An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner • THE • 2 b) 4 quare dancing club Hens stun Northeastern, cuts the rug in ewark, 27-10, Bl CI :\on-Protit Org. 250 Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 L. Postage Paid Tuesday & Friday e\\<.ul. DE Pem1it l'\o 26 FREE Volume 129, Issue 10 1 - · ,-- • , ww.y.review.udel.edu . Thesday, October 8, 2002 New sex Nader endorses Houghton BY ALLAN 1\ICKl:\'LE\ corporate control and stressed the importance constitute only 19.2 percent of the population l'r• ~, I ol the attorney gcnerar-. role tn Delaware. m Delaware. there are 9.-l blacks tmpnsoned Former Green Party presidential crime law "Dela11 arc t'> knm1 n as the corporate for every whne inmate 111 the state. candidate Ralph :--Jader t'• li1·ered an Reno of Amenca ... he '>Jtd. "\Vhcn you have a She also satd half of all death row tmpasswned speech to approximately 250 meeting of 50 state anorncys general. the tnmales m Delaware are non-white. people Saturday ntght. fiercely attacking attorney general from Delaware ts King "To say the least. this 1s a troubling corporate criminals and cnticizing Pre-.idenl Kono" disproportion:· she said. will affect George 'v\ Bush for his pursuit of war agamst Nader also crittctzeJ Bu\h for his Houghton also attacked the Iraq. mst'>tence on initiating an attack on lray. envtronmemal problems that have been caused "To dtvert attention from the necesstttes ''[Bu ... h] t'> aver) stmple. west Texas by industrial contaminators. that arc ignored m our countrv ... 1\adcr said. shen IT-type who happens lo have been elected New Castle County. she said. ranks "the presli.iem of the Cmted s'tatcs IS bcatmg president hy the Supreme Coun:· he said. among the top 5 percent of all U.S. counties m university the drums of ,,·ar:· The pnncipal advocates for war arc emitted toxins. and Delaware abo has the 1\adcr. \\ ho 'istted the Unitanan !!Overnment offtctab who have newr served fourth-highest cancer rate in the country. Cm,·er-.ahst Church on Willa Road to cndor-.e ~1ihtar~ duty. :--Jader 'aid. refernng to Bush Although the 1ssue of health care does not Yinan Houghtnn as Delaware's Green Part~ and vtcc president Dick Cheney as ·'classic fall under the jurisdiction of attorney general. BY "lr\1 BRO\\ l\ candtdate for attorney general. al-.o said draft-dod!!er,:· ,\ I \ ' I ,, Houghton accused her opponents of corporate theft plagues the Cmtcd States. "Even Rush Ltmbaugh got out of Anny -,idestepping the issue due to financial A new federal la11 pro\ldmg colleges ''.\hilton-. of Amencan-. haYc lost trillwns ser~'ICe dunng Vtetnam hy clatmmg he had a connecttons with msurance and and uni1 er-.itic~ \\ ith the resource'> to track of dollars 1n the Ia\! two vears due to the connctcd ~ex offender-. enrolled at or C\''>llln hts ass:· he said. phannaceutical companie . greatest corporate cnme wave in the history of emplu~eJ b) tho'>e tn'>tttutcs and will · Although Nader addressed a number of ··we are independent.'' she ~::lld "We the Cnitcd States:· he satd. polittcal !'>sues. he prai'>ed Houghton several don't take money from corporation-,:· -.upplymg tnforma!lon w the public wtll be Nader -.atd 'irtuall\ no attorney general enacted on Ocwher 2ti. times throughout Ius speech. Sophomore Kate Crossan, co-pres1dent of 111 the L ntted State' ts ·currently pttshmg to Daniel Carter. 'ICC prc•.tdent for "We need to fini-.h the great job of the Campus Greens, said the speech was hold corporate crimmals accountahlc for rheti. ecunt) on Campu' Inc .. "hich -,upponed justice:· he satd. "and that ts why you must moved from the Trabant Center to the church and cmphasiZl:d the need for imesttgalwn~. the Campu'> ex Cnmes Preventton Act. elect Yinan Houghton ... because the university cannot facilitate an prosecutiOn'> <md com ictitms. satd the act amends three extsting law .. and Houghton. a university alumna, said event that endorses a pohucal candidate. "!The attorneys general! should he \\til rcqutn: that rcgP.tcrcJ sex nffenders 1\adcr· s influence compelled her to run for Junior Julius Brown aid he attended the convictmg these corporate criminals. maling re-regp,ter them.. elves 11 tthm the state of office. presentation because he wanted to learn more them pay Istolen monc~ I back and sending the in,ritution the) are employed by or he addre .... ed the crowd follo\1 tng about the politics of the Green Party. them to jatl,'. h~ '>at d. attend in" t\adcr's speech <md empha~tzcd her concern~ "So many Americans are blmd to the 11lE RE\ IE\\ Pat Twhe' "Hut our !!ll\t:rnmcnt is too bus\ He ":.atd tht'> information must be regardmg ractal mequity. pollut on and health pohtics in thts country and are content with the Fonner Green Party presidential candidate · detammg people ~vi1h funny last name'>... • pro1 tded to the -.tate Jaw enforcement care in Dela11 are. system:· he said. "Democrats and Republicans t\ader also localited the threat of agencie'> as well as the public. Ralph ~ader ga,·e a speech supporting Del. Houghton '>atd despite the fact that blacks are two sides of the same coin.'' Campus police Will be given the same attorney general candidate \1\ian Houghton. tnformatwn as tllher Ia\\ enforcement agencil:'>. Carter satd. and they will be able to di"eminatt: that informatwn tl' the campus communi!) . Bike to the Bay .. , think \llU need thl'> tnformatton to UDECU make tnforineJ Jcci-.ions til a1 oiJ \JCtimtzation." he satd • Tlu~ docs not me.m ex ol k ml.:r. du helps MS Society not hnr the r;ght to he 111 cl'llq.e. Carter ecetves said. but it Joe' mean th,ll students have the right to be tnftlrmcd abuut the hbtoncs B\ ARTI"A RA'IGA 'I m.tny corporatiOns sponsor the of the~r peer . \1 /J R1 rta program. The Campu~ Sex Cnmeo, Prevention lore than 1.600 C\ clists Sponsors mclude Patterson Act also requires that 'chon is pnl\ ide the national partictpated tn the· 2002 Schwartz Real Estate. Saturn. campu' communn:- 11 tth the kn•nl ledge Pn Patterson-Sch11a11~1S 150 Bike WJBR. AstraZeneca. Rusty how to aLce's tnformatton re!!ardtng to the Bav tour that started Oct. 5 Rudder. extel. Grotto's Pizza regt'>tereJ .. ex offender'> tn that state. ~ at 8 a . n1 .. and finished mid- and Commerce Bank. she satd. ~ Capt Larr~ Thornton of the award afternoon Oct. n. Area btke shops like B1ke l'mverstt\ Police -.atd \\tthtn the next few Participants biked 75 miles Line. Henry's Bike'>. Wooden month-. the pol tee will add the web address from Smyrna Htgh School to Wheels and Dunbar Cyclery also for the Dcla,,arc Sex Offender Central B\ SCOTT :\ICKO\YN Dewe) Beach. and back again, in sponsor the event by contributing Registr) to thctr onltnc cnmc report. \ {iN1 .,, an effort to rai'>e money for the money, products or both. Corrice "\\ e have tu he careful aboll prnacy The Lniver,ity of Dela\\arc Delaware Chapter of the !llulttple srud. I'>'>Ues." he satd. "but certa1111\ \IC 11ant to Emergency Care Cmt 11as honored Sclero'>ts Soctety. In addttJon. many of the kno11 tt:. <,exual predator-. <tre living on with an a\\ ard on Saturda) !\ltchele seven rest campu'>. LDECC' received the Leo R. C o r r i c e . stops on the The Act further '>llpulates that S\1 art.t. L:mcrgenc~ !\ledical Sen· icc de1 elopment lour, \\htch THL RLVLI::.\\ R.Khd bam publtctZing the '>latus of regtstered sex of the Year a\\ ard from the :'\altona! a n d "B •k B p r o v i d e The university's El\IT team \\aS recentl) 3\\ arded the Leo communication t th cycltsts ,, ith offender' in institution., of hi!!her ,\ssoctation of Emergenc) .\1edical I e 0 e ay education dncs not vtolatc the pnva;) of R. Swartz Emergency \ledical Sen ice of the Year award. Techmcians. coordinator for has a II.fe of I"ts food and those student... the program. drinks. are Jack Lynn. UDECC's ad\'lser and Lynn satd after student-. appl) to UDECL stncc its tnccpt10n tn Lon Hegman. a cnmtnal h1stor) become members of the orgamzation. Januaty 1976. Satd thiS IS the own." sponsored by record, technician at the tate Bureau of Cniver'>lt} Police lnve'>llgator, said Nation a I bustnesses ldcntilication. '>atd she tlunko, there \\ill be the :mard recogntze' the CDECU for they are inter\tewcd. The UDECC's re'>ponsibtlittcs .\1 u I tip I c contributing "\\'e have to he very selecll\e tn include prn1tdmg emergency care to an increa'e of re!!tstered '><'X offender-, with dotng its joh at the highest lc,·el S c I e r o ' i ' _Jim Donahue, to the e1 ent. the implcmcntatt~lll ol the act becau .. e there po.,..,thle. choosing our new members:· L) nn the entire student body and the S o c 1 e t y · ' ~he ~aid. has been an tncrcase tn the number of Scnlllr Enc :>.taryEa. pre'>ldent of .. at d. surrounding communities. he sa1J . 1 a r g e ., t \fmkesmanfor AIBNA Sue Small. JUVemlc offender-.. th<! LDECU. satd tht'> \las the fiN Senior Karen Hetlick. member of The primary di,trict t'> the fundraiser and a "It helps the public keep their ktd'> time the L'DCCL ha'> won thl' aw~u·d. the UDECC. said after new member'> untvt•rsit) ·, campus. he .. aid.
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