1 ? “WASTE REDUCTION- POLLUTION PREVENTION: PROGRESS AND PROSPECTS WITHIN NORTH CAROLINA” POLLLJllONs PREVENTION PAYS P NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT James G. Martin Governor, North Carolina S. Thomas Rhodes Secretary, NRCD 1 7 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONFERENCE "WASTE REDUCTION-POLLUTION PREVENTION: PROGRESS AND PROSPECTS WITHIN NORTH CAROLINA" March 30-31, 1988 Raleigh, NC Jeri Gray James M. Stewart Donald Huisingh Conference and Proceedings financed in part by The Pollution Prevention Program of the Division of Environmental Management of the N.C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development through the The Water Resources Research Institute of The University of North Carolina Ackrmr(edgnents Program planning for this statewide conference uas carried out by a steering comnittee conlposed of the following people: James M. Steuart, Associate Director, UNC Water Resources Research Institute 1 Roger N. Schecter, Director, N.C. Pollution Prevention Program Donald Huisingh, Professor, North Carolina State university Division of University Studies Gary E. Hunt, Envirowntal Engineer, N.C. Pollution Prevention Program Linda Little, Executive Director, Governor's Was e Management Board Edgar Mil ler, Governor's Waste Management Board T 1 I William Paige, Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Branch, N.C. Department of Human Resources The following organizations assisted uith mailing lists, publicity, and speaker contacts: N.C. League of Municipalities * N.C. County Conmissioners Association * Consulting Engineers Council of N.C. * N.C. Textile Manufacturers Association American Furniture Manufacturers Association * Blue Ridge Branch of I the Electroplaters Association Professional Engineers of N.C. * Citizens for Susiness and Industry NCSU Industrial Extension Service * National Association of Hosiery Manufacturers League of Women Voters of North Carolina * Conservation Council of North Carolina Clean Water Fund Sierra Club * N.C. Water Pollution Control Association * Southeast Waste Exchange I The organizers of the conference wish to extend special thanks to all the speakers for their participation and assistance and to the follouing people for special assistance in developing technical sessions: Jerome Kohl, Senior Engineering Extension Specialist, NCSU; Roy Carauan, Professor of Food I Science, NCSU; Mary Beth Edleman, UNC Environmental Resources Project, UNC-Chapel Hill; Donald M. Preiss, Materials Engineering and Extension Specialist, NCSU; Stan Taylor, Data General; Setsy Dorn, Mecklenbilrg County Engineering; Michael Smith, Sandoz Chemical Corporation. Special thanks are also due the following people: Linda Lambert, Administrative Officer uith WRRI I for facilities and registration coordination; Eva Teu, Frances Yeargan, Dot Ruffner, and Andrew Lawler of the WRRI staff for registration and other assistance; Charlotte Luke, Administrative Secretary uith the Pollution Prevention Program for assistance in conference coordination; John Hardy, artist uith the N.C. Department of Natural Resources and Cormunity Developnent, for brochure and proceedings cover design. I No longer uith this organization I I I I 1 i Copyright 0 1988 North Carolina Pollution Prevention Program All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or I transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the Pollution Prevention Program, North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Comnunity DeveLopnent, P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC 27611, (919) n3- 7015. 1 ii I 1 1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONFERENCE "WASTE REDUCTION-POLLUTION PREVENTION: PROGRESS AND PROSPECTS WITHIN NORTH CAROLINA" March 30-31, 1988 Raleigh, NC Edit ed by : Jeri Gray James M. Stewart Donald Huisingh Conference and Proceedings financed in part by The Pollution Prevention Program of the Division of Environmental Management of the N.C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development through the The Water Resources Research Institute of The University of North Carolina 1 .. Ackmledgtmts 1 Program planning for this stateuide conference uas carried out by a steering comnittee conposed of the follouing people: James M. Steuart, Associate Director, UNC Water Resources Research Institute Roger N. Schecter, Director, N.C. Pollution Prevention Program 1 Donald Huisingh, Professor, North Carolina State University Division of University Studies Gary E. Hunt, Environmental Engineer, N.C. Pollution Prevention Program Linda Little, Executive Director, Governor's Was e Management Board Edgar Mi l ler, Governor's Yaste Management Board ! 1 I William Paige, Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Branch, N.C. Department of Hunan Resources The foltouing organizations assisted with mailing lists, publicity, and speaker contacts: N.C. League of Municipalities * N.C. County Comnissioners Association Consutting Engineers Council of N.C. * N.C. Textile Manufacturers Association American Furniture Manufacturers Association * Blue Ridge Branch of I the Electroplaters Association * Professional Engineers of N.C. * Citizens for Business and Industry NCSU Industrial Extension Service * National Association of Hosiery Manufacturers League of Women Voters of North Carolina Conservation Council of North Carolina Clean Uater Fund * Sierra Club N.C. Water Pollution Control Association * Southeast Waste Exchange 1 The organizers of the conference uish to extend special thanks to all the speakers for their participation and assistance and to the following people for special assistance in developing technical sessions: Jerome Kohl, Senior Engineering Extension Specialist, NCSU; Roy Carauan, Professor of Food I Science, NCSU; Mary Beth Edleman, UNC Environmental Resources Project, UNC-Chapel Hill; Donald M. Preiss, Materials Engineering and Extension Specialist, NCSU; Stan Taylor, Data General; Betsy Dorn, Mecklenhrg County Engineering; Michael Smith, Sandoz Chemical Corporation. I Special thanks are also due the following people: Linda Lambert, Administrative Officer uith URRI for facilities and registration coordination; Eva Teu, Frances Yeargan, Dot Ruffner, and Andreu Lauler of the URRI staff for registration and other assistance; Charlotte Luke, Administrative Secretary uith the Pollution Prevention Program for assistance in conference coordination; John Hardy, artist uith the N.C. i Department of Natural Resources and Cwmhlnity Developrent, for brochure and proceedings cwer design. ' No longer uith this organization 1 I I i 1 1 Copyright 0 1988 North Carolina Pollution Prevention Program All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or I transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the Pollution Prevention Program, North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Comnunity Developrent, P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC 27611, (919) 733- 7015. ii 1 . i Abstract 1 North Carolha has been a leader in pnanoting the Pollution Prevention axxept. In May 1982, the first Pollution Prevention Pays symposium in the United States was held in Winston-Salem, and shortly thereafter a statewide 1I program of multimedia waste reduction assistance-the North Qrolh Pollution h-evention established in the Division of EnvhmtalNamgement of the Deprtment of Natural Resources and Omnuru'ty Developrent. Since then 1 the nonregulatory Pollution Prevention m-Ogram has dozmwnted mysuccesses in waste reduction and has been recognized as the most effective in the country. lhis conference, 'Waste Reduction-Pollution Prevention: PrOJress and 1 Prospeclts in North mlha,"was an important step in North Carolina's contiriuing efforts to educate industrialists, govenrment leaders, public officials, and citizens about the concepts, approaches, and current technology wfiereby wastes, pollution, and their associated cc5ts can be curbed. The conference kgan with an opening plenary session in which speakers L_'1 presented local, state, national, and globdl perspectives on waste reduction, including an assessment of the status of waste reduction technology and practices. ?he session was follmed by 16 cement sessions featuring 50 technical presentations addressbq a camplete range of baste 1 reduction concans fm regulatory and financial incentives to state-of-the-art technology for specific in?ustries. In the cldncj plenary session speaF;ers representing industry, errviromtal, and regulatory perspedives presented 3 their rewmmendations for prm0tb-g waste nzduction practices nationwide. 3 3 I 3 iii J TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Overview of North Carolina's Waste Reduction Efforts and Purposes of the Conference Roger Schecter, Director N.C. Pollution Prevention Program .....1.1-1.4 National Waste Reduction Strateqies James Lounsbury, Director, EPA Waste Minimization Staff........2.1-2.5 Brinqina It Home: N.C. PersDectives "North Carolina's Commitment to Pollution Prevention" S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary of Natural Resources and Community Development ..................................... 3.1 Waste Reduction and the Siting of Hazardous Waste Treatment Facilities: A Legislator's Viewpoint" Bruce Ethridge, N.C. House of Representatives ..................4.1-4.3 "Waste Reduction: An Environmentalist's Perspective" Bill Holman, Environmental Lobbyist ............................5.1-5.4 "Waste
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