November 13, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1561 3043 ignores constructive suggestions that REMEMBERING THE LIFE OF Celia was named Woman of the Year by the would improve the licensing process while still STAFF SERGEANT EMIL RIVERA- Women’s Transportation Seminar and she re- maintaining environmental protections and will LOPEZ ceived the planning profession’s highest honor usurp the authorities of states, tribes, and fed- by being inducted as a Fellow of the College eral natural resource agencies. HON. MARTHA McSALLY of American Institute of Certified Planners in OF ARIZONA 2016. ‘‘Yea’’ on Roll Call 621, on the motion to Placer County Transportation Planning IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES suspend the rules and pass H.R. 3705, the Agency has received numerous awards under Veterans Fair Debt Notice Act. Monday, November 13, 2017 her leadership, including Organization of the ‘‘No’’ on Roll Call 622, the Micro Offering Ms. MCSALLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Year by the California Transportation Founda- Safe Harbor Act. remember the life of Staff Sergeant Emil Ri- tion and Agency of the Year by the Sac- vera-Lopez, 31, from Tucson, Arizona. He was ramento Area Council of Governments. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor and con- f tragically killed on August 25 when his heli- copter crashed during a training mission off gratulate Celia McAdam for her commitment to transportation planning and public service. HONORING GRANT R. WARD the coast of Yemen. SSgt Rivera-Lopez was born in San Juan, f Puerto Rico. He enlisted in the Army in 2006 SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS HON. ANDY BIGGS as a helicopter maintainer, quickly distin- Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, guishing himself. He was selected for service OF ARIZONA agreed to by the Senate of February 4, in the prestigious 160th Special Operations 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Aviation Regiment in 2013. He was decorated tem for a computerized schedule of all many times for his service in Afghanistan and Monday, November 13, 2017 meetings and hearings of Senate com- several other locations in the Global War on mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- Mr. BIGGS. Mr. Speaker, today I honor my Terror. tees, and committees of conference. SSgt Rivera-Lopez leaves behind his wife constituent Grant R. Ward. Grant is a resident This title requires all such committees Amanda Rivera, a 13 year-old stepson, Master of Gilbert, Arizona. He is receiving the Lifetime to notify the Office of the Senate Daily William Sanderson, Jr., his mother Carlita Digest—designated by the Rules Com- Achievement Award by the National Water Re- Lopez, and his father Eduvigis Rivera. It is my sources Association (NWRA). mittee—of the time, place and purpose sad duty to include in the RECORD the name of the meetings, when scheduled and This lifetime achievement award was estab- of Emil Rivera-Lopez for his faithful service to any cancellations or changes in the lished in 1948. According to the NWRA, this this country. meetings as they occur. award ‘‘recognizes members and individuals f As an additional procedure along who have actively served in the leadership of with the computerization of this infor- IN HONOR OF THE RETIREMENT the Association for many years and who, by mation, the Office of the Senate Daily OF CELIA MCADAM AS EXECU- their activities and service to the goals and ob- Digest will prepare this information for TIVE DIRECTOR OF THE PLACER printing in the Extensions of Remarks jective of the Association, merit Life Member COUNTY TRANSPORTATION section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD status.’’ Grant embodies the spirit of this dis- PLANNING AGENCY tinguished award. on Monday and Wednesday of each week. Grant has an impressive resume of service. HON. TOM McCLINTOCK Meetings scheduled for Tuesday, No- He graduated from Brigham Young University OF CALIFORNIA vember 14, 2017 may be found in the in 1967 and received his law degree in 1969 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Daily Digest of today’s RECORD. from the University of Idaho. From there, he Monday, November 13, 2017 commenced his professional career, serving MEETINGS SCHEDULED Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today as an assistant branch manager at the Valley NOVEMBER 15 in recognition of Celia McAdam and her up- National Bank for a few years. He then took 9 a.m. a job as General Manager of the Roosevelt coming retirement after decades of service in the 4th Congressional District of California. Committee on Energy and Natural Re- Water Conservation District for over a decade. Celia McAdam has devoted herself and her sources Following this occupation, he progressed Business meeting to consider, pursuant career to helping her community through to H. Con. Res. 71, the Concurrent Res- through several jobs, starting with Executive transportation planning. She first began her Vice President of the Agri-Business Council of olution on the Budget for Fiscal Year career in transportation in the early 1990s 2018, reconciliation legislation to au- Arizona, Assistant General Manager of the when she served as Senior Planner for the thorize the Secretary of the Interior to Central Arizona Water Conservation District, Placer County Transportation Planning Agency establish and administer a competitive and General Manager of the Maricopa-Stan- (PCTPA). In 1998, she was chosen to serve oil and gas program in the non-wilder- field Irrigation & Drainage District. He currently as the Executive Director of the PCTPA, a po- ness portion of the Arctic National is an independent water and power consultant. sition she still holds today. Additionally, Celia Wildlife Refuge, known as the ‘‘1002 Area’’ or Coastal Plain. Grant is married to Judy. They have seven has served as the Executive Director of the SD–366 children and 36 grandchildren. South Placer Regional Transportation Author- 9:30 a.m. ity since its creation in 2001. Commission on Security and Cooperation Mr. Speaker, Grant has a remarkable track A leader in the field of transportation fund- in Europe record of service and perseverance in employ- ing, Celia has been hailed as ‘‘[one] of the To hold hearings to examine the victims ment. He showed his children the value of most important transportation officials in North- of Turkey’s failing rule of law. hard work and the necessity of pushing ern California’’ by the Sacramento Bee for her SD–124 through each day to pay the bills. His children ability to navigate the bureaucratic and tech- 10 a.m. now have his example to lean on as they Committee on Environment and Public nical obstacles associated with infrastructure Works demonstrate similar work ethics to their own planning. Her creativity in planning enabled To hold hearings to examine promoting children. her to design and fund vital infrastructure American leadership in reducing air However, Grant’s service didn’t simply stop projects such as the I–80 Bottleneck Wid- emissions through innovation. with his paycheck. He was extremely involved ening, Lincoln Bypass, I–80/Sierra College SD–406 Boulevard Interchange, I–80/Douglas Boule- Committee on Health, Education, Labor, with his community—and still is today. Grant and Pensions has sat on several boards and presided over vard Interchange and numerous other transit and rail projects. To hold hearings to examine encouraging several clubs and committees in Arizona. healthy communities, focusing on per- Celia McAdam’s successful career has not Grant looks for any possible way to give back spective from the Surgeon General. gone unnoticed by the transportation commu- to his community. SD–430 nity and her talents have earned her numer- Committee on the Judiciary I applaud Grant for his award, and I look ous accolades in recognition of her contribu- To hold hearings to examine the nomina- forward to his continued service. tions to California’s infrastructure. In 2012, tions of James C. Ho, of Texas, to be VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:06 Nov 14, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13NO8.042 E13NOPT1 E1562 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 13, 2017 United States Circuit Judge for the Committee on Commerce, Science, and to be Chairman of the Board of Gov- Fifth Circuit, Don R. Willett, of Texas, Transportation ernors of the Federal Reserve System. to be a Circuit Judge, United States Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, SH–216 Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, Fisheries, and Coast Guard Claria Horn Boom, to be United States To hold hearings to examine Coast Guard DECEMBER 6 readiness, focusing on how far we can District Judge for the Eastern and 10 a.m. stretch our Nation’s only multi-mis- Western Districts of Kentucky, John Committee on the Judiciary W. Broomes, to be United States Dis- sion, military force. To hold hearings to examine firearm ac- trict Judge for the District of Kansas, SR–253 cessory regulation and enforcing Fed- Rebecca Grady Jennings, to be United Committee on Foreign Relations eral and state reporting to the Na- States District Judge for the Western To receive a closed briefing on new District of Kentucky, and Robert Earl counterterrorism guidance. tional Instant Criminal Background Wier, to be United States District SVC–217 Check System (NICS). Judge for the Eastern District of Ken- Committee on the Judiciary SD–226 tucky. Business meeting to consider S. 2070, to 2:45 p.m. SD–226 amend the Violent Crime Control and Committee on Indian Affairs 2:30 p.m. Law Enforcement Act of 1994, to reau- To hold hearings to examine S. 664, to Committee on Appropriations thorize the Missing Alzheimer’s Dis- approve the settlement of the water ease Patient Alert Program, and to Subcommittee on Military Construction rights claims of the Navajo in Utah, to promote initiatives that will reduce and Veterans Affairs, and Related authorize construction of projects in the risk of injury and death relating to Agencies connection therewith, and S.
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