Digital Commons @ George Fox University Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church Friendly Endeavor (Quakers) 12-1934 Friendly Endeavor, December 1934 George Fox University Archives Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_endeavor Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "Friendly Endeavor, December 1934" (1934). Friendly Endeavor. 135. https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_endeavor/135 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church (Quakers) at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Friendly Endeavor by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. z u b D ■- It C 11 land. T H E F R I E N ENDEAVOR JOURNAL FOR FRIENDS IN THE NORTHWEST December, 1934 Volume 13, Number 1 1 PORTLAND, OREGON // .// // V^itnessing for Christ' A Christmas Meditation'' Next Issue of Endeavor By EDGAR P. SIMS To Have Twenty Pages Outlines Are Ready "A LIGHT to lighten the Gentiles, and the GLORY of thy people Israel." Luke Course is Highly Recommended by 2:32. Frank Cola Asks Everyone to Co-operate Church Leaders While the multitudes of Christendom indulge in a perverted memorial of the Christmas times, it is befitting that we This is the time of year when each and every member of Oregon Yearly Meeting "Witnessing for Christ," a course in the who have been called out of the darkness should be Friendly Endeavor conscious first job of the Christian, is now ready for of sin into the glorious LIGHT of the for next month will appear the second general sale throughout the Yearly Meet Son of God and have implanted within our annual Special Edition. The writer was souls the hope of His GLORY, should i n g . T h i s c o u r s e w a s fi r s t g i v e n b y M i l o talking with Milo Ross, our Editor, the Ross, our Yearly Meeting Christian En consider anew and afresh the birth and ministration of Jesus of Nazareth. other night and knows for a fact that Milo deavor President, at Twin Rocks Confer has many ideas lined up for the January, ence last summer. It has since been In fulfillment of fhat prophecy uttered 1935 issue that make it a paper that will enlarged and recast for study groups and seven hundred years before, when Isaiah be an inspiration and blessing to all who personal introspection. saw the vision and by inspiration wrote, "Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son read it. T h i s i s w h a t s o m e o f o u r r e l i g i o u s The plan for financing the Special leaders say about the course: To quote is given," there lay in Bethlehem's manger THE wonderful and unique babe; un Edition is the same that worked so suc from Chester A. Hadley, General Superin cessfully last December. The special part tendent, "1 am glad to recommend known by kings or great of earth, yet announced by heavenly messengers to each individual has in assisting toward the "Witnessing for Christ," by Milo Ross, as financial success of this special, issue is a s t u d y c o u r s e f o r a n y g r o u p o f C h r i s humble shepherds as they watched over their flocks by night. The glory light a s f o l l o w s : tians, particularly the young people who Through your Local Representative are anxious to improve their efficiency in "shone round about them" as out of the (or deal directly with the Business Mana Christian service." courts of heaven came the holy announcer who said, "I bring you good tidings of ger if you have none) see that: Dr. E. W. Petticord, Evangelical minis 1. Your Sunday School classes are rep ter, states, "The study course outline is great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city resented in the Sunday School ads. just the kind which gets across to young 2. Your Christian Endeavor societies people. It is full of life and energy. It of David, a Savior, which is Christ the are represented. is gripping in interest and the appeal is Lord'" * * * "And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heaven 3. You advertise if you are a business to the highest and best in ideals and or professional man. effort." ly host praising God, and saying, glory to God in the highest heavens, and on earth 4. Pay your I Oc, or more. "The work is very fine," says Edgar P. 5. Purchase extra copies. Sims, Superintendent of Salem Quarterly peace among men who please Him. 6. The Committees of your meeting Meeting, "and is evidence some one has Notwithstanding this wonderful an have an educational and inspira nouncement and marvelous accompani done some work." tional message. Merrill M. Coffin, Pastor of First ment by the heavenly host, it neither dis Extra copies will be sent each Local turbed nor interested the many of earth. Friends Meeting in Portland adds, "I have Representative and it is hoped that these carefully read the copy of 'Witnessing for But Magi from a far eastern country, will be purchased at I Oc each and distri Christ,* and it has been a blessing to my guided by THE star, sought this child to buted among some friends you are anxious soul. 1 trust every society in the Yearly worship and present to Him their treas ures of gold, frankincense and myrrh. to interest in the work of Oregon Yearly Meeting will take up the plan of study as While the darkening shadows of more Meeting. suggested. Such study should go a long The dead line for having all material than four hundred years of Divine silence Way to make of Oregon Yearly Meeting in is December 15, 1934. Address Frank a witnessing people. 1 hope there will be lingered over Israel, and the hope of the L. Cole, 1016 S. E. 31st Ave., Portland. a hearty response in the sale of the study long promised Messiah grew dim, there Let us, each one, do our part to make outline." lived a man "just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy the January, I 935, Special Edition a suc Miss Viola Ogden, Secretary of the cess. There will be twenty pages and Oregon State C. E. Union, also gives her Ghost was upon him. And it was revealed the price will be only lOc. unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he approval. The recent drive for funds met with It sells for I Oc a copy, or $1.00 the should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ." How blessed to know quite a good response. However," some dozen. All proceeds will go into the meetings have not yet been heard from. deputation fund, ancf will help in bring that man may live in such close spiritual Here is a list of the meeting who respond relation to God; may be so "tuned in" on ing members of the Executive Committee ed and the'amount of their contributions. heaven's broadcasting station, as to re t o y o u r s o c i e t y. P l a n s f o r t h e w o r k a r e Entiat $ 2.00 fast becoming realities, and more socie ceive messages such as all the mammon of earth cannot buy, nor the combined pres S j r r i n g b r o o k - 1 1 . 0 0 ties are being visited each month. If this Highland 4. I 0 sale is satisfactory, every society in Ore tige of earthly rulers obtain. As the child Jesus was borne into the Quilcene 2.75 gon Yearly Meeting can be visited and S o u t h S a l e m 6 . 0 0 Temple,..by His parents this aged patriarch encouraged. of God by the Spirit declared, "A LIGHT Newberg 9.2 | The advance selling campaign was to lighten the Gentiles, and the GLORY of L e n t s 5 . 0 0 niore encouraging than at first expected. S t a r 1 0 . 5 0 Eourteen copies were sold in the first two thy people Israel." This LIGHT with its C h e h a l e m C e n t e r 3 5 3 niinutes. Get yours now. Get a class gleaming rays, reaches back to the begin Piedmont 2.00 ning of time and into the unknown started in your own church or society. Sunnyside 2 50 Head yours for your own blessing. Send eternity of the past; and just as brightly M i s c e l l a n e o u s 2 5 0 to Milo Ross, R. F. D. 4, Box 326, Salem, shines forward across the remaining centuries into the eternity beyond, un- P l e d g e s 7 * 0 0 Oregon, and your copy, or copies, will dimmed by the powers of darkness, Meetings who have not been heard from be sent immediately. should send in what they have on hand. bringing light, life and salvation to man T1 e quotas for next year will be announc kind, and illuminating the "city four ed in the February, 1934, issue.
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