SOCIAL MEDIA AS POLITICAL PARTY CAMPAIGN IN INDONESIA Leon Andretti Abdillah Universitas Bina Darma Jln. AhmadYani No.3 Palembang Sur-el: [email protected] Abstract: Social media as a trend in the Internet is now used as a medium for political campaigns. Author explores the advantages and social media implementation of any political party in Indonesia legislative elections 2014. Author visited and analyzed social media used by the contestants, such as: Facebook, and Twitter. Author collected data from social media until the end of April 2014. This article discusses the use of social media by political parties and their features. The results of this study indicate that social media are: 1) effective tool for current and future political campaigns, 2) reach the voters and supporters instantly, 3) used by Political parties to show their logo/icon, and 4) last but not least quick count results also show that political parties which using social media as part of their campaigns won the legislative elections. Keywords: Social media impact, Indonesian legislative elections, Political parties presentation. Abstrak: Media sosial sebagai tren di internet saat ini digunakan sebagai media kampanye politik. Penulis mengeksplor keuntungan dan implementasi media sosial dari partai politik di pemilu legislatif Indonesia 2014. Penulis mengunjungi dan menganalisis media sosial yang digunakan para kontestan, seperti: Facebook dan Twitter. Penulis mengumpulkan data dari media sosial sampai dengan akhir April 2014. Artikel ini mendiskusikan sosial media yang digunakan oleh partai politik beserta fitur- fiturnya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa media sosial adalah: 1) alat yang efektif untuk kampanye politik saat ini dan masa depan, 2) menggapai pemilih dan pendukung langsung, 3) yang digunakan oleh partai-partai politik untuk menunjukkan logo/icon mereka, dan 4) hasil hitung cepat juga menunjukkan bahwa partai-partai politik yang menggunakan media sosial sebagai bagian dari kampanye mereka memenangkan pemilu legislatif. Kata kunci: Dampak media sosial, pemilu legislatif Indonesia, presentasi partai politik. 1. INTRODUCTION 2008). This article will cover the topic of social media as political party campaign on involving One of the most popular internet citizens in the democratic activity like general application nowadays are social media sites. legislative elections or presidential campaigns. These social media applications grow Every democratic country would have significantly and attract many concerns from done a good election to select members of online users. At the moment, social media have council or parliament, as well as to the president. been used for personal communication, Normally, in the campaign periods every education (Abdillah, 2013), promotion (Rahadi political party will promote their candidate using & Abdillah, 2013), and knowledge and various of media. information sharing (Abdillah, 2014). The rapid Usually before the elections, the candidate development of online social networks has will conduct a promotion or campaign that tremendously changed the way of people to contains a call to pick him. Various media have communicate with each other (Bi, Qin, & Huang, been used to support the purposes of the Social Media as Political Party Campaign in Indonesian (Leon A. Abdillah) 1 campaign. Along with the development of Educated and well inform people less trust to information technology is increasingly billboards or banners, but they have more widespread and rapid, the candidates also confidence or rather believe in the words of campaigned increasingly familiar with using friends or colleagues in social media (Sugiarto, information technology. 2014). The most current information technology One of the most phenomenon is Barack application to promote political campaigns is 2bama‘s campaign in 2008. The successful use social media. This happends because information of social media in the US presidential campaign networks not easily controlled by the state and of Barack Obama (Tumasjan, Sprenger, Sandner, coordination tools that are already embedded in & Welpe, 2010) has established Twitter, trusted networks of family and friends (Howard Facebook, MySpace, and other social media as & Hussain, 2011). Organizations such as integral parts of the political campaign toolbox political parties are trying to keep up with this and how they have affected users‘ political changing environment (Effing, van attitudes and behaviors (Zhang, Johnson, Seltzer, Hillegersberg, & Huibers, 2011). Another reason & Bichard, 2010). Another success story is from is based on one common characteristic among Indonesia, Jokowi & Ahok, new Governor and social media sites is that they tend to be free and deputy as winners of Jakarta Governor Election are therefore widely accessible across in the 2012s suggest political marketing strategy socioeconomic classes (Joseph, 2012). Last but is an effective key to success (Ediraras, Rahayu, not least, adding new media to old electoral Natalina, & Widya, 2013). On of their political politics will entice new and younger voters to branding in governor election campaign is greater participation (Xenos & Foot, 2008), twitter social media (Wulan, Suryadi, & Dwi because there are relationships between Prasetyo, 2014). Political communication alse Facebook use and students‘ life satisfaction, uses blog hyperlinks that including political social trust, civic engagement, and political party, activist groups, and individuals (Rosen, participation (Valenzuela, Park, & Kee, 2009). Barnett, & Kim, 2010). Author itself has been used social media In this article, author would like to discuss for supporting student learning environment about successful story in social media based (Abdillah, 2013), promotion media (Rahadi & political campaign in Indonesia. Abdillah, 2013), and knowledge sharing Per March 2014, Indonesia was the fourth (Abdillah, 2014) in higher education institution. larger facebook users (SocialBakers, 2014) after Other article report how social media is USA, India, and Brazil. Facebook users of emerging as an important technology for disaster Indonesia is dominanted by young adults (19-24 response (Yates & Paquette, 2011). years) people followed by Adults (25-34 years), And now social media is affecting political see figure 1. campaigns (Smith, 2011), including young adults engagements (Baumgartner & Morris, 2010). 2 Jurnal Ilmiah MATRIK Vol.16 No.1, April 2014:1 -10 national political parties (Table 1) and three local political parties in Aceh. In this article, author will not discuss three others local political parties in Aceh. Focus analysis and discussion only for twelve national political parties. Figure 1. Facebook Users Based on Age If we check the users of facebook based on Table 1. Polical Parties in Indonesia General gender, male are dominant users for Indonesian Elections 2014 facebook users (SocialBakers, 2014), see figure Head, General Political No Secretary, Treasury, Logo 2. Party & website 1 Partai Nasional Surya Paloh, Demokrat Patrice Rio Capella, (Nasdem) Frankie Turtan http://www.partainasdem.or g/ 2 Partai A.Muhaimin Iskandar, Kebangkitan Imam Nahrawi, Bangsa Bachrudin Nasori http://www.dpp.pkb.or.id/ (PKB) Partai Keadilan Muhammad Anis Matta, Figure 2. Facebook users based on gender 3 Sejahtera Muhamad Taufik Ridlo, (PKS) Mahfudz Abdurrahman The rest of this paper will cover research http://www.pks.or.id/ 4 Partai Megawati Soekarno Putri, methods, results and discussions, and Demokrasi Tjahjo Kumolo, Indonesia Olly Dondokambey Perjuangan http://www.pdiperjuangan.o conclusions. r.id/ (PDIP) Aburizal Bakrie, 5 Partai Golongan Idrus Marham, Setya Novanto Karya (Golkar) http://partaigolkar.or.id/ 2. RESEARCH METHODS 6 Partai Indonesia Suhardi, Raya Ahmad Muzani, (Gerindra) Thomas A. Muliatna Djiwandono http://partaigerindra.or.id/ This article will observe the online 7 Partai Susilo Bambang Demokrat Yudhoyono, features of political parties‘ social media, such (PD) Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono, Handoyo Mulyadi as: 1) Facebook, and 2) Twitter. The author http://www.demokrat.or.id/ 8 Partai Amanat M. Hatta Rajasa, explored the political parties‘ social media to Nasional Taufik Kurniawan, (PAN) Jon Erizal http://pan.or.id/ check their activities. Author also gathered some 9 Suryadharma Ali, Partai Persatuan Romahurmuziy, valuable information from popular new websites Pembangunan Mahmud Yunus (PPP) http://ppp.or.id/index.html such as: 1) sindo.com, 2) kompas.com, and 3) 10 Wiranto, Partai Hati Dossy Iskandar Prasetyo, Nurani Rakyat liputan6.com. Bambang Sudjagad (Hanura) http://hanura.com/10/ 11 MS. Kaban, Partai Bulan B.M. Wibowo, Bintang Sarinandhe Djibran 2.1 Political Parties (PBB) http://bulan-bintang.org/ Partai Keadilan Sutiyoso, 12 dan Persatuan Lukman F. Mokoginta, Indonesia Linda Setiawati http://pkpi.or.id/ In the five-yearly Indonesia general (PKPI) election in 2014 will be followed by twelve Source: Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU, 2014) Social Media as Political Party Campaign in Indonesian (Leon A. Abdillah) 3 Information about every national poltical institutions: 1) CSIS-Cyrus (Gunawan, 2014), 2) party‘s website, facebook, twitter, etc will Ee Litbang Kompas (LITBANG KOMPAS, 2014), discussed in next section. 3) IRC-Sindo (Prawira, 2014), and 4) Lingkar Survei Indonesia-LSI (Rastika, 2014). 2.2 3olitical 3arties‘ Social 0edia Based on quick counts result, we have the temporer winner of the general election in Until April 2014, eleven of twelve Indonesia: 1) PDIP, 2) PGolkar, 3) PGerindra,
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