22000088­­22000099 TTFFFF SSttuuddeenntt CCoonnggrreessss TTooppiicc FFiillee TTFFAA IIQQTT DDoocckkeett The Forensics Files © 2008 2 TFA State Qualifying Legislation for 2008-2009 1. A Bill Requiring the Teaching of Evolution in Texas 6 2. A Bill to Control Gaming Rights 13 3. A Bill to Eliminate Agricultural Subsidies 19 4. A Bill to Improve the Emergency Room Medical Service 25 5. A Bill to Repeal the 16th Amendment 31 6. A Resolution Concerning Abstinence-Only Sex Education 38 7. A Resolution Concerning American Jails 44 8. A Resolution Concerning Television E-Waste 50 9. A Resolution Regarding the 51st State 56 10. A Resolution to Abolish Jaywalking Laws 62 11. A Resolution to Engage Iran 68 12. A Resolution to Fund Avian Flu Research 77 13. A Resolution to Protect Terra 86 14. A Resolution to Increase Funding for Global Warming 92 15. A Resolution to Limit Campaign Spending for Presidential Candidates 100 16. A Resolution to Protect U.S. Information Infrastructure 106 17. A Resolution to Discontinue the Use of PMC’s 0809 113 18. A Bill to Establish Federal Standards for Juvenile Justice 119 19. A Resolution to Modify Alcohol Laws 127 20. A Resolution Reforming Statutory Rape 133 21. A Resolution Concerning Police Quotas 140 22. A Resolution to Include Poultry Under the Federal Humane Slaughter Act 146 23. A Resolution to Fund Research to Save Endangered Species in Texas 152 24. A Resolution to Emphasize Sciences in Schools 159 25. A Resolution to Fund Biofuels in the Form of Algae 165 26. A Bill for a More Responsible Insanity Plea 171 27. A Bill to Invest in Afghanistan’s Future 177 28. A Resolution to Utilize Harsher Punishment for Noose Hanging 185 29. A Resolution to Reform the Presidential Primary System 193 30. A Resolution to Purchase Antarctica 200 31. A Resolution to Promote Equal Water Distribution 206 32. A Resolution to Outlaw the Death Penalty 212 33. A Resolution to Increase U.S. Food Aid to North Korea 220 34. A Resolution to Grant Amnesty to Current Illegal Immigrants Residing in the United States 226 35. A Resolution to Establish a National Voting Holiday 233 36. A Resolution to Curb Childhood Obesity 239 37. A Resolution to Increase Awareness of Alternate Vaccine Schedules 245 38. A Resolution Regarding the Operation of ATV’s (All-Terrain Vehicles) 253 39. A Resolution Regarding Early College Admission 260 40. A Resolution for U.S. Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol 266 41. A Resolution Concerning International Contract Workers 273 42. A Resolution Concerning Aid to Pakistan 280 43. A Call for the Independence of Hawai’I 289 44. A Bill to Promote Nuclear Power 295 45. A Bill to Give Reparations to the Native Americans 302 46. A Bill to Curb Welfare Abuse 308 3 47. A Bill to Assist the Mentally Ill Homeless 314 48. A Bill Allowing Drilling in ANWR 320 49. A Resolution to Adjust the College Admission Affirmative Action Policy 326 50. A Resolution Concerning Technology in Public Schools 332 51. A Bill to Lower the Drinking Age 338 52. A Resolution to Institute Merit Pay in the Public School System 344 53. A Resolution to Change the Priorities of the Department of Defense 350 54. A Resolution to Replace Compulsory Public Schooling with Vouchers 356 55. A Resolution to Abolish Federal Welfare Programs and Minimum Wage and Replace Them with the Negative Income Tax 364 56. A Resolution to End all Corn Ethanol Subsidies 372 57. A Resolution to End the Culture of Poverty 379 58. A Resolution Concerning Elderly Driving 385 59. A Resolution Concerning Primary Elections 392 60. A Resolution to Eliminate Red Light Camera Citations 399 61. A Resolution to Regulate MMORPG Human Rights Abuses 405 62. A Resolution to Recycle Plastic 411 63. A Resolution to Reform Sexual Education 418 64. A Resolution to Annex Canada 426 65. A Resolution to Promote Equality in Taxation 432 66. A Resolution to Expand Regulations on Imported Pharmaceutical Material 439 67. A Resolution to Provide Universal Health Care in the United States 445 68. A Resolution Concerning Funding for School Academics 453 69. A Resolution to End Random Drug Testing in Schools 459 70. A Resolution to Amend Article II of the U.S. Constitution 465 71. The Final Frontier 471 72. A Resolution to Require Teen“Wellness Initiatives” 477 73. A Resolution to Limit Size of Buildings Constructed in Urban Areas 483 74. A Resolution to Level the Presidential Playing Field 489 75. A Resolution to Ban Red Light Cameras 497 76. A Resolution to Mandate Recycling 504 77. A Resolution that During a Time of War, The President Will Stay in Office Until the War has Ended 510 78. A Resolution to Diversify the Economy 517 79. A Resolution to Restore Democracy 524 80. A Resolution to Abolish Unilateralism by the United States 530 81. A Resolution to Increase Police Aid 538 82. A Resolution to Fund Needle Exchange Programs 544 83. A Resolution to Lessen Environmental Restrictions on Oil Refineries 551 84. A Resolution Concerning Stem Cell Research 557 85. A Resolution to Discontinue the Ban on Ivory Trade 564 86. A Resolution on Tax Reform 570 87. A Bill for a Minimum Wage for Foreign Workers 577 88. An Amendment to Balance the Budget 584 89. A Resolution to Stop the U.S. Government from Interfering with Foreign Governments 591 90. Bill – Intelligent Design, Creationism Out of Science Class 598 91. A Resolution to Urge Further Investigation on Pharmaceuticals in Water 605 92. A Bill to Draft Violent Convicted Felons 612 4 93. A Resolution Concerning U.S. Foreign Aide 619 94. A Resolution to Partition Iraq 625 95. A Resolution to Increase Penalties on Hate Crimes 631 96. A Bill To Silence the Voices in Our Head 637 97. A Resolution to Reinstate Corporal Punishment in Schools 643 98. A Resolution to Balance Teen Employment and Education 651 99. A Bill to Protect Wildlife 659 100. A Bill to Raise the Driving Age to 18 666 101. A Resolution Concerning Turkey 672 102. A Resolution for Ethical Investment 680 103. A Bill to Establish Remote Congressional Voting 686 104. A Resolution on the Use of Biofuels 692 105. A Resolution Concerning Biofuel and Commercial Airplanes 698 5 #1 – A Bill Requiring the Teaching of Evolution in Texas Overview The debate over whether creationism or evolution should be taught in public schools has been raging in the US over the past 20 years. Teaching creationism or intelligent design includes teaching about supernatural, higher powers, such as a God, being the source of life. Evolution teaches that humans grew from nature. Those that support preventing Creationism from being taught argue that teaching evolution alone is necessary so that students may understand how life forms and changes over years. This is helpful to develop new techniques and medicines to prevent diseases. Moreover, teaching of Creationism can be alienating to some students who do not believe in a God. Finally, the Supreme Court has declared it unconstitutional for evolution and creationism to be taught side by side in public schools because this violates freedoms of religion. Those support Creationism contend that not teaching creationism results in students not being open to more ideas than just scientific theories and eventually diminishes the importance of religion and God to the students. Another reason why this bill may be disadvantageous is because a majority of Americans, according to the polls, are creationists. This means that it could be argued that the bill shouldn’t be passed because it is undemocratic as it opposes democratic principles. 6 #1 A Bill Requiring the Teaching of Evolution in Texas BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 1. SECTION 1. “Academic freedom” to teach and express non-scientific ideas in a 2. public science classroom shall be curtailed in order to promote a 3. universally accepted scientific standard of education. 4. SECTION 2. The teaching of “creationism”, “intelligent design”, or any other 5. non-scientific theory, idea, or belief shall be restricted in Texas 6. public schools. 7. SECTION 3. The Texas Education Agency shall prescribe science curricula that 8. is scientific and not religiously-based; such curricula shall be 9. determined by position statements by the National Science 10. Teachers Foundation, the National Science Foundation, or any 11. national level organization representing practicing scientists, and 12. the TEA shall withhold funding from those school districts that 13. deviate from accepted TEA curricula. 14. SECTION 4. Enforcement shall begin with the 2009-2010 school year. 15. SECTION 5. All other laws that are in conflict with this policy shall hereby 16. be declared null and void on the date of implementation. 7 Pro Cards Teaching evolution in classes has been declared unconstitutional. Robert Longley 2005 US Judge Rules School's Evolution Stand Unconstitutional http://usgovinfo.about.com/od/rightsandfreedoms/a/evolutionflap.htm In yet another battle between church and state, a federal judge in Atlanta has ordered the Cobb County, Georgia school board to remove stickers questioning the validity of evolution from its biology textbooks, on the grounds that the wording of the stickers violated the U.S. Constitution. Teaching creationism encourages discrimination against non-religious students. Robert Longley 2005 US Judge Rules School's Evolution Stand Unconstitutional http://usgovinfo.about.com/od/rightsandfreedoms/a/evolutionflap.htm The separation clause of the First Amendment reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, ..." The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) brought the suit on the behalf of a group of concerned parents.
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