OdonatologicalAbstracts 1971 (432) BAU AL, H.N. & S. MEHRA, 1971. On the Saint-Bermrd, F-75005 Paris) venation of Bradinopyga wing geminata Different types of pensympathic organs, as Indian). (Rambur) (Libellulidae; Odonata). encountered in 14 pterygotan orders (in- - the Ent. 33 (1); 72-76. (Zool. Dept., Univ. cludingOdon.), are described on basis of Agra, Agra, U.P., India). their localisation and structure. An attempt The wing venation and articulation of B. is made to sketch their evolution and a geminataare described and illustrated. proposal for their nomenclature is added. (Cf. also OA Nos. 439, 440, 463). (433) COMPTE SART, A,, 1971. La filogenia en los Odonatos. in the Odonata). (Phylogeny (435) HUSAINOVA, N.Z. & B.F. BELYSHEV, Acta salmant., (I), 36 (Actas 1° Simp. int. 1971. Pamyati Aleksandra Nikolaevicha Bar- Zoofilog., Salamanca, 1969); 329-332. teneva (1882-1946). (In memory of Alexan- (Spanish, with Engl. s.). - (Inst. Espan. der Nikolaevich Bartenev 11882-1946]). Jose Gutierrez Abascal 2, Madrid-6, Ent., Biol, nauki, Alma-Ata 3: 213-225. (Rus- ES). sian). (Inst. Biol, Kazakh State Univ., Al- The order is considered an old complex of ma-Ata, USSR). living and extinct of frequently un- groups A detailed scientific biography of the late certain hierarchical level, whose intrinsic prof. A.N. Bartenev (born October 12, and adaptive characters are mixed. This and 1882, Moscow; deceased July 16, 1946),' its considerable diversification along.various founder of modern odonatology in Russia branches make schematic independent a He and USSR. published 102 technical pa- phylogeny difficult and that very suggest about 80 of several pers, these, including the branches of the polyphyletic set be in- monographs, devoted to dragonflies. His creased. Several larval and adult characters special odonatological interests were in the of interest as well as the odon. phylogenetic fields of faunistica (USSR), taxonomy, mor- discussed and karyotypes are Meganisoptera phology, biology and geography of the true are considered as the first Odon. holarctic fauna. A complete bibliography (Author). (1907-1940) is appended. (Abstracter’s note: Bartenev’s last, posthumously publish- (434) GRILLOT. J.-P., A. PROVANSAL, N. ed paper (No. 103) is omitted from the list, BAUDRY & M. RAABE, 1971. Les organes viz.: Bartenev, A.N., 1956. Materialy perisympatiques des Insectes Pterygotes. Les po odonatologicheskoiy faune (Insecta, Odona- principaux types morphologiques. C.R. ta] Dal’nego Vostoka. Trudy dal’nevost. FU. Acad. Sc. Paris, Set. D. 273: 2126-2129. - Akad. Nauk SSSR 3: 201-238). (Equipe Neuroendocrinal., Lab. Physiol. In- sectes, Fac. Sci., Univ. Paris-VI, 9 quai 175 (436) KALLA, N.R. & V. NATH, 1971. Cytoche- title: Nippon San lombo Bumpu Hyo). Pu- mical and vivo the in studies on the male germ blished by Naka-Nippon Tombo Group, cells of dragonflies. Res. Biophys., Panjab Nagoya, Xll + 239 pp. 7 folded tabs. (Ja- Univ., Sci. 21 (1970): 431-457.- (Dept. panese). (Aza Ichiba 73, Moriyama-ku, Biophys., Panjab Univ., Chandigarh, India). Nagoya, JA). is Observations are reported on the differentia- This an utmost valuable bibliographic re- tion of cells in linea- view of the distribution of Odon. 6 germ Paragomphus geographic has tus, Orthetrum pruinosum neglectum, O. sa- in the Japanese islands. It been compiled the bina, O. taeniolatum, O. triangulate, Croco- with assistance of some of the leading themis servilia, Trithemis festiva, T. kirbyi Japanese odonatologists: M. Aita, S. Asahi- H. and Pantala flavescens. The mitochondria in na, Ikeda, S. Ishida, W. Miyata, T. Oku- all forms remain granular except in P. linea- mura and R. Tanaka. All literature records tus and trans- to the end of O.p. neglectum where they published up 1970 are con- is form into frothy vacuoles and filaments re- sidered. The Preface followed by a chap- ter spectively. During differentiation in all spp. on the technical organization of the list of Libellulidae,mitochondria do not form a book and by an alphabetic of the con- complex mitochondrial nebenkern of the sulted Japanese periodicals. The bulk of the normal type; instead they form a mitochon- book is divided into 3 parts: Zygoptera, - drial mass which ultimately forms the mito- Anisozygoptera Anisoptera (excl. Libellu- chondrial sheath of mature In the sperm. P. lidae) and Libellulidae. The spp. are listed lineatus, however, the mitochondria form a according to the usual classification. For nebenkern. The details of mito- each the typical the sp. following data are presented: number chondria and their derivatives were studied consecutive within family, Japanese in vivo and by cytochemical techniques. The common name, taxonomic name, prefec- and lipids protein rich Golgi bodies are tures of occurrence with exact bibliographic in all the in P. lineatus references granular spp except (year, author, title, journal, have where they a duplex structure. The volume, pages) in chronological sequence formation of rich within To each of the 3 a carbohydrate acrosome a prefecture. por- is direct transformation in Tri- tions a tabular review of the distribution by except per themis spp. where it is a secretory product. prefecture is added. At the end of the book Cytochemical tests were performed to de- a list of synonyms is appended. (Abstrac- tect the cytochemical composition of the ter’s note: The book can be purchased from Golgi bodies, acroblast and acrosome. The the author. Price: 1500 yen). cytochemistry and behaviour of the nucleus, (439) RAABE, M., 1971. Neurosecretion dans la centriolo and axial filament are discussed. chaine nerveuse ventrale des insectes et or- (437) MARLIER, G., 1971. Les étangs de la Forêt ganes neurohemaux metameriques. Arch. de Soignes. Naturalistes belg. 52 (4): Zool. exp. gen. 112 (4): 679-694, pis. 1-2. 177-193 (c/o MC Vanden Berghen (Equipe Neuroendocrinal., Lab. Physiol. In- [Ed. |, av. Jean Dubrucq 65, B-1020 sectes, Fac. Sci., Univ. Paris-VI, 9 quai Bruxelles). Saint-Bernard, F-75005 Paris). This is of the Several distinct a popular description forest cell types are present in the lakes of the Forêt de Soignes, south of Brus- various ganglia of the ventral nerve cord of 120-130 above all hitherto insects. sels, Belgium (alt. m sea le- investigated Their distri- to bution and vel). The lake TErmitc is referred as har- staining properties vary consi- the of the odon. derably. Nevertheless, a thoracic bouring majority spp. (general- known to occur in central Belgium. A list of ly A) type and a strictly abdominal type spp. is not given. (A or B) occur frequently. A third kind, the C type, is present in all ganglia. Segmentally (438) MATSUI, I., 1971. (Distributional tables of arranged neurohemal organs, called perisym- the Japanese dragonflies). (Original Japanese 176 1971. Die Libellen des pathic organs, store C type secretory mate- (442) STEINWEGER, M., rial from the ventral nerve cord. They are Teichgutes Hausdiilmen und seiner Umge- generally located in the abdomen, though bung. Natur Heimat 31 (1); 22-25. - (Der- sometimes found in the thorax and head. nekamp 29. D-4408 Diilmen GFR). The deals with the situation in various A list is of 34 collected dur- paper presented spp. in of orders; only a brief reference is made to ing 1969 and 1970 artificial fishponds Odon. (Aeshna, Sympetrum, Orthetrum), Hausdiilmen (surface 165 ha), districts ol and Westfalia. since at the time of writing a special paper Recklinghausen Coesfeld, on the situation in this order has been in German Federal Republic. Notes on field is preparation (cf. OA No. 440 and also Nos. observations are added. The material in 434, 440, 463). the collections of the Landesmuseum fiir Naturkunde, Munster, GFR- (440) RAABE, M., N. BAUDRY, J.-P. GRILLOT & A. 1971. Les PROVANSAL, organes 1972 périsympathiques des Insectes Ptérygotes. Distribution. Caractères généraux. C.R. ALI 1972. (443) KHAN, B., The copulatory com- Acad. Sc. Paris, Sér. D, 273: 2324-2327, of plex species of - 3 pis. - (Equipe Neuroendocrinal., Lab. some Ictinogomphus (= Indictinogomphus Fraser) (Odonata: Gom- Physiol. Insectes, Fac. Sci., Univ. Paris- VI, 9 phidae) and its taxonomic quaiSaint-Bernard , F-75005 Paris). importance. - Orient. Insects 6 (I): 75-82. (. Perisympathic organs have been encounter- Zool. Dept.. 68 Agra Coll., Agra-2, India). ed in genera belonging to 14 families of The structure of the of 14 pterygotan orders, including Aeshna, copulatory complex is and Anax, Sympetrum and Brachythemis. Apart Ictinogomphus described, the Indian the spp. of the are keyed on basis of from numerous common characteristics, genus it. rather they manifest a extensive morpholo- gical diversity as well as certain structural (444) ASAHINA, S., 1972. A new dragonfly sub- in the stocked differences, especially secre- species Urothemis signata yiei from Taiwan tions and in the of presence neurosecretory (Odonata, Libelluhdae). Natn. Taiwan Univ. cells. A review of their morphology is given Phytopathol. Entomol. 1972 (2): 30-31;,- in tabular form and their role in the a con- (Totsuka III-123, Shin/uku-ku, Tokyo, 160, trol of various physiological phenomena is JA). pointed out. A photograph of the perisym- U. from signata yiei spp. n. eastern Taiwan in the abdomen of adult pathic organ is described and illustrated, d holotype, 9 is added. (Cf. also OA Nos. 434, Sympetrum allotype, and 2 d paratypes are in coll. Asa- 439,463). hina and in coll. Tokyo University of Agri- culture, Japan, This is the easternmost (441) SHARELL, R., 1971. New Zealand insects race of the Southasiatic U. and their story. Collins, Auckland - Lon- signata (Rambur), which has the nominate in don. 268 - Collins ssp. continental pp. (Publisher’s address: South Asia, insignata in Bros. & Co. Ltd., P O. Box I, Auckland, ssp. Malaysia, ssp. bisignata in Java and and NZ). Philippines, ssp. aliena in New Guinea, The new is dis- This is a popular book dealing mainly with ssp. tinct by its large size and expanded dark biology and ecology, giving in an appendix the patches on wing bases.
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