•• •• aCl lC Cl lzen National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens league Newsstand: 25¢ l60e postpaid) ISSN: 0030-8579 Whole No. 2,376 Vol. 102 No.6 941 East 3rd St. #200, los An eles, CA 90013 213) 626-6936 Frida, Februar 14,1986 Hirabayashi verdict reached Colorado rep backs H.R. 442 SEA'ITLE----Charging the gov­ at the racial implications of De­ WASHINGTON-Reps. Norman member 'of the 35-member Judi­ ernment with misconduct and Witt's statements, argued Kawa­ Mineta and Robert Matsui (both ciary Committee to co-sponsor concealing evidence, U.S. Dis­ kami, and this ''true expression" D-Calif) announced Feb. 6 that the bill and that one more would trict Court Judge Donald Voor­ of the racial basis for DeWitt's Rep. Patricia Schroeder (D-Colo.) constitute a majority. Committee hees reversed the conviction of curfew and exclusion orders has signed on as the 121st co­ chair Peter Rodino (D-N.J.) has Gordon Hirabayashi for viola­ should have been disclosed. sponsor of redress bill HR 442. been a co-sponsor since the bill tion ofWW2 exclusion orders but Instead, Kawakami argued, "a In a joint statement, Mineta was introduced in January 1985. let stand his conviction for viola­ trail of documents" shows McCloy and Matsui said they were "de­ LEC legislative vice-chair tion of military curfew. and Army Colonel Karl Bendet­ lighted" with Schroeder'S co­ Grant Ujifusa and executive di­ The 35-page brief issued Feb. sen, DeWitt's aide, collaborated sponsorship. ''We are gratified rector Grayce Uyehara have 10, stated that "even though the to remove from DeWitt's report that there is a steady building of been working to assure a major­ curfew order was burdensome, the tinge of racial bias; the gov­ solid support for this bill, which ity vote on the subcommittee as the burden was nevertheless re­ ernment's new premise, accord­ demonstrates a basic understand­ well. Four of the ten members latively mild when contrasted ing to Kawakami, was that it did Gordon Hirabayashi ing ofthe constitutional issues in­ are co-sponsors: Barney Frank not have the time or "the ready (D-Mass.), Howard Berman (D­ with the harshness of the exclu­ is the first time that a court has volved sion order." He added that the means" with which to sort out the 'There is greater understand­ Calif), George Crockett (D-Mich), loyal from the disloyal. heard all the evidence and ruled "curfew order was a temporary that there was government mis­ ing that the principles involved and Rick Boucher (D-Va). restriction and relatively short­ The judge concurred with Ka­ conduct" in this bill affect all Americans. According to LEC, Glickman lived" wakami "Nothing could have We congratulate those JACL and Rep. Harley Staggers (D­ Voorhees found that the gov­ been more important to [Hiraba­ Con~ued OIl Page 8 members and others who worked W.Va) have indicated that they ernment must be charged with yashi's] counsel than to lmow just with Rep. Schroeder to obtain are sympathetic to redress but concealing evidence because it why it was that Gen DeWitt made Film on internment her co-sponsorship." have asked for clarifications of had information lmown to the the decision that he did:' Voor­ Schroeder represents Colora­ justifications for monetary pay­ War Dept, an arm of the govern­ hees said ''Disclosure would have an Oscar nominee do's 1st District, which covers the ments to former internees. ment The information referred made it difficult for the govern­ City and County of Denver. She Other members ofthe subcom­ to was Lt Gen John DeWitt's fi­ ment to argue, as it did, that the BEVERLY HllLS, Calif.-"Un­ mittee are Thomas Kindness (R­ finished Business," Stephen Oka­ is a member of the House Judici­ nal report on the incarceration, lack of time made exclusion a ruy Committee, which will con­ Ohio) HankBrown(R-Colo.),How­ zaki's film on the WW2 intern­ which originally stated a racial­ militinJl necessity." sider HR 442 after it is acted ard Coble (R-N.C.) and Pat Swin­ and therefore unconstitutional­ Voorhees ruled that the gov­ ment of Japanese Americans, upon by the subcommittee on dall (R-Ga). basis for the curfew and evacua­ ernment engaged in misconduct was announced as an Oscar nom­ The subcommittee will hold inee for best feature documen­ Administrative Law and Govern­ tion orders, according to Rod "of the most fundamental char­ mental Relations. on which Rep. hearings on HR 442 on March taIy on Feb. 5. Kawakami, lead attorney for acter." The Supreme Court could Dan Glickman (D-Kan) serves as 19 in Washington, D.c. Because The documentary, which has Hirabayashi have decided Hirabayashi s war­ chair. of severe curtailment of funds, a been broadcast on PBS and een DeWitt had contended that the time case differently, he said, had JACL-LEC chair Min Yasui field hearing on the West Coast at various JA community events loyalty of individual Japanese it known of DeWitt's reasoning. noted that Schroeder is the 17th will probably not be scheduled. Americans could never be deter­ Kawakami, speaking on behalf across the country, focuses on the mined no matter how long they of Hirabayashi and the legal Supreme Court cases ofFred Ko­ were interviewed or interro­ team, told the PC, "We are ex­ rematsu, Gordon Hirabayashi gated. Asst Secretary of War tremely happy-no, make that and Minoru Yasui, who chal­ John J. McCloy became alarmed ecstatic-with the deci ion. This lenged the constitutionality of District considers candidates the government's actions. Other nominees are Maria Florio and Victoria Mudd for by Robert Shimabukuro meeting at Little Tokyo Towers Remark on Onizuka protested "Broken Rainbow," Susana Mu­ LOS ANGELES-The PSW Dis­ Feb. 8. noz and Lourdes Portillo for "Las tri t Council endorsed Gene A motion to endorse candi­ Madres: The Mother of Plaza de Takamine for another term as dates who had announced their WASHINGTON-Letters of pro­ Col. Onizuka, but it also perpetu­ Mayo," Japhet Asher for "Sol­ intention to run before the open­ test have been sent to Washington national ecretary-treasurer and ates the unfair and unwarranted diers in Hiding," and Ken Bmns d fell"ed endorsement of a can­ ing filing date of Feb. 15 passed Post reporter Haynes Johnson for cloak of suspicion and doubt that and Buddy Squires for "The by a 15-8 vote in the morning ses- a comment he made about the late didate for national president has clung to Americans of Japa­ Statue of Liberty." until March 16 during a council ion PSW Go . Ken Inou e told Ellison Onizuka on the Jan. 31 nese ancestry since 1941. the PC later that the PSW en­ broadcast of the PBS program "There is no possible usage or dorsements for candidates who "Washington Week in Review." context in which the reference to would announce later would be As he listed the crew members the 1941 govenunent of Japan oted on at a later meeting. but of the space shuttle Challenger would be relevant to a discussion the feeling wa that "we wanted which exploded Jan. 28, Johnso~ of Lt. Col. Onizuka. to get our declared candidates said of Onizuka: 'Iyou had an "I believe you made this state­ off and running.' Asian American from Hawaii, Ja­ ment thoughtlessly, but your inc the district ha two an­ panese descent, our enemies dur­ words and their impact were nounced andidates for national ing the war." broadcast across the nation re­ pre ident, J CIrLEC fmance Rep. Nonnan Mineta (D-Calif.) gardless of your intention or pur­ chair HallY Kajihara and na­ wrote, "Ellison Onizuka was my pose. I deplore your carelessness." tional vice-president for mem­ friend, and he died in the service JACL national director Ron Wa­ ber hip Ro chi, th motion to of his country, the United States of kabayashi wrote: "Ellison Onizu­ mak th endOI ment was een America ... ka was born in 1946, an American a a mo e to consolidate district "I have spent my entire adult citizen of American parents ... upport for one candidat early. life working to dispel the myth Onizuka, his parents, and other After PI ntations b. both that Americans of Japanese an­ Americans of Japanese ancestry Kajihara and Ochi in th after- cestry were somehow involved in were not our enemy during WW2 ... ion. a motion to n­ hostile action against the United "I regret that your remarks be­ dors both candidate until States during WW2. fore a national audience distract­ chapt r PI idents had more "Your casual linking of a brave ed from a proper recognition of tim to on ult with their board Air Force officer with our enemy Lt. Col. Onizuka and hope that you Photo by J-K. Yamamoto we ruled to be in contradiction of more than 40 years ago not only can identify means of rectifying In front of Philippine consulate in Los Angeles, more than 100 Filipino Ameri­ with th motion pa ed in th does a profound disservice to Lt. the error," he concluded. cans rally against President Ferdinand Marcos on Feb. 10 (story on Page 9). Continued OIl page 6 2-PACIFIC CITIZEN / Friday. February 14. 1986 No. 2.376 Allow 6 weeks advance notice to report address change with label on front If you are moving / Wish to subscribe, Write New Address below. Effective date ............................................................... .. Please send the Pacific Citizen for: 1-Yr $20 2-Yrs $38 3-Yrs $56 BOSTON-"The Japanese American Feb. 22, 9 am-2:3) p.m., at the Ken Naka­ p teer Michiko Tagawa on March 1, 1-2 o 0 0 Experience," an exhibIt of paintings.
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