NÏJV231989 HAPPY I-IA . TO-ALL Notre Dame Donsseek MG Park'sStaackmann seeks staterep post state football title Saturday Dan Stanckmann, president of First District includes all of Lin- . The Notre Dame Dons will Notre Dame's Anthony Grillo lIre Morton Grove Park District coinwoocl. those areas ja Mortoa week. board, announced last week he play Mount Carmel for the slatebooted a 22 yard field goal in Notre Dame won the toss ia Grove and Skokiesouthof 5-A title atnoon Saturday atHan-overtime togive the Dons the win witt run as a Republican candi- Dempster Street, the 50th Ward cockSladiamin Normal. overtime and chose to play de- date for state representative in the 6-3 over Wheaton Central last Continued on Page 41 in Chicago and a few precincts in First LegislaLivn-Ditrict. The Continued on Page 41 Nues Libraryhead '. receives $15,000settlement ViiJage of Ñiles - -i'4 t Ii'4 Edition Libràry ïLûIr 8746N She onRod Board ousts. VOL. 33, NO. 24,THE BUGLE,THURSDAY, NOVEMISER 23, 1989 . 25! per-còpy McKenzie Lippert named By Eileen Hirschmeld Attorneys for trustees of thebIn funds, within IO days of the Niles Public Library District anddate that the board ratified the Director of Nues Parks AdministratorDuncani. McKen-agreement. According to rumor, zie hammered Out an agreement byNancyKeraminas McKenzieasked for a considera- made public Wednesday, Nov.bly higher Sam to be awarded for The Nues Park District Board as newDiiectorofParks. He wilt work in his current posi-15, bnl resulting in Ilse firing ofpersonal damages allegedly re- ofCammissioneen announced the Some hoard members predict-lion in Deerfield until the end ofMcKenzie as ofNov. 10. appointment of Thomas LippeD ed the appointment would be salting fromthe boards actions. the year or risklosingover Board members agreed to pay In early October, library tras- popular with employees and the$3,000 in accrnedvacation pay. McKenzie $15,000, in contava- community bat the decision was He will assume his new duties Continued on Page 41 t - unpopular with two of its boardin Nites Jan. 9, with a 1 year Nues Parks members. $50000 contract enpiring Jan. 9, Historical Society Thefull board met in esecutive1991. Anniversary nettion until late Nov. 21, finally,, Hes atopqualityperson that's Celebration voting 3-210appoint the 35 year-going to do a good job,' beamed dedicates plaque otdformerparkemployee. Vice PresideetWalt Besase. Hei. ...Pg.2 Lippertcontacted Board Preti-neu also praised LippeD's past cf- dent Elaine Heinn at 4 p.m. thatfoco as superintendent of the day to accept thé offered position. Continued on Fége 42 NUes Police Localmenhelp Drug Free Program In police nab thieves SchooIs..Pg. 2 Alert citizens and fast police The carpentec, Pat Mazzucchi work combined to stop thievesof Lemons, IL, said Tuesday, 'I flaring the Builders Square park-was just aograteful, t wanted to ing tot Nov. 19. A carpenter isgive them something, bat they gratefal ta the two Des Plaineswouldn't take auythissg.' :.IThanksgiving men who aided in recovery of The good sarnaritans, Tom toots taken from her track in theKasctsul and Matt Gieser, both Greetings lot nt9000 GolfRd. Des Plaines. Continued on Page 41 I Elephant clubs host GOP candidates Les Brawnstnin, candidate far The festivities will be held at Holiday Niles TownshipRepublican corn-the October 5 Restaurant, located Gift Guide snitteeman, announced that theat Dempster and Wankegan, Elephant Clubs of Nilet Town-Morton Grnve, Monday, Nov. Photoby Mas-y Hannah ..Pg.21-29 shipwill presenttheatinual27, from 8 to 11 p.m. There will Night with the Republican Can-be a cash bar; admishianand hors Frank MeTier, president o/the Morion Grove HistoricalSacie- didatet," honoring slate, countydeeuvres are free Door pnizrn 9,, directs attention irs the Historical landmarkptaque dedicated and local Republican candidateswill be givén away, including a at Simkins Fanerai Home, 8251 Dempster St., Morton Grove. atanelectionparty. Continued on page 4f Theplaqae traces the history o(the bailding. PAGE 2 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1989 vtht,ee.EsaetSv,su,y.ss, r'., un- 5?etl,r, .- Community 'THR:BUGLE,TUllRsft&y, NOVEMBER 23, 1dad' - , .. Focus /1989/ MEMER p Bar-thera liOnel. A T&iuglr OOw.pep.r Anniversaryparty marks ì4tr ' Ae.00latlon G , A n Indepi'ndpn, E 9m IiiilylVeii'spaper Establishedin ¡957 David Bensor-Eslftor & Pahllnhor Diene Mille -DIrector of Advortlnlog 3 8746 I'l. Shermer Road. Meek KeaJ rkl-Prodaceon Manager Nues. IIHflbjS60648 966-3900-1-4 Bob BesnorClty Editor - 35years-of Park service Maellyn Yebeacic.Copy Editor by Nancy Keraminas The Nues Park District celmi- The Nov. 19 event cormspond- Olympian 'tires'outFirst MG police officerkilled whileon duty nated a year of anniversaiy cele-ed to the exact date when the bratións with a dowe home bar-parkdistrictwas createdin begue bash ami invited1954, 65 years after the village everyone. The Sunday afternoonofNiles was incorporated. party brought together park offi- The park districts origins be- MGdriver - pleads cials past and present, Nites vit-gan with a 1947 decision by lage officials, park employeesthee Mayor Frank Staukowicz and a few old-timers, along withwho oppointed a NUes Recrea families andfrmends of all. lion Board.That groap par- not guilty in Attendees were treated to un- copdeath chased the parks Original 3 pork limited food,sunset hayridessites, where Jozwiab, Grenuan by Sheilya Hackett around Tam Golf course and aHeightsandOaktonManor welcomerespitefromlongParks are now situated, fnnded Car rolls over A Morton Grove driver, 71,his attorney, Rick Bake at the speechesmarkingtheparksby proceeds from Nites Days. pleaded not gailly to funr canutshearingbeforeJudgeKaren 35th Anniversary. tu 1952, what would become after hitting deerof reckless homicide in CookThompson.Tobin. The case wan Not that there wasnt any talk-the first park disteict baildiny, After striking a deer near 6000County Circuit court Nov. 20.continued to Dec. 15 to ollow ing. A yellow-swiped circus tentthe Grennan Heights fleldhouse, Golf Road, Morton Grove, theThe driver, Myron A. Iveeson, isboth prosecating and defending was set np and heated especiallywas erected -bytheGrennan morning of Nov. 17, a car driven charged with allegedly strikingattorneys time to gather addition- for the occasion. The sounds ofI-bights Improvement Associa- by a Glenview woman ran into aand killing Police officer Barryal information, although an as- reminiscing and laughter in thelion and the Nites Recreation roadsidrditch audrolled over. ShaPe, 42, the night of Dcl. 9.auslaut State's Attorney han not tent att but drowttetl out the mu- Sham was standing at the rear of . Board, at a cost of $20,000. The Maria Zajac, 39 of Gleuview, been assigned to continue with tic. fleldhonse became part of the PhotobyNancyKeraminas his squad car in the 8300 block ofthe case, The free party was a bargaiu Past andpresent Ni/es Park District hit the animal when il sprang park district in 1955. Commis- Provenzano (t967-73),MaryMarusek (1979- from the woods that border both Austin Avenue, Morton Grave, Reckless homicide isaclass for park disteict tax payers also The new pork district board, ssonersgatherarounda 35th snnniversary cake 1989), Carol Passek (1989-), Jack Leske (1961- talking to a motorcyclist he hadthree felony that curries a penalty with most of the hamburgers,- sides of the road. Morton Grovejust stopped. headed by Walter Zalud, held its at a Nov. 19 party marking the occasion. (L-R) 1978), Elaine Heissers (1979-), Val Enge/mann Firemen responded at 6:37 n.m. of not less than two years, nor hotdogs, corn-on-the-cob, chips,first meeting Dec. 9, 1954. The Steve Chanerski (1962-67; 1975-82), The driver registered a bloodmore than fave years, in the state beer, wine, baked goods and Millie (1987-89), Bud Skala Jr. (t989-. and paramedics transported Zu-alcohol concentration of .21 per- park used only pars-time work- Jones(l970-1976), KeithPeck(t963-65), juc to Rush North Shore Hospital penilentiory. condiments donated by well-ers until 1957 when, on a motion Mike cent, A .10 percent concentration Officen Shahs wan snrvivedhy wishing park district suppliers, in Skokie, where she was treatedis cussideredlegally drunk. by Park Commissioner Chnckgrounds for all four parks, withpaid $2.50 per hour. and released. his wife, tris. such as Miller, Old Style, Bnd-Giovannelli, it hired ils first full- Nico Park at Keeney and New Z-shaped pool, the first alnnsi- Iverson was accompanied by Continued tan Page 42 weiter, Jays, Coca Cota, Niles Nico, Point, Conrtland Manor,sum poolintheMidwest, Firemen, under the direction of time park attendant for $1.75 per England AvenuesbeingtheKick Lane and Oak School parks District Chief Norman Rath, an- Pastry and Minnelli Brothers. hour. most recent acqnisition. At the opened at the site of the Ree According to Park Board Presi- had been added by 1958 but itCenter, built the year before. sisted in righting the overturned The job description for the 7- time, recreation supervisors for - State requests dent Elaine Humen, 500 sand- wasn't until July 1965 that the The total pricetag of thepro- vehicle. extension monthpositionconsistedofarts and crafts and for the base-park district had its own swim- wiches were consumed. maintenance of eqnipment andball and bowling leagues were met at 7877 N. Milwaukee Ave. mine pool. The 308,000 galIon - in Continued on Page 41 - Nues assessor -case of accused teacher by Sheilya Hackett elected to board The Slate asked for more timeand that a photo ofthe teeth of the Thisîhanksgiving, Nues- Police launch so process evidence in the case ofdefendant, Scott Welty, 39, of Robert P. Hanraban, Assessorthe Maine Township ofNiles Township was elected to scienceChicago be retaken because of a the Board ofetirectors for the titi-teacher charged wsth allegedlyproblem with the film. The Slate We HopeYou Make anti-drugprogram nuis Property Assessment 1usd-rapinga14 year-old gal in thereporledlyaskedforthephotobe. forest preserve near Dee Road by Nancy Keraminas tule.
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