ST. JOSEPH CHURCH 115 EAST FORT LEE ROAD BOGOTA, NJ 07603 September 26, 2021 Rev. Scott Attanasio, Pastor Rev. Eduardo Bustamante, Vicar Deacon Kevin Regan The Eucharist Saturday Eve: 5:00pm Sunday: 8:00am, 10am, 12pm—Spanish Weekdays: 8am Civic Holidays: 8am Adoration Chapel: Closed Temporarily Consult bulletin for special Mass times for Holy Days of Obligation Sacrament information on page two Información de Sacramento en la página dos Rectory Office Faith Formation/REC 201-342-6300 201-343-4316 Fax: 201-883-9392 Fax: 201-883-9392 [email protected] [email protected] Page 2 _________________ ___ September 26, 2021 Saint Joseph Church Mission Statement Declaración de la Misión de la Iglesia de San José We have been called together as disciples of the Lord at Hemos sido llamados juntos como discípulos del Señor en la St. Joseph Parish. We are united as brothers and sisters in the parroquia de San José. Estamos unidos como hermanos y hermanas mission of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ by en la misión de proclamar la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo animando encouraging the community of faith to grow in the divine life of a la comunidad de fe a crecer en la vida divina de la Santísima the Holy Trinity. As a parish family we will witness to God's love Trinidad. Como familia parroquial, daremos testimonio del amor y and presence through our celebration of the Sacraments, the la presencia de Dios a través de la celebración de los sacramentos, proclamation of God's Word, the formation of all into disciples la proclamación de la Palabra de Dios, la formación de todos en and our service to others to deepen our relationship with Jesus discípulos y nuestro servicio a los demás para profundizar nuestra Christ. We are a people who are deeply Eucharistic which relación con Jesucristo. Somos un pueblo profundamente eucarístico strengthens us for the mission that has been entrusted to que nos fortalece para la misión que se nos ha confiado. Usaremos us. We will use all of the God-given gifts to welcome the todos los dones dados por Dios para dar la bienvenida al extraño y stranger and build the spirit of belonging within our parish construir el espíritu de pertenencia dentro de nuestra comunidad community by feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, and parroquial al alimentar a los hambrientos, albergar a los comforting the bereaved. As we fulfill this mission of service, we desamparados y consolar a los afligidos. Al cumplir esta misión de will invoke the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit, and the servicio, invocaremos la guía y dirección del Espíritu Santo y la intercession of our patrons St. Joseph and the intercesión de nuestros patronos San José y la Santísima Virgen. Blessed Virgin Mary. New Parishioners/Nuevos Feligreses: Welcome to our Parish Community! Please register online or at the rectory and feel free to contact anyone on our staff regarding the Parish and its activities. Bienvenido a nuestra comunidad parroquial! Registrarse en el sitio web de la iglesia o en la rectoría y no dude en ponerse en contacto con cualquier persona en nuestro personal con respecto a la parroquia y las actividades. CONTACT INFORMATION https://facebook.com/stjosephbogota/live Pastor Rev. Scott Attanasio………[email protected] Parochial Vicar Rev. Eduardo Bustamante…[email protected] Deacon ST. JOSEPH’S MASS AND PRAYER SCHEDULE Kevin Regan……………..…[email protected] Pastoral Director, Faith Formation WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE MONDAY—SATURDAY 8AM Mrs. Jennifer Zwernemann……………[email protected] SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY VIGIL MASS: 5PM Program Coordinator, Faith Formation SUNDAY MASS: 8AM, 10AM (ENGLISH) Ms. Elizabeth Garcia…..……[email protected] 12NOON (SPANISH) Protecting God’s Children CONFESSIONS Mrs. Diane Maglione….…[email protected] SATURDAY 4PM —4:45PM IN CHURCH Director of Music Mr. Michael Chladil……[email protected] MASKS MUST BE WORN BY PRIEST AND PENITENT WE WILL CONTINUE TO LIVE STREAM WEEKDAY MASS Business Administrator of Finance AND SUNDAY MASS Mrs. Wanda Uceta…………[email protected] CHURCH PRIVATE PRAYER SCHEDULE Administrative Assistant, [email protected] MONDAY—FRIDAY 8:30AM—4:00PM SATURDAY 8:30AM—6:00PM Sr. Elaine Sullivan, FSP…..…[email protected] DEVOTIONAL PRAYER SCHEDULE-MORNING Youth Ministry PRAYER- 9AM: MONDAY, TUESDAY, FRIDAY & Tom & Jennifer Ferraioli SATURDAY (OPEN TO PUBLIC AND LIVE STREAMED) [email protected] THE ROSARY- 12NOON: MONDAY—SATURDAY (OPEN TO PUBLIC AND LIVE STREAMED) EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENTAND ROSARY- 12NOON—1PM: FRIDAY (OPEN TO PUBLIC AND LIVE STREAMED) EVENING PRAYER- 5:30PM: MONDAY, TUESDAY & Rectory FRIDAY (ONLY LIVE STREAMED) Mon-Thurs 11am—4pm REFLECTION ON THE CATHOLIC FAITH SERIES Friday 11am—7pm 5PM: MONDAY AND TUESDAY Saturday 9am—4pm Sunday Closed (ONLY LIVE STREAMED) Dear Parishioners, Only in Heaven will we understand the gift of the angelic hosts. These magnificent spiritual beings were created by God out of love. Some were created for the sole purpose of eternal worship and adoration of the Most Holy Trinity. They never tire of this calling and worship God with an ever deepening love and communion. Other angelic beings were created to bring the love and Mercy of God to us. The Guardian Angels and Archangels are two such creations that are constantly interceding for us, protecting us and guiding us into the Will of God. Our knowledge of them is not necessary for their continued attentiveness to our love and care. But humbly acknowledging their mediation and calling upon them is an act of pure faith and trust in God. They are here with us and we must call on them, trust in them, hope in them and love them. Doing so is the Will of God and an acknowledgment of one central way through which He pours forth His Divine Mercy. Do you call on the angels to come to your aid? Do you pray to your guardian angel and St. Michael the Archangel, in particular? We must trust in their powerful mediation and sacred ability to guard and protect us in accord with the Mind and Will of God. Speak to these angels today, and allow yourself to become more fully consecrated to their care. We honor our glorious Guardian Angels! They are treasures and helpers beyond what we could imagine. A few days ago we honored the Archangels, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. In that reflection we looked at the hierarchy of celestial beings created by God. Though the Guardian Angels are on the bottom of the list of the hierarchy of celestial beings, they are no less glorious and magnificent than the host of other celestial beings. Guardian Angels are traditionally said to have been created for the sole purpose of serving us in our needs. Yes, God could have chosen to care for us directly without the use of angels, but He didn’t. He chose to create angels as mediators of His grace and care. It’s fair to say that our Guardian Angels love us with a perfect love. They know us, care for us and desire deeply that we become holy. Their primary purpose is to get us to Heaven and to draw us into the heights of sanctity. How do they do this? They do it by mediating God’s grace to us. The word “angel” means messenger. Thus, our angels play a central role in communicating to us the will and mind of God. They can speak all that God wants to say to us. They are also protectors in that they bring grace from God to particular situations in life to fight against evil and to help us do good. Reflect, today, upon the gift of your own guardian angel. This celestial being was created for the sole purpose of caring for you and getting you to Heaven. Speak to your angel, today. Rely upon your angel’s intercession and allow this holy angel to communicate to you God’s abundant grace. Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen. Angels of God, pray for me. Jesus, I trust in You. Lord, I thank You for the gift of the holy angels. I thank You for Sts. Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, my guardian angel and for the whole host of Heaven. I pray that I will continually be open to the workings of these angelic beings in my life. Through their mediation, keep me safe from all evil and direct me in accord with Your holy Will. Jesus, I trust in You. God Bless, Fr. Scott RELIGIOUS GIFT SHOP Schedule of Eucharistic Adoration THE RELIGIOUS GIFT SHOP WILL BE OPEN EVERY WEEKEND IN Every Thursday- Exposition of the Blessed THE CHURCH VESTIBULE Sacrament & Benediction 7:30pm—8:30pm AFTER THE 5PM, 8AM, 10AM AND Every Friday- Exposition of the Blessed 12NOON MASSES. Sacrament & Benediction 12noon—1pm First Friday Holy Hour- with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction 7pm—8pm September 26, 2021 Saint of the Week St. Vincent de Paul, Priest 1581- 1660 September 27 – Memorial Patron Saint of all charitable societies, hospitals, & leprosy vic- Saturday September 25 tims Today’s saint was one of the brightest stars in the galaxy of saint- 5:00pm Elizabeth Req Monica ly men and women who rejuvenated Catholicism in seventeenth century France. Saint Vincent de Paul established charitable soci- & Peter Lynch eties that have endured to this day. He also founded male and McDermott female religious orders that still thrive in the twenty-first century. He was a trusted counselor to bishops, cardinals, and royalty. His Sunday September 26 ideas and vision reformed how seminarians and priests were trained so fundamentally that this vision became normative for 8:00am Robert DeSimone Req Mary the world-wide Church.
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