Refugees from South Sudan As of 31 December 2019

Refugees from South Sudan As of 31 December 2019

SUDAN: KHARTOUM POPULATION DASHBOARD Refugees from South Sudan as of 31 December 2019 Total number of refugees¹ 283,895 BY DATA SOURCE POPULATION DISTRIBUTION UNHCR/COR² registered refugees 72,567 IPP³ registered & unregistered 211,328 Total arrivals in 2019 - 2 Total arrivals in December 2019 - 1 Government sources estimate the number of South Sudanese refugees in Sudan to be higher; however, data requires verification. Biometric registration (26%) Out-of-camp registered with UNHCR/COR (26%) 2 Commission for Refugees IPP Registered & Unregistered (74%) Out-of-camp - IPP registered & unregistered (74%) 3 Immigration and Passport Police AGE-GENDER BREAKDOWN⁴ SCHOOL- AGED REPRODUCTIVE- HOUSEHOLD CHILDREN (6-17 YRS)⁴ AGED WOMEN/GIRLS DISTRIBUTION⁴ (13-49 YRS)⁴ Age (years) Male Female 0-4 6% -20 6% 20 5-11 10% 10% 19% 33% 28% 12-17 7% 8% 18-59 23% 25% 60+ 3% 3% Primary ‘6-13 yrs’ (23%) Women-headed (19%) 4 Population distribution statistics are based on biometrically registered individuals only Secondary ‘14-17 yrs’ (10%) 82 Karari 7,576 Khartoum North 504 Umm Badda Nivasha 2,123 AL-Takamol 10,047 John Madit 153 Hy Baraka Block 3 Hy Baraka Block 4 7,251 EGYPT 58 Angola 2,963 696 LIBYA Red Sea 508 Red Sea 72 Northern 4,156 Sharq El Nile 1,920 16,687 River Nile Khartoum CHAD North Darfur 7606 Khartoum Kassala SUDAN 122 North Kordofan El Gazira 2,895 603 Gedaref West Darfur White Nile Sennar 63 Central Darfur West Kordofan KHARTOUM South Kordofan Blue Nile South Darfur East Darfur ETHIOPIA 3,054 14,126 SOUTH SUDAN 1,828 Um Durman 1,422 6,468 10,005 Jabal Aulia NORTHERN NORTH KORDOFAN 9,676 NILE 2,885 Umm Badda 1,558 Al GEZIRA Karari Khartoum North Bantiu Legend KHARTOUM Sharq El Nile 10,517 Khartoum UNHCR Oce Um Durman Jabal Aulia Open Areas GEDAREF Dar El Selam 8 Dar El Selam 7 Undetermined boundary 3,199 1,959 Al GEZIRA State boundary WHITE NILE Locality boundary 5km The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply ocial endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. The population numbers in the map represent only registered South Sudanese refugees Creation date: 19 January 2020 Sources: UNHCR, COR Feedback: [email protected] 1 SUDAN: KHARTOUM POPULATION DASHBOARD Refugees from South Sudan as of 30 November 2019 POPULATION FIGURES BY LOCALITY Total refugees from South Sudan By Data Source Locality Previous population Increases Decreases Current population UNHCR/COR registered refugees IPP registered as of 30 November New arrivals Other increases Individuals as of 31 December Individually HH pre- & 2019 (Inds) (Inds) 2019 registered registration Unregistered JABAL AULIA 87,657 87,657 25,680 61,977 SHARQ EL NILE 57,643 57,643 22,469 35,174 UMBADA 38,928 38,928 504 38,424 UMDURMAN 31,250 31,250 12,100 19,150 KHARTOUM NORTH BAHRI 28,265 28,265 7,576 20,689 KHARTOUM 20,946 20,946 4,156 16,790 KARARI 19,206 19,206 82 19,124 TOTAL 283,895 283,895 72,567 211,328 AGE-GENDER BREAKDOWN OF POPULATION IN OPEN AREAS Open Area 0-4 5-11 12-17 18-59 60+ GRAND TOTAL F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total AL TAKAMOL 201 89 290 179 201 380 468 135 603 49 471 520 48 79 127 945 975 1,920 HY BARAKA BLOCK 3 135 133 268 299 302 601 230 212 442 706 656 1,362 60 162 222 1,430 1,465 2,895 HY BARAKA BLOCK 4 29 31 60 63 69 132 53 47 100 155 117 272 11 28 39 311 292 603 BANTIU 571 571 1,142 1,062 1,064 2,126 782 783 1,565 2,321 1,823 4,144 328 333 661 5,064 4,574 9,638 DAR EL SELAM 7 155 166 321 316 317 633 241 226 467 733 564 1,297 94 111 205 1,539 1,384 2,923 DAR EL SELAM 8 78 81 195 162 180 342 142 145 287 386 280 666 45 59 104 813 745 1,558 ANGOLA 3 1 4 1 6 7 2 6 8 21 12 33 3 8 11 30 33 63 NAIVASHA 450 484 934 820 773 1,593 555 567 1,122 1,872 1,508 3,380 276 301 577 3,973 3,633 7,606 JOHN MADIT 6 6 12 14 14 28 7 10 17 35 22 57 4 4 8 66 56 122 TOTAL 1,628 1,562 3,190 2,916 2,926 5,842 2,480 2,131 4,611 6,278 5,453 11,731 869 1,085 1,954 14,171 13,157 27,328 Creation date: 19 January 2020 Sources: UNHCR, COR Feedback: [email protected] 2 SUDAN: EAST DARFUR POPULATION DASHBOARD Refugees from South Sudan as of 31 December 2019 BY DATA SOURCE POPULATION DISTRIBUTION Total number of refugees 74,478 UNHCR/COR registered refugees 55,857 IPP registered & unregistered 18,621 Total arrivals in 2019 9,293 Total arrivals in December 2019 19 Government sources estimate the number of South Sudanese refugees in Sudan to be higher; however, data requires verification. Biometric registration (73%) Camp population registered with UNHCR/COR (48%) Commission for Refugees Household Pre-Registration (2%) Out-of-camp registered with UNHCR/COR (27%) Immigration and Passport Police IPP Registered & Unregistered (25%) Out-of-camp - IPP registered & unregistered (25%) SCHOOL- AGED REPRODUCTIVE- HOUSEHOLD AGE-GENDER BREAKDOWN CHILDREN (6-17 YRS) AGED WOMEN/GIRLS DISTRIBUTION Age (years) Male Female (13-49 YRS) 0-4 -20 7% 7% 20 5-11 12% 12% 34% 48% 25% 12-17 7% 7% 18-59 21% 22% 60+ 3% 2% Primary ‘6-13 yrs’ (26%) Women-headed (47%) Population distribution statistics are based on biometrically registered individuals only Secondary ‘14-17 yrs’ (8%) Child-headed (1%) SAUDI EGYPT ARABIA LIBYA C# Red Sea Red Sea Northern NORTH River Nile CHAD North SHEARIA Darfur Khartoum North Kassala ERITREA DARFUR Kordofan El Gezira West Darfur White Gedaref Nile Central West Sennar Darfur Kordofan Blue C# East South South Nile Darfur Kordofan Darfur ETHIOPIA Yassin (Muhajiria) CAR SOUTH SUDAN 796 ED DAEIN YASSIN ABU KARINKA Abu Karinka Ed Daein C# 2,134 # 7,049 ADILA CA Ed Daein Assalaya C# WEST 1,410 C# Adila 3,800 ASSALAYA Al Nimir KORDOFAN #B 12,882 SOUTH Kario C# #B 28,477 C# DARFUR C# El Ferdous Town Abu Jabra 7,264 Abu Matariq 5,790 2,376 EL FERDOUS BAHR EL ARAB ABU JABRA Legend Abu Simsim and Umazelti UNHCR oce 2,500 Refugee settlement Abyei PCA Area Refugee camp SOUTH SUDAN Kiir (Bahr el-Arab) Crossing point Undetermined boundary State boundary D Locality boundary D River Nile 20km The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply ocial endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. *Final status of the Abyei area is not yet determined. Creation date: 19 January 2020 Sources: UNHCR, COR, IPP, Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) , IOM Feedback: [email protected] 1 SUDAN: EAST DARFUR POPULATION DASHBOARD Refugees from South Sudan as of 31 December 2019 POPULATION FIGURES BY LOCALITY Total refugees from South Sudan By Data Source Locality Previous population Increases Decreases Current population UNHCR/COR registered refugees IPP registered as of 30 November New arrivals Other increases Individuals as of 31 December Individually HH pre- & 2019 (Inds) (Inds) 2019 registered registration Unregistered BAHR EL ARAB 33,350 3 33,353 26,804 6,549 EL DAEIN 7,049 7,049 29 7,020 ABU JABRA 5,790 5,790 5,506 284 ASSALAYA 14,276 16 14,292 11,101 3,191 ADILA 3,800 3,800 2,830 970 EL FERDOUS 7,264 7,264 5,933 1,331 ABU KARINKA 2,134 2,134 1,784 350 YASSIN 796 796 616 180 TOTAL 74,459 19 74,478 54,603 1,254 18,621 AGE-GENDER BREAKDOWN OF POPULATION IN CAMP 0-4 5-11 12-17 18-59 60+ GRAND TOTAL CAMPS F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total AL NIMIR 994 977 1,971 1,658 1,625 3,283 1,036 1,019 2,055 3,011 2,151 5,162 248 163 411 6,947 5,935 12,882 KARIO 1,850 2,030 3,880 3,219 3,503 6,722 1,670 2,080 3,750 6,067 6,524 12,591 591 943 1,534 13,397 15,080 28,477 TOTAL 2,844 3,007 5,851 4,877 5,128 10,005 2,706 3,099 5,805 9,078 8,675 17,753 839 1,106 1,945 20,344 21,015 41,359 Creation date: 19 January 2020 Sources: UNHCR, COR, IPP, Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) , IOM Feedback: [email protected] 2 SUDAN: NORTH DARFUR POPULATION DASHBOARD Refugees from South Sudan as of 31 December 2019 Total number of refugees 20,763 BY DATA SOURCE POPULATION DISTRIBUTION UNHCR/COR registered refugees 20,763 IPP registered & unregistered - Total arrivals in 2019 - Total arrivals in December 2019 - * Government sources estimate the number of South Sudanese refugees in Sudan to be higher; however, Biometric registration (100%) Out-of-camp registered with UNHCR/COR (100%) data requires verification. ** Commission for Refugees *** Immigration and Passport Police AGE-GENDER BREAKDOWN ** SCHOOL- AGED REPRODUCTIVE- HOUSEHOLD CHILDREN (6-17 YRS) *** AGED WOMEN/GIRLS DISTRIBUTION*** (13-49 YRS)*** Age (years) Male Female 0-4 9% -20 8% 20 27% 5-11 8% 8% 25% 18% 12-17 6% 4% 18-59 36% 16% 60+ 4% 1% Primary ‘6-13 yrs’ (18%) Women-headed (22%) *** Population distribution statistics are based on biometrically registered individuals only Secondary ‘14-17 yrs’ (7%) Child-headed (5%) SAUDI EGYPT ARABIA LIBYA Red Sea Red Sea Northern River Nile CHAD NorthKALIMENDO Khartoum Darfur North Kassala ERITREA Kordofan El Gezira West Darfur White Gedaref Nile Central West Sennar Darfur Kordofan Blue East South South Nile Darfur Kordofan Darfur ETHIOPIA CAR SOUTH SUDAN NORTH DARFUR NORTH DARFUR STATE EL TAWEISHA El Malha El Fasher Town 1,107 # WEST Kornoi Um Buru El Tina KORDOFAN Kutum Mellit El Kuma El Sireaf El Fasher C# Umm Saraf OmraKebkabiya A Tawilla Keddada Kalimendo AL LAIT Dar El Salam Shag-Al-Gamous El Taweisha 192 C# 20,813 C# Al Lait C#C#C#C#C#C# C Haskanita Abo Gileiha C# Al Lait Town 2,800 C# 2,770 Legend Abu Sufiyan 4,119 UNHCR oce 997 Habib Darma Hillet Ali C# Godat 676 C# 259 Refugee settlement C# 1,642 C# Reception centre C# Shag Allayoun Dalil Dokhry C# Crossing point 986 Futaha 679 Undetermined boundary 2,217 Dalil Babiker State boundary Note: The map does not include the population 1,981 Locality boundary figures and physical location of an estimated 338 EAST DARFUR individuals in Andrab.

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