(For Official Use Only) SIXTH FIVE YEAR PLAN 1980-85 DRAFT PROPOSALS NIEPA DC "ITIIL D01146 GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1980 Il||. N a ticj.v i iil©nal Insti li e of Educationm^ ^bm ung and Aaiinistration : |g^(^&iAtlrb^ndc^arg,Ne^vpelb!410(lll ? ? ’ . .^ 5 i n o CONTENTS CHAPTERS Page SECTION 1—Reyiew and the Plan in outline , _ r- IJ Review o f overall development since 1966-67 1—10 1.1 Review of Fifth Five Year Plan (For four year period 1974-78) 11—23 1.3 Bench-Mark survey as on 1st April, 1980 24—25 IA Objectives, strategy and the Plan in outline (1980-85) 26— 38 1.5 Resources for the Plan 3 9 -4 1 1.6 Estimates o f employment generation 42—47 SECTION 2—Sectoral Programme 2.1 Agriculture (i) Crop Husbandry 50—60 . (ii) Research and Education 61— 80 (iii) Storage and Warehousing 81—82 (iv) Special Programmes for Rural Development 83— 84 2.2 Land Reforms 85— 86 2.3 Minor Irrigation (i) Agriculture Department .87-7-88 (ii) Irrigation Department iB9—90 * * ♦ ‘ "V ■ (iii) MITC , 9 1 ^ ' .'2.4 Soil-Conservation 95*^98; 2.5 (i) Command Area Development 99— lOf (ii) Mewat Development Board 2.6 Animal Husbandry 110— 119 2.7 Dairy Development 120--122 2.8 Fisheries 123^126 2.9 Forests 127— 1 ^ 2.10 Investment in Agricultural Financial Institutions 134^-136 2.11 Community Development 137— 141 2.U Panchayats 142— 143 2.13 Co-operation 144— 162 2.14 M ^or and Medium Irrigation (Including Multipurpose Projects) 163— 182 2.15 Flood Control Projects 183— 190 216 Power Projects (Including Multipurpdsis Projects) 191— 213 217 Industries 214—228 Cfi) 2.18 Civil Aviation 2 ^ — 231 2.19 Roads and Bridges 2 ^ ^ 2 3 8 2.20 Road Transport 239— 241 2.21 Tourism 24Z^2^7 2.22 General Education (Including Art & Culture) 348—258 2.23 Sports 259—263 2.24 Technical Education 264—268 2.25 Industrial Training 269—272 2.26 Health and Medical Education (including Ayurvade) 273—280 2.27 Employees State Insurance 281 < ■ - ■ « 2.28 Water Supply and Sewerage 282—284 2.29 Housing (Including Police Housing) 285—292 2.30 Urban Development 293^294 2.31 Information and Publicity 295—298 2.32 Laboiu" and Labour Welfare (Including Employment Exchanges) 299—301 233 Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Schedulded Tribes and other Backward Classes 302—311 2.34 Social Welfare 312-317 2.35 Nutrition 318 2.36 Secretariat Economic Services (Planning Machinery) 319—3 ^ 2.37 Economic Advice and Statistics 321—322 2.38 Printing and Stationery 323—324 2.39 General Administration 325—331 Statements GN 1— 6 Statement GN 1: Consolidated Statements—Outlay and Expenditure (i)-(iO Statement GN 2: Scheme-wise—Outlay and Expenditure (V)— (Lxxii) Statement GN 3: Selected Targets and Achievements (Lxxxi)—(C\i) Statement GN 4: Minimum Needs Programme—Outlay and Expenditure (Cvii)—(C^) Statement GN 5: Minimum Needs Programme—Physical Targets & (Cxiii)—(Cx\i) Achievement Statement GN 6: Centrally Sponsored Schemes—Outlay «f»d Expenditure (Cxvii)—(Cxxvii) SECTION I REVIEW AND THE PLAN IN OUTUNE c h a p t e r 1.1 REVIEW OF OVERALL DEVELOPMENT SINCE 1966-67 Haryana State came into existence as a separate state on the 1st November, 1966, whenafter independent programes were initiated to develop this region which was hither to relatively backward. In this chapter stock o f the various achievements has been taken to Locate the shortcomings so that better efforts may be made to chart the course o f future plan development o f the State in conformity with the reoriented national strategy for the Sixth Five Year Plan. Estimates of Growth ; 2. It is a matter o f some satisfaction that during the past the State has rocorded a much higher rate o f Annual growth as compared to the national level. During the period from 1967-68 to 1978-79 State Income registered 6.9 percent average annual growth rate against 4.4 percent in national income. Annual growth rates o f net State domestic product and net national product are set out below : — Annual Growth Rate (Percent) State Income National Income 1967-68 19.7 8.2 1968-69 ( - ) 8.8 2.9 1969-70 24.5 6.4 1970-71 5.6 5.6 1971-72 2.7 1.4 1972-73 C -) 0.9 ( - ) 1.5 1973-74 2.4 5.2 1974-75 1.6 1.2 1975-76 12.8 1976-77 8.0 1.3 1977-78 5.2 8.2 1978-79 10-4 4.1 3. The population of State increased at a rate o f 2.7 percent per aimum. This extreme demo- graphic pressure allowed only 4.2 percent average annual increase in real per capita income o f the State. 4; The State economy is dominated by the agriculture sector which contributes more than 50 percent o f the State domestic product. Its share in total income was 56 percent in 1966-67 and came down slightly to 52 percent in 1978-79. In absolute terms, out o f total State Income o f Rs 304crores isL the year 1966-67 it contributed Rs 171crores and out o f Rs 655 crores in 1978-79 its share was Rs 337 crores. The contribution o f the agriculture sector registered an increase o f Rs 166 crores (97 percent) diixiag this period. The next in importance in the industrial sector with an average contribution o f 16 perc^t. 5. The broad sector-wise distribution o f State domestic product at 1960-61 prices is given below - Net State Domestic Product at 1960-61 Prices (Rs in crores) Sector I960- 1966- 1968- 1973- 1974- 1975- 1976- 1911- 1978-* 61 67 69 74 75 76 77 78 79 I 1. Agriculture 153.7 171.7 183.2 237.6 223.4 274.1 298.0 308.4 345.1 & Allied Sectors 2. Mining Manu­ 40.0 63.0 71.5 103.4 109.0 115.0 120.9 129.3 141.7 facturing coirsttuctio-n & electricity 3. Trade, Storage 26.2 32.0 36.5 55.1 63.5 64.5 73.8 79.9 87.3 hotel & restau rants. Transport 4. Other 25.1 37.7 41.0 .59.4 67.1 68.5 71.4 75.7 81.1 Services. Total 245.0 304.4 332.2 455.5 463.0 522.1 564.1 593.3 655.2 ♦quick estimates, 6. The foregoing table would show that the agriculture sector has been playing a pivotal role in the State economy though there have been some fluctuations in some years due to extremely unfavour­ able Weather conditions. The secondary sector has maintained sustained growth, but it has yet to come up in a big way to provide greater stability to the economy and employment to an ever increasing labour force. Thus, though , the State economy as a whole has made steady progress yet it has to attain a desirable balance between the primary and the secondary sector in which the latter should play at least as important a role as the former Large manpower surpluses and high rates of population growth too call for further diversification. Agriculture : 7. Agricultural production has risen progressively because the infrastructure :has been consider­ ably built up in this sector during the period 1966-67 to 1979-80. Its depehdence on weather conditions has been reduced to some extent. Although the cultivable area in the state decreased from 3910 thous­ and hectares in 1966-67 to 3813 thousand hectares in 1979-80, but the net area sown increased from 3423 thousand hectares to 3660 thousand hectares during the same period. Similarly, double cropped area increased from 1176 thousand hectares in 1966-67 to 1890 thousand hectares ifi 1979-80. Agriculture production has risen progressively since the formation o f Haryana State. The index number, o f Agriculture production rose from 71.15 in 1966-67 to 160.10 in 1978-79 (taking trienium ending 1969-70 as base year=100). The actual foodgrains production increased from 259^2 thousand tonnes in 1966-67 to 6334 thousand tonnes in 1978-79 (144.3 %). As such the Index number o f foodgrains production rose from 67.00 in 1966-67 to 171.75 in 1978-79 with the same base. Thus index number o f agricultural production rose at an average rate o f 8% per annum. Targets and achievments in the sphere of agricultural production during the Fifth Five Year Plant 1974-79 and Annual Plan 1979-80 are highlighted in the following table— (Production in lakh tonnes) S. No Item Fifth Plan 1974-79 Annual Plan 1979-80 Target Achievement Target Achievement 1. Food grains 61.00 63.34 60.10 50.95 2. Sugarcane (Gur) 6.00 6.89 8.50 3.95 3. Oilseeds 1.05 0.95 1.42 0.85 4. Cotton (Bales in 6.04 6.01 5.40 5.90 lakhs of 170 Kgs. each) The above table shows that while agricultural production had exceeded the targets in all Commo­ dities excepting oil seeds, during the Fifth Plan 1974-79, the level o f production o f all items, excepting cotton, has fallen short o f the targets during the Annual Plan 1979-80. Unfavourable weather conditions and insufficient rainfall had been responsible this feature. The major part of increase in the output o f foodgrains during the Fifth Plan period 1974-79, has been achieved due to increase in productivity per unit of area.
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