 85 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was at the same time he was discussing make the impact of tropical storms called to order by the Speaker pro tem- with our European allies his willing- and hurricanes worse as far as our pore (Mr. PENCE). ness to advance a national missile de- coastal communities are concerned. I f fense system that is unproven, expen- was struck by an editorial article in sive, and diplomatically unpopular this Sunday’s Washington Post by ge- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO with less likelihood of destruction, ologist Orrin Pilkey urging Congress to TEMPORE frankly, than what we face with global work with the administration on pur- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- climate change. Three thousand inter- suing smarter policies and investments fore the House the following commu- national scientists and the National along our Nation’s thousands of miles nication from the Speaker: Academy of Science have all agreed: of coastline. global warming is real and we are be- WASHINGTON, DC, He cited one particular area that June 19, 2001. ginning to see the impacts in the rise needed special scrutiny, and the Fed- I hereby appoint the Honorable MIKE of extreme weather episodes that have eral Government has embarked upon PENCE to act as Speaker pro tempore on this struck the United States in the past what, in many cases, can be termed an day. few years. ill-advised action of steadily nour- J. DENNIS HASTERT, Indeed, it was ironic that at the time ishing these beaches. In some cases, we Speaker of the House of Representatives. the President was minimizing global have seen examples where they appear f climate change and heading off to Eu- for legislative authorization without rope, his home State of Texas was vis- MORNING HOUR DEBATES extensive interaction on this Chamber ited by Tropical Storm Allison that hit floor; at the same time, in much the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- with brutal ferocity. It killed 22 people same manner where the Corps of Engi- in Houston. It rained 3 feet in less than ant to the order of the House of Janu- neers over the years have reduced the a week, most of it in a single 24-hour ary 3, 2001, the Chair will now recog- size of flood plains and increased the period, an unprecedented flood, some nize Members from lists submitted by potential of damage by building one the majority and minority leaders for would suggest. Damages were estimated at $2 billion dyke and dam after another. Non- morning hour debates. The Chair will engineering solutions for beaches are alternate recognition between the par- in Houston alone, and 28 counties were declared Federal disaster areas. We saw seldom considered, and have the poten- ties, with each party limited to not to tial of increasing the risk. As we have exceed 30 minutes, and each Member, what some scientists feel is a glimpse of the problem in the future, like the an artificially rebuilt beach, it encour- except the majority leader, the minor- woman who was alone in an elevator ages people to develop in areas that are ity leader, or the minority whip, lim- when the power went out and they are ecologically not sustainable. ited to not to exceed 5 minutes. programmed, of course, to go to the Already, more than 300 East Coast The Chair recognizes the gentleman bottom floor. Unfortunately, in this and Gulf Coast beaches have been nour- from Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 case, the bottom 4 floors were flooded, ished; and more are being added to the minutes. causing the woman to drown. Or the list all the time. Last year in WRDA, f man who was trying to save his tele- without extensive debate on this floor, we added a 14-mile long Outer Banks THE TIME IS NOW TO CONSIDER vision in the midst of a flood and was electrocuted when he touched the an- beach nourishment project in North IMPACTS OF GLOBAL CLIMATE Carolina that has a projected cost of CHANGE tenna, and his mother electrocuted try- ing to help him. almost $2 billion over the next 50 years. Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, Now, it is inconvenient, it is dan- It boils down to a subsidy of $30,000 per last week President Bush met with Eu- gerous, and it is beyond the notion of a year for 50 years for each beachfront ropean leaders to discuss, along with few planes canceled, although Conti- property that is supposed to be pro- other important policy issues, his dis- nental Airlines canceled 1,000 flights, jected by this new beach. missal of the Kyoto Protocol and the while the Houston International Air- Mr. Speaker, I would suggest that it administration’s minimization of glob- port was closed, Mr. Speaker, a dev- is time for the Members of the House of al climate change. astating example of the expected Representatives to consider the im- I personally find it interesting that human and economic costs associated pacts of global climate change and to while the President feels we need to with global climate change. eliminate subsidies and government ac- hold off taking action on global warm- Now, at the same time, we in Con- tions that will make the impacts and ing and instead need to study it more, gress are pursuing policies that may costs worse over time. Looking at b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3209 . VerDate 19-JUN-2001 01:34 Jun 20, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19JN7.000 pfrm01 PsN: H19PT1 H3210 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 19, 2001 these existing policies at the same areas must follow a patchwork system The Reverend Joseph A. Escobar, time we work towards global solutions of funding arrangements varying from Pastor, St. Anthony’s Catholic Church, for the impact of global climate change State shares to special formulas for Pawtucket, Rhode Island, offered the is the key to making our families safe, outlying areas in order to obtain need- following prayer: healthy, and economically secure for ed and fair funding of Federal program Let us remember that we are one Na- more livable communities tomorrow. resources. I am pleased to note that tion under God. f the territories are included in many of O God, our help, our justice, hear our the increases, including the President’s prayer as we begin this session of the THE CHILDREN LEFT BEHIND proposal to increase by $5 billion read- House of Representatives. Enlighten The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under ing programs from kindergarten to our deliberations by the light of Your the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- third grade. law, so that our legislation may reflect uary 3, 2001, the gentleman from Guam But I am also concerned that H.R. 1 Your divine wisdom. May we keep be- (Mr. UNDERWOOD) is recognized during leaves out funding for parental assist- fore our eyes the truth that we have morning hour debates for 5 minutes. ance centers. In my home, the Guam been created in Your image, that each Mr. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, sanctuary program has a program man and woman has a dignity which today I rise to express my concerns to called Ayuda Para I Manaina, Help For we have been empowered to preserve the House to consider the children who Parents, which provides services for and to protect. will be left behind in H.R. 1 and S. 1. over 1,000 families on Guam each year. Help us to see that dignity in each As House and Senate conferees begin The Senate bill includes funding for other and in those who have empow- meeting to consolidate the House and this program, but the House does not, ered us to serve. May we build a soci- Senate bills which will reauthorize the and I urge my House colleagues to re- ety wherein we can live in a harmony elementary and secondary education cede to the Senate. which reflects the harmony in which act, I urge the House to consider the I have been a longtime advocate for You created our world. We place our reality that the children living in U.S. establishing a Federal educational pol- confidence in Your saving help this day insular areas like Guam, the Virgin Is- icy for the insular areas that would and every day, for in You we trust. lands, American Samoa, the Common- help bring consistency to their treat- Amen. wealth of the Northern Mariana Islands ment throughout H.R. 1. In the absence f will be left behind in this reauthoriza- of such a policy, I proposed an amend- tion bill. ment which would require a Federal THE JOURNAL The President’s education plan to policy for the insular areas. Unfortu- The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- ‘‘Leave No Child Behind’’ is woven into nately, this amendment was struck ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- the language of H.R. 1 and S. 1, which down along with over 100 other amend- ceedings and announces to the House are our blueprints for elementary and ments proposed for H.R.
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