![(12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,073,418 B2 Lin Et A]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
US008073418B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,073,418 B2 Lin et a]. (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 6, 2011 (54) RECEIVING SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR (56) References Cited AUDIO PROCESSING U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (75) Inventors: Chien-Hung Lin, Kaohsiung (TW); 4 414 571 A * 11/1983 Kureha et al 348/554 Hsing-J“ Wei, Keelung (TW) 5,012,516 A * 4/1991 Walton et a1. .. 381/3 _ _ _ 5,418,815 A * 5/1995 Ishikawa et a1. 375/216 (73) Ass1gnee: Mediatek Inc., Sc1ence-Basedlndustr1al 6,714,259 B2 * 3/2004 Kim ................. .. 348/706 Park, Hsin-Chu (TW) 7,436,914 B2* 10/2008 Lin ....... .. 375/347 2009/0262246 A1* 10/2009 Tsaict a1. ................... .. 348/604 ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this * Cited by examiner patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U'S'C' 154(1)) by 793 days' Primary Examiner * Sonny Trinh (21) App1_ NO; 12/185,778 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Winston Hsu; Scott Margo (22) Filed: Aug. 4, 2008 (57) ABSTRACT (65) Prior Publication Data A receiving system for audio processing includes a ?rst Us 2010/0029240 A1 Feb 4 2010 demodulation unit and a second demodulation unit. The ?rst ' ’ demodulation unit is utilized for receiving an audio signal and (51) Int_ CL generating a ?rst demodulated audio signal. The second H043 1/10 (200601) demodulation unit is utilized for selectively receiving the H043 5/455 (200601) audio signal or the ?rst demodulated audio signal according (52) us. Cl. ....................... .. 455/312- 455/337- 348/726 to a Setting Ofa television audio System Which the receiving (58) Field Of Classi?cation Search ................ .. 455/293, System15 applied’ and generating a Second demodulated 455/309, 312, 225, 226.1, 337, 334, 348/706, audlo S1gna1~ 348/725, 726 See application ?le for complete search history. 12 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets K200 220 2 226 22s ‘ ‘ ‘2 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 2 ‘ i | 21022513211619 Bull“ I | 240 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 Bascband processing unit _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _‘ l Filter Downsamplc % Buffer I rale convei'ler I _ _ _ _ "g ____ _ A, _ 3 g 236 238 US. Patent Dec. 6,2011 Sheet 5 of5 US 8,073,418 B2 V6283@225 wow 9.2; -Ezi_ wmw wmw m.UE mom wow cz/Em mmm .Hommwuoa US 8,073,418 B2 1 2 RECEIVING SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR demodulation unit and a second demodulation unit. The ?rst AUDIO PROCESSING demodulation unit is utiliZed for receiving a modulated audio signal and generating a ?rst demodulated audio signal. The BACKGROUND second demodulation unit is utiliZed for selectively receiving the modulated audio signal or the ?rst demodulated audio The invention relates to receiving systems and methods for signal according to a setting of a television audio system TV audio processing, and more particularly, to a receiving system complying With multiple audio standards and related Which the receiving system is applied, and generating a sec method thereof. Audio stereo signal standards for TV broad ond demodulated audio signal. casts include ZWeikanalton, also knoWn as German Stereo or According to another embodiment of the present invention, A2 Stereo, Near Instantaneous Companded Audio Multiplex a receiving method for audio processing comprises: receiving (NICAM), and Multichannel Television Sound (MTS), an audio signal and generating a ?rst demodulated audio Which is also knoWn at the BTSC standard. Standards such as signal; and selectively receiving the audio signal or the ?rst ZWeikanalton and NICAM rely on tWo separate FM carriers. demodulated audio signal according to a setting of a televi The second FM carrier of ZWeikanalton, for example, is sion audio system, and generating a second demodulated transmitted on a frequency 242 kHZ higher than the main FM audio signal. carrier. It can carry either a completely separate audio pro gram, or be used for stereo sound transmission. In the latter These and other objectives of the present invention Will no case, the ?rst FM carrier carries L+R for compatibility, While doubt become obvious to those of ordinary skill in the art after the second carrier carries 2*R. The second carrier also con reading the folloWing detailed description of the preferred tains a control tone to indicate Whether the transmission is 20 embodiment that is illustrated in the various ?gures and draW stereo or dual sound. Absence of this tone is interpreted as a 1ngs. monaural transmission. A receiver capable of receiving and processing signals of such tWo-carrier system has tWo sets of BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS audio signal processing hardWare for processing signals car ried by the tWo carrier concurrently. 25 FIG. 1 is a related art receiving system capable of receiving The MTS signal is transmitted at a designated carrier fre audio channels from a ZWeikanalton system and a MTS sys quency as part of the composite broadcast television video. tem. The MTS signal comprises tWo or more channels, a ?rst FIG. 2 is a diagram illustrating a receiving system capable channel, Which is the main channel formed as the sum of the left and right audio signals, and can be detected by both of receiving audio channels from the ZWeikanalton system monophonic TV receivers and stereo receivers. A second 30 and the MTS system according to a ?rst embodiment of the channel is formed as the difference betWeen the left and right present invention. audio signals, and is detectable only by stereo receivers. A FIG. 3 is a diagram illustrating a receiving system capable SAP channel is used to provide a Supplemental Audio Pro of receiving audio channels from the ZWeikanalton system gram (SAP) such as a second language, for example Chinese. and the MTS system according to a second embodiment of the The MTS receiver performs tWo steps of demodulation, 35 present invention. ?rst FM (frequency modulation) demodulation, folloWs by FIG. 4 is a diagram illustrating a receiving system capable AM (amplitude modulation) demodulation for stereo audio of receiving audio channels from the ZWeikanalton system input, or FM demodulation for dual audio input. For example, and the MTS system according to a third embodiment of the an FM demodulator circuit demodulates a stereo signal and present invention. removes the FM carrier to output a composite audio signal. 40 FIG. 5 illustrates a hardWare con?guration of the FIR ?lters The composite audio signal is then coupled to a signal pro shoWn in FIG. 4 and related circuits. cessing circuit that separates the various audio channels With AM demodulation. Corresponding audio signals L and R can DETAILED DESCRIPTION thus be output for reproduction by the television speakers. Vendors can hold the edge over their rivals if a solution 45 Certain terms are used throughout the folloWing descrip complying With different audio standards is provided. An tion and claims to refer to particular system components. As instinct Way to satisfy different TV audio standards, say MTS one skilled in the art Will appreciate, manufacturers may refer and ZWeikanalton, is to equip receivers With parallel audio to a component by different names. This document does not signal processing hardWare. When receiving audio channels intend to distinguish betWeen components that differ in name from a ZWeikanalton system, the receiver demodulates sig 50 but not function. In the folloWing discussion and in the nals carried by tWo carriers With tWo audio signal processing claims, the terms “including” and “comprising” are used in an hardWare concurrently, and When receiving audio channels open-ended fashion, and thus should be interpreted to mean from a MTS system, only one signal processing hardWare is “including, but not limited to . ” The terms “couple” and occupied. “couples” are intended to mean either an indirect or a direct Please refer to the receiving system illustrated in FIG. 1, 55 electrical connection. Thus, if a ?rst device couples to a Which is capable of receiving audio channels from a ZWei second device, that connection may be through a direct elec kanalton system or a MTS system. The tWo sets of audio trical connection, or through an indirect electrical connection signal processing hardWare of the receiving system in FIG. I via other devices and connections. operate to process audio signals carried by tWo carriers con FIG. 2 is a diagram illustrating a receiving system 200 currently if it is Working With the NICAM system. One of the 60 capable of receiving audio channels from the ZWeikanalton signal processing hardWare is unused if the receiving system system and the MTS system according to a ?rst embodiment is Working With the MTS system. of the present invention. As shoWn in FIG. 2, the receiving system 200 includes an analog-to-digital converter 210, a ?rst SUMMARY demodulation unit 220, a second demodulation unit 230, a 65 base-band processing unit 240, and a multiplexer 250. The According to one embodiment of the present invention, a ?rst demodulation unit 220 includes a quadrature mix 222, a receiving system for audio processing includes a ?rst ?lter 224, a doWn sample rate converter 226, and a buffer 228. US 8,073,418 B2 3 4 The second demodulation unit 230 includes a quadrature mix into the ?rst and second demodulation units 320 and 330, and 232, a ?lter 234, a doWn sample rate converter 236, and a the ?rst and second demodulation units 320 and 330 respec buffer 238. tively demodulate audio signals carried by tWo carriers con When the receiving system 200 is set to receive audio currently.
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