The Original Documents Are Located in Box 9, Folder “Congress - Meetings with the President.” of the John Marsh Files at the Gerald R

The Original Documents Are Located in Box 9, Folder “Congress - Meetings with the President.” of the John Marsh Files at the Gerald R

The original documents are located in Box 9, folder “Congress - Meetings with the President.” of the John Marsh Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 9 of The John Marsh Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON FEB 4 1975 DATE: z-4-~ TO: :r~~ FROM: Max L. Friedersdorf Please handle------------------ Please see me For your information.~~~-·------ Other ' '( 1uesctay, l•'ebruary 4~ 1975.' a~ 6:30 p.m. · · ·· (111) I;. I 1 f ' '• l, -,, , •. ., ' • '··,·,., ... ,' :,', _'' ';, ••• ' '• ': '' ,:' ; ' 'i <.. ;·,·' ,::..~ , 1 I''~ ~ .. I '. .... 1 . '', 0 ' ' '·-~: .... • .,:. :·; :·· ·'. ": :• t•. ~ ,_.: .... 1,: •• ' '~ :.. :::1 . ',o I'll ".: ·,, '·,· ': ··,' u . • ; . ; 'l '­ . --. 1:. p.. «>' · • ··c. fll .. ~ ' • ~ ,·' ' bJ) v· v ·:;: .<tl ..0 «> . v· 4-l ·.. ,.tj~- ~· 'I'll o .. o· ... o 'p:l .. ' ' . : N ' '. ' .. ' . .. !;_ • I' ' ' >. '· ·.·: u' \' ~:: ' u' ' ·• .... ~' :' J-1 v (e; ··~· '{f) '" l,·, .. ~ 'tf.l ;.'l' • .._.... ••• # ' • ~ '·~· ~ M.r. Hartmanrt ·Mr.· Marsh Rep. Wydler Mr. Rumsfcld Rep. Conte Rep. Harsha Mr .. :Fritidersdorf Rep. Mosher R cp. Clancy : Rqp. Wampler Rep. Johnson · R cp. Vviggins Rep. Bell · · : Hep. Wilson · · Rep.""-Latta ·Rep.· Hor~qn ·. Hep. McEwen Rep. Clawson Rep. Hastings :Rep·. Biest~r Rep. Whitehurst' · 'Rep. 'Skubitz ·. Rep. Crane Rep. Clcvelartd Rep. Erlenborn · . Rep.: 'Kemp Rep,. Railsback. Rep; Ruppert· Hcp. Heckler . ' R cp. Buchana'n Rep. Collins Rep •. Eshleman Mr. CJ:.eney . · Rep. Find):ey Rep. Steelman Rep. McCollis R,ep. Fish·. Rep. ·.Thone ·. Rep.· Esch · ·Rep. Lent. ,Rep. Heinz Rep. duPont : · Rep. pnyder·. · , .. Rep.·· Coughlin Rep. Lujan<. Rep.'.·Wylie Rep. Burgener I I Rep. Bear.d Rep. Goldwater· 'Rep~·· Burke . Rep; -Robinson .Rep .. Qochraii Rep·. Rinaldo Rep. Andrew~ R~p. Peyser.· , Rep!: Hillis Rep .. Regula ,· · Rep. ¥cClos.key Mr. Cyr 'l . Rep. Bafalis · Rep. Treen. · ·· · · .. ·:Rep.· Miller. · Rep. Ketchum : . : . ; ·Rep. Shuster Rep. Symm.s I . ,.. 1 1.·., Rep.· slcy Mr: Cannon :·.Rep;~ Lott .; •. Rep . .Guyer . , . Rep.':s·~ras1n ... Rep. Hinshaw .y· . • R tp. Kindncs s Rep. Young ·:· .. R OJ?•: · Wafsh·. ·. Rep. Mc;Kinney ·'. · '. :R ~p;;, .Taylor... ·Rep. Moorhead Mr.· Hidalgo Rep .• Whalen .... :.:. Re.p .. ·Pressler Rep. ·Johnson ·.· · ' . :Rep: Pri.ttha.'rd Rep. Gilman Rep'• ·Hyde R cp. Abdnor •· · · •· 'Rep ... Mo{)re.· . Rep.' ·Bauman '· Rep. • Hagedon\,; Rep. Conlan lj Rep. Smith ·Hep. Hansen ~.eP··. Myers ·Rep .. ~elly · .· .· .. ~ep. Em.ery. Rep .. Daniel I .. , .·,· R~p. Goodling . ., . M:r. •. •~oeffler · Mr .. /Wolth\.tis · Rep. Gradison · !.' ..· l ' ,' ,\, j Rc'p. Jeffords · .. '. ·j'··' Mr. Bennett .. ·,}· ,, I I· ' '· \ ·' j ''' 1 '' Mr. 'Leppert .... \ .. \ • ., t . .,. ,·, ' : "' ... .. •, ·•. .' .·. .. '.. ' . ~ •· .~· '' . ,,· ·" 'l; FE 8 February 18, 1975 J'ORa DONALD RUMSPBLD THIWI JIM COBHOR PROM: MAX L. J!'RIBDBRSORF SUBJBC'l't Bipart1Na Leaderllbip Breufut We z-eceivad a .-o&-andua fr01a warren Raat&Dd on rebnary 12 tor appzovad Preaidential aotivi•y 1n.o1Yin9 a bipart1aan 1eader­ i b~faat toz- Tburaclay, l'eb~ 20 at 7 a30 A.M. filia rov 1 waa cbackad wi~ tbe 110Wulin9 office and YeZ'bally rov before iavitationa were iaauect. 1 \lft4eratand t.Aat you iaa\184 a ....oraadua aulltlq1lo8At to t.bia aabe4u1e ·~ indioat.J.av no ltipan1aaa l..S.rah.lp ...t.inga were t.o be acbaduled without an ageada IUl4 that they a!lcNld be breakfaau oalr every third or fourth tjaa. In the aaae of tbe ~buraday ~ipartiaaD 1eaderah1p ...ttDv, becau.. iavit.atioaa have beaD i.a8Wid and nuaezooua acaepUncea r:aaeived, Z believe we ahou1d aot cliaiaYite. I reca.end we prooee4 with the app&"Onld aohadule to avoid ambarra-Dt of a lu~-aiaate aftaa9e aDd\lte your ia•t.ruot.iona for fut.ue _.t.iava. /.. Jaolt llllrllh THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON February 12, 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR: MR. MAX L. FRIEDERSDORF FROM: WARREN RUSTANr()}J~ SUBJECT: Approved Presidential Activity Please take the necessary steps to implement the following and confirm with Mrs. Nell Yates. ext. 2699. The appropriate briefing paper should be submitted to Dr. David Hoopes by 4:00 p.m. of the preceding day. Meeting: Bipartisan Leadership Breakfast Date: Thur. Feb. 20, Time: 7:30 a.m. Duration: 90 minutes 1975 Location: Press Coverage: White House Photographer Purpose: CC: Mr. Hartmann Mr. Marsh Mr. Cheney Dr. Connor Dr. Hoopes Mrs. Howe Mr. Nessen Mr. 0 1 Donnell Mr. Scouten Mrs. Yates THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON March 3, 1975 BREAKFAST ~illETING WITH FRESHMEN DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSMEN Tuesday, March 4, 1975 7:30-9:00 a.m. ( 1 1/2 hours) The State Dining Room From: Nax L. Friedcrsdorf ~, 6, I. PURPOSE To meet with the new Democratic Members of the 94th Congress, anmver their questions and establish rapport. II. BACKGROUND, PARTICIPANTS AND PRESS PLAN A. Background: 1. Seventy-five new Democratic Congressmen were elected to the 94th Congress, including five former Members: I Robert Duncan (ORE), Andy Jacobs (IND), Abner Mikva (ILL) ,i Richard Ottinger (NY) 1 and James Scheuer (NY}. 2. Representative Carroll Hubbard, of Kentucky, with whom you met on February 27, is Chairman of the freshmen Democrats. Other officers are Gladys Noon Spellman,(MD) Vice Chairman, and Berkley Bedell (IOWA), Secretary. 3. Representative Hubbard has indicated the freshmen Democrats wanted a meeting with you and the invitation ·- was extended during your recent meeting. B. Participants: See Tab A Press Plan: Announce to the press as a working breakfast with House Democratic freshmen. David Hume Kennerly photographs. III. AGENDA See Tab B IV. TALKING POINTS 1. I am delighted to have this opportunity to meet with you this morning. 2. To have the most useful exchange possible, we will seek to hold our presentation to a minimum and allow plenty of time for questions and answers. 3. I would like to give you a brief summary of my views on the Administration's economic and energy proposals for your consideration. 4. We are extremely anxious that the economic tax cut be passed as soon as possible and presented for my signature. 5. We are also strongly interested in getting our energy program underway. 6. (The President briefly describes his economic and energy programs and then opens the meeting to questions.) PARTICIPANTS The President The Vice President HOUSE Ambro, Jerome Holland, Kenneth AuCoin, Les Hm~-e, Allan Baldus, Alvin Hubbard, Carroll Baucus, Max Hughes, William Beard, Edward Jacobs, Andrew Bedell, Berkley Jenrette, John Blanchard, James Keys, Martha Blouin, Michael Krebs, John Banker, Don Krueger, Robert Brodhead, William LaFalce, John Carr, Bob Levitas, Elliott Cornell, Robert Lloyd, Jim D'Amours, Norman McDonald, Larry Derrick, Butler McHugh, Matthew Dodd, Christopher Maguire, Andrew Downey, Thomas Meyner, Helen Duncan, Robert r.fikVa 1 Abner Early, Joseph Miller, George Edgar, Robert Mineta, Norman English, Glenn l\1offett, Anthony Evans, David Mottl, Ronald Fisher, Joseph Neal, Stephen Fithian, Floyd Nolan, Richard Florio, James Nowak, Henry Ford, Harold Oberstar, James Hall, Tim Ottinger, Richard Hannaford, Mark Patterson, Jerry Harkin, Tom Pattison, Edward ·Harris, Herbert Richmond, Frederick Hayes, Philip Russo, ~1artin Hefner, W. G. Santini, Jim Hightower, Jack Scheuer, James Sharp, Philip Simon, Paul Solarz, Stephen Spellman, Gladys Tsongas, Paul Waxman, Henry Weaver, James Wirth, Timothy Zeferetti, Leo 2 STAFF Secretary of State Kissinger Secretary of the Treasury Simon Secretary of the Interior Morton Dor.. Rumsfeld Bob Hartmann Jack Marsh Bill Seidman Alan Greenspan Max Friedersdorf Brent Scowcroft Frank Zarb Vern Loen Charles Leppert Doug Bennett Bob Wolthuis Russ Rourke REGRETS Rep. l1arilyn Lloyd Rep. Ted Risenhoover AGENDA 7:30-7:50 a.m. Breakfast {20 minutes) 7:50-8:00 a.m. The President welcomes his guests and introduces (10 minutes) Jack Marsh and Max Friedersdorf 8:00-8:05 a.m. Marsh explains role of White House Congressional {5 ::ninutes) RelC~.tions. Friedersd:Jrf introduces White House Congressional staff. 8:05-8:15 a.m. The President introduces Secretary Kissinger (10 minutes) who describes the purpose and objective of the impending Middle East trip. 8:15-8:30 a.m. The President states the rationale and purpose (15 minutes) of his economic and energy proposals. 8:30-9:00 a.m. Questions and answers (The President, Zarb, (30 minutes) Greenspan, Seidman, Morton and Kissinger 9:00 a.m. Meeting adjourns March 17. 1975 Jack. a tentatl"M Coaare••lonal Hoar la scheduled fer Nard %4 ••• I cbiebd-.ttll both Mas alld Bill Nichol•oa••• ll the Coqre••loaal Hoar l• not •cratched Hortoa wlU be lncladed on that date. U the next CoJIIre••loaal How i• }Mit over aatU alter the l:a•ter rece••. Horton wilt be ta.. claded on that one. Ia Horton'• ab•ence. lad· vlaed Dave Lo"M.Ulm. Hortoa'• A. A. cb Februry Z4, I 975 WAltREN AUSTAMD THilOUGHl MAX i'a DDSDORF FBOW: JAC MARSH Coaar•••maa .Frau Hol"toa (a. •N. Y. } laa• caUecl to req•••t a 5 m.ta.te meetlac U.. Prii'W..t. Tile p pNe of tiM meetlq l• the followlq: 1. Pr.. eat &D Jaoaorarr me r•ldp certlllcate to tbe Pre•ldeat la tJae•c•• Temple. Tiae Coqr.. •maa w..W like te Ia&•• a lalte a .... pllftolrapller ayaUaltle for tile atto.e. APR 21 1975 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON April 21, 1975 MEETING WITH THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, HOUSE REPUBLICAN STUDY COMMITTEE Tuesday, April 22, 1975 2:00-2:45 p.m.

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