SCOTTISH ROCK GARDEN CLUB 69th SEED DISTRIBUTION 2015-2016 Send requests for seed to: Send seed donations to: Mr Neil McNulty Drs Ian and Carole Bainbridge 6 Main Road Luckie Harg’s Crookedholm Anwoth Road Kilmarnock Gatehouse of Fleet KA3 6JT Castle Douglas Scotland DG7 2EF Scotland Contact us at [email protected] Please read page 2 and the notes in the Yearbook Scottish Rock Garden Club 69th Seed Distribution 2015-16 Applications The procedure for seed requests is as usual: use the forms in the centre of the booklet, and send these to Neil McNulty, or go online at the SRGC website (see centrefold page ii) to make your requests. The website password is on centrefold page (i). Even if you request seed on the paper forms by post, you can pay for seed by credit card online in Sterling, but not by debit card. All seed requests must be received by January 15th. Donors may choose 25 packets, non-donors 16 packets. Please follow the instructions carefully, and write legibly to ensure we pick the items you want. The charge for the main request for all members is now £5, €7, or $10 US, to cover packing, postage and administration of the exchange. Distribution Distribution of seed starts in January, first for donors’ main requests, then for non-donors’, and finally for surplus seed applications. Main requests will be sent out in January, but surplus requests will be processed only after all main orders have been fulfilled. Main and surplus requests will therefore arrive some time apart. US members must send all their necessary paperwork with the request form (see centrefold page i) unless this was sent with your seed donation. Phytosanitary restrictions outwith European Union US members should not choose any items marked with a black star ✸. We cannot send live material to members outwith the EU. All bulbs, bulblets, corms and rice are marked ♠ in the list. Australian, New Zealand and US members must write a separate list of items requested which must include both numbers and names. About the list The Plant List and the RHS Find a Plant website are our primary sources of information for verifying plant names, and redirecting arrows are used to help those who still use an old name. Species not in the Plant List or RHS website are checked with the IPNI website, and then a Google search. Some genera are ‘sunk’ in this list. For Douglasia, look at Androsace; for Cortusa, go to Primula, for Symphyandra, look at Campanula. On the contrary, Dodecatheon and Meconopsis are unchanged. We cannot guarantee accuracy in naming, we rely on the donors naming of seed for the Exchange. Remember that named varieties rarely come true, so any named variety should really be considered as ‘ex’ that variety. After the genus name the sequence is sp., named varieties, then species; and after the species name subspecies, varieties and forms. Some unknown species are offered as sp., and an entry spp. means that there is a mixture of species of that genus. The Seed List will remain on the SRGC website, so you will be able to check packet numbers in the future. Botanical families have been added to the genera with a three-letter code, either the first three letters of the family name, or the code given in the Notes on p36. Genera in the wild section also have their families identified. Ian and Carole Bainbridge * www.theplantlist.org * www.rhs.org.uk/plants/search-Form * www.ipni.org 2 GARDEN SEED ABIES (pin) 51 n. 'Albiflorus' ALBUCA (hya) 1 koreana 52 n. 'Carneum' 94 sp. ex JCA ABUTILON (mal) 53 sachalinense 95 sp. ex JCA 15856 2 sp. lilac 2m 54 septentrionale 96 canadensis 3 indicum (album) 55 variegatum 97 humilis 4 X suntense 56 vulparia 98 namaquensis 5 vitifolium ACTAEA (ran) 99 rupestris aff. ex JCA ACAENA (ros) 57 asiatica 100 shawii 6 caesiglauca 58 elata 101 spiralis 7 microphylla 59 rubra 102 trichophylla 8 microphylla 'Kupferteppich' 60 spicata ALCEA (mal) 9 ovalifolia ACTINIDIA (act) 103 rosea ex Turkey 10 poeppigiana 61 kolomikta 104 r. 'Caplez' 11 sericea ADELOCARYUM (bor) ALCHEMILLA (ros) ACANTHOLIMON (plu) 62 coelestinum 105 erythropoda 12 armenum ADENOPHORA (cam) ALKANNA (bor) 13 saxifragiforme 63 bulleyana 106 tinctoria 14 trojanum 64 liliifolia ALLIUM (all) 15 ulicinum 65 taquetii 107 sp. ex China, mauve ACANTHUS (aca) 66 uehatae 108 sp. ex SSSE 15cm blue 16 mollis ADENOSTYLES (ast) 109 sp. purple 45cm Turkey ACER (ace) 67 alliariae 110 ‘Chameleon' 17 capillipes 68 alpina 111 ‘Silver Spring' 18 palmatum ADLUMIA (pop) 112 acuminatum 19 p. 'Osakazuki' 69 fungosa 113 a. ex NNS 0012 20 platanoides 'Crimson King' ADONIS (ran) 114 alexeianum 21 pseudoplatanus 'Simon-Louis 70 aestivalis 115 ascalonicum Frères' 71 brevistyla 116 atroviolaceum ACHILLEA (ast) 72 cyllenea - azureum ➤ 121 22 ptarmica 'The Pearl' 73 vernalis 117 backhousianum ACIS (ama) AEONIOPSIS (plu) 118 beesianum 23 autumnalis - cabulica ➤ 636 119 bolanderi 24 a. aportense AETHIONEMA (bra) 120 breviscapum 25 a. oporantha dispathum 74 ‘Warley Rose' 121 caeruleum 26 a. pulchella 75 capitatum 122 callimischon 27 fabrei 76 grandiflorum 123 canadense 28 hiemalis 77 saxatile 124 carinatum 29 longifolia 78 s. alba ex Greece 125 c. pulchellum 30 nicaeensis 79 s. creticum 126 cernuum 31 rosea 80 schistosum 127 c. pink ACONITUM (ran) 81 subulatum 128 c. white 32 sp. dwarf AGAPANTHUS (agp) 129 c. 'Hidcote' 33 sp. dwarf yellow 40cm 82 hybrid dark blue 130 c. 'Pink Giant' 34 sp. Lake Baikal, 150cm blue 83 ‘Blue Triomphator' 131 cowanii 35 ‘Ivorine' AGASTACHE (lam) 132 crenulatum 36 ‘Stainless Steel' 84 mexicana 133 crispum 37 alboviolaceum 85 rugosa 'Golden Jubilee' 134 cristophii 38 angulatum 86 rupestris 135 cyathophorum farreri 39 arcuatum 87 urticifolia 136 decipiens 40 carmichaelii 88 u. 'Alba' 137 dichlamydeum 41 compactum AGROPYRON (poa) 138 drummondii 42 ferox 89 magellanicum 139 elburzense 43 hemsleyanum AGROSTEMMA (car) 140 ellisii aff. 44 hemsleyanum 'Red Wine' 90 githago 141 ericetorum 45 krylovii AIRA (poa) 142 falcifolium 46 kusnezoffii 91 caryophyllea 143 farreri 47 lycoctonum AKEBIA (lar) 144 f. fimbriatum ex Mt Pinos 48 moldavicum 92 quinata 145 fimbriatum purdyi 49 napellus 93 q. 'Alba' 146 flavum 50 n. dark blue 147 f. nanum 3 148 f. 'Blue Leaf' 208 magnifica 259 pubescens 149 forrestii 209 patagonica 260 pyrenaica 150 geyeri 210 pelegrina Alba 261 pyrenaica cf 151 heldreichii 211 pseudospathulata 262 septentrionalis 152 hollandicum 'Purple Sensation' 212 psittacina 263 s. 'Stardust' 153 hookeri ALTHAEA (mal) 264 strigillosa 154 insubricum 213 rosea ficifolia 265 vandellii 155 karataviense ALYOGYNE (mal) 266 villosa 156 k. 'Ivory Queen' 214 huegelii 'Santa Cruz' ANDRYALA (ast) 157 komarovianum ALYSSOIDES (bra) 267 agardhii 158 komarowii 215 graeca 268 lanata 159 lenkoranicum 216 utriculata ANEMANTHELE (poa) 160 loratum ALYSSUM (bra) 269 lessoniana 161 macranthum 217 pateri ANEMONE (ran) 162 mairei 218 rostratum 270 baldensis 163 m. amabile 219 tortuosum 271 blanda 164 moly 220 wulfenianum 272 caroliniana 165 narcissiflorum AMARANTHUS (amn) 273 coronaria 'Harmony Orchid' 166 nevskianum 221 caudatus 274 cylindrica 167 nigrum AMELANCHIER (ros) 275 demissa 168 nutans white 222 lamarckii 276 drummondii 169 obliquum ANAGALLIS (pri) 277 X lesseri 170 oreophilum 223 monellii 278 leveillei 171 oschaninii ANAPHALIS (ast) 279 lithophila 172 paniculatum 224 alpicola 280 multifida 173 paradoxum normale ANCHUSA (bor) 281 multifida white 174 peninsulare 225 calcarea 282 multifida 'Annabella series' 175 platycaule ex JCA 12988 226 capensis 283 m. 'Major' 176 pskemense ANDROCYMBIUM (col) 284 m. 'Rubra' 177 pulchellum 227 ciliolatum 285 narcissiflora 178 ramosum 228 striatum 286 n. narcissiflora white 179 roseum ANDROSACE (pri) 287 n. biarmiensis 180 roseum ♠ 229 albana 288 n. fasciculata 181 schoenoprasum ✸ 230 barbulata 289 n. protracta 182 schubertii 231 bisulca aurata 290 nemorosa 'Blue Eyes' 183 sikkimense 232 bulleyana 291 n. 'Hilda' 184 siskiyouense 233 cantabrica 292 n. 'Wisley Pink' 185 sphaerocephalon 234 carnea 293 obtusiloba large blue 186 s. arvense 235 c. alba 294 occidentalis 187 stellatum 236 c. rosea 295 palmata 188 stipitatum 237 c. brigantiaca 296 p. lutea 189 subhirsutum 238 c. carnea ex French Alps 297 parviflora 190 tanguticum 239 c. laggeri 298 pavonina ex Macedonia 191 texanum 240 chaixii 299 polyanthes 192 textile 241 chamaejasme 300 polyanthes aff. 193 tolmiei platyphyllum 242 ciliata 301 rivularis 194 unifolium 243 cylindrica 302 r. ex CC7151 195 unifolium cf 244 c. ex Soasso Gorge 303 r. ex MECC049 196 ursinum 245 c. 'Val d'Ossau' 304 rupicola 197 victorialis 246 cylindrica x hirtella 305 rupicola x hupehensis 198 wallichii 247 darwasica 306 sylvestris 199 zaprjagajevii 248 halleri 307 s. 'Madonna' ALOE (alo) 249 hedraeantha 308 trifolia 200 aristata 250 helvetica hybrid 309 trullifolia 10-petal form ALSTROEMERIA (als) 251 himalaica 310 vitifolia 201 hybrids, orange 252 hirtella ANEMONELLA (ran) 202 aurantiaca 253 lactea 311 thalictroides 203 aurea 'Lutea' 254 laevigata 'Gothenburg' 312 t. pink 204 garaventae 255 l. ciliolata ANEMONOPSIS (ran) 205 ligtu hybrids 256 laggeri 313 macrophylla 206 ligtu incarnata 257 mathildae 314 m. 'Alba' 207 ligtu simsii 258 montana 4 ANGELICA (api) 366 atrata 428 v. red &yellow 315 archangelica 367 aurea 429 v. white 316 a. majorum 'Vossakvan' 368 barnebyi 430 v. wine 317 gigas 369 bertolonii 431 v. stellata 318 pachycarpa 370 b. alba 432 v. 'Black Barlow' 319 sylvestris 'Ebony' 371 buergeriana 433 v. 'Blue Barlow' ANOMATHECA (iri) 372 b. flavescens 434 v. 'Bordeaux Barlow' 320 cruenta 373 b. 'Enigma' 435 v. 'Greenapples' - laxa ➤ 1682 374 caerulea 436 v. 'Leprechaun Gold' - viridis ➤ 1696 375 canadensis 437 v. 'Nora Barlow' ANTENNARIA (ast) 376 c. 'Nana' 438 v. 'Rose Barlow' 321 dioica 377 chrysantha 439 v. 'Tower Light Blue' 322 d. rosea 378 c. 'Yellow Queen' ARABIS (bra) 323 d. rubra 379 c. chaplinei 440 alpina 324 d.
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