----------------- ------...:..--:-----.---.--.-~---- --- --_.. ----~---=---- --'---.. -,---::---,-~--- .---_.-.. _- ------.. _-- , ' . , , , " , . , , , . '. ,-, , " • , " . '. 'j' , " Th~, September 15, 1966 TH,E JEWISH PO,ST i, more wide..,sp~dthan .one Jllight 'sons, 1Ibdil'Death Wish, originallrfelt ultimate e~pressioil and is redirected . Thursday, Septemiber 15, lll66 THE JEWISH POST' "-------" , Page Forty-rune" JOYQUS NEW .. ¥.EAR .,GlIJ!lETINGS believe at first sight. In this, he towards others, isusua\ly frustrated to~ the' self, .appears 88 suic~de, '. hOm. '. antj.cipated by some seven hundred and as a result is redirected towards then, IS anintroJiicted Death Wish. ..'",.... j r-==~::"",,,,:,:::=;==""7.==::"':'~:==:=:=====:=====; against someone else . the un- by the Life Instin.ct, what results. is. ,theory «""'ports. Mainionides' ex- 1'. Best Wishes to all our .Friends and Customers for a' --,.. I~ • " j- Garden C:..... Beau..... Salon years, albeit in rudimentary fashion, 'the self. At >times, therefore, this It.is . "turning . against himself a Very Happy and Contented New Year consCious of all. human beings is a variety of fonns of partial or planation of the Halakhic view on \ , •• T • T a,' major achievement of psyoho- Death Wish when it reaches' its death-wish, which !had been directed , full enough of such death-wishes chronic stilf-destruction.A great self-incrimination, an explanation :, ' underMRSthe CRHEIpablENe mS::~~:t of ~ " even against ,those we love." It number of "accidental" cases of self- which relies on the universality of .~.Lno.iV"" In 1920, some twelve years after .,. The Pharmacy Centre.' should be pointed out -that, in addi- injury and self-mutilation are ex-the instinct of self-destruction. It . Phone 339-8219 .·ex.pressing!hls. scepticism of the . Best Wishes for a Happy New Year to all our Patrons and Friends . tionto being an introjection of a plained by this hypothesis of partial iis interesting to note that in the FREE. DEIJIVERY AT ALL . '11IMES , With or Without an Appointment "aggr Give instinct" as developed . PHARMACIST - C. W. "CEC" SEMCHYSHYN death-wish originally intended for neutralization of one instinct by the I passage quoted above, Maimonides 855 Sinclair St. (at.Jefferson Ave.) .Winnipeg 17, Man. by A1fi.ed Adler, Freud elaborated another person, suicide is frequently other.. Frequently, the act. of the. extends hispsyohological rationale . Phone EDison 4·6181 an abnormal means of atonement for destruction of the self or part of the for the law on self-incrimination to his tfamousthewy of the Death Wish ;=========~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ or Death Instinct. This instinct, ac- D. THOIPSOII LTD. 1855 Main Street West Kildonan. an overwhelming feeling bf guilt. self is relegated to an outsider, a include cases involving either capital : cording to Freud, is part and parcel " JOYOUS'NEW YEAR GREETINGS TO. ALL ouR • ~=~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .In all these cases, of course, the second person, .as in certain cases of puilishment. or corporal. puriishment JEWISH PATRONS AND FRl!ENDS of every buman being's· psycho­ ELECfRICAL CONTRACTORS· iI reasollS for the act are generally or polysurgery, which such as flogging. One of his chief . logicai .constitution. It reveals itself unknown to the person who com- can be traced to neurotic sources. ~ommentators,RaDBaZ, writes that generally as destructiveness,· in its Best Wishes for a Bright and Happy New Year to our mits it Thus, modern psychoanalytic it should 'be obvious that thiseJl.- from the Management and Staflof, . .: ., nianyvaried 'forms, and, in extreme . 1084 MAIN ,STREET , ' ·WINNIPEG Jewish Friends and Customers ' 'Whiielt was Freud who Suggested fi===~=;"""'==;""",======~~===='==,=,~ cases, iIi ihomicide. This Death In­ the 'drama of, the two conflicting , . , stinct ~opposed ,by a Life· ~ct, instincts, and 'the explanation' of Best Wishes for a Happy New Year to all' our Jewish Friends BANIC ,'OF. 'NOVA 'SCOTIA. which 7;lSYOhoanalysis declared to ,be C. ICELEICIS' RESTAURANT suicide as the total victory of ,the ,," . an amalgamation of what had previ­ eust.m Phone 288 (888 . Death Instinct over ~,it remained ously been considered to be the two for his disciple, Karl Menninger. to . '., . , * MAIN STREET at POLSON.AVENUE major: instincts of man: self-preser~ 1100 Main Street Plume' JUatiee 6-965& develop the plot in this drama,' * • "ation and sex. The Death Instinct .i~teriordesig.. J:.::ZJ con1lictand tension.. Usually, Men- J. M. McQUEEN, Manager a sort of "repetitioncompu]sioo," F,'lJRNlTURE niugermaintains, there is no <total STUART, H. CHANDLER. an iIrllerent tendency, of life to re- 1b=======================;;;;;;;;;i:,1 victory. for either the Life or the vert to its' lifeless origin, whiCh is TEXTILE AGENCIES WINNIPEG .' MANITOBA Death Instinct. When the Death .~ the inorganic stat~, or death. While . 85 ARCHIBALD STREET' Iilstinct is only partially neutralized --2" " the Death Instinct. tries to, disinte- , ST. BONIFACE. MANITOBA JOYOUS NEW YEAR . GREEl'INGS .' '" 200 - 110 Princess St. Phone 943-9718 grate .the organism.in its regreSsion, . Our Heartiest NewYear\ Greetings to You All Huron . Collection Agency' Best Wishes for a very . -. the Life Iilstinct (called ,~) is .~~~~~~~~:;~;;~;:::::~::::::::::~~~~ . '. , Joyous New Year that which holds all living things ii .. WALTE;R G. BOWDEN, Manager NEW YEAR GREETINGS togethC1l'.' This' theory "endeavors to . ,, solve the .riddle of life by the hy­ JoyoUS New Year Greetings to 'all our Jewish P~trons and Friends I GIFFIN'S A VERY HAPPy AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR . from . pothesis of these two instincts, striv­ 'TomBoy S·tore to All Our Many Friends and Customers from ing with'each otllerfrom the very Continental Travel Bureau . '. ..... .. - . beginning. , " GROCERIES • MEArS .. ' Now, because of a variety of rea- , 4thFJr., Hudson's Bay Co. ' 'Ph. SP 2.0371 PRODUCE, . • Lever Brothers,· Limited Phone 453~0112 YEAR WI!NNIPEG GREETINGS ;J84 ACADEMY ROAD, to all our Je~ish Patrons, and Friends .. JoyoUs New Year Greetings to,all our Jewish Friends and Customers . '. ) . Joyous New Year Greetings from the ' HURON CREDIT BUILDING . Management and Staff 298 MAIN ST.' Phone 947-1301 WINNIPEG 2, MAN. CityCenfre 'n,w 'Y-a,. q"lIelin~ .OOF'F'EE SHOPS . DRIVE-INS· .JANSEN . PRODUCE- . LTD., .- " • 'WHOLI'.SALB FaUlT AND VBGftABI'S . '.' Barbers /rom. , { . ~6.~~ ••••• ~._. __ ._._. __ • , It wiUpay you to phone "Get the ha;blt of ordering from The House of Reliability" Ellice and Carlton 1 , us for satisfactory . .mI'. and. m,.~. thclue WR'W=D I 1'.1 JOYOUS NEW YEAR GREETINGS TO ALL OUR JEWISH WINNJiPIEG'S LEADING . service FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS MEN'S HAIR-STYLIsTS '. "t Cor. ROSS & Ei,T,J:N n'p, po"lno~ '. Salisbury House . WINNIPEG. MAN• and We stock parts and ' AUTHORIZED SQUIRE BARBlmS service all makes W>J J.'Chiistie&' Co. Ltd. hope and praythat this joyous W1NNIPEG -. BRANDON - KENORA Joyous New Year Greetings to all o~ Jewish Friendsaild Customers . •• Barbers New Year will witness the dawn Phone WHitehall 2·1455 Rentals, Insurance and Financial ~ers • Shoe Shiner in Attendance . of a new and' great era when the • Air .Conditioned for )'Our four freedoms written into the Phone WHitehall 3-84.91 Comfort. Atlantic Charter may apply with .William, ,M. 'Hurley & .Co. • Parking Fadlities . justice to all people of the MORRELL'S 255 Notre .Dame Ave. Winnipeg, Man. world. , . Phone WHitehall 2·1894 Best Wishes for a Happy New Year to all our Patrons and Frie~ds . CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS PAUL WALLACE, . i With this. thought,. whJch we VACUUM' OLEANER ,' trust will soonbeccime a reality, Phone 942~6353 we extend our ,best wishes to our . SERYIOECO •. JOYOUS NEW YEAR GRiEETINGS friends and relatives in Winnipeg , ' and Western Canada for a Bright 288 GRAHAM AVE. 500 Childs Bkig.;21l 'Portage Ave. " and Happy New Year. Main Baking , . Winnipeg', . Winnipeg' Manitoba FOSTER'S CORRECT' SHOES . N.P. PORTNOY 1085 MAIN ST. Phone JUstice 6·1135 CORRECT SHOES WITH LEA mER' SOLES FOR CHILDREN I . Best Wishes for a Bright and&pPy New Year to all our lPatrons. and Friends , 271· Edmonton Street Phone WHitehall 2·6286 . I, OUR HEARTIEST NEW YEAR GREETINGS TO . Closed Mondays Open Fridays tiD 9 p.m. MILES-GORDON TRAVEL LYD. Also at 5727 . 1966 . ALL OUR FRIENPS AND CUSTOMERS . 1368 McPhillips Street Phone 338·9150' LEW M1I;ES HOWARD GORDON MITCHELL GORDON . ' - Our Best Wishes fora Bright and JOYOU8 408 MAIN··ST•. , . PHONE 943-6621 WINNIPEG New Year to all our Patrons GRINNELL' SALES i ··.Best WishesfQr a Happy ~ew Year from the Management of I. and Friends , . OUR . MOST CORDIAL NEW YEAR GREETINGS TO. OUR .' ' ' . MANY JEWISH FRIENDS '., .' . LTD. , . ~e Appreciate Your Patronage" I We are most appreciative of your generous ,,' .. r. DESIGNERS .' MANUFA.CTU~ERS s A patronage enjoyed. throughout the years, and trust that by oontinuing to serve.' the finest in baking . INSTALLERS OF 'Q""t/ . products under most sanitary conditions, we' will . GRINNELL AUTOMATIC.-. SPRINKLERS Maple Leaf ConstriIctionLtd. ,'nop Sue!! merit your continued support. , 777 Madison St. Phone SPruce 4-3461 Contractors and Engin.een . DELICIOUS CHINESE FQOD LICENSED PREMISES ROAD AND STREET CONSTRUCTION ~ ASPHALTPAVIJiG • B'It I ___19. I ST. JAMES MANITOBA 777 ERIN ST. PHONE 783·7091 , WINNIPEG, MAN. , FREE CUSTOMER PARKING AT ~. , • PHONE WIIJ'W..n~77UG JI8 • JI.t KING· STRBBT '312 . STELLA AVE. WINNIPEG' ,', ~ . ~',~-- ,,-~ -, .' ~-" '-"'>" -- '-"' ... ,. ',,. ,~. -~ ',,"'-', " ,j • " , , . , . " " .' ( , ' . , , ..." , , .. " " , ,~ " ", ". ! ' " ' .
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