Coast Guard, DHS § 100.1103 TABLE 1 TO § 100.1102—Continued [All coordinates referenced use datum NAD 83] 6. Bluewater Resort and Casino Spring Classic Sponsor .............................. Southern California Speedboat Club. Event Description ............... Professional High-speed powerboat race, closed course. Date .................................... Saturday and Sunday in April. Location .............................. Parker, AZ. Regulated Area .................. The Lake Moovalya area of the Colorado River in Parker, AZ. 7. IJSBA World Finals Sponsor .............................. International Jet Sports Boating Association. Event Description ............... Personal Watercraft Race. Date .................................... Second Saturday through third Sunday of October (10 Days). Location .............................. Lake Havasu City, AZ. Regulated Area .................. The navigable waters of Lake Havasu, AZ in the area known as Crazy Horse Campgrounds. 8. Parker Enduro Sponsor .............................. Parker Area Chamber of Commerce. Event Description ............... Hydroplane, flatbottom, tunnel, and v-bottom powerboat race. Date .................................... Late October. Location .............................. Parker, AZ. Regulated Area .................. Between river miles 179 and 185 (between the Roadrunner Resort and Headgate Dam). 9. Bluewater Resort and Casino Thanksgiving Regatta Sponsor .............................. Southern California Speedboat Club. Event Description ............... Boat Races. Date .................................... Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday during Thanksgiving week. Location .............................. Parker, AZ. Regulated Area .................. That portion of Lake Moovalya, Parker, AZ between the northern and southern boundaries of La Paz County Park. 10. Lake Havasu City Boat Parade of Lights Sponsor .............................. London Bridge Yacht Club. Event Description ............... Boat parade during which vessels pass by a pre-designated vessel and then transit through the London Bridge Channel. Date .................................... First Saturday and Sunday in December. Location .............................. Lake Havasu, AZ. Regulated Area .................. The limits of this temporary safety zone consists of the navigable waters of North Lake Havasu, London Bridge Channel and Thompson Bay. [USCG–2009–0558, 76 FR 53332, Aug. 26, 2011] § 100.1103 Northern California and date is identifiable. In all cases, fur- Lake Tahoe area annual marine ther information on exact dates, times, events. and other details concerning the num- (a) General. Special local regulations ber and type of participants and an are established for the events listed in exact geographical description of the Table 1 of this section. Notice of imple- areas are published by the Eleventh mentation of these special local regula- Coast Guard District in the Local No- tions will be made by publication in tice to Mariners at least 20 days prior the FEDERAL REGISTER 30 days prior to to each event. To be placed on the the event for those events without spe- mailing list for Local Notice to Mari- cific dates or by Notice to Mariners 20 ners contact: Commander (dpw), Elev- Days prior to the event for those enth Coast Guard District, Coast Guard events listing a period for which a firm Island, Building 50–2, Alameda, CA 307 VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:56 Sep 12, 2012 Jkt 226132 PO 00000 Frm 00317 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\33\33V1.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 § 100.1103 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–12 Edition) 94501–5100. Note: Sponsors of events list- cated within a regulated area during ed in Table 1 of this section must sub- all applicable effective dates and times mit an application each year as re- shall come to an immediate stop. quired by 33 CFR part 100, subpart A, to (3) The Patrol Commander the cognizant Coast Guard Sector Com- (PATCOM) is empowered to forbid and mander. Sponsors are informed that control the movement of all vessels in ample lead time is required to inform the regulated area. The Patrol Com- all Federal, state, local agencies, and/ mander shall be designated by the cog- or other interested parties and to pro- nizant Coast Guard Sector Commander; vide the sponsor the best support to en- will be a U.S. Coast Guard commis- sure the safety of life and property. (b) Special local regulations. All per- sioned officer, warrant officer, or petty sons and vessels not registered with officer to act as the Sector Com- the sponsor as participants or as offi- mander’s official representative; and cial patrol vessels are considered spec- will be located aboard the lead official tators. The ‘‘official patrol’’ consists of patrol vessel. As the Sector Com- any Coast Guard; other Federal, state, mander’s representative, the PATCOM or local law enforcement; and any pub- may terminate the event any time it is lic or sponsor-provided vessels assigned deemed necessary for the protection of or approved by the cognizant Coast life and property. PATCOM may be Guard Sector Commander to patrol reached on VHF–FM Channel 13 each event. (156.65MHz) or 16 (156.8MHz) when re- (1) No spectator shall anchor, block, quired, by the call sign ‘‘PATCOM’’. loiter, nor impede the through transit (4) The Patrol Commander may, upon of participants or official patrol vessels request, allow the transit of commer- in the regulated areas during all appli- cial vessels through regulated areas cable effective dates and times unless when it is safe to do so. cleared to do so by or through an offi- (5) The Coast Guard may be assisted cial patrol vessel. (2) When hailed and/or signaled by an by other Federal, state, or local agen- official patrol vessel, any spectator lo- cies. TABLE 1 TO § 100.1103 [All coordinates referenced use datum NAD 83] 1. Redwood Heron Sprints Regatta Sponsor .............................. Humboldt State University Athletic Department. Event Description ............... Sport rowing shells. Date .................................... Third Sunday in April. Location .............................. Eureka Inner Reach Channel. Regulated Area .................. The navigable waters within an area bounded by a line starting 40°48′16″ N, 124°10′28″ W; thence to 40°48′21″ N, 124°10′28″ W; thence to 40°48′35″ N, 124°09′17″ W; thence to 40°48′30″ N, 124°09′17″ W; thence returning to the point of origin. 2. Stockton Asparagus Festival Sponsor .............................. City of Stockton. Event Description ............... Pier side Event. Date .................................... Last Friday, Saturday and Sunday in April. Location .............................. McLeod Lake, Stockton, CA. Regulated Area .................. Starting at the Port of Stockton and extending east to McLeod Lake; beginning at latitude 37°57′06″ N and longitude 121°19′35″ W; then northerly to latitude 37°57′10″ N and longitude 121°19′36″ W; then north-northeasterly to latitude 37°57′24″ N and longitude 121°17′35″ W; then south-southwesterly to latitude 37°57′15″ N and longitude 121°17′41″ W; then south-southeasterly to latitude 37°57′14″ N and longitude 121°17′31″ W; and then back to the beginning point. 3. Blessing of the Fleet Sponsor .............................. Corinthian Yacht Club. 308 VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:56 Sep 12, 2012 Jkt 226132 PO 00000 Frm 00318 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\33\33V1.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 Coast Guard, DHS § 100.1103 TABLE 1 TO § 100.1103—Continued [All coordinates referenced use datum NAD 83] Event Description ............... Boat parade during which vessels pass by a pre-designated platform or vessel. Date .................................... Last Sunday in April. Location .............................. San Francisco Waterfront to South Tower of Golden Gate Bridge. Regulated Area .................. The area between a line drawn from Bluff Point on the southeastern side of Tiburon Peninsula to Point Campbell on the northern edge of Angel Island, and a line drawn from Peninsula Point to the southern edge of Tiburon Penin- sula to Point Stuart on the western edge of Angel Island. 4. Opening Day on San Francisco Bay Sponsor .............................. Pacific Inter-Club Yacht Association and Corinthian Yacht Club. Event Description ............... Boat parade during which vessels pass by a pre-designated platform or vessel. Date .................................... Last Sunday in April. Location .............................. San Francisco, CA waterfront: Crissy Field to Pier 39. Regulated Area .................. The area defined by a line drawn from Fort Point; thence easterly approximately 5,000 yards; thence easterly to the Blossom Rock Bell Buoy; thence westerly to the Northeast corner of Pier 39; thence returning along the shoreline to the point of origin. Special Requirements: All vessels entering the regulated area shall follow the parade route established by the sponsor and be capable of maintaining an approximate speed of 6 knots. Commercial Vessel Traffic Allowances: The parade will be interrupted, as nec- essary, to permit the passage of commercial vessel traffic. Commercial traffic must cross the parade route at a no-wake speed and perpendicular to the pa- rade route. 5. Kinetic Sculpture Race Sponsor .............................. Kinetic Sculpture Race Inc. Event Description ............... Human Powered Craft Race. Date .................................... Saturday and Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend. Location .............................. Eureka Inner Reach Channel. Regulated Area .................
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