Cribbs Causeway – Bristol Temple Meads a 73 via Patchway, Bradley Stoke, Bristol Parkway Station a Filton Avenue, Gloucester Road and City Centre Mondays to Fridays except Public Holidays , Service Number Cribbs Causeway Bus Station "&'" "'$" "'&" "''' "(#' "(%' "('' ")#' ")%' ")'' "*#' "*&" "+"" "+$" "+&" #""" #"$" #"&" Bradley Stoke Newleaze "&'* "'$* "'&* "("% "($( "(&( ")"( ")$( ")&( "*"( "*$( "*'# "+#" "+%" "+'" #"#" #"%" #"'" Bradley Stoke Willow Brook Centre "'") "'%) "'') "(#' "(%* "('* ")#* ")%* ")'* "*#* "*%* "+"% "+$# "+&# #""# #"$# #"&# ##"# Bristol Parkway Station a "'#) "'&) "(") "(%& "(') ")#) ")%) ")') "*#) "*%) "*') "+#( "+%& "+'& #"#& #"%& #"'& ###& Filton Avenue Lockleaze Road "'$* "''* "($& "('# ")#& ")%& ")'& "*#& "*%& "*'& "+#& "+%# "+&+ #""+ #"$+ #"&+ ##"+ ##$+ Montpelier Colston’s Girls’ School "'%* "("* "(%+ ")"( ")$+ ")&+ "*"+ "*$+ "*&+ "+"+ "+$* "+&' #""% #"$% #"&% ##"% ##$% ##&% City Centre Rupert Street "'&% "(#* "(&+ ")#( ")%+ ")'+ "*#+ "*%+ "*'+ "+#+ "+%* "+'' #"#% #"%% #"'% ###% ##%% ##'% Bristol Temple Meads Station a "''% "($+ ")"" ")$) ")'" "*#" "*%" "*'" "+#" "+%" "+&+ #""( #"$& #"&& ##"& ##$& ##&% #$"% Service Number Cribbs Causeway Bus Station ##"" ##$" ##&" #$"" #$$" #$&" #%"" #%$" #%&" #&"" #&#' #&%' #&'' #'#' #'%' #''' #(#' #(&' Bradley Stoke Newleaze ###" ##%" ##'" #$#" #$%" #$'" #%#" #%%" #%'" #&#" #&$' #&&' #'"' #'$) #'&) #(") #($) #(') Bradley Stoke Willow Brook Centre ##$# ##&# #$"# #$$# #$&# #%"# #%$# #%&# #&"# #&$# #&%( #&'( #'#) #'%+ #''+ #(#+ #(%+ #)"+ Bristol Parkway Station a ##%& ##'& #$#& #$%& #$'& #%#& #%%& #%'& #&#& #&%& #&&+ #'"+ #'%# #''% #(#% #(%% #('% #)$% Filton Avenue Lockleaze Road ##'" #$#" #$%" #$'" #%#" #%%" #%'" #&#" #&%" #&'" #'"' #'$* #''" #(#$ #(%$ #('$ #)#$ #)&$ Montpelier Colston’s Girls’ School #$"' #$$' #$&' #%"' #%$' #%&' #&"' #&$' #&&' #'"' #'$" #'&% #("' #($) #(&) #)") #)$) #)') City Centre Rupert Street #$#' #$%' #$'' #%#' #%%' #%'' #&#' #&%' #&'' #'#( #'%# #''& #(#( #(%* #('* #)#* #)%* #*"* Bristol Temple Meads Station a #$$' #$&' #%"' #%$' #%&' #&"' #&$' #&&' #'"' #'$) #'&$ #("' #($) #(&+ #)"+ #)$+ #)&+ #*#) Service Number Cribbs Causeway Bus Station #)"' #)$' #)&' #*#' #*&' #+#' #+&' $"#' $"&' $##' $#&' $$#' $$&' $%#' $%&' Bradley Stoke Newleaze #)#) #)%) #)') #*$' #*'' #+$' #+'' $"$% $"'% $#$% $#'% $$$% $$'% $%$% $%'% Bradley Stoke Willow Brook Centre #)$+ #)&+ #*"+ #*%( #+"( #+%( $""( $"%# $#"# $#%# $$"# $$%# $%"# $%%# """# Bristol Parkway Station a #)&% #*"% #*$# #*&* #+#* #+&* $"#* $"&% $##% $#&% $$#% $$&% $%#% $%&% ""#% Filton Avenue Lockleaze Road #*"$ #*#) #*%' #+"$ #+%$ $""$ $"%# $"'( $#$( $#'( $$$( $$'( $%$( $%'( ""$( Montpelier Colston’s Girls’ School #*#& #*$+ #*&) #+#& #+&& $"#$ $"&# $#"( $#%( $$"( $$%( $%"( $%%( """( ""%( City Centre Rupert Street #*$$ #*%) #*'' #+$$ #+'$ $"$" $"&+ $##& $#&& $$#& $$&& $%#& $%&& ""#& ""&& Bristol Temple Meads Station a #*%# #*&( #+"& #+%# $""# $"$* $"') $#$$ $#'$ $$$$ $$'$ $%$$ $%'$ ""$$ — Saturday except Public Holidays Service Number Cribbs Causeway Bus Station "("" "(%" ")"" ")$" ")&" "*"' "*$" "*&" "+"' "+$" "+&" #""" #"$" #"&" ##"" ##$" ##&" #$"" Bradley Stoke Newleaze "("* "(%* ")"* ")$* ")&* "*#& "*$+ "*&+ "+#& "+$+ "+&+ #""+ #"$+ #"&+ ##"+ ##$+ ##&+ #$"+ Bradley Stoke Willow Brook Centre "(#) "(&) ")#) ")%) ")') "*$& "*%+ "*'+ "+$& "+%+ "+'+ #"$" #"&" ##"" ##$" ##&" #$"" #$$" Bristol Parkway Station a "($) "(') ")$) ")&) "*") "*%( "*'# "+## "+%( "+'# #"## #"%& #"'& ###& ##%& ##'% #$#% #$%% Filton Avenue Lockleaze Road "(%* ")"* ")%* ")'* "*$# "*'" "+"' "+$' "+'" #""' #"$( #"&+ ##"+ ##$+ ##'" #$"+ #$$+ #$&+ Montpelier Colston’s Girls’ School "(&* ")#* ")&* "*"* "*%' "+"& "+#+ "+%+ #""& #"$$ #"&% ##"( ##$( ##&( #$"' #$$& #$&& #%"& City Centre Rupert Street "('& ")$& ")'& "*#) "*&& "+#% "+$* "+&* #"#% #"%# #"'$ ###' ##%' ##'( #$#' #$%& #$'& #%#& Bristol Temple Meads Station a ")"& ")%& "*"& "*$( "*'% "+$$ "+%) "+') #"$% #"&# ##"$ ##$' ##&& #$"' #$$& #$&% #%"% #%$% Service Number Cribbs Causeway Bus Station #$$" #$&" #%"" #%$" #%&" #&"" #&$" #&&" #'"" #'$" #'&" #("" #($" #(&" #)"' #)%" #)'" #*#" Bradley Stoke Newleaze #$$+ #$&+ #%"+ #%$+ #%&+ #&"+ #&$+ #&&+ #'"+ #'$+ #'&+ #("+ #($+ #(&+ #)#& #)%+ #)'+ #*#* Bradley Stoke Willow Brook Centre #$&" #%"" #%$" #%&" #&"" #&$" #&&" #'"" #'$" #'&" #("" #($" #(&" #)"" #)$' #)'" #*#" #*$( Bristol Parkway Station a #$'% #%#% #%%% #%'% #&#% #&%% #&'% #'#$ #'%$ #''$ #(#$ #(%$ #('$ #)#$ #)%) #*"$ #*$$ #*%* Filton Avenue Lockleaze Road #%"+ #%$+ #%&+ #&"+ #&$+ #&&+ #'"+ #'$( #'&( #("( #($( #(&( #)"( #)$( #)'# #*#' #*%' #*'# Montpelier Colston’s Girls’ School #%$& #%&& #&"& #&$& #&&& #'"& #'$% #'&" #("" #($" #(&" #)"% #)$( #)&( #*"' #*$' #*&' #+"# City Centre Rupert Street #%%& #%'& #&#& #&%& #&'& #'#% #'%$ #'&+ #("+ #($+ #(&+ #)#$ #)%' #)'' #*#% #*%% #*'% #+"+ Bristol Temple Meads Station a #%&% #&"% #&$% #&&% #'"% #'$% #'&$ #''+ #(#+ #(%+ #('+ #)$$ #)&' #*"' #*$# #*&# #+"# #+#) Service Number Cribbs Causeway Bus Station #*$' #*&' #+"' #+$" #+&' $"#' $"&' $##' $#&' $$#' $$&' $%#' $%&' Bradley Stoke Newleaze #*%% #*'% #+#% #+$* #+'% $"$% $"'% $#$% $#'% $$$% $$'% $%$% $%'% Bradley Stoke Willow Brook Centre #*&# #+"# #+$# #+%( $""# $"%# $#"# $#%# $$"# $$%# $%"# $%%# """# Bristol Parkway Station a #*'% #+#% #+%% #+&* $"#% $"&% $##% $#&% $$#% $$&% $%#% $%&% ""#% Filton Avenue Lockleaze Road #+"( #+$( #+&( $""# $"$( $"'( $#$( $#'( $$$( $$'( $%$( $%'( ""$( Montpelier Colston’s Girls’ School #+#( #+%( #+'( $"## $"%( $#"( $#%( $$"( $$%( $%"( $%%( """( ""%( City Centre Rupert Street #+$& #+&& $""& $"#+ $"&& $##& $#&& $$#& $$&& $%#& $%&& ""#& ""&& Bristol Temple Meads Station a #+%$ #+'$ $"#$ $"$) $"'$ $#$$ $#'$ $$$$ $$'$ $%$$ $%'$ ""$$ — Sunday and Public Holidays except Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day Service Number Cribbs Causeway Bus Station "*"" "*%" "*'" "+$" "+'" #"$" #"'" ##$" ##'" #$$" #$'" #%$" #%'" #&$" #&'" #'$" #''" #($" Bradley Stoke Newleaze "*"* "*%* "*'* "+$* "+'+ #"$+ #"'+ ##$+ ##'+ #$$+ #$'+ #%$+ #%'+ #&$+ #&'+ #'$+ #''+ #($+ Bradley Stoke Willow Brook Centre "*#* "*&* "+"* "+%* #""+ #"%+ ##"+ ##%+ #$"+ #$%+ #%"+ #%%+ #&"+ #&%+ #'"+ #'%+ #("* #(%* Bristol Parkway Station a "*%# "+"# "+$# "+'$ #"$% #"'% ##$% ##'% #$$% #$'% #%$% #%'% #&$% #&'% #'$% #''% #($$ #('$ Filton Avenue Lockleaze Road "*&% "+#% "+%% #""( #"%) ##") ##%) #$") #$%) #%") #%%) #&") #&%) #'") #'%) #("( #(%' #)"' Montpelier Colston’s Girls’ School "*'% "+$% "+&( #"#+ #"'" ##$" ##'" #$$" #$'" #%$" #%'" #&$" #&'" #'$" #'&* #(#) #(&( #)#( Centre Rupert Street "*') "+$) "+'& #"$) #"'* ##$* ##'* #$$* #$'* #%$* #%'* #&$* #&'* #'$* #''& #($% #('$ #)$$ Bristol Temple Meads Station a "+"& "+%& #""& #"%) ##"* ##%* #$"* #$%* #%"* #%%* #&"* #&%* #'"* #'%* #("& #(%% #)"$ #)%$ Service Number Cribbs Causeway Bus Station #('" #)#' #)&' #*#' #*&" #+#' #+&' $"#' $"&' $##' $#&' $$#' $$&' $%#' $%&' Bradley Stoke Newleaze #('+ #)$& #)'& #*$% #*&* #+$% #+'% $"$% $"'% $#$% $#'% $$$% $$'% $%$% $%'% Bradley Stoke Willow Brook Centre 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Useful information... 0345 7000 125 FirstWestofEngland FirstWestofEngland @FirstBSA 0117 929 1613 Railway Great Western 0DZ BS5 Bristol Road, Easton First Bus, Enterprise House, firstsouthuk@firstgroup.com 0345 602 0121 Customer Services ( Traveline: 0871 200Timetable enquiries22 33 customer services. inor braille audio please ring information require you if however online, Timetables are available in large print www.firstgroup.com/bristol Lost Property www.gwr.com company’s access charge) phone your plus minute per 12p cost Calls ( Daily 0600-2300) Daily Cover photo: © Destination Bristol City Centre and West Aztec between Also includes Patchway Stoke Bradley Station Parkway Bristol Avenue Filton Road Gloucester City Centre serving: Meads Temple Bristol to 6 January2019 Bus timesfrom 73 Cribbs Causeway T3 journeys journeys a a ©P1ndar ©P1ndar©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar R C e d o l l a 73 s n t d o n C ’ s © P 1 n d a r G R M C B © i i C P 1 r n u d a t r o i l s t r p n ’ y i y S t b r e p C c r b T e h C t i s e l h o i s e S n 7 o C e H r t t l , © 7 e 3 P 1 a © M r t n r P o 1 d n d a a r r e e 3 u r n a e , f o s T3 t i l G e e l l t 7 o u w © c l M P e d l 1 r n s d 3 t a e a r o r e n R o y t ad p e l B i e r r i s t o 7 l T F 3 e ilt H m on ig h p Ro w l a e d o o M © d P 1 n d F L a r P e o i R a l a t c o d o k a t s n l d c S e h A t a a z w v t e e F i i o n lt a R on n u y o R e A 7 a v o , e d n a u 3 e d R Gl A o o uces t z er R u oa t F A W d n e i b l d c The WestofEngland t o
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