Subscriber! Addrest Good Luck On Exams! VOL. XXVIII. No. 19 PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, R. L, MAY 12, 1965 TEN PAGES John W. McCormack 601 Seniors Graduate; Given Veritas Medal The Honorable John W. Me Largest Number Ever House of Representatives, was Cormack o I Massachusetts, awarded the Veritas Medal last Speaker of the United States Saturday at ceremonies in Providence College's forty- Cum Laude. 24 Magna Cum uating class into the Alumni Washington. D. C. seventh annual Commencement Laude and 9 Summa Cum Laude Association, and the Reverend will be highlighted by the awards to those students grad- The Veritas Medal, the high- Joseph Lennon. Dean of the awarding of six hundred and uating with honors. est honor bestowed by the Col- College, will deliver the greet- one degrees to the largest class lege, is presented for outstand- Father Dore will also present ings. that has ever graduated from ing devotion to Providence Col- numerous other awards. Some A solemn Benediction will be the College. Commencement ex- lege. The Medal was presented of the award winners are: Ger- celebrated by the Reverend ercises will begin Tuesday, June to Congressman McCormack by ald Ruest the Hagan Award; Matthew V. Reilly. O.P., Col- the first, at 10:00 a.m. at Hen- the Very Reverend Vincent C. Noel Kinski, Alumni Awards; lege Chaplain Father Reilly dricken Memorial Field. Four Dore, O.P., President of the Col- Harold Brent, the Leonard will be assisted by the Reverend hundred and ninety students lege. Award; John DeFeo, the Father Royal J. Gardner. O.P, and the will be awarded Bachelor of Hickey Science Award Reverend William D. Kane, The award marks the second Arts degrees and one hundred OP. time that Congressman McCor- and eleven will receive Bache At the end of the presenta- mack has been honored by the lor of Science degrees. tions, Karl F. Sherry, graduate The President's reception for College. He was awarded an Baccaulaureate Day, Sunday. of the class of 1937 and Alumni seniors and their parents will honorary Doctor of Laws Degree president, will induct the grad- (Continued on Page 5) at the 34th Commencement Ex- May 30, will begin with a Sol ercises of the College in June, emn Mass at 10:00 a.m. at the 1052. War Memorial Grotto. The Very Reverend Vincent C. Dore, O.P.. The Veritas Medal has been President of the College, will awarded on only one other oc- celebrate the Mass Deacon will Father Dore to be Awarded casion. Congressman John E. be the Reverend Joseph L. Len Fogarty of Rhode Island re- non, O.P., while the Reverend ceived the first Veritas Medal Charles H McKenna will serve Degree by Dominican Order from the late Very Reverend as the Sub-deacon The Rev- Robert J. Slavin, then PC Presi- erend James T. Sullivan, O.P., dent, in November, 1960 The degree of Doctor and ] Dore, O.P., President of Provi- will deliver the Baccalaureate Master of Sacred Theology i dence College, this evening. Sermon. (S.T.M.), the highest academic! The Very Rev. Robert L. Class Day exercises will take Every, O.P., Provincial of the place on Monday, May 31, at Dominican Province of St. Jo- the War Memorial Grotto at 7:15 11 seph and President of the Prov- Paul Dionne Receives Award p.m. The exercise will begin idence College Corporation, will with the class oration by Ter- confer the honorary degree at rence A. Doody The address private ceremonies at 5 p.m. in As Cowl Senior of the Year to the parents will then be pre- the Dominican Chapel at the sented by Gerald T. Slevin. College. Paul Dionne, a history major, i Student Faculty Board, and the After the opening addresses. Father Dore, seventh Presi- has been elected The Cowl Sen- Intramural program. He also Father Dore will present 3911 ior of the Year by the members I served as the President of the dent of Providence College, Student Congress. will become the College's first Chancellor on July 1. The present editorial board Delaney Announces The degree of Doctor and of The Cowl nominated those Master of Sacred Theology was seniors who, in the opinion of Weekend Activities initially presented by the Do- the board, met the requirements minican Order by virtue of of the award — satisfactory Jeff Delaney, Senior Class Papal privilege and authority scholarship, service to the Col- president, has announced plans granted it the close of the lege, pride in the College, char- for Commencement Weekend Thirteenth Century in recogni- acter. personality, and leader- which will be held on May 28- tion of the high intellectual ship qualities. 30. and theological standards of the Various members of the fac- The Prom will be held on Fri- Order. ulty and administration se- day night. May 28, at the Grist During the 13th and 14th lected three seniors in order of Mill The affair will be formal, Centuries the University of preference Points were award black tux, and floral. Music VERY REV. V. C. DORE, O.P. Paris was the only university ed on a 3-2-1 basis. will be provided by Tommy permitted to award the degree Masso from 9-1. degree that the Dominican Or and since that time permission Dione received 26 points in There will be a boat ride to der can grant, will be conferred I has been confined exclusively the balloting followed by Noel Block Island starting at 11:15 upon the Very Rev. Vincent C.'to the Dominican Order. Kinski with 21 and Terry Doody a.m. The boat will return to with 18. Providence at approximately 11 Dionne. who halls from Lewis- p.m. Refreshments will be pro- ton. Maine, plans to attend vided. Music will be provided (Continued on Page 5) Congress President Lists B.C. Law School. PAUL DIONNE Purpose of Organization of the administration and fac- New Alumni Publication "The Student Congress Is pri- forts in order to bring about ulty. marily concerned with creating the best relationship possible During his college career, a system of rapport between the between the students and the Dionne has been a member of Scheduled for Printing students and the administra administration. the Friars Club, the Johananine tion." John Nissen. the newly "The Guidance Report, now Paul Connolly. "34, Alumni Society, the Tri-state dub. the The first Issue of "Provi elected President of the Stu- being considered by an admin- dence," a publication for alum- Secretary and executive editor dent Congress, maid In a Inter istration committee, is one of ni and friends of Providence of the new magazine, empha view recently. the ways in which the Congress College, will be printed and sued that Providence" will not "The Congress is not con has proved itself of real value distributed this month. replace the old "Friar Crier." to the students Suggestions It will merely compliment it crrned principally with run- The Very Rev. Vincent C. ning dances," he continued made through the Student Fac- Dore. O.P , President of the Col- The first issue will feature "hut rather with representing ulty Board and the Congress Book Review; lege. says that "Providence" the plight of the humanities. It the student in as many bene concerning changes in the grad- was established In inform the will also contain a section on ficial ways as possible Th<- ing system are also being con- community of Providence Col- Rev William P. Haas. OP, Student Faculty Board and the sidered Last year the changes in the cut system were brought Birth Control lege about educational pro- president-elect of the College Student Congress are the «tu grams and physical expansion dents' chief means of talking about through the efforts of the and his recent speech to the Congress - Page 7 He states that the magazine will faculty. Dr. Paul van K. Thom- to the administration The Con feature 'm-depth" studies rf son. vice-president of PC. will grog therefore, will strive to "Beside this primary concern programs, faculty members, and > Continued on Page 5) be able to best channel its ef- K untinued on Page «) thru- views. 2 THE COWL, MAY 12, 1965 Around Editorially Speaking the MEMO- Campi Grand Forks, North Dakota —The University of North Da- FROM THE EDITOR Apathy Again ... kota will attempt something new this summer—registration by mail. This plan, accord- With this issue "The Cowl" clo6es out its 35th year of ing to Ruby McKenzie, Regis- publication. For me it has been an exciting year and I "If the war there is lost, it will be lost not because trar, will enable students to our allies in Southeast Asia lack courage or staying avoid the usual long lines think it has been an exciting one for the entire school. power, but because there is a vociferous minority at that are found on Registra- This has been a year of change and advance. A new home who speak in dark ignorance of the issues in- tion Day every year. president has been appointed, the youngest man ever to hold the office. Two new posts have been created and volved." The procedure entails fill- With these words Senator Thomas J. Dodd, a week ing out several cards, such as filled with highly capable men: Fr. McKenna was named ago today, presented his views on the current crises in a registration card, News Bu- the first Vice-President for Community Affairs and this South Viet Nam. In the stimulating discussion revolving reau card, insurance card, etc., July Fr. Dore will officially become the first Chancellor of around opinion, yet with a solid basis in fact, he defended and mailing them, along with the College.
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