Filmography Ang Lee, dir. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Wòhǔ Cánglóng, 臥虎藏龍). 2000. Corey Yuen, dir. Legend (Fang Shi Yu, 方世玉). 1993. Corey Yuen, dir. Legend II (Fang Shi Yu: xu ji, 方世玉: 續集). 1995. Feng Xiaogang, dir. The Banquet (Yè Yàn, 夜宴). 2006. Kaige Chen, dir. The Promise (Wújí, 無極). 2005. Tsui Hark, dir. Once Upon a Time in China (Huang Fei Hong, 黃飛鴻). 1991. Tsui Hark, dir. Once Upon a Time in China II (Huang Fei Hong: nan er dang zi qiang, 男兒當自強). 1992. Yuen Wooping, dir. Twin Warriors (Tai Ji: zhan san feng,太極﹕張三風). 1993. Zhang Xinyan, dir. Shaolin Temple (Shaolin Si, 少林寺). 1982. Zhang Xinyan, dir. Kids from Shaolin (Shao Lin xiao zi, 少林小子). 1984. Zhang Xinyan, dir. Yellow River Fighter (Huang he da xia, 黃河大俠). 1988. Zhang Yimou, dir. Curse of the Golden Flower (Mǎnchéng Jìndài Huángjīnjiǎ, 滿城盡帶黃金). 2006. Zhang Yimou, dir. Hero (Yīngxióng, 英雄). 2002. Zhang Yimou, dir. House of Flying Daggers (Shí Miàn Mái Fú, 十面埋伏). 2004. 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