W hy is RHS so W rapped in Silly ‘m a d a b o u t ’ th is String, graduates Volunteers: g r a d u a te ? are ecstatic. Needed and Recognized Page 9 Page 3 Page 6 THE COMMERCIAL Ix ab er 2 5 c e n t s Established 1922 OF LYNDHURST THURSDAY,JUNE24,2004 DeMassi redevelopment plan awaits impact study results proposed by Advanced Residential Lyndhurst recycling By Alana I. Capria Communities LLC of Newark. Gale information notice R e p o r t e r ________________ stated that the application was sub­ C o m m is s io n e r W illia m F. mitted on Dec. 18, 2003, by Clark Smith urges all Lyndhurst resi­ LYNDH URST - The former Hamilton of ARC. dents to call the Department of DeMassi Cadillac dealership on Gale explained that the site was Public Works at 201-438-5478 Wall Street West has lain vacant for most recently zoned as “Highway to schedule a Friday pick-up of nearly 15 years, and numerous Commercial,” which “allowed a air conditioners, refrigerators, efforts to redevelop it have failed. developer the option to develop stoves, dishwashers, washing The Township of Lyndhurst, along banks, medical and dental clinics machines, dryers, hot water with the New Jersey Meadowlands and laboratories, hotels, motels, heaters, concrete and tires. Commission (NJMC). have convention centers, restaurants, These items cannot be picked approved plans to create a residen­ automobile showrooms [...) child­ up without a scheduling call and tial area on the property. care centers, as well as for personal, should not be put out until In a letter to NJMC Executive retail, and social services.” Thursday evening after 6 p.m. Director Robert Ceberio. Mayor In order to close the deal, the Additionally, yard waste is James M. Guida commented, “[...J developer must prepare a detailed picked up every Saturday The redevelopment of this blighted Project Impact Assessment (PIA), throughout the town. All bushes, property (DeMassi Cadillac) will which states "fiscal, traffic and envi­ bundled branches (4 feet in enhance the area from an aesthetic, ronmental impacts of the project, length) and grass clippings environmental, and business devel­ looking at the impact on the school (placed in open containers) must opment standpoint. New develop­ system, roads, sewers and environ­ be put out on Fridays after 6 ment in this area of Lyndhurst meets ment," Gale explained. Once such p.m. Yard waste pick-ups will the goals of Smart Growth and the impacts have been looked into, the continue through Oct. 30. redevelopment of brownfields in our applicant is then expected to It is important to note that Township." The mayor continued, “address any unreasonable burden Photo by JoAnn Merklingnaus these recycled items will not be “The redevelopment of the site will on the municipality and school sys­ The former DeMassi Cadillac site at the foot of Wall Street West. picked up with household generate additional tax revenue, tem in a way satisfactory to the garbage. Residents' cooperation which will enhance the services commission and municipality, such receive a plan release from the below the highways, not beside inlets,” wrote Mayor Guida. “These in following these guidelines is being provided by the Township of as providing a one-time cash pay­ NJMC," Gale said. them . improvements, all of which should greatly appreciated. Lyndhurst. The proposed types of ment, donating vehicles and/or The applicant must be able to According to Gale, applications be at no cost to the residents and new development that would be per­ equipment," among other methods make various improvements to the must also be made to the Township taxpayers of Lyndhurst, are vitally Tickets go on sale mitted under the proposed redevel­ o f com pensation. property, such as, “improve the of Lyndhurst for a building permit. needed to insure the continued via­ for casino boat trip opment plan should impose only a The conditional zoning certifi­ storm drainage system as necessary The proposal includes a five-story bility of the existing infrastructure in minimal burden on municipal ser­ cate was approved on Jan. 12. “[The building and six-story garage. this part of our community. These Commissioner Paul and raise the elevation of Wall Street vices." applicant must] enter into a develop­ improvements will also be to the Passamano Jr. has announced West to guard against heavy flood­ “The redevelopment of the area According to Chris Gale, NJMC er’s agreement with the NJMC. The should expedite long-overdue benefit of adjacent property owners, that there will be a Casino ing." Elevation at that spot has Public Information Officer, the developer must submit to the NJMC enhancing the value of marketability Gambling boat trip, scheduled always been a problem with previ­ improvements to the antiquated p r o p e r ty is currently owned by copies of required federal and state sewer and storm water system in the of their properties." for Thursday, July 29. This is ous redevelopment efforts; while the Argonaut Holdings Inc. of Pontiac, permits and perform infrastructure area. The redevelopment of this area The status of the impact studies in place of the Atlantic City property is located at the confluence Mich. The redevelopment area will improvements mandated by is unclear. The project's applicant, trip just for this month. of Routes 3 and 17, it actually sits should facilitate the construction of consist of 350 residential units, as NJDOT. The applicant must also new curbing and pavement in vari­ Clark Hamilton of ARC, has not The bus will leave Town ous locations, and control the road­ returned numerous telephone calls Hall Park at 8 a.m., going to since January. Freeport, N.Y. (approx. two way flooding conditions by hours). Tickets are $17 per per­ installing additional drainage son, which includes hot buffet breakfast, complimentary cocktail, unlimited coffee, tea Trips are scheduled for and soda throughout the cruise, raffle ticket, four hours of gambling and $10 coin return. Lyndhurst senior citizens There will be one bus. This trip Monday-Tuesday, Nov. 22-23: is open to any township resi­ LYNDHURST - Commissioner dent 21 years of age and older. Paul Passamano Jr., director of the Depart on Coach USA bus from Tickets will go on sale Department of Parks and Town Hall Park at 8:30 a.m.; stay at Hershey Lodge, admission to QVC Monday, June 28, starting at 9 Recreation, announced several trips a.m. at the parks department. set up for Lyndhurst senior citizens: studio with tour, holiday dinner Call 201-804-2482 for further • Peddler’s Village, Pa. - musical at Lodge, Sweet Lights tour information. Monday, Sept. 13: Academy bus (driving tour), full American break­ leaves Town Hall Park at 8 a .m .; fast at hotel, then departure for NA Lodge 271 to host plenty of shopping; lunch at Cock Lancaster; admission for the Days ‘n Bull Restaurant at 12:30 p.m., of Belsnickel program at the Landis Masonic district event with choice of chicken or flounder Valley Museum to enjoy the spirits The North Arlington Lodge and all the trimmings; $32 per per­ of the holidays; lunch at 19th No. 271 F. & A.M. will host the son. Century Hotel; dinner at M iller’s Grand Lodge of Instruction for • Harlem, N.Y. - Monday, Sept. Smorgasbord and then depart for the Eighth Masonic District on 27: Depart on Coach USA bus from home; based on 40 people - price is Monday, June 28 at 7 p.m., at Town Hall Park at 9:30 a.m.; visit $259 per person (double occupan­ Photo by JoAnn Merklinghaus the Masonic Temple, 321 the Apollo Theatre for a tour; after­ cy), $239 per person (triple occu­ Second Ave., Lyndhurst. All ‘A Touch of Chile’ - The Grand Family Restaurant celebrated its grand opening this past wards family-style lunch at Sylvia's pancy), $279 per person (quadruple lodges in the district will partici­ Friday, June 18. Located at 602 Ridge Rd. in North Arlington, this “new concept” restaurant is Restaurant; professional tour guide occupancy) and $329 per person pate. All Master Mason are wel­ the first to be established in the United States after the owners, all from Chile, opened three will meet group; return from (single occupancy); $50 deposit due com e. prior restaurants abroad. Pictured at the ribbon-cutting ceremony, left to right, are: Oscar Harlem at 6:30 p.m.; $62 per per­ by Sept. 1, balance due Nov. 1. son. For more information, call the Subscribe now Bonzi, Sebastian Vanella, Councilman Patrick Roche, Mayor Russell Pitman, Councilman • Hershey, Pa., overnight - parks department at 201-804-2482. fo r $10 a year James Ferriero, Bernardo Munoz, Michelangelo Vanella. For information, call 201- 998-8880. (O ut of state, $12). CaU (201) 438-8700 Advocate discusses FAIR and FREEZE tax plans Dog park opening trols on government and administra­ explained that a senior citizen with By Alana I. Capria tive spending. The Governor is $25,000 in annual income pays 17 R e p o r t e r proposing to limit government, percent of his or her income to prop­ scheduled for this week municipal and school district spend­ erty taxes. A senior citizen with Pets had also donated dog treats as LYNDHURST - Seniors gath­ ing to 2.5 percent. And it will pro­ $43,000 in income pays 10 percent By Alana I. Capria part of previous advertisements. vide for a constitutional convention to property taxes. “ Seniors are hit R e p o r t e r ________________ ered al the Lyndhurst A ctivity RDOG plans on creating fliers to Center on Stuyvesant Avenue to lis­ on property tax relief.
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