COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL TUESDAY , JANUARY 30 , 2007 SESSION OF 2007 191ST OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 8 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. McCALL. Yes, Mr. Speaker . The House convened at 11 a.m., e.s.t. I would request a leave for the day for the gentleman from Northampton, Mr. SAMUELSON, and for the week, the gentleman from Westm oreland, Mr. TANGRETTI. THE SPEAKER (DENNIS M. O 'BRIEN) The SPEAKER. Without objection, the gentlemen will be PRESIDING placed on leave. The Chair recognizes the minority leader. Without objection, PRAYER the gentleman places on leave for the day the gentlemen, Representative ARGALL from Schuylkill Cou nty and HON. MATTHEW E. BAKER, member of the House of Representative MOUL from Adams County. Without objection, Representatives, offered the following prayer: the gentlemen will be placed on leave. Thank you, Mr. Speaker . MASTER ROLL CALL Let us pray: Lord God , thank You for being in this place, as we come The SPEAKER. The Chair is about to take the master roll. before You humbly and acknowledge You as our holy and Members will proceed to vote. sovereign God. Empower the members and all staff during this new session to use this season of opportunity for Your glory. The following roll call was recorded: With new members and experience d members working together in the General Assembly, may good and wise decisions be PRES ENT –198 revealed, as both the will of the people and in accord with Your provident plan. Adolph Gabig Mantz Roebuck Show them the priorities that best honor You and inspire Baker Galloway Markosek Rohrer them to act promptly. May they str ive to acknowledge and Barrar Geist Marshall Ross Bastian George Marsico Rubley maintain ethical and moral fortitude. When they feel Bear Gerber McCall Sabatina discouragement, remind them that they are working for the good Belfanti Gergely McGeehan Sainato of those who love You. Benninghoff Gibbons McI. Smith Santoni As a challenging and promising future beckons, guide their Bennington Gillespie McIlhattan Saylor Beyer Gingrich Melio Scavello steps and supply their needs. May our God, who gives Biancucci Godshall Mensch Schroder endurance and encouragement, give us all the spirit of unity Bishop Goodman Metcalfe Seip amongst ourselves so that with one heart we may glorify our Blackwell Grell Micozzie Shapiro God and our Father. In our Lord 's name we pray. Amen. Boback Grucela Millard Shimkus Boyd Haluska Miller Siptroth Brennan Hanna Milne Smith, K. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Brooks Harhai Moyer Smith, M. Buxton Harhart Mundy Smith, S. Caltagirone Harkins Murt Solobay (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by members and Cappelli Harper Mustio Sonney visitors.) Carroll Harris Myers Staback Casorio Helm Nailor Stairs Causer Hennessey Nickol Steil JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED Clymer Hershey O'Brien, M. Stern Cohen Hess O'Neill Stevenson The SPEAKER. Without objection, the approval of the Conklin Hickern ell Oliver Sturla Journal of Monday, January 29, 2007, will be postponed until Costa Hornaman Pallone Surra Cox Hutchinson Parker Swanger printed. The Chair hears no objection. Creighton James Pashinski Taylor, J. Cruz Josephs Payne Taylor, R. Curry Kauffman Payton Thomas LEAVES OF ABSENCE Cutler Keller, M. Peifer True Daley Keller, W. Perry Turzai The SPEAKER. Turning to leaves of absence , the Chair Dally Kenney Perzel Ver eb recognizes the majority whip. Are there any leaves on the DeLuca Kessler Petrarca Vitali Denlinger Killion Petri Vulakovich Democratic side? DePasquale King Petrone Wagner 44 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL —HOUSE JANUARY 30 Dermody Kirkland Phillips Walko Resolution was concurred in. DeWeese Kortz Pickett Wansacz Ordered, That the clerk inform the Senate accordingly. DiGirolamo Kotik Preston Waters Donatucci Kula Pyle Watson Eachus Leach Quigley Wheatley The SPEAKER. Will the Republican leader, Representative Ellis Lentz Quinn White Smith, please come to the rostrum. Evans, D. Levdansky Ramaley Williams Evans, J. Longietti Rapp Wojnaroski Everett Mackereth Raymond Yewcic COMMITTEE APPOINTED Fabrizio Maher Readshaw Youngblood Fairchild Mahoney Reed Yudichak Fleck Major Reichley The SPEAKER. The Speaker appoints as a committee on the Frankel Manderino Roae O'Brien, D., part of the House to escort the Governor, Representative Freema n Mann Rock Speaker Barbara McIlvaine Smith, Rep resentative Tony Payton, Jr., and Representative Brad Roae, and the clerk will inform the Senate ADDITIONS –0 accordingly. NOT VOTING –0 CALENDAR EXCUSED –5 RESOLUTIONS PURSUANT TO RULE 35 Argall Moul Samuelson Tangretti Civera Mr. ROEBUCK called up HR 6, PN 4, entitled: LEAVES ADDED –1 A Resolution designating the month of January 2007 as "Fin ancial Aid Awareness Month " and commending the work of the Pennsylvania Watson Higher Education Assistance Agency and the Pennsylvania Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators. LEAVES CANCELED –1 Samuelson On the question, Will the House adopt the resolution? The SPEAKER. A quorum being present, the House will The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman, proceed to conduct business. Representative Roebuck, on the resolution. The gentleman waives off. We will pass over committee reports , temporarily awaiting the report from the Legislative Reference Bureau. We will On the question recurring, organize the committees after we receive that report. Will the House adopt the resolution? The following roll call was recorded: SENATE MESSAGE YEAS –198 JOINT SESSION Adolph Gabig Mantz Roebuck The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, presented the Baker Ga lloway Markosek Rohrer follo wing extract from the Journal of the Senate, which was Barrar Geist Marshall Ross read as follows: Bastian George Marsico Rubley Bear Gerber McCall Sabatina Belfanti Gergely McGeehan Sainato In the Senate , Benninghoff Gibbons McI. Smith Santoni January 29, 2007 Bennington Gillespie McIlhattan Saylor Beyer Gingrich Melio Scavello RESOLVED, (the House of Representatives concurring), Biancu cci Godshall Mensch Schroder That the Senate and House of Representatives meet in Joint Session Bishop Goodman Metcalfe Seip on Tuesday, Februar y 6, 2007, at 11:15 a.m., in the Hall of the Blackwell Grell Micozzie Shapiro House of Representatives for the purpose of hearing an address by Boback Grucela Millard Shimkus Boyd Haluska Miller Siptroth His Excellency, Governor Edward G. Rendell; and to elect a Director Brennan Hanna Milne Smith, K. of the Legislative Reference Bureau; and be it further Brooks Harhai Moyer Smith, M. RESOLVED, That a co mmittee of three, on the part of the Senate, Buxton Harhart Mundy Smith, S. be appointed to act with a similar committee on the part of the House Caltagirone Ha rkins Murt Solobay of Representatives, to escort His Excellency, the Governor of the Cappelli Harper Mustio Sonney Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to the Hall of the House of Carroll Harris Myers Staback Representatives. Casorio Helm Nailor Stairs Causer Hennessey Nickol Steil Clymer Hershey O'Brien, M. Stern Ordered, That the clerk present the same to the House of Cohen Hess O'Neill Stevenson Representatives for its concurrence. Conklin Hickernell Oliver Sturla Costa Hornaman Pallone Sur ra Cox Hutchinson Parker Swanger On the question, Creighton James Pashinski Taylor, J. Will the House concur in the resolution of the Senate? Cruz Josephs Payne Taylor, R. 2007 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL —HOUSE 45 Curry Kauffman Payton Thomas Benninghoff Gillespie McIlhattan Santoni Cutler Keller, M. Peifer True Bennington Gingrich Melio Saylor Daley Keller, W. Perry Turzai Beyer Godshall Mensch Scavello Dally Kenney Perzel Vereb Biancucci Goodman Metc alfe Schroder DeLuca Kessler Petrarca Vitali Bishop Grell Micozzie Seip Denlinger Killion Petri Vulakovich Blackwell Grucela Millard Shapiro DePasquale King Petrone Wagner Boback Haluska Miller Shimkus Dermody Kirkland Phillips Walko Boyd Hanna Milne Siptroth DeWeese Kortz Pickett Wansacz Brennan Harhai Moyer Smith, K. DiGirolamo Kotik Preston Waters Brooks Harhart Mundy Smith, M. Donatucci Kula Pyle Watson Buxton Harkins Murt Smith, S. Eachus Leach Quigley Wheatley Caltagirone Harper Mustio Solobay Ellis Lentz Quinn White Cappelli Harris Myers Sonney Evans, D. Levdansky Ramal ey Williams Carroll Helm Nailor Staback Evans, J. Longietti Rapp Wojnaroski Casorio Hennessey Nickol Stairs Everett Mackereth Raymond Yewcic Causer Hershey O'Brien, M. Steil Fabrizio Maher Readshaw Youngblood Clymer Hess O'Neill Stern Fairchild Mahoney Reed Yudichak Cohen Hickernell Oliver Stevenson Fleck Major Reichley Conklin Hornaman Pallone Sturla Frankel Manderino Roae O'Brien, D., Costa Hutchinson Parker Surra Freeman Mann Rock Speaker Cox James Pashinski Swanger Creighton Josephs Payne Taylor, J. NAYS –0 Cruz Kauffman Payton Taylor, R. Curry Keller, M. Peifer Thomas NOT VOTING –0 Cutler Keller, W. Perry True Daley Kenney Perzel Turzai Dally Kessler Petrarca Vereb EXCUSED –5 DeLuca Killion Petri Vitali Denlinger King Petrone Vulak ovich Argall Moul Samuelson Tangretti DePasquale Kirkland Phillips Wagner Civera Dermody Kortz Pickett Walko DeWeese Kotik Preston Wansacz DiGirolamo Kula Pyle Waters Donatucci Leach Quigley Watson The majority having voted in the affirmative, the question Eachus Lentz Quinn Wheatley was determined in the affirmative and the resolution was Ellis Levdansky Ramaley White adopted. Evans, D. Longietti Rapp Williams Evans , J. Mackereth Raymond Wojnaroski Everett Maher Readshaw Yewcic * * * Fabrizio Mahoney Reed Youngblood Fairchild Major Reichley Yudichak Mr. READSHAW called up HR 9, PN 5, entitled: Fleck Manderino
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