DRIVE TO EXIST THE WESTFIELD LEADER DURING 1966 THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Second ClrtsH Postage Paid . stWestfJeld, N. J- WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JA!N!UARY 27, 1966 This Is Our Town . $6 Millions For Schools . Three Points Clarified At Large . The Christmas Season . The Candidates Speak According to Mr. Morash the board to the effect that the pageant -[in May of 1965 why have they not help prevent dropouts and better subject was carefully considered (for Christmas 1965 only) would be sought a decision in all this time? prepare approximately 20 per cent of by the board and a determination held after school hours, after a I do not believo this is a valid or our graduates for a useful place in Budget was made to continue the pro- shortened school day and with at- honest issue. I am sure that my at- society. Do we not care about these grams as they were. This Informa- tendance on a voluntary basis. Mr. Sommerfield tackers are using this emotionally youngsters who by reason of birth or REVIEWED tion was conveyed to those repre- At the conclusion of Mr. Mor- charged point lo cloud the real issue circumstances cannot go to college? senting the other side of the ques- ash's remarks questions were HIS STATEMENT and defeat me on election day. I am "1 think the school board should Third Ward—Lincoln School, and tion. raised as to his position in the just as sure that the enlightened consider tlie money saving method Education "I am shocked by what has hap- le school system, but primarily of consolidated buying. Although I district Fourth Ward—Edison Junior High It later developed that this posi- future as a candidate for reelec- voters of Westfield will not be fooled tion of the school board resulted in pened in the town of Westfield as a ave a sincere wish to see that every am in favor of the school budget I calling School. tion, and the same question was by this political chicanery. the threat of a legal suit by two un- propounded to the other Joint result of my candidacy for the Board hild in Westfield receives the best "What Are the Real Isurs" feel that all means of cost (jutting be The time for ToUng at each of of Education. It is appalling that ducation. I do not believe that one the four polling placet will be from identified persons to enjoin the Civic Committee candidates pres- "I feel that the school board should explored. This practice of joint pur- schools from conducting the pro- ent. Mr. Morash slated that he such vicious attacks and rumors must live in town for 15 or 20 years provide for the safe passage of all chasing has been successful In many 3 p.m. until > p.ta. Absentee ballot- have be»n leveled against me so soon Ing will alw be a part of tbe vot- grams. Additional meetings were would, "support them (the Christ- efore he can be considered 'civic of our children to school—even if it corporations and communities across ti more &****> held the result of which brought after the season that calls for "Peace minded.' means relaxing tho arbitrary rules our land and could prove economical .teachers and ing procedure, under the rules for mas programs) so long as my poai- on Earth. Good Will to Ail Men.' such eligibility. about a compromise by the school (Continued on page 2) "3. What 'oqtside' group do I rep- concerning bus transportation or here among town departments or on The school board has estimated "It is sad for me to relate that I esent?—I represent no person. school assignment. In the town of a county-wide basis. Why should we have received many telephone calls ;roup or organization—'outside' or Springfield they ore now providing tolerate the current use of our tax that the net effect of the increase inside.' in the school budget for 1966-67 will and letters of a vituperative nature. bus transportation for certain stu- money in this wasteful manner? be to add *31.70 to the tax bill of a I feel that this Salem Witch Hunt at- "4. Why did 1 not seek the support dents living a short distance from "These are but a few of the Issues Temple Emanu-El mosphere does not represent the true as I see them. I would be delighted home which has an assessed value if the Joint Civic Committee.'—Per- the school because of unsafe condi- of $10,000. feelings of our Colonial Westfield. laps this question should be asked tions. Arc our children not as preci- to discuss each of them with all of At the public hearing the budget TRUSTEES SPEAK "This is all the more incredible if the friends and neighbors who ous to us as they are to parents in the other candidates. If any re- when you realize that if elected I iromoted my candidacy. However, Springfield? sponsible organization such as the questioners were few and the queries "Along with all church groups in elicited what appeared to listeners to Advisory Committee for Community will be only one among nine mem- sec no reason why the permission "I believe that the school lionrd League of Women Voters wishes to eli" Westfield, Temple Emanu-El has a be acceptable answers. Relations. He suggested that the bers of the Board of Education. Why of this group should have been should encourage the development sponsor such a meeting, they have IdKricrwlm.Feb. 8 vital interest in strengthening religi- Board of Trustees of Temple Emanu. then are so many organizations and sought. 1 question the placing of the my blessing and my promise to par- JiiljtalKi'pHce.at one Expressions of support for the of a course of study for the non :ol- ous life and maintaining friendship El appoint representatives to work individuals afraid of me? Must we Joint Civic Committee or any other Icye oriented students. This d ticipate." «di of the town's four budget were matle by the WestiieH among all faiths in the community. organization between the candidate Education Association, a teacher or- witli his committee to try to resolve in Westfield be ruled by fear? This Mffinj pistes will be as "However, because there lias been the problem so that litigation by in- is dangerously close to the methods and the electorate. It is a form of •i W«nJ - Elm Street ganization, through its president of undemocratic and totalitarian sys 'bossism.' I believe an American (Continued on page 2) some misunderstand.::; in recent dividual citizens would be discour ml Ward-Grant School; days of Temple Eirunu-El's role and aged. The mayor made it clear tha terns and has no place in our com citizen can seek any office he position, we yhc .:.d like to clarify it was not his intent to assume the munity. chosos in accordance with our Amer- JCC Candidates three major p;.,tts: function of the Board of Education, ican traditions. 1 "I shall attempt to answer the "1. Temp' Kmanu-El does not but rather' to bring the two view- questions raised by my candidacy "5. How do I feel about the Christ- STATEMENT Controversy support, r .icially or unofficially, any points together. although 1 have no desire to lend mas progrnms?—If some of our citi- candidate for public office at any Meetings were held with the may- dignity to the titterings of the few zens question the place of Christmas Following the public hearing on liniu'd sis long cs it is legal to do lime. This is a matter of established or's committee, the ministcrium am professional mudslingers and fanati- n (lie school system then 1 believe Ihe School Board budget for l<jfi(Mi7 so. CAUSE AND EFFECT temple policy. the Board of Education concernin cal hatctnongcrs in our midst. I d< the decision must be made by the on Tuesday, Jan. 18, ;>t which time "Alterations or eliminations of ;i question arose us to tlie future frilic hearing on the The Question: Why was the "2. The temple has given neither the Westfield High School Christina so because I believe that the major- courts. As a lawyer 1 can take no the Chrlslinns programs would re- «f the Christmas programs in the a ia Ihe Watfield High schedule for the Christmas Pag- official nor unofficial support for Pageant. In May, the position of the ity of Westficlders are good Chris- oilier position. If I were a member public schools and the Senior High move from thu curriculum part of trtl Jan 18, a questioner eant changed? legal aclion against the Board of temple board was fully explained t tians and concerned citizens wh of the Botird of Educution I would School Christmas Pageant. Ihe four the cultural mid cdiicatlonnl ox- it door a matter which The Answer: Norman Morash, Education or any other public body. the Board of Education, who indi- have a right to know the position o have recommended that the board candidates for election to the Board liurii'iices valuable for proper train-, tame the center of a president of the board and presid "3. The temple has no position, of- cated that a decision would be reach- all those on the ballot. I doubt th request judicial review of the matter of Education, three for tluee year sedmersy, and which ing at the budget hearing, detailed ficial or unofficial, with relation to ed by June. the complete views of the other con from the courts.
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