t. ^nr^ lfe#T Basketball Issiie RASMUSSEN SPRING STARTS MONDAY! These commerce men lift 'em lightly as they walk by Notre Dame's Edward S. Hurley Commerce College. Left to right: John Bodolay, Springfield, Mass.; John B. Morgan, West Roxbury, Mass.; and Matthew B. O'Donnell, Portsmouth, N. H. Now is the time to choose your spring wardrobe. See our fine selection of sport coats —checks, plaids, tweeds, and solids ($25 up)." Try on our dubonnet, 4-patch pocketed corduroy sport coats ($19.95). In slacks, don't fail to see our snappy Bedford cords (15.95), Botany gabardines $18.50), and light flannels ($13.95).- for "Campus Clothesyy TWO ENTRANCES: MAIN AND WASHINGTON 106-108 MAIN 13 0-132 WASH I NGTON The Scholastic ried Students Welfare Fund, which in­ An Amcuing Offor by cludes all married students. We make Letters this point in order to reassure all the married students at Notre Dame that HOLIDAY this is their fund. In the past, since it Architecture Trouble? has been referred to as the Vetville Ma­ Pipe Mixture Editor: ternity Fund, some of the down town The pipe that every smoker wants—DANA, the Mr. Vierhile seems to be one of the married students were of the opinion modem pipe, with brightly polished alumi^ jum shank and gewuin* impoHeJ hrior boiot; mass who still play games and pretend that this fund was exclusively for mar­ they are living in some entirely diiferent ried students living in Vetville. period, instead of living and feeling for In regard to a comment in the Brow­ himself and trying to analyze the prob­ ser's Column as to what has happened lem at hand. In the case of the Chil­ to the Married Students Welfare Fund with inside wrappers dren's Hospital function is sought rather from 12 pocket tins of (not Vetville Maternity Fund), we would NOLiD«r PIPE MIXTOK than ostentation. It is for crippled chil­ like to mention that Father Alfred Men- SmDMUWi dren and there is one level and open to dez has informed us that he has given Gal ymirDAHA PIPE the light and air. Should this building out, previous to the Mardi Gras, close to Send to be otherwise? Should it look like the $400. Besides this direct financial help, HUUT.kiLnil otter limited to USA—EzBilcs Lincoln Memorial? No! Logic doesn't re­ the Council, through its committee on Jane 30.1949 quire an applied style. The critic is ob­ housing, has found 32 apartments for viously uninformed regarding planning married students, and eight jobs. and cannot recognize a straightforward There remains one last misimderstand- approach to it. ing to be cleared up. The Married Stu­ The critic and many people still pi"e- dents Welfare Council knew nothing of WANT TO eARM fer the escapism of imitation architec­ the disagreement between the Student ture at the expense of convenience, func­ Council and the Rebel Club. The Stu­ $9000 A YEAR? tion and economy. Expose man to a dent Council has proved its interest in r.AA strange new painting or unfamiliar mu­ our work, and anything the Rebels would •A sic and ask for a reaction—usually what have been willing to do for us we would you get is an evasion. Modern man, put gladly have appreciated. into a spot where he can't function on John H. Begert, Chainnn, canned opinion, tends to get lost. He has Married Students Welfare Council no confidence in his taste or judgment— he is regimented. The Architects Club — Robert Jones, Thanks From Student Relief Edward Denning, William RuoflF, Ber­ Editor: nard Mayotte The Student Relief Committee wishes to thank the entire student body for its Whatever Vierhile's remarks were, they co-operation and support in the cam­ Then here's your chance to ivere positively not evasive. He said the paign just ended. Acknowledgement is enter a business offering an opportunity for unlimited new liospital is the ugliest looking build­ particularly due the SCHOLASTIC, Station earnings . plus the satisfac­ ing in nwthem Indiana — next to the WND, the Blue Circle, and Gene Hull tion of rendering a worthwhile court house in South Bend. The archi­ and his orchestra. An appreciative nod community service. Many of tects say it's functional, but nowhere do here is also given to the officers and our representatives earn $4,000 they deny that it's ugly.—Editor. members of the various campus clubs to $9,000 a year, and more!' who worked so selflessly and eflfectively To find out more about the opportunities offered to you in to make the Mardi Gras Carnival a suc­ a life insurance selling career, Married Students Grateful cess. send for our free booklet. If Editor: In addition, our best wishes go to the you appear to have the quali­ fications for success, our man­ Through the SCHOLASTIC the Married merchants, newspapers and radio sta­ ager in or near your community Students Welfare Council wishes to ex­ tions in South Bend who, almost without will explain our excellent on- press its gratitude for the |1500 rea­ exception, gave generously of their time the-job training course and lized from the students Mardi Gras. Our and resources. the famous Mutual Lifetime first thanks goes to John Dempsey, chair­ Finally, we wish to express our ap­ Compensation Plan, which preciation to Fathers Murphy, Kehoe provides liberal commissions, man of the Student Relief Campaign service fees and a substsntial and secondly to John Moorehead, chair­ and Barry, without whose aid, encour­ retirement income at 65. man of the Mardi Gras. Our thanks also agement and advice our eiforts would to the Knights of Columbus, particularly have availed nothing. John Noonan, grand knight, and Maur­ John P. Dempsey, Chairman, INSUIANCE COMPANY •« NEW YOIK ice Casey, who so graciously took charge The Student Relief Committee of the various booths and the awarding J4 Nassau SliMt SMf Nt*Yotli5.N.V of the television set. FIRST IN ^R AMERICA A 'Norm of Criticism' We are indeed gi'ateful and encour­ FOR FKEE BOOKI.£r ADDRESS DEFT. 7 aged by such actions among our fellow Editor: students. Neither do I consider the Juggler a In order to clarify any misunderstand­ work of perfection, but, Mr. Halpin, you ing which might arise in the future we have, simply, demonstrated an obvious CITZ- would like it known that this is the Mar­ conceit, an intellectual pride, which your March 18, 1949 review certainly does not justify. You dicts your recent review of You Too tfiem, was written for them. We hope have casually become an absolute nomi Can Change tlie World. It is written in m4)st of them tJwught more highly of it of criticism, the same norm adopted by the spirit of Guardini and Hildebrand tlian Mr. Despot. the anti-Christian press everywhere. You and the apocalyptic French writers—I Greg Halpin have adjudged the Juggler on one basis could ask if you are even familiar with —^the modem doctrine of leveling man's them. A New Proposal mind into an automaton. The plain horror of modern education Editor: As I understand it the purpose of What is most tragic is your completely could neither be condemned nor remedied in such brief space—it is only in that student government is to supplement the unconcefi.lfid superficiality. First, you say school in the development of capable the Juggler is good because it has a respect that the symposium seems "defi­ cient," etc. It is written in the same leadership. Father John J. Cavanaugh pretty cover. End of statement. Then, said, "Today's need is for well trained spirit, and essentially claims for you the again, in your ci-iticism of the stories, few leaders in industry, in all the professions education that you have not gotten— could know what you mean by "force" and in statecraft." Cardinal Newman the education Maritain suggests in Edu­ and "perception," or in your judgment said, "It is not the way to learn to swim cation at the Crossroads. of the poetry, by "attractive" or "im­ in troubled waters by never having gone pressionable," and one wonders what is You have neither re\iewed nor criti­ into them." cized the Juggler (and it can be criti­ the "real force" of Intruder in the Dust. Are we acepting our obligation to so­ cized) ; you have merely barked as the One also wonders what is so insignificant ciety when we give only 24 men an op­ dog of the public. about Geoi-ge' Murphy's poetry. portunity to serve on our Student Coun­ What are "heavy reading," "heavy Gregoi'y Despot cil? If it is of value for 24 to develop writing," "writing for writing's sake?" Box 87 their ability to address a group on an In this trite accusation, you most fully issue, to learn parliamentary procedure, demonstrate this conceit. Mr. Halpin, In answer to Mr. Despot's question I to give and take in committee work, to ai-e you so all-fired certain that you have freely admit my ignorance of the French realize the effort necessary to make de­ a "clear concept of ideas?" Just what is tvriters Tnentioned or implied. mocracy alive, then would it not be de­ being dug for, "bigger and grander," In answer to his criticism I can but sirable for more to have this oppor­ and not being said? I consider your un­ say that I wrote what I thought—hon­ tunity? qualified judgment of these works most estly and with as much clarity as pos­ This lower house could be composed presumptuous and unjust.
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