Street Use Permit Search Based on Street-Use Permits

Street Use Permit Search Based on Street-Use Permits

Street Use Permit Search Based on Street-Use Permits permit_nu Permit streetname Cross Street 1 Cross Street 2 mber Type 20EXC-00237 LAKESHORE DR BONNIE BRAE LN BERKSHIRE WAY \ Excavation LAKE MERCED BLVD 21MFF-00013 MONTGOMERY ST POST ST SUTTER ST FoodFac 21TC-00381 JUDAH ST 45TH AVE 46TH AVE TableChair 15WR-0141 CALIFORNIA ST LARKIN ST POLK ST Wireless 21D-00064 GRANT AVE PINE ST VINTON CT Display 21TC-00502 CHESTNUT ST STEINER ST PIERCE ST TableChair 21EXC-01177 VICENTE ST 37TH AVE 38TH AVE Excavation 21D-00039 JACKSON ST GRANT AVE SAINT LOUIS ALY Display 21TOC-07938 18TH ST ARKANSAS ST CAROLINA ST TempOccup 21EXC-04136 GUERRERO ST 25TH ST 26TH ST Excavation 21EXC-03993 QUINTARA ST 33RD AVE 34TH AVE Excavation 21EXC-04255 SUTTER ST TAYLOR ST JONES ST Excavation Page 1 of 1748 09/25/2021 Street Use Permit Search Based on Street-Use Permits Agent AgentPhone Permit Purpose Approved Date Michael O'Shaugnessy 415-909-0742 Various Locations Pavement Renovation and Sewer 05/18/2021 Construction Inc. Replacement No 44 Plaza Garibaldy 650-834-0355 03/19/2021 Outerlands Inc., dba Outerlands (415) 661-6140 Twenty(20) chairs and ten (10) tables occupying 102 SF 05/17/2021 on 45th Ave from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM. ExteNet Systems, Inc. 415-377-7826 12/24/2015 Hello San Francisco 415-876-8814 Permitted display of RETAIL MERCHANDISE in the 08/24/2021 public right-of-way on 519 GRANT AVE between the hours of 9:00 AM and 9:00 PM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Blackwood Thai 415-235-5279 tables and chairs 07/23/2021 Pacific Gas & Electric 5102920681 R3 G GPRP RPL SOUTH SUNSET 2 SAN FRAN 06/01/2021 HUA LONG TRADING INC. 415-595-2868 Display merchandise with dry food and packaged good in 06/21/2021 public Right of Way on Jackson Street.Mon-Sun: 9:00AM to 9:00PM Excellent Window Cleaning, Inc, 415.459.5141 09/20/2021 Pacific Gas & Electric 415-695-3500 Kerotest Project - 1366 GUERRERO ST1354-1356 09/02/2021 GUERRERO ST1375-1377 GUERRERO ST1316-1318 GUERRERO ST1306-1308 GUERRERO ST3514 26TH ST Pacific Gas & Electric (628) 241-8117 2445 Quintara 08/24/2021 CableCom 650-520-7091 717 Sutter St. 09/10/2021 Page 2 of 1748 09/25/2021 Street Use Permit Search Based on Street-Use Permits Status permit_zipcode permit_address 24/7 Contact Inspector APPROVED 94132 415-740-9128 Ben Leung APPROVED 94104 650-834-0355 APPROVED 94122 4001 JUDAH ST Refer to Agent APPROVED 94109 1541 CALIFORNIA ST Nicole Mason 510-468-3802 APPROVED 94108 519 GRANT AVE 415-816-8814 Ariel Garcia APPROVED 94123 2150 CHESTNUT ST Refer to Agent ACTIVE 94116 415-695-3500 Teresa McNamara APPROVED 94133 714 JACKSON ST 415-595-2868 APPROVED 94107 1601 18TH ST 415.459.5141 ACTIVE 94110 4156953500 Alejandro DelCalvo ACTIVE 94116 415-695-3500 Alejandro DelCalvo ACTIVE 94109 717 SUTTER ST 650-544-4467 Marc Anthony Bura Page 3 of 1748 09/25/2021 Street Use Permit Search Based on Street-Use Permits CurbRampWor k Page 4 of 1748 09/25/2021 Street Use Permit Search Based on Street-Use Permits 21EXC-04136 26TH ST POPLAR ST SAN JOSE AVE Excavation 21SC-00896 24TH AVE CLEMENT ST GEARY BLVD StorCont 21TOC-07898 DE HARO ST 17TH ST MARIPOSA ST TempOccup 21SC-00902 24TH ST DOUGLASS ST HOMESTEAD ST StorCont 21EXC-03988 35TH AVE VICENTE ST WAWONA ST Excavation 21EXC-04098 38TH AVE ULLOA ST VICENTE ST Excavation 21EXC-04327 DELANO AVE RUDDEN AVE MEDA AVE Excavation 21TOC-07873 GREEN ST JONES ST LEAVENWORTH ST TempOccup 21TOC-07898 17TH ST CAROLINA ST DE HARO ST TempOccup 21TC-00628 WEST PORTAL AVE 14TH AVE 15TH AVE TableChair 21EXC-03032 18TH ST COLLINGWOOD ST DIAMOND ST Excavation 21TOC-07926 HARRISON ST CHESLEY ST BERWICK PL TempOccup 21EXC-03269 01ST ST HARRISON ST \ I-80 E ON RAMP Excavation 21EXC-04223 INGALLS ST ARMSTRONG AVE BANCROFT AVE Excavation 21EXC-04224 SUTTER ST POWELL ST MASON ST Excavation 21EXC-03150 CESAR CHAVEZ ST 03RD ST TENNESSEE ST Excavation 21IE-00460 SANTA CLARA AVE SAINT FRANCIS BLVD MONTEREY BLVD \ StrtImprov Page 5 of 1748 09/25/2021 Street Use Permit Search Based on Street-Use Permits Pacific Gas & Electric 415-695-3500 Kerotest Project - 1366 GUERRERO ST1354-1356 09/02/2021 GUERRERO ST1375-1377 GUERRERO ST1316-1318 GUERRERO ST1306-1308 GUERRERO ST3514 26TH ST PODS, Inc 510 504 6731 09/15/2021 MT DIABLO WINDOW 9253757948 09/20/2021 CLEANING PODS, Inc 510 504 6731 09/20/2021 Pacific Gas & Electric (628) 241-8117 2666 35th Ave 08/24/2021 Pacific Gas & Electric (628) 241-8117 2562 38th Ave 08/30/2021 Pacific Gas & Electric (628) 241-8117 288 Delano 09/17/2021 San Francisco Water Department 415-550-4910 09/20/2021 MT DIABLO WINDOW 9253757948 09/20/2021 CLEANING Chabad Southwest San (508) 873-1250 Shared Spaces Program. Occupancy of sidewalk/parking 09/20/2021 Francisco lane fronting permitted business only. Pacific Gas & Electric 925-819-8687 4230 18th St - CPMP Pole Replacement Program 09/16/2021 Davey Tree Expert Company (415)468-9180 09/20/2021 A. Ruiz Construction Co. (415) 647-4010 PW HARRISON STREET INFRASTRUCTURE 07/23/2021 IMPROVEMENT Pacific Gas & Electric (628) 241-8117 2401B Ingalls 09/08/2021 CableCom 650-520-7091 533 Sutter St 09/08/2021 Zayo Group 208-407-7338 365 Main St_3rd&Cesar Chavez Build 09/16/2021 E.F. Gomez Cement Contractor 415-822-4130 in-kind replacement of sidewalk and curb. 09/13/2021 Page 6 of 1748 09/25/2021 Street Use Permit Search Based on Street-Use Permits ACTIVE 94110 4156953500 Alejandro DelCalvo APPROVED 94121 2251 CLEMENT ST 925-596-4153 APPROVED 94107 415 DE HARO ST 9253757948 APPROVED 94114 4309 24TH ST 925-596-4153 ACTIVE 94116 415-695-3500 Alejandro DelCalvo ACTIVE 94116 415-695-3500 Alejandro DelCalvo ACTIVE 94112 415-695-3500 Alejandro DelCalvo APPROVED 94133 1011 GREEN ST 415-550-4912 APPROVED 94107 415 DE HARO ST 9253757948 APPROVED 94127 333 WEST PORTAL AVE (508) 873-1250 ACTIVE 94114 (415)695-3500 Alejandro DelCalvo APPROVED 94103 1155 HARRISON ST 4155337926 APPROVED 94107 575 HARRISON ST Joseph Gonzales 415-647-4010 Brian Wong ACTIVE 94124 415-695-3500 Alejandro DelCalvo ACTIVE 94102 533 SUTTER ST 650-544-4467 Marc Anthony Bura ACTIVE 94124 Refer to Agent Rich Rozzi ACTIVE 94127 344 SANTA CLARA AVE EF GOMEZ CEMENT CONTRACTOR Anthony Alonzo Page 7 of 1748 09/25/2021 Street Use Permit Search Based on Street-Use Permits Page 8 of 1748 09/25/2021 Street Use Permit Search Based on Street-Use Permits SAN ANSELMO AVE 21EXC-03150 03RD ST CESAR CHAVEZ ST Excavation 21EXC-04136 GUERRERO ST 25TH ST 26TH ST Excavation 21TOC-07872 GREEN ST JONES ST LEAVENWORTH ST TempOccup 21EXC-03397 PAGE ST OCTAVIA ST LAGUNA ST Excavation 21EXC-04255 SUTTER ST JONES ST LEAVENWORTH ST Excavation 21EXC-01060 DOLORES ST MARKET ST Excavation 21E-00562 23RD ST END ILLINOIS ST ExcStreet 17IE-0830 VERNON ST END RANDOLPH ST StrtImprov 21EXC-04228 NOE ST DUNCAN ST 28TH ST Excavation 21SWR-00089 KANSAS ST 22ND ST HUMBOLDT ST Sidewalk 21EXC-04161 GOLDEN GATE AVE BRODERICK ST BAKER ST Excavation 21EXC-04020 CLEMENT ST 08TH AVE 09TH AVE Excavation 21D-00029 JACKSON ST END TRENTON ST Display Page 9 of 1748 09/25/2021 Street Use Permit Search Based on Street-Use Permits Zayo Group 208-407-7338 365 Main St_3rd&Cesar Chavez Build 09/16/2021 Pacific Gas & Electric 415-695-3500 Kerotest Project - 1366 GUERRERO ST1354-1356 09/02/2021 GUERRERO ST1375-1377 GUERRERO ST1316-1318 GUERRERO ST1306-1308 GUERRERO ST3514 26TH ST San Francisco Water Department 415-550-4910 09/20/2021 Pacific Gas & Electric 925-819-8687 273 Page St 08/26/2021 CableCom 650-520-7091 717 Sutter St. 09/10/2021 Esquivel Grading & Paving, Inc. 415-725-1878 Upper Market Corridor Safety Improvements Project 07/01/2021 Potelco, Inc. 253-455-2587 Trenching for conduit for 230kv electrical cable for PG&E 09/08/2021 New Transmission Line Hand dig and/or Hydrovac Brady Construction Inc. 415-678-6805 Remove and reconstruct new (10’) driveway curb cut and 08/13/2021 sidewalk per approved plan, saw-cut 2’ of AC gutter and replace with 2” ACWS over 8” concrete base. Additional paving as required and directed by SFPW/BSM inspector. Field inspection is MANDATORY prior to excavation and pouring concrete, Call 1-628-271-3000 to schedule. A. Ruiz Construction Co. (415) 647-4010 WD2868R 09/10/2021 1047 KANSAS ST None 08/17/2021 Pacific Gas & Electric 415-695-3500 1840-44 Golden Gate Ave 09/10/2021 Pacific Gas & Electric 415-695-3500 Metfit Project - PM 44450227 09/03/2021 WL Trading, Inc. 415-722-1200 Display Merchandise using approximately 36 sq. ft. of 04/27/2021 public right of way on Jackson Street for produce and Page 10 of1748 09/25/2021 Street Use Permit Search Based on Street-Use Permits INC 415-822-4130 ACTIVE Refer to Agent Rich Rozzi ACTIVE 94110 4156953500 Alejandro DelCalvo APPROVED 94133 1033 GREEN ST 415-550-4912 ACTIVE 94102 (415)695-3500 Alejandro DelCalvo ACTIVE 94109 717 SUTTER ST 650-544-4467 Marc Anthony Bura APPROVED 415-468-5700 ACTIVE 94107 1101 ILLINOIS ST Kelvin Crockford: 253-455-2587 Eric Walker APPROVED 94132 62 VERNON ST Refer to Agent Anthony Alonzo APPROVED 94131 1485 NOE ST Joseph Gonzales 415-647-4010 O'Brian Buchanan APPROVED 94107 1047 KANSAS ST (415) 574-7958 Leah Lintz APPROVED 94115 415-695-3500 ACTIVE 94118 4156953500 Jondelle Bretz APPROVED 94133 844 JACKSON ST 415-722-1200 Page 11 of1748 09/25/2021 Street Use Permit Search Based on Street-Use Permits Page 12 of1748 09/25/2021 Street Use Permit Search Based on Street-Use Permits 21SWR-00108 CUSHMAN ST CALIFORNIA ST SACRAMENTO ST Sidewalk 21SWR-00107 47TH AVE QUINTARA ST RIVERA ST Sidewalk 21TC-00020 22ND ST SAN JOSE AVE GUERRERO ST TableChair 21TOC-07967 VICENTE ST 34TH AVE 35TH AVE TempOccup 21TOC-07953

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