,{lpoueue8eq ol pareplsuoJaq selJedsel8urs slt eauls,ttrolrsJo uolsnlsxs Jtll lqllll''wnsfuqrtla H 'palsleJ JO uo[Jes e se (L98I) umqlueg ^q pastuSocerst,tr xelduoc eql oq ol ponplsuoJ uoeq eaeqxelduroc nJJa:uaJn\D1aql :;.pepqcur sJoq3rr leql sercodsaq1;o 1e:o euos eulll Suol? Jod 'pepr,ro:d aru qrclep e,rrlducsap;euq dtuo palu8lls€^ul llxul aql Jo euros 'uoncallqnd Jol 'uortuoderp-ro^e puB orurl e^esol JapJout pult 6uItuoJtllJoJslql Jo ,\\eI^ uI ullsrlsnY pesluSossl Jo erol{ oql Jo 8€ ournlo^ ur aBaflllolsv ,(llulrJ aql Jo lueuleoll e loJ uolpjEdeld ul Jo poqu3sep Euleq eru BreueEeleSe$os Jo laqunu tr lueulsor1 slql ol lol.ld uollerederd uI sl elprlsny ulxeldurotwnnldqag-unsf,L{r.tlrHaqlJo uollcJl}sslllJ e^lsueqalduoJ J^tlDJoqclloJV 'dnot? otzlnA4 aqt ol '.(pnls peleler ,(lqrssoduoxq Jrd,{louorulJullsrp ll sBpeluol oq ,p4l29 snueSoqJ loqljnJ psrrnbal 'zleels ''Jg';.g 'I8eBH 'I 'pelou aq 'r{Jrq,,'rxelduroJ p aJuahsry aql pue Druaollzs snuwullozo 'y 'd,le yqrapuv DtluDapDtg L\ unlDqdaJos[]?J uI ureql psculd pue ansfr4Jtlrg uI popnlJul 'eeslpqdrug uasq ,41snor,re:dpeq tsql selJedsuelprlsnV eql po^ourorslltl e11 aqrll oqtrpJ,\1er^Jl scq (I66I) Eroqropuv ,{puerell '(9361 l8oeH €s) snue8aql ulqll,r{ esoql ol ucql:eqler ueua6.nqlo u1 selJedsol ^lluanbe{ srselcods eseqlJo soIIuIJJ? lsesolJ oql ltll pull selcedsJosSf,lquessepluJlUD ue '(I86I sr etp'rlsnv ul poqlrcsun3r3 s3 snu33eql ;ql pesruSocu:aqunJ e^eq feql lung T prulluH '.LL6I'lD Ja ralll!]|ixtetr^l3'e) snue6l?qlgo en1ueado.rngpuc uBcuJVqlnos oql qll,^\suaue8uoJlou ateuns(ttp1ag ur pa ld sor€ds uallf,Jlsnv eql lf,ql pesluSo3sJo^Bq slslusloq Sread,4ueur :Qg uo!tJnpoJluI 'aptu eJ?suoneurqlrlo3sor3eds,,'\oumoJ:,a\ausspoqlrJsapslsetcedsqnseug'DIaaol!JSpue'DUaJuaJ't1D7 'ecutqluet8uy 'opylag :pesnSocarereq eJBsroueS eeJqJ eql Jo sroqueu Jeqlotuo{ llullslp ,(1rua1cdnorS p:ryeu c oq ol pereplsuossr11 'srdalopo4 purt wns'QllJ!pH u1oqu pactld .{lsnpr,terd 'rraaows serJodseuo pu? 'rl 'laesunsfuqJlpH xl uru4ueq,{q papnlcut solJods IeJaAas lnuafioT 'Q66i p[ienpy11aguaue?trd,{louotu eql sepnlrJJxatdwox D aruatnq a,qt LL€-I9€:(g)8 ?rsl.{nN 'e11u.4SnVJo(enulqluerBuy:atequqdeug:aee lelsV) xoldtuoiDlPru)tt$D7eq1-'9lned'uosllld lrBllsqY z9I9 erlerlsnYursrsa^t'oruo:)'tol xog od lrunlrvqr.H tualtteS€uel,{pu? I pu?uollr.{asuoJJo rualuu?dac UEIIYISnVtu0lsa/14 uoslud o Ined e!lBJlsnvJo (auu;q1uu13uy:asa!lBqdcuC :aeaJ€ralsY) xoldtnoJ tllatuat.$rl aql (266r)t/€-r9€:(€)8 en nN Nuytsia vol.8, No. 3 (1992) distinctdue to its flattenedachenes; he noted,however, that this specieswas otherwise similar to speciesn Helichrysumsect. Inrerencel/a. Mueller (1889) recognised the relationship between the onespecies ofsriaerra andthe species included by Benthamrnsect. Lowrencel/a for helisted them togetheras speciesof Helichrysum,as didBlack (1929, 1957). Earlier Black (1915) had suggesred thatif schoeniais to be recognisedas a genusdistinct from H elichrysumthen H. ayersiiF. Muell. mustbe includedin it. Haegi(1986) placed sciaenia cassiniana(as Helichrysum cassinianum), Helichrysumayersii, H. davenportiiF.Muell., and 11. sdmr/erlrle F. Muell. in sect. ktwrencellabrt notedthat this sectionshould have generic rank since the includedspecies were very distinctfrom othermembers of Helichrysum.In a recentpaper Anderberg (1991) indicated the closeaffinity betweenLawrencella and schoenia and recognised that further work wasrequired before the status 'l,swrencella' of relatedtaxa could be clarified. rn the complexhe placedHelichrysum ayersii, H. davenportii,H. lindleyi Eichler (= Lawrencellarosea Lindley), H. (with its close 'xanthochrysum' flifolium relativeshere referred to as the group),t1. spiceriF. Muell. andF1. obtusifolium F. Muell. & Sonder.I concurwith his suggestionsexcept that I excludethe last two specieswhich I considerto genericallydistinct. Tribal classiffcation The speciesincluded in theLawrencella complex have traditionally been placed in the tribe Inuleae.work on the tribal classificationby Anderberg(1989) has indicated that lhis tribeshould be dividedinto three,the Inuleae, the Gnaphalieae, and the plucheae. The Gnaphalieae, as defined by Anderberg,comprises the taxa that were includedin the two subtribesGnaphaliinae and AthrixiinaebyMerxmnllet et ol.(1977).In arecenf comprehensivetreatmentofthe tribeGnaphalieae Anderberg(1991) has rccognised a numberof subtribesincluding the subtribe Angianthinae Benth. in which Lewrencellaand, its relativesare placed. Anderbergexpressed uncertainty as to the systematicposition of Bellidabut, asindicated above, I considerthat it shouldbe includedin the Angianthinaeand that it is closelyrelated to Lawre cella. Taxonomy The Lawrencellacomplex Manyofthe characters that havebeen examinedandused todelimit thegenerahave been discussed elsewhere(wilson 1989).There are many morphological and anatomical characters associated with theplants that are of valuein determiningrelationships, however, not all of thesecharacters can be so describedthat they arereadily comprehended. Thus the textureof the corolla.the shaDeof its constituentcells andthe thickeningof thecell walls arechrracters that are of valuein suggesting affinity,though sometimes of timiteduse in formaldescriptions becauseoftheircryptic natur;. I hav; expandedbelow on someof thechancters that I considerto be importantwhen assessing affinities. A numberof charactersthat arc found in theachene are useful in sering eitherto distinguishthe I'awrencellacomplex from othertaxa that have been inclu ded in Helichrysum,or to distinguishthe putativegeneraor infrageneric taxa within the group. Those characters that are used in thispaperare asfollows: ,L pue,srcur,"nru,o.",,"uno,o.ounoff,""'iJ:il",1.iil i:t#'itX:l#fi:;::JTit.'#:ir;i:": rltr,rslseJluoJsrql'd4s1ro13u1puelxepusllsfllnJsc^lnolseqll,1plollap xade oql'3uol oJe suuu aql xaldwocollaruatnoToql q puers rqncs?^orllJoluolxepmessou{ortl ot$ pue'xodee4;o,{lrso11tdcd ;oaarEappueedcqsoql'suuueqlJosseu:1crqlpuc43ua1eqleJeof,ucJqlu8rsJg'(1e:nEtg)a1&5 'peuslcrql llq.&auos s[e^\ IIst oql qlt,]t\IUJIJ eJe slrel sql putr plslp eql s3 'DqiuDaflDtg our?seW oJee8epusddt aq1;o slac pru]xord at$ (s awalrozg pue'wryoqdacosfuqJ '3'e) ereuaSraqto eseqt u:wns {-tI r! aH ur pepnlru,{lpuonlpEll ueaqe^cq tcql ereusSreqlo eql qlt^\ sls[JluosprrB'/s,(elpluJ1laq]]4?poqaqpunoJl?ql ol rsFurs sr uoucn s srqJ JclloJpuo.{eq Sulpuelxo 'prolelnbe pur snoluaruclrJpuc ]oe,r ,{ro^ slcl ]oqlue eql puu Suolqo-^\orJcust llllloJ eql pus 'sllt.r 'sJlD.^\ lcrus s11ocpurBruur eql pue leuurql qlr./i\Suolqo slle3 lclsp eql {tlq1 qlr.u p:sle1tnbaI 'els^o-pllolq s11ecpurrxo.rd eq1 ro elcp:oc ,{1e1ncrst aSupueddueq1 xeldLuo: n ll)rur.t$D7 a\l uI 'seururJJr Surssessuuaq,,n anp^ Jo €Js luql sleljelcqc JcqllnJ leJJosllet luanlusuoJ 3ql lnq polou 'slleJ 'edcqs ueeq.{puenbarj srq e6?pueddureqlue oql Jo odBqseql tuenlnsuooslr Jo Surue{Jlql pue 'lueruaEus:r?eql prm'oSepueddtreqlue eqlSo ernlxel pw eduqsoql :slnl eqlJo SuItlJucJqpue e:nlxel 'qtSual '(I aql :Jullot oql lo qtSuel pw eduqseql s.Itrroqlult eql ul ecu?uJluSlsJO am8ld) soLltuv 'seqol oql olu! Surssedlourxq eerql lset oqt Jo spultlls:tlnJsl^ qlt,tr snorqelSlsotx1c pue IeJupull.{3 'snuwoqJozo 'wnlotldacosttt[S -,\^orj?usr elloroJ 3q1dnol8 wnllottsruqo w stl.lrlPLI etll ur pup. 'D\tuoaJrDtguI 'peddn-putrl8put alcueslq eft eqnl elloloJ uo sJIDq6ql.11q,,,r 's:qo1 aqlSo x:du:ql ol rlscal spu[rls J?lnrse,,reql'lqSmns410o.lql eqlJo puBlcJelcllnbe + eJBseqol eqlJo sIullapldeJauul oql 'qull Jo slloJ eql elelnueduleJpuB eqnl pf,upull.{J qlI.4^rf,lnSel fl nllojo:) eql xaldwot ollacuauto1 'eJn]clnasu^ eq1 uI acuccqru8rs oueucS reql JoJ pessossceq lsnu lf,ql stelJelt]qJ II? eJe aql 'stu:eprde Jo luelxe eql pu?'lsoJrlt pu" seqol eqlJo eplsul eqlJo .{ltsollrdcdeql rouut cqlJo sllec eql ;o fultrelcrql puc eduqseql'urnluaurnpul aql'saqol puD oqnl eqlJo elnlxJl pull edcqsJqJ, rilr.roJ '(Z-? seJnFrC)Suolqo- oqs ole (a\t eJeqll'Dplllzg pur lutodua^Dp H JoJ 'suISJsur ldacxe uxel qe ur prelelnba 1aJI] deql xeldwot o11atuatanz7eql uI 5l?8n.uoi ql!,& Suolqo 'su18rcur - oqs eJR Ke\t wnstJqJnndT ptl/.JDlztlo{I ur e11q,t lqSleJ]Sqtll\ eJcnbslsotup elu .{oql alMDalJDtgur'rvaurl eJ?slleceql /,t s lanpqdacosfurq3usnql 8toue8uaa.aaleq puc sdno:8-setceds ues,nlcq eduqs ur dru,r duur 1nq pa1t1e:fyesoyc Sutaq se pastuSo:el ,\\ou eJc leql sepeds ur oduqs orrreseql a^Bq IBreueAur ,4eqlleql u,roqs suq wns,QtlJlpH pur wn.raldqaHu peprlxut ,{lsnot.terd seroedssnoJeurnu ur [lsal eqt Jo :edq relno cql Jo sller eql Jo uolleulurxa stwDptda :Dlsal 'dnor? ,runsfuqJoqlurx eql Jo sotcadsu pxt'DaDtarssDJDtuaoLlJS 'ustaKo 'g ur eprs Jaqlo crll o1 xedu eql ro,to ssssrd I a[tll\\'Dasot DllzJuaJtADTpuE'Il\todua^Dp wnsfuqcpall 'oplltag ul xed? oluols B ur selculurel 1xelduoc D aJuall DT eql ol peJ-nJeJ ojaq 8xgl asoql ol pJeSoJqllid 'xsdu eql Sutqcuere:o;eq sasusclt dno:8 uryo1aunsttt[c4ap eq ur pue "sse'I sfl{rr1,qr o1da7'wnpqdatosttqJ"lpuoll'?tztro1]1r ur ollq.{\ :eplsreqlo eql ol xad?eql re^o sessedyl oqlunal ntgr uI pessaqlJo xedr e1ue1sgoqs eql ur sal?uluJel ,{luelslsuot pue4s JtrlnJSBA 'uoslud 'g 'pesluEocel eql (qz66l 1ne4unstqtotnaT) dnota suoctqp wnraidlpH a\), ur snrlJ ,(pua:e: st eeurqluer8uVutrller1snvaqlJo eJeuo8 Jo suollcos,(ueur ut luulsuoceq ol sJeedd?JelscJuqs 'peas '(urnlnctde srqJ eql punon enurluoc feur ro ellrels uoqs ? Jo truoJ eql ur sI xads aql eteqa sasecesoql ur,{ln1nc[red) paeseq;o xed?oqlte oteuluJel Feu Jo'Jedordpoes eql;o xsde aql eroJaq '(1-7 alrurur:e1,teruleq1put4s rulncse,r.{ru11lose seq s.{n.^41[ l]lsal cq1 sunBtg) puDrtsnlnJSDr': D$aJ 'uoslr^|c xttdtuD D arlta/$t1 lntd Nuyrsiavol.8,
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