1>592-201102 NISl·l14A U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ,. PUMJCATIOIl 0Il1l8'OllT ....... (REV. MOl ~TIONAlINSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY NISTjSP-835 2. NII'OfIIIlNG OIl IIlIPOflT_ BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET 3. ~TIOIl DAft April 1992 4. TJTIJI .... SWTTTU List of Pub licat ions 1969-1991, Panel on Wind and Sei'lmic Effects 5- AUTtlOIl(lI Noel J. Raufaste. Ed. .. NlU'e-o OIlGAlllZA11OII (W' _T 011 OTHU THAll NlST.IUNlITIlUCTIONII 1. COMTIlACTIOJIUMT- U.s. DeAII~ Of ~ca IIATlOIUL ...TITVft Of IT....AIlOI NID ftc:HllOlO4lY ca.vr-......., __ .. TV.- Of NPOIlT AND PUtIOD CO\IlIIlID Final .. 1I'OIlS0IlING OIlGAlllZA11OII .....AND COWUft ADOlI.11 (lTIlID. CITY. STAn. a.) U.S.-Japan Panel on Wind and Seismic Effects Bilateral U.S.-Japan Program in Natural Resources 1JY..f;.T CATr&.a"Ofi.~ .. f ~(/; 10. I~AII" IIOTU 11. USTllACT (A 2000WC "0011 WS 'ACTUAL IUIIIIAIIY Of MOlT IlGM'1CANT _ORIllATIOIl. • DOCUIIElIT IIICLUD5I " IICINlFICANT -..oGIIU'HY 011 UTIIIATUQ IUIIWY. IIIIJfT10N IT "E., This publication communicates the results of the work of the Panel on Wind and Seismic Effects during the period 1969 through 1991. The Panel is one of 16 PanelS comprising the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources. Publications constitute a major end product of the Panel's efforts. This publication is divided into five chapters: 1. Panel background and activities; 2. infonnation about using this publication; 3. title index of Panel pub lica t ions froI:l 1969 through 1991; 4. title index of Task Committee publications from 1969 through 1991; and 5. author listing. 11. IllY WORD...TO 12~; ~ 0Il0PI; CAPlTMIa GIlLY PIlOPUl ......; AND .......TaIllY WORDI.' I.-ccN OIlS) earthquakes; large-scale testing; Iifeline; repair and retrofit; seismic control systems; seismic desiRn; soil behavior; storm surge; structural performance; tsunamis; wind 13. AVAIUMJTY n. _OfPMITDMIU ~ ...... 'OI! ~DII~ DO IIOT ___ TO IIATlOIUL ft~ ~T1OII ~ (IITlSt• en ..- 11. .... X ClIIIl8lPllOll"'~Of~.U.•. ~""""~ .....TC*,DC .... ~ ClIIIl8l PIlOII IIAT'IOIIoIL TaCMNICAL ..oNI\T1OII SIIMCIIINT1SI.......I&D YA "" • • U.S. G.P.O.:1992-311-891:60467 PB92-201102 NIST Specitd Publication 835 ,I . ~ List of Publications 1969 - 1991 Panel on Wind and Seismic ~ects Panel on Wind and Seismie Eft'ects ' 01 U.S.-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources United States Department of Commerce Technology Aaministration National Institute of Standards and Teohnology 'lfPq(l()UCEOBV us DEPARTMENT OF COUUERCE NATIONAl TeCHNICAllNFORIolATlON SERVia SPRINGFrEL.O VA 22161 Reproduced from best available copy 'i \.. ;," ...... Jt' l: ;: II \.. ,,1) J! i : i i; ;I ,.hr:j ,It,q \. J~ ~ ~! ~,l ~! ~d ~'I ": ii,1t I) ;.. I I i 1 J.. ,',I (!: \ I (r :I t j , r-\ ht'IlIH 'I "'Ill't.' ;Hld i t: U ,,': ",­ .... il"il.,:4d.\ I; \ , , \1 ,\ I';;'" 1'1" ,", \1\d l ","Ul.tl PL\'\I," OllljllJlillj.; alld \pplit'd \latht'I1I.\til~ k,I~~i' ,nit"'" ~)rl\'l~ \ a Illlr.lI 01') ()LLtntuIl1 \.1"t (, d\ \~\ "'I'. 1'\",1 'illl'l:~,ll~\ '[\.q \f.i.li)(.IlLI1h..... • 1\)lil.'lllf k,t\;:,d'tlj' .... : 'i'':I\..j\ ) !:\ ';:11-' lillI<' dlld I I"qller;" )\ 1( l"ld~\ (~'~1\~ '\'~L t n\q-\I\\!~'t.'II\'-' ()U:Ullllf11 P~l.\"j\" (I '!ttl'ijlt'; ...... Vl\ II ('ll)'j'lll'.." '.\-"!<.:1l1 :tr;d {·'~IlITllllnl\.'dlro\n... !11!,Q:ll.1ll,>r; ">,'ltlll' '\1 ~ .... 'llide J, ( ()"I '111, 'nOh' l,:krn~'f\h ,1' 1\..\,.1 k, \ (I ...... "il~ -IV- NIST Special Publication 835 List of Publications 1969 - 1991 Panel on Wind and Seismic Effects KeD-iehi Tokida, Japan and Noel J. Rauraste, NIST, Editors Building and Fire Research Laboratory Japan Ministry or Construction National Institute of Standards Public Works Research Institute and Technology Tsukuba,Japan Gaithersburg, MD 20899 April 1992 U.S. Department of C-Ommerce Barbara Hackman Franklin, Secretary Technology Administration Roben M. White, Under Secretary for Technology National Institute of Standards and Technology John W. Lyons, Director National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 835. Nat!. Inst. Stand. Technol. Spec. Pub!. 835, 97 pages (Apr. 1992) CODEN: NSPUE2 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1992 For sale by the Superintendent or Documents, U.S. Government Printina OffICe, Wuhinaton. DC 20402-9325 II . ABSTRACf This pUblication communicates the results of the work of The Panel on Wind and Seismic Effects during the period 1969 through 1991. The Panel is one of 16 Panels comprising the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources. Publications constitute a major end product of the Panel's efforts. This publication is divided into five chapters: 1. Panel background and activities; 2. information about using this publication; 3. title index of Panel publications from 1969 through 1991; 4. title index of Task Committee publications from 1969 through 1991; and 5. author listing. - iii - LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 1969 - 1991 PANEL ON WIND AND SEISMIC EFFECTS PREFACE The Panel on Wind and Seismic Effects is one of 16 Panels making up the United States-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources. The Panel's focus i.s on promoting the exchange of wind and seismic technology to better reduce structural, building, and lifeline damages caused by strong wind, earthquakes, high tides, and tsunamis. The idea of creating a List ofPublications of this Panel's work first surfaced in 1988 for the occasion of its 20th anniversary. Three years later this idea was brought to realization in support of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduc"'~on (lDNDR). This List notifies the many organizations and individuals within IDNDR countries about the availability of this Panel's technologies. The Japan-side Panel collected and categorized the papers whi~h make up the listings. These papers represent 23 years ofcollaborations between the United States and Japanese government researchers. Over 1200 papers were published during this time. Collectively, they make a valuable contribution to the literature and is an important resource for international cooperation. We the chairman of the Panel on Wind and Seismic Effects are pleased to be part of this major undertaking which has produced a useful resource of technologies in wind and earthquake engineering including storm surge and tsunamis. We thank all the authors found in the following pages for their useful contributions to their field of work. Their contribution form the basis for major improvements to U.S. and Japan design and construction practices. ~N~~~ T08hio Iwasaki Chainnan. U.S.-side Panel 01aiJman. Japan-side Panel Director Director-GeneraJ Building and Fire Researcb Laboratory Public Works Research Institute National Institute of Standards and Technology .y- CONTENTS PREFACE 1. BACKGROUND ................................................................ ill 2. USING nus PUBLICATION ................................................ :Ii 3. PUBLISHED REPORTS INDEX of JOINT PANEL MEETING 4. PUBLISHED REPORTS INDEX of TASK COMMIlTEES 41 TASK COMMITIEE "C" ............................................. 41 TASK COMMITTEE "0" ............................................. 46 TASK COMMITTEE "E" ............................................. 48 TASK COMMITTEE "F" ............................................. 49 TASK COMMITTEE "H" ............................................ 51 TASK COMMITTEE "I" ............................................. S3 TASK COMMITTEE "J" ............................................. SS S. AUTHOR'S INDEX ............................................................ 67 • vii· Preceding page blank 1. BACKGROUND Responding to the need for improved engineering and scientific practices through exchange of technical data and information. research personnel. and research equipment, the United States and Japan in 1961 creatP.d the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Science Program. Three collateral programs comprise the Cooperative Science Program. The U.S.-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (UJNR). one of the three. was created in January 1964. The objective of UJNR is to exchange information on research results and exchange scientists and engineers in the area of natural resources for the benefit ofboth countries. UJNR is composed of17 Panels each responsible for specific technical subjects. The Panel on Wind and Seismic Effects was established in 1969. Sixteen U.S. and six Japanese agencies participate with representatives of private sector organizations. to develop and exchange technologies aimed at reducing damages from high winds. earthquakes. storm surge. and tsunamis. This work is produced through collaboration between U.S. and Japanese member researchers working in 11 task committees. Each committee focuses on specific technical issues, e.g., earthquake strong motion data. The Panel provides the vehicle to exchange technical data and information on design and construction of civil engineering lifelines. buildings, and water front structures, and to exchange high wind and seismic measurement records. Annual meetings alternate between the U.S. and Japan (even numbered years in the U.S.; odd numbered years in Japan). These one-week technical meetings provide the forum to discuss ongoing research and research results; one-week technical study tours follow the meetings. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provides the U.S.-side chairman and secretariat. The Public Works Research Institute (PWRl) provides the Japan-side chairman and secretariat. Cooperative research is performed through formal Panel Programs. Six joint cooperative programs have been initiated.
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