CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES OF TRADITIONAL MALAY HOUSE: A CASE STUDY OF RUMAH KUTAI PERAK BY KHAIRUL FIKRI BIN KHAIRUDIN A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science (Built Environment) Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design International Islamic University Malaysia NOVEMBER 2019 ABSTRACT The uniqueness of Rumah Kutai in terms of the fineness of the carvings on the doors, windows openings, walls and the wide use of its ceilings. It is also reinforced by the long-standing history of the building and its occupants. In view of the uniqueness of the architecture, it appears to be inseparable from some of the influences of the exterior architecture, especially the architectural influences of the Rumah Aceh and Rumah Adat Bugis from Sumatra. However, certain features of the architecture and its structural materials remain with its own identity, namely the architecture of the local people of Perak. These special features are especially noticeable in the lebah bergantung and the use of kelarai wall to glaze over the screen. The Kutai House consists of two types, namely the tiang 12 and the tiang 16. The roof structure with a unique technology system, the sliding doors and the windows of its own could never be seen on other traditional Malay house architectural elements both in Malaysia and other regions. Due to rapid modern development, traditional Malay houses seem to disappear from the landscape of Malaysia. The advancement of technology has deteriorated the construction of traditional Malay houses, making people choose a modern house over a traditional Malay house because of its efficiency and effectiveness. Such action has made these traditional houses less practised in Malaysia and made it difficult to preserve these structures. The research aims are to study the specific construction techniques applied for Rumah Kutai and identify the jointing system type used by the house based on its type. Its objectives include understanding the sequence and chronological process of erecting Rumah Kutai; to identify the method of construction applied for Rumah Kutai, and to document the selected construction method applied for Rumah Kutai for future reference and preservation. Rumah Kutai is a type of indigenous Perak traditional house which was selected for detailed observation. Five (5) houses which comprised of two (2) Kutai Asli and three (3) Kutai Anjung Beranda were analyzed and compared on their construction techniques and tanggam system that was applied to the house. The houses were investigated using graphical documentation and measured drawing which is done during the site visit and via semi-structured interview. A semi-structured interview was conducted with the surrounding neighbourhood and the caretaker of the houses to collect information pertaining to the house especially on the alteration that has been made to the house. Also, a semi-structured interview was conducted with six (6) experts in Rumah Kutai and traditional Malay construction techniques. The results revealed that the construction of Rumah Kutai between Kutai Asli and Kutai Anjung Beranda has depicted similarity on the sequence of constructing the house, which starts with the erection of structural components followed by the non-structural components. The findings indicated that the construction of traditional Rumah Kutai was mainly influenced by the knowledge of the tukang of the house especially on the use of tanggam system. By having this data, it was possible to document the techniques of the construction applied for Rumah Kutai. It is expected that the documentation of the construction method of Rumah Kutai could give insight and reference to the generation in inquiring knowledge of traditional Malay construction, and could benefit heritage body, society and those concerned with traditional buildings in Malaysia. i خﻻصة البحث يتميز البيت املﻻيوي التقليدي بدقة النحت على اﻷبواب والنوافذ واجلدران واﻷسقف الواسعة، وقد زادت أصالته بتارخيه الطويل ومكانته من حيث الطابع املعماري الفريد داخل املبىن الذي ﻻ يتجزأ؛ بتأثري من اهلندسة املعمارية اخلارجية، وﻻ سيما تأثري البيوت التقليدية يف آتشيه وأدات بوجس يف سومطرة، ولكن؛ حتتفظ بعض مسات العمارة واملواد اﻷساس هبويتها اخلاصة، وﻻ سيما عمارة السكان اﻷصليني لوﻻية برياك اليت تُﻻ َحظ خباصة يف القطع اخلشبية املنحوتة على شكِل ُمعنٍني، واستعمال جدارية )كﻻري( لتزجيج فتحات النوافذ، وللبيت املﻻيوي التقليدي نوعان؛ مها: تيانج ١٢، وتيانج ١٦، وتتميز هيكلية اﻷسقف بنظام تقاين مميز، وﻻ ميكن رؤية عناصر معمارية لﻷبواب اﻻنزﻻقية والنوافذ مماثلة ما يف سائر ماليزيا وما حوهلا، ونتيجة سرعة التطور احلديث تكاد ختلو البيوت التقليدية من املنارر الطبيعية يف ماليزيا، فقد أدى التقدم التقاين إىل تراجع بنائها، مما جعل الناس ختتار املنازل احلديثة عليها؛ بسبب كفاءهتا، ومن مث؛ قلن استعمال البيوت املﻻيوية التقليدية واحلفاظ عليها، ويهدف البحث إىل بيان أساليب البناء اخلاصة املطبقة يف البيت املﻻيوي التقليدي، وحتديد نوع نظام توصيل القطع اخلشبية حسب نوع البيت؛ لتوثيقها، وجعلها مرجًعا، وللحفاظ على تارخيها؛ إذ تعُّد البيوت املﻻيوية التقليدية ميزة للسكان اﻷصليني يف برياك، وقد جرت مقارنة مخسة بيوت من حيث تقنيات البناء ونظام التوصيل املعتمد، مع فحصها باستخدام الرسوم التصويرية والقياسات يف أثناء الزيارات امليدانية واملقابﻻت مع سكان املنطقة احمليطة بالبيوت والقائمني على رعايتها؛ جلمع معلومات عنها، وﻻ سيما التعديﻻت اليت أجريت عليها، وكانت هذه اللقاءات امليدانية مع ستة خرباء خمتصني بتقنيات البناء املﻻيوي التقليدي، وبينت النتائج أن أنواع البيوت املﻻيوية التقليدية تتشابه من حيث تسلسل بنائها بنصب اﻷسس اهليكلية مث املكونات يري اهليكلية، وأن خلربة احلرفيني تأث ًريا على بناء البيوت املﻻيوية التقليدية، وﻻ سيما يف استعمال نظام توصيل القطع اخلشبية بعضها ببعض عند الزوايا، ومن خﻻل هذه املعلومات كان من املمكن توثيق تقنيات بناء البيت املﻻيوي التقليدي، ومن املتوقع أن يكون هذا التوثيق نظرة متمعنة مرجعية لﻷجيال لﻻستفسار عن البيت املﻻيوي التقليدي ، وأن يفيد هيئة الرتاث واجملتمع واملعنيني واملهتمني باملباين التقليدية يف ماليزيا. ii APPROVAL PAGE I certify that I have supervised and read this study and that in my opinion, it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science (Built Environment). ………………………………….. Nurul Hamiruddin Salleh Supervisor ………………………………….. Srazali Aripin Co-Supervisor I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science (Built Environment). ………………………………….. Sufian Hamat Internal Examiner ………………………………….. Mohd Sabrizaa Abdul Rashid External Examiner This thesis was submitted to the Department of Architecture and is accepted as a fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science (Built Environment) ………………………………….. Srazali Aripin Head, Department of Architecture This thesis was submitted to the Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design and is accepted as a fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science (Built Environment). ………………………………….. Abdul Razak Sapian Dean, Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design iii DECLARATION I hereby declare that this thesis is the result of my own investigations, except where otherwise stated. I also declare that it has not been previously or concurrently submitted as a whole for any other degrees at IIUM or other institutions. Khairul Fikri Bin Khairudin Signature ........................................................... Date ......................................... iv INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA DECLARATION OF COPYRIGHT AND AFFIRMATION OF FAIR USE OF UNPUBLISHED RESEARCH CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES OF TRADITIONAL MALAY HOUSE: A CASE STUDY RUMAH KUTAI PERAK I declare that the copyright holders of this thesis are jointly owned by student and IIUM. Copyright © 2019 Khairul Fikri Bin Khairudin and International Islamic University Malaysia. All rights reserved. No part of this unpublished research may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder except as provided below 1. Any material contained in or derived from this unpublished research may be used by others in their writing with due acknowledgement. 2. IIUM or its library will have the right to make and transmit copies (print or electronic) for institutional and academic purposes. 3. The IIUM library will have the right to make, store in a retrieved system and supply copies of this unpublished research if requested by other universities and research libraries. By signing this form, I acknowledged that I have read and understand the IIUM Intellectual Property Right and Commercialization policy. Affirmed by Khairul Fikri Bin Khairudin ……..…………………….. ……………………….. Signature Date v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS “Bismillahirrahmanirrahim: In the name of God, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful” Alhamdulillah and I praised Allah the Almighty for His help throughout the completion of this thesis. Firstly, it is my utmost pleasure to dedicate this work to my dearest parents, Khairudin Jaafar, Norzila Mohd Zain and my family, who granted me the gift of their unwavering belief in my ability to accomplish this goal: thank you for your support and patience. My gratitude can never be enough. I wish to express my appreciation and thanks to those who provided their time, effort and support for this project. To the members of my research thesis, thank you for sticking with me. Finally,
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