APPENDIX H CABINET MEMBER FOR HIGHWAYS AND TRANSPORT – MR R TONGE DEPARTMENT OF NEIGHBOURHOOD & PLANNING OFFICER CONTACT : David Thomas (713312) email: [email protected] REFERENCE : HT- 038-10 SPEED LIMIT REVIEW – B3098 Urchfont Purpose of Report 1. To: (i) Consider objections to the recommendations of the speed limit review on the B3098 to the east and west of Urchfont submitted by Urchfont Parish Council. (ii) Recommend that the revised proposal to introduce a 50 mph speed limit to the west of Urchfont as far as Goosehole Farm be pursued and that the length of the B3098 to the east of Urchfont as far as Crooks Lane remain at the National Speed Limit. Background 2. In October 2009 DfT Circular 01/06 'Setting Local Speed Limits' was adopted as the basis for the Council's speed limit strategy. The Circular requested that all Highway Authorities complete an assessment of existing speed limits on their A and B Class roads and implement any amendments by 2011. The purpose of the review is to ensure a consistent approach to the setting of speed limits nationwide and to improve respect and adherence to speed limits. 3. The review of Wiltshire’s A and B class roads was undertaken using the methodology set out in Circular 01/06 and its supporting documents and involved a comprehensive data collection and analysis process. The initial results of the review were extensively discussed with the Police prior to the final results being disseminated to Parish and Town Councils. 4. In presenting the results of the assessments only the collision record and mean speeds for the individual lengths of road were recorded on the final spreadsheet which formed part of the consultation. The physical characteristics, environment and traffic composition of the individual lengths of road were assessed in the following manner: (a) A desk top study by a team of three traffic engineers with a combined experience of Wiltshire roads of over 40 years followed by, (b) An independent review of the team’s conclusions by a traffic engineer with over 30 years experience of Wiltshire roads followed by, (c) A review by a team of two ex-Police trained drivers who travelled each section of road twice in both directions with any differences of opinion being discussed with those who undertook the desktop study and finally CM09233 AppH 1 (d) An overall review by representatives of Wiltshire Council and the Consultant who oversaw the process. The mean speeds quoted are based on the speeds and journey times of the ex-Police trained drivers and are not, as assumed by some responders, site specific speed checks. The mean speeds therefore relate to the overall lengths of road listed and not to individual points on those lengths of road. The process used was extensive and thorough and did not solely depend on the two items contained in the consultation spreadsheet. Local factors were a fundamental part of the assessment process. 5. Town and Parish Councils were invited to comment on the recommendations of the review and were given the opportunity to put forward their case should they wish to see a different result from that proposed by the review. All the review recommendations together with background information were made available on the Council’s website. The Town and Parish Councils were requested to put forward their comments in terms of the criteria set out in Circular 01/06 to allow accurate assessment and review of the their case. Main Considerations for the Council 6. Urchfont Parish Council has responded to the consultation document issued by Wiltshire Council. Consideration needs to be given to the comments received and a decision made on the way forward. 7. The B3098 to the east and west of Urchfont is currently subject to the national speed limit. The review recommended that this be retained. The Parish Council’s request is that the existing 30 mph speed limit covering Urchfont village be extended as far as Crooks Lane in the east and Witchell Lane in the west. In addition, the Parish Council has requested that if an extension to the 30 mph limit in the west cannot be provided then consideration be given to the introduction of a 40 mph limit. 8. The Parish Council’s justification for a 30 mph limit in the east as far a Crooks Lane relates to the presence of 50 houses located on Crooks Lane and Foxley Fields and that children and residents of this area have to cross the B3098 to access footways, catch buses and access the main part of the village. In the west the justification for a lower level of speed limit relates to the presence of accesses to Urchfont Manor, Oakfrith Woods, the Cricket Ground, farms and residences. In addition, concern is expressed about the difficulty of using the side road junctions at Witchell Lane and Blackboard Lane and the narrow nature of the B3098 at Goosehole Farm. 9. As a result of the Parish Council’s submission a further review has been undertaken to establish if a lower level of speed limit can be justified. The criteria for a 30 mph limit is based on the amount of frontage development with a requirement for 20 or more houses over a minimum length of 600 metres. This length may be reduced to 400 metres when the level of development density over this shorter length exceeds the 20 or more houses criterion and in exceptional circumstances a reduction to 300 metres is permissible. If there are just fewer than 20 houses then the Highway Authority is able to make extra allowance for key buildings. The measurement of frontage development is based only on those houses that front onto the main road. It does not include groups of houses that access the main road from a side road. Frontage development density has to achieve an average of 3 houses per 100 metres throughout the length but particularly at the entrances to the limit. This ensures appropriate reinforcement of a village environment to the motorist. CM09233 AppH 2 10. To the east of Urchfont, on the length from the existing 30 mph terminal point to Crooks Lane, a length of 170 metres, there are no frontage houses. In the west, on the length from the existing 30 mph terminal point adjacent to Blackboard Lane to a point 70 metres west of Witchell Lane, the number of houses recorded is 5 over a distance of 400 metres. In both cases neither the number of houses nor the frontage development density criteria are met. 11. The original review considered the whole of the length of the B3098 between Easterton and Urchfont, a distance of 1.3 kilometres, as one continuous section and concluded that the retention of the existing 60 mph limit was correct given the recorded mean vehicle speed of 57 mph and the accident rate of 11.4 per 100 million vehicle kilometres. In reviewing this recommendation it is apparent that there is a substantive change of environment on the length from Goosehole Farm to Urchfont. To the west of Goosehole Farm to the Easterton boundary the road is relatively straight, of reasonable and consistent width and has wide open views and no frontage development. On the length from Goosehole Farm to Urchfont the road varies in width with a narrowed length adjacent to the Witchell Lane junction, has some frontage development and a more enclosed feel due to the presence of hedges and a tree canopy. This change of environment could be considered to be sufficient to justify a lower level of speed limit. The criteria for a 40 mph speed limit are: High number of bends, junctions or accesses, substantial development, where there is a strong environmental or landscape reason, or where the road is used by considerable numbers of vulnerable road users. Villages where the criteria for a 30 mph limit are not met . Whilst those for a 50 mph limit are: Lower quality roads which may have a relatively high number of bends, junctions or accesses. An accident rate higher than 35 per 100 million vehicle kilometres and/or mean speed already below 50 mph. It is therefore considered that a short length of 50 mph speed limit could be appropriate over the length from existing 30 mph terminal point at Blackboard Lane to a point approximately 70 metres west of Witchell Lane, a distance of approximately 400 metres. Environmental Impact of the Proposal 12. The installation of speed limit signs and posts, particularly repeater signs where none previously existed, together with road markings and coloured surfacing could be considered detrimental to the street scene. Equalities Impact of the Proposal 13. There are none with this proposal. Risk Assessment 14. If schemes programmed for design or delivery within the current financial year are not progressed, the Council risks the potential of delayed delivery in subsequent years due to other funding demands and uncertainty of future budget. Financial Implications 15. There is an allocation in the 2010 -11 Local Transport Plan (LTP) Integrated Transport budget for design, construction, supervision and monitoring works. CM09233 AppH 3 16. If a decision is taken to delay current proposals this may result in the loss of the budget. Legal Implications 17. None. Options Considered 18. To: (i) Retain the review recommendations. (ii) Not implement any speed limit changes proposed. (iii) Implement the speed limit changes as put forward by Urchfont Parish Council. (iv) Implement the amended speed limit changes as set out in this report. Reason for Proposal 19. The criteria for a 30 mph speed limit extension is not met either to the east or west of Urchfont.
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