October 1, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6857 Whereas health insurance premiums rose at a time designated by the Chair with- achieve this record, including the leader of by 11% in 2001, driven largely by the in- in 2 legislative days after the resolu- the Central Division of the American creased cost of prescription drugs; tion is properly noticed. League, the Minnesota Twins: Now, there- Whereas state Medicaid spending increased Pending that designation, the form of fore, be it by 11% in Fiscal year 2002, driven primarily the resolution noticed by the gen- Resolved, That the House of Representa- by increased prescription drug spending and tives congratulates the players, manage- enrollment growth; tleman from Ohio will appear in the ment, staff, and fans of the Oakland Ath- Whereas the number of individuals with RECORD at this point. letics organization for setting the Major health insurance declined by 1.4 million in The Chair will not at this point de- League Baseball record for the longest win- 2001, a function of the faltering economy, termine whether the resolution con- ning streak by an American League baseball rapid health inflation, and a growing number stitutes a question of privilege. That team. of states in which public insurance programs determination will be made at the time The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. are outpacing budgets; designated for consideration of the res- Whereas prescription drugs are prescribed SHIMKUS). Pursuant to the rule, the olution. gentleman from Oklahoma (Mr. SUL- by licensed healthcare professionals to con- Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I LIVAN) and the gentleman from Illinois sumers as a non-discretionary purchase es- ask to be heard at the appropriate time sential to their welfare; (Mr. DAVIS) each will control 20 min- on the question of whether this resolu- Whereas it is in the public interest to utes. grant a limited period of exclusivity to in- tion constitutes a question of privilege. The Chair recognizes the gentleman The SPEAKER pro tempore. That ventors of prescription drugs, but extending from Oklahoma (Mr. SULLIVAN). that exclusivity places an inappropriate fis- time will be designated. GENERAL LEAVE cal burden on consumers, insurers, and pubic f sector payers; Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask Whereas generic drugs are sold as alter- CONGRATULATING OAKLAND ATH- unanimous consent that all Members natives to medical inventions for which ex- LETICS FOR SETTING MAJOR may have 5 legislative days within clusivity is no longer available; LEAGUE BASEBALL RECORD FOR which to revise and extend their re- Whereas generic drugs have the same dos- LONGEST WINNING STREAK marks on H. Res. 530. age, safety, strength, quality, and perform- Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. Speaker, I move The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ance as the medical inventions for which objection to the request of the gen- they serve as substitutes, according to the to suspend the rules and agree to the Food and Drug Administration; resolution (H. Res. 530) congratulating tleman from Oklahoma? Whereas limitations on exclusivity have the players, management, staff, and There was no objection. allowed prescription drug prices to drop 40–80 fans of the Oakland Athletics organiza- Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield percent when generic drugs enter the mar- tion for setting the Major League Base- myself as much time as I may con- ket; ball record for the longest winning sume. Whereas limitations allowing generic streak by an American League baseball Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to have drugs to enter the market saved consumers team. the House consider House Resolution $8–$10 billion in 1994 alone, according to the The Clerk read as follows: 530, legislation introduced by my dis- Congressional Budget Office; Whereas the failure to apply limitations to H. RES. 530 tinguished colleague from California the Exclusive rights granted under Public Whereas on September 4, 2002, the Oakland (Mr. OSE). This resolution congratu- Law 98–622 has afforded widely used medi- Athletics set the Major League Baseball lates the players, management, staff cines, including Prilosec and Paxil, an in- record for the longest winning streak by an and fans of the Oakland Athletics orga- definite period of exclusivity; American League baseball team by winning nization for setting the Major League Whereas Prilosec and Paxil were among 20 consecutive games; Baseball record for the longest winning Whereas before September 4, 2002, the the 50 medicines seniors used most in 2001; streak by an American League baseball Whereas the Senate has passed S. 812, record for the longest winning streak by an which amends Public Law 98–417 to restore American League baseball team had stood team. constitutionally mandated limitation on for 55 years; The Athletics, or A’s as they are af- medical inventions; Whereas the only other 2 American League fectionately known, won 20 straight Whereas the House has not considered Leg- baseball teams to win 19 consecutive games games earlier this season en route to islation to amend Public Law 98-417 to re- were the 1947 New York Yankees and the 1906 winning their second American League store constitutionally mandated limitations Chicago White Sox; West Division championship in the last in medical inventions; Whereas only 2 Major League Baseball three seasons. teams have won 20 or more consecutive Whereas it is the obligation of the House During their remarkable streak, the to consider such legislation in keeping with games—this year’s Oakland Athletics with 20 its constitutionally mandated obligations to consecutive wins and the 1935 Chicago Cubs A’s outscored their opponents 141 to 62. secure for Limited Times to Authors and in- with 21 consecutive wins; The A’s were defeated 2 to 1 on August ventors the right to their Writings and In- Whereas the team also set a record for the 12 by the Toronto Blue Jays and did ventions; Oakland Athletics by winning 24 games dur- not lose until September 6 against the Whereas the failure of the House to restore ing the month of August; Minnesota Twins. limitations on the exclusivity afforded to Whereas during their winning streak the After the game that ended the im- the inventors of prescription drugs, if not Oakland Athletics outscored their opponents probable streak, Twins third baseman 141 to 65 and trailed their opponents during remedied, will cost consumers and other pur- Corey Koskie said, ‘‘To win 20 games in chasers $60 billion over the next ten years, only 10 innings of the 180 innings of the according to the Congressional Budget Of- streak; a row, I don’t know too many high fice; Whereas the starting pitchers of the Oak- school teams that do that. To do that Whereas the failure of the House to restore land Athletics—Barry Zito, Tim Hudson, at the major league level is an amazing limitations on the exclusivity afforded to Mark Mulder, and Cory Lidle—pitched into feat.’’ the inventors of prescription drugs, if not the seventh inning in all but 6 of the games Mr. Speaker, manager Art Howe and remedied, will leave more seniors and other won as part of the streak and were credited the Oakland Athletics have enjoyed a Americans without access to needed medi- with 15 of the 20 consecutive wins; wonderful season, winning 103 games cines; Whereas shortstop Miguel Tejada and first and qualifying for the playoffs, high- Resolved, that it its the sense of the House baseman Scott Hatteberg each hit walk-off of Representatives that the House should hits or home runs during the streak; lighted by their phenomenal 20-game consider pending legislation to amend Public Whereas the Oakland Athletics were 41⁄2 winning streak. Law 98–417 to restore constitutionally man- games out of first place in the Western Divi- I ask that all Members honor the ef- dated limitations on medical inventions on sion of the American League and 21⁄2 games forts of the Oakland Athletics this sea- behalf of American consumers, including out of the lead for the American League wild son by supporting the adoption of seniors, American businesses, and tax-funded card at the beginning of the streak, and House Resolution 530. federal and state health insurance programs. ended the streak with a 2 game lead in the Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under division; my time. rule IX, a resolution offered from the Whereas the Oakland Athletics accom- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I plished this feat with the help of wise deci- floor by a Member other than the ma- sions by Manager Art Howe and General yield myself such time as I might con- jority leader or the minority leader as Manager Billy Beane; and sume. a question of the privileges of the Whereas the Oakland Athletics had to Mr. Speaker, on the evening of House has immediate precedence only sweep some formidable opponents in order to Wednesday, September 4, the Oakland H6858 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2002 Athletics made baseball history by be- They took three against Detroit baseball is defense, baseball is pitch- coming the first American League where even Mother Nature, Mother Na- ing, baseball is offense, baseball is team to win 20 consecutive games. ture, conspired to try to stop them, but scouting. Credit not only goes to the With a 12–11 victory over the Royals where the A’s returned from a 2-hour players, but to the entire A’s organiza- before a record crowd at Network Asso- rain delay to keep on winning. tion. I join with my colleagues in con- ciates Coliseum of 55,528 fans, the A’s They won three against Kansas City, gratulating owners Steve Schott and passed the 1947 Yankees and the 1906 took all three, and Zito led them to Ken Hoffman; Billy Beane, who used to White Sox for the longest-running their 10th straight road victory.
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